Michelle Young ~ Pregnant Mother NC Part 2

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PolkSaladAnnie said:
Hi ... I READ THEM ... but felt I get a bit 'pushy' so I was waiting till I saw pack's lil green light on to respond when they're 'on air'.

Passion and determination create campaigns that are flat empty when it's time to face the music (er, pre-election recent political endeavours come to mind, lol....:)). Nevertheless, these last few pages have been gripping-stuff: lord, posters here had me dancing from one concept to another - and our posters are just 10 times more logical than the 'hooey' that's c/pasted all over the web (imo).

So - we're back on the bus, Gus... Someone said Nancy is covering this tonight; does her show have t/scripts?

PSA :)

You can get Nancy Grace's show transcripts here:


Hope that helps.
raisincharlie said:

Honestly, I can't say I believe JY is or is not the guilty party. I think out loud alot hoping others here will drop opinions, ideas, and things I missed, but in truth - I see nor know nothing yet that pushes me to one side of the fence or the other. There simply is not enough information available.

Right now I am weirded out as my brain is allowing these correlations between the Laci Peterson case and this one to creep into my thought processes. The deja vu factor is alive and thriving and I really don't like it clouding my thoughts. I try to push that out but as you can tell by the tone of my posts, I'm not having much luck. So for now I am trying to avoid gut feeling as I do realize it may be suffering from outside influences and a total lack of truthful information.

If JY is innocent, I will feel bad for the comments and opinions I have posted on a public forum. In a way I hope the guy is totally innocent. In a much deeper way, I wish Michelle Young was still alive...

Gee. You have a fantastic writing style, charlie (humble my comments may be). Not a flutter of acid, bias or frills and spills; always fair, constructive and so rational I want to crawl under a rock after my rants and raves...

Well said! I so don't want this end up being Jason either: for a couple of reasons:

1. The main one being that if it IS Jason - then the next similar murder gives THAT spouse even less of a chance IF he happens to be innocent. *

2. So that Cassidy retains some of normalcy after being brutally robbed of her mommy and future brother - and a happy home to grow up in.

Somehow a very strong message HAS to go out that the growing tally in murders of pregnant women is getting out of hand! Not that *any* murder is more acceptable: but for goodness sakes - this is almost a cult-like trend. EVERY CASE should be given full blown attention.... It's a horrible, horrible thing to watch happen so regularly... :(
Is it legal to drive and use a cell phone in NC? i ask because it isn't where i live because of the danger of taking your attention off the road and cell phones will get switched off while driving or you risk a fine if you are caught using them.

if not illegal is it possible J and M had an agreement not to use a cell phone while driving?
Wonder if his company furnished him a car or he was in his own? Also, frequent travelers now have the GPS system installed. Wonder if they can back track on it?

SO MANY DANG QUESTIONS and no answers!!!
raisincharlie said:

Honestly, I can't say I believe JY is or is not the guilty party. I think out loud alot hoping others here will drop opinions, ideas, and things I missed, but in truth - I see nor know nothing yet that pushes me to one side of the fence or the other. There simply is not enough information available.

Right now I am weirded out as my brain is allowing these correlations between the Laci Peterson case and this one to creep into my thought processes. The deja vu factor is alive and thriving and I really don't like it clouding my thoughts. I try to push that out but as you can tell by the tone of my posts, I'm not having much luck. So for now I am trying to avoid gut feeling as I do realize it may be suffering from outside influences and a total lack of truthful information.

If JY is innocent, I will feel bad for the comments and opinions I have posted on a public forum. In a way I hope the guy is totally innocent. In a much deeper way, I wish Michelle Young was still alive...

i can understand that raisin, but at the same time, it's like what Jim Hammer said last night on Greta's show.....JY is forcing LE to focus on him, due to his not being cooperative with them....it makes LE have to work somewhat 'overtime' to deal with him, instead of looking at other options.......seems JY would want to be right in there, giving LE any info they need...heck, he could still have his lawyer by his side....14 days & he's not sat down w/LE to discuss his wife's murder....very strange, imo....
Masissy said:
Wonder if his company furnished him a car or he was in his own? Also, frequent travelers now have the GPS system installed. Wonder if they can back track on it?

