Millard Properties: Locations and Ownership

DNA Solves
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When was the hangar sold for $1? Do you have a link for this please? It's my understanding that the hangar is in the business name and, as one of the remaining executives, MB is now running it.


Nice catch.
Six days after signing over power of attorney, on May 17, three of Millard’s properties were transferred into his mother’s name: a condo in the Distillery District; a condo in Vaughan; and a bungalow in Etobicoke, all for a nominal $1 consideration.

That's because it didn't stop. Millardair Incorporated is still an active business that owns a hangar and rents it to tenants.

The business Millard Air Incorporated still exists and DM is CEO and MB is VP.

The hangar would be an asset of Millardair (the incorporated company) not DM personally therefore cannot be signed over by DM alone.
When was the hangar sold for $1? Do you have a link for this please? It's my understanding that the hangar is in the business name and, as one of the remaining executives, MB is now running it.


Oh yes that's correct, the hangar wasn't included in that three property transfer of ownership. Regardless, IMO I think it "smelly".

The conspicuously timed real estate dump raises concerns about Millard’s intentions, according to eight legal experts specializing in real estate, tax and estates, who reviewed the documents at the request of the Star.

In the days following his arrest for the alleged murder of Tim Bosma, Dellen Millard transferred ownership of three residential properties to his mother for $1, the Star has learned.

Protecting his assets from future lawsuits was among the potential motivations cited by several of the lawyers interviewed. A search of Millard’s name on the provincial property database no longer reveals his connection to any of the three addresses.

David Ullman, a partner at Minden Gross who specializes in issues involving creditors — including finding hidden assets — says Millard could have simply given his mother power of attorney to manage his affairs or added her to the property title.
“I think it’s a little strange that it’s being done six days after the power of attorney was appointed,” Ullman said. “My instinct as someone who deals with people who are trying to hide assets from their creditors is that this could be done for that purpose.”
Toronto lawyer Barry Fish called the property transfers “highly unusual.”
He did nothing illegal by signing his properties over to his mother, but somehow this is still seen as suspicious. And his family business is smelly? Why?
He did nothing illegal by signing his properties over to his mother, but somehow this is still seen as suspicious. And his family business is smelly? Why?

Because by signing the properties over to his mother, he protects his assets from a lawsuit by the Bosmas.

His family business is smelly because his family business purchased an incinerator, and LE really wants to know why.
In some ways, you have to see the sale of the three properties to MB by DM as a tacit admission of DM's guilt, as if he ever expected to get out of prison, he would need that money for himself. OTOH, if he expects to do all of his future shopping at the prison commissary, he really only needs nickels and dimes.

But you raise an interesting question, Juballee. DM apparently killed WM to get control of the millions of dollars and family business WM controlled. Then he takes this money, like some sort of domestic-violence inspired Robin Hood, and hands it over to another person? Is there something going on there?

Did DM act in someone else's interest, to serve revenge in a broken relationship?
Mmmmm Snooper- I'll say it again- very good question. The transfer of properties instead of utilizing a simple all encompassing Power of Attorney has always baffled me. Why where some transferred for $1.00 and others not? I'll have to dig it up, but IIRC, under Canadian Law, an ex-spouse cannot be the beneficiary of an estate- IIRC it's deemed that an ex is predeceased, therefore non existent for inheritance purposes. Leaves the question- was this a way to get around inheritance laws? Also, if it's proven that Millardair did in fact purchase the incinerator that was used for murder, could Millardair itself be held liable? MOO
Mmmmm Snooper- I'll say it again- very good question. The transfer of properties instead of utilizing a simple all encompassing Power of Attorney has always baffled me. Why where some transferred for $1.00 and others not? I'll have to dig it up, but IIRC, under Canadian Law, an ex-spouse cannot be the beneficiary of an estate- IIRC it's deemed that an ex is predeceased, therefore non existent for inheritance purposes. Leaves the question- was this a way to get around inheritance laws? Also, if it's proven that Millardair did in fact purchase the incinerator that was used for murder, could Millardair itself be held liable? MOO

Maybe DM was a lot closer to MB than we expected. After all, when DM says "You’re an extension of another life", you would expect that he would be talking about WM, and carrying on the Millard family legacy through the MRO. Instead, DM shut that down as soon as he had control of the situation. DM said, in the same article I quoted above,

Millard says he turned his attention to the business — but not without resentment.

“I took it all pretty hard. It was a responsibility I didn’t want at that time. I was angry at (Wayne) for the things I had to do because he wasn’t there to do them.”

So as far as being "an extension of another life", he means that with respect to his mother, but certainly not his father. He was angry at his father. He didn't want what his father had to offer (except for his money).

In fact DM was interested in real estate, specifically "flipping" houses. Flipping is a strategy where you buy real estate, then renovate it (so here we have an interior design link/influence, and remember MB is named in the same article as an interior designer), and then attempt to resell at a profit.

So in terms of career path, DM balked at the plans that WM set up for him, but in terms of MB's possible influence...well the very week that TB was murdered, DM was out buying real estate.

When everything blew up on DM, it was MB that he turned to as his real estate partner. He did not preserve his interests through power of attorney. He gave away his interests, to MB.

Carli had asked the question, who benefited the most from WM's death and I had unthinkingly said, "DM". But in reality the person who benefited the most is MB. MB is in control of the company and the money.

DM is in prison, and that's not a very good position to be in, especially when your mom is selling off your home instead of turning up there every day to feed the fish for you until you get back.

ETA: Mom also put all DM's toys up for sale on Kijiji. If DM is innocent, you think that he would want those for comfort when he got out. MB's sort of got things so there is no home for him to go home to, and no toys left to play with. Sounds like she doesn't expect to see him on the outside in the future.
Interesting post. I've always wondered if MB was more involved then we first thought.
MsSherlock, I wonder if you could offer a technical opinion on something else I thought of.

Do you know what the nature of the bank charge against the 6-plex is? I mean, is the 6-plex still potentially an income-producing property? It seems to me that if you put that building in the hands of a property manager, DM could easily make $100k a year off that building. It would be professionally managed and DM wouldn't have to worry about it being infested with his freeloader friends, which ABro suggested in the main thread may have happened. The building was one of the ones that was inherited from CM, and it seems that it was fully paid off if the bank was able top place a charge against it for nearly the full value. Would this charge be something like a lien, where if the building was sold, a fixed sum would have to be returned to the bank? I mean, not like a mortgage, where there would be interest that would perhaps cancel out the value of the rental income? I am just asking if the 6-plex could still make money for DM, and if so, why it would be sold. If you have any insight, I'd love to hear.

Selling off all of DM's real estate assets, especially the income producing property and his primary residence, as well as all of DM's toys really seems counter-intuitive to me. Wouldn't this make it incredibly difficult for DM to apply for bail, if he has no fixed address other than cell 7 of the Hamilton-Wentworth Detention Centre? It seems that MB is leaving him with no comforts to return to if he were to get bail, and really reducing his chances of getting bail to begin with. DP said repeatedly that DM intended to apply for bail. MB is administrating things as if she things DM will never get out of jail. Why?

And why was WM's death witnessed that night by MB and DM's ex-fiancee (daughter of a friend of MB), rather than, as one might expect, WM's current fiancee and DM's current girlfriend, CN?
Mmmmm Snooper- I'll say it again- very good question. The transfer of properties instead of utilizing a simple all encompassing Power of Attorney has always baffled me. Why where some transferred for $1.00 and others not? I'll have to dig it up, but IIRC, under Canadian Law, an ex-spouse cannot be the beneficiary of an estate- IIRC it's deemed that an ex is predeceased, therefore non existent for inheritance purposes. Leaves the question- was this a way to get around inheritance laws? Also, if it's proven that Millardair did in fact purchase the incinerator that was used for murder, could Millardair itself be held liable? MOO

Under Canadian law, you can name whoever you want as your beneficiary. It's just that, if you get divorced after you write the will, it can be contested and the will may not hold up. If the will is contested, the former spouse cannot be the estate trustee.
Maybe DM was a lot closer to MB than we expected. After all, when DM says "You’re an extension of another life", you would expect that he would be talking about WM, and carrying on the Millard family legacy through the MRO. Instead, DM shut that down as soon as he had control of the situation. DM said, in the same article I quoted above,

So as far as being "an extension of another life", he means that with respect to his mother, but certainly not his father. He was angry at his father. He didn't want what his father had to offer (except for his money).