SO MANY DANG QUESTIONS and no answers!!!
Here's another question - since the sheriff has said the ME has not returned a TOD as yet - what narrowed the timeline to 6 am ? I suppose the condition of the body...but?
If the SIL went to the house to pickup the fax, and her sister would have been home (alive), what excuse would the SIL have for being there in the middle of the day?
Masissy said:
If the SIL went to the house to pickup the fax, and her sister would have been home (alive), what excuse would the SIL have for being there in the middle of the day?
Meredith said on the 911 call that Michelle was supposed to be at work. How did she know that? From Michelle or Jason?
MrsMush99 said:
Meredith said on the 911 call that Michelle was supposed to be at work. How did she know that? From Michelle or Jason?
I even posted earlier that Michelle had a Doctor's appointment that morning. I would assume Jason gave her the info. So did Jason tell Meredith she was at work, doctors, etc.

Here we go - doctors or work

Scott - fishing or golfing.

Alot to keep straight.....
MrsMush99 said:
Meredith said on the 911 call that Michelle was supposed to be at work. How did she know that? From Michelle or Jason?

Meredith said she was there "on a fluke"...Michelle wasn't suppose to be there...i'm certain that Jason told her that, when he asked her to pick up a fax that he didn't want his wife to see.....only makes sense in my mind.....
MrsMush99 said:
Meredith said on the 911 call that Michelle was supposed to be at work. How did she know that? From Michelle or Jason?

And when she arrived and saw Michelle's car there, did she ring for Michelle to let her in several times before using a key/walking right in? I think if I'd been told to go to my sister's home to pick up something she wasn't supposed to see, and when I arrived and saw she was there, I'd have left and assumed the secret was out, before going in and making excuses/trying to sneakily get what I came for.
close_enough said:
i can understand that raisin, but at the same time, it's like what Jim Hammer said last night on Greta's show.....JY is forcing LE to focus on him, due to his not being cooperative with them....it makes LE have to work somewhat 'overtime' to deal with him, instead of looking at other options.......seems JY would want to be right in there, giving LE any info they need...heck, he could still have his lawyer by his side....14 days & he's not sat down w/LE to discuss his wife's murder....very strange, imo....
I agree, his silence is deafening and by not being actively involved he is forcing LE to look very closely - that's his choice. I see this as a slippery slope - for lack of better examples Peterson and Hacking were out front and talking - it helped neither as they both sit in jail (of course they were both guilty as all get out but you get my drift).

One thing I think we need to keep in mind is that NC has a bit of a different system in terms of how they proceed with things. The Duke case has pointed this out very well, so I don't think it is wise to assume things should progress in ways similar to other things we have followed.
jilly said:
I noticed that too Masissy. And I could help but compare that Michelle was planning on cutting back her employment so that she could spend more time with the kids. Quote:

"Jason Young had just gotten a new job in sales for a medical records company. The gig meant more money, and Michelle talked of cutting back to part time on her job so she could spend more time with the kids."

I wonder how great this new job of Jason's was? Laci Peterson was under the impression that her husband was doing well and that she could be a stay at home mom. Rachel Entwistle stayed at home because she thought Neil could provide.
This might be the case of another husband who couldn't cope with the pressure.


Huh??? This is just tooooo much, Jilly !

Well! Now the Twilight Zone is like an exciting walk down the Champs Elysees and ghosts are nothing more than a blind date, really...

However ... THIS is getting scarier and scarier
englishleigh said:
And when she arrived and saw Michelle's car there, did she ring for Michelle to let her in several times before using a key/walking right in? I think if I'd been told to go to my sister's home to pick up something she wasn't supposed to see, and when I arrived and saw she was there, I'd have left and assumed the secret was out, before going in and making excuses/trying to sneakily get what I came for.
Unless the car was in the garage and she didn't see it.
PolkSaladAnnie said:
Ohhh! TKU TKU!!! Happy-Days!

We don't get her show on CNN International :banghead:

But... we get Larry, lol!
I notice you say "eh" now and then - Canada ?
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