In fact DM was interested in real estate, specifically "flipping" houses. Flipping is a strategy where you buy real estate, then renovate it (so here we have an interior design link/influence, and remember MB is named in the same article as an interior designer), and then attempt to resell at a profit.

So in terms of career path, DM balked at the plans that WM set up for him, but in terms of MB's possible influence...well the very week that TB was murdered, DM was out buying real estate.

When everything blew up on DM, it was MB that he turned to as his real estate partner. He did not preserve his interests through power of attorney. He gave away his interests, to MB.

Carli had asked the question, who benefited the most from WM's death and I had unthinkingly said, "DM". But in reality the person who benefited the most is MB. MB is in control of the company and the money.

DM is in prison, and that's not a very good position to be in, especially when your mom is selling off your home instead of turning up there every day to feed the fish for you until you get back.

ETA: Mom also put all DM's toys up for sale on Kijiji. If DM is innocent, you think that he would want those for comfort when he got out. MB's sort of got things so there is no home for him to go home to, and no toys left to play with. Sounds like she doesn't expect to see him on the outside in the future.

I think you're reading far more into that sentence than was said. Every parent is an "extension of another life" when they have a child. If you read the complete statement, rather than just that one sentence, he is talking about how his situation is affecting MB as well. Her life is also in suspension because she is his mother and she is an extension of his life, or rather he is an extension of hers. He's referring to MB because WM is dead and, obviously, not a part of what they're now going through.

His life, and that of his family, is in suspension, he says.
“You’re an extension of another life,” he says, speaking of his mother, Madeleine Burns, long divorced from Wayne. She is a trained interior designer who has assumed control of the business and properties. “So I’d say it’s been as hard for her as it is for me.”

DM wasn't out buying property the week that TB was killed. He purchased the condo on April 25th and that's the date the agreement was signed. It just happened to have a closing date of May 7th.

I have no idea why he would have signed some properties over to her and just named her as POA on others. However, less than a year ago, the majority of posters here thought he was broke. If all his assets are tied up in property, especially since he paid cash for the condo, it would only make sense that he would now need his assets in cash to pay for his defence.

MsSherlock, I wonder if you could offer a technical opinion on something else I thought of.

Do you know what the nature of the bank charge against the 6-plex is? I mean, is the 6-plex still potentially an income-producing property? It seems to me that if you put that building in the hands of a property manager, DM could easily make $100k a year off that building. It would be professionally managed and DM wouldn't have to worry about it being infested with his freeloader friends, which ABro suggested in the main thread may have happened. The building was one of the ones that was inherited from CM, and it seems that it was fully paid off if the bank was able top place a charge against it for nearly the full value. Would this charge be something like a lien, where if the building was sold, a fixed sum would have to be returned to the bank? I mean, not like a mortgage, where there would be interest that would perhaps cancel out the value of the rental income? I am just asking if the 6-plex could still make money for DM, and if so, why it would be sold. If you have any insight, I'd love to hear.

Selling off all of DM's real estate assets, especially the income producing property and his primary residence, as well as all of DM's toys really seems counter-intuitive to me. Wouldn't this make it incredibly difficult for DM to apply for bail, if he has no fixed address other than cell 7 of the Hamilton-Wentworth Detention Centre? It seems that MB is leaving him with no comforts to return to if he were to get bail, and really reducing his chances of getting bail to begin with. DP said repeatedly that DM intended to apply for bail. MB is administrating things as if she things DM will never get out of jail. Why?

And why was WM's death witnessed that night by MB and DM's ex-fiancee (daughter of a friend of MB), rather than, as one might expect, WM's current fiancee and DM's current girlfriend, CN?

ABro didn't say the 6-plex was infested with his freeloader friends. She said the freeloader's lived in the basement at Maple Gate and at least one of the people on the no contact list lived in the Riverside property.

More than a few of the people on the "no contact" lists lived in the Maple Gate basement at various times. And at least one lived at Riverside.

The basement dwellers were freeloaders. It's not clear whether the occupants of the other properties paid any rent or a market value rent.

Only one reporter has ever mentioned WM having a fiance. Abro talked to "at least a dozen people" about WM and not one of them had heard of a fiance.
ETA: Mom also put all DM's toys up for sale on Kijiji. If DM is innocent, you think that he would want those for comfort when he got out. MB's sort of got things so there is no home for him to go home to, and no toys left to play with. Sounds like she doesn't expect to see him on the outside in the future.

Can you provide a link indicating MB put any of DM's toys for sale on Kijiji? To the best of my memory it was actually his mechanic that was the Seller.
I think you're reading far more into that sentence than was said. Every parent is an "extension of another life" when they have a child. If you read the complete statement, rather than just that one sentence, he is talking about how his situation is affecting MB as well. Her life is also in suspension because she is his mother and she is an extension of his life, or rather he is an extension of hers. He's referring to MB because WM is dead and, obviously, not a part of what they're now going through.

Well, no, when DM says "You're an extension of another life" he is professing a certain world view that you might share, but that is far from universal. I don't see myself as an extension of another life because I have unplugged the extension cord, cut the apron strings, whatever you may call it as part of becoming an adult. I think a healthy person can draw a line and say this is where Mom ends and where I begin. We are separate people, and I am not Mom's chance for a do-over in life. It's telling that DM describes that view because it suggests that he still sees himself as a child and not his own person.

DM wasn't out buying property the week that TB was killed. He purchased the condo on April 25th and that's the date the agreement was signed. It just happened to have a closing date of May 7th.

The fact is, he had killed the MRO and the focus of his activity had become real estate. You've only shown that at that point in time, DM's focus was real estate.

I have no idea why he would have signed some properties over to her and just named her as POA on others. However, less than a year ago, the majority of posters here thought he was broke. If all his assets are tied up in property, especially since he paid cash for the condo, it would only make sense that he would now need his assets in cash to pay for his defence.


I don't agree with the idea that the majority of people believed that he was broke, but I would say the hypothesis that he was broke was put forth, heavily tested with input from a lot of people, many who argued he was NOT broke, and found to be entirely false.
Can you provide a link indicating MB put any of DM's toys for sale on Kijiji? To the best of my memory it was actually his mechanic that was the Seller.

SS has no right to sell DM's stuff: that would be illegal. He was simply the contact in the ads. In the article that reported the sale of DM's toys, it says:

Millard’s mother, Madeleine Burns, currently has control of most of her son’s properties and assets.
Well, no, when DM says "You're an extension of another life" he is professing a certain world view that you might share, but that is far from universal. I don't see myself as an extension of another life because I have unplugged the extension cord, cut the apron strings, whatever you may call it as part of becoming an adult. I think a healthy person can draw a line and say this is where Mom ends and where I begin. We are separate people, and I am not Mom's chance for a do-over in life. It's telling that DM describes that view because it suggests that he still sees himself as a child and not his own person.

Well, IMO, your view is far from universal as well. Just because a child has grown up and the apron strings have been cut, doesn't mean that there isn't still a connection, that a parent doesn't feel the pain a child might be going through, doesn't live that pain with their child. Most people I know don't just say bye, you're on your own now, don't wanna know, don't care. It may be your opinion that, by that statement, DM still sees himself as a child, but that's all it is, your assumption. It can also suggest that he can understand how it is for his mother, what she's going through. It's not a negative to understand how things affect other people, not just yourself.

The fact is, he had killed the MRO and the focus of his activity had become real estate. You've only shown that at that point in time, DM's focus was real estate.

Well, no. What I've actually shown is that your statement is false. DM wasn't out buying real estate "the very week that TB was murdered".

It's not unusual for a child to be influenced by either or both parents. It's not wrong or unheard of for a child's preferences to lean more towards the mother's influences than the father's. Any child is still their own person growing up and doesn't necessarily share the same interests of either one or the other. That's also part of cutting those apron strings - following your own path and your own interests - regardless of where those influences came from.

SS has no right to sell DM's stuff: that would be illegal. He was simply the contact in the ads. In the article that reported the sale of DM's toys, it says:

Then, I guess, unless DM actually went to the trouble of changing over the ownership of all his "toys", it would also be illegal for MB to sell them. I would think the instructions to sell came from DM, directly or indirectly.

Then, I guess, unless DM actually went to the trouble of changing over the ownership of all his "toys", it would also be illegal for MB to sell them. I would think the instructions to sell came from DM, directly or indirectly.


Doesn't she have power of attorney? That means she could sell without his further input.
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