Million Dollar Dream Team. Discuss the Players Here and UPDATE INFO

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They are motivated by all the media attention, and the potential to enhance their reputations so that all the criminal defendants with lots of money will hire them in the future. And ego. Something "big" is going on in a case and they want to be part of it. Some of these experts have good credentials and credible pasts, but are now into their careers as experts for hire. Lee did not have his finest moment in the Spector case. Spitz made himself look like a fool. I suppose it was a real coup for LKB to push out all the other team members in the Spector case and become lead counsel, get a major makeover and hold PS's hand every day, while her spouse was an expert witness in the case (making shocking last minute discoveries). Whatever. In the case of Casey, maybe there will be some money someday from books, movies, etc., depending on the outcome. If it comes to actually spending money, out of pocket expenses, it will be interesting to see what they do. JB seems reluctant even to pay what is necessary to go pick up the tip info, so maybe he brought in other counsel to help finance the case expenses. Maybe if this goes to trial they will be seeking money from the state for experts, etc. I just keep reminding myself that there's a reason why Casey needed sedation, why the defense knows this is Caylee and is having this little snit fit, and how desperate they look. I just hope LE really finds some evidence from the crime scene that will further the prosecution in a big way.
Or, I guess what you all are saying is that these lawyers, will pull out all the stops, etc., show no moral standards and actually go along with KA, even if they truly, truly know that she did kill KLee.
That's kinda what defense lawyers do, right? I'm trying to think back to all the Law & Order shows I have watched.
As a long time fan of Kathy Reichs, I have decided to leave her a message on her website. Here is what I am sending:

Ms. Reichs,

Shame on you. How could you possibly want to assist in the defense of Casey Anthony in Florida?

I have been a huge fan of your work for a very long time but this is it for me. This monster murdered her beautiful little girl in cold blood and promptly went out partying, looking like she didn't have a care in the world. And obviously she didn't since she had rid herself of her only responsibility by murdering her baby.

Don't you have enough money and fame? Do you really need to cast your lot with this defense team?

Shame on you. I would have bet money you were above this kind of thing. Not only will I never read another one of your books but I won't be watching Bones anymore and I will do my best to enlist as many people as possible in boycotting your work.

My Full Name

I'm withholding my personal info in this post but including it in my message to Ms. Reichs.

If you want to join me her website address is her name followed by dot com and you can click on Contact Me.

I did this also. I have totally lowered my opinion of her. We have all of her books, but no more.

Also, I would think almost any jury profiler will determine that the average person will be offended by the, excuse the pun, overkill on the defense team. JB would have gathered more sympathy as the incompetent underdog.
Another question, I heard on tv this comment, "IF this case goes to trial". What does that mean? What would cause it not to go to trial, her admittance?
Oh, Good Grief!!! Whether we like it or not, Casey is entitled to a defense. ALL criminals have that right.
I'm sure Ms. Reich has enough fans of her books that emailing her nasty letters won't faze her one bit.... I doubt if she will even read them... probably her secretary or personal assistant will file them all in the trash can.
IF the evidence against her is so solid... why would you all be so upset? If I were the prosecution, it wouldn't worry me in the least what they do or say. If there is a solid case against her, they have nothing to worry about. The defense can spin it any way they want to... if the evidence points to her guilt, she will be convicted.
But just as a point of debate...... what if it doesn't? What if they find someone else's fingerprints on the tape and nothing leading back to Casey? What if they find out that Caylee died AFTER Casey was arrested and in jail? What if the tests prove she did not do it? What if they find out that garbage bag was put there maybe 3 months ago... and not back in June or early July? What then? Will you all accept that?
Personally, I want this case to all be on the up and up.... nothing left to chance and no loose ends... and if that means these experts can firm it all up, then that is good. I don't want any reason for a mistrial or for someone to claim ineffective counsel. Let her have the best defense possible.
I see no reason whatsoever to distrust these people or to slander them in any way. They have been asked to do a job, and that is what they are doing. No need to slam them just because they agree to look at the evidence... what harm can it do?
If she is guilty.... then there is nothing to worry about!
Lets all keep in mind that the scheme team has suited up for the publicity they can receive from this tragic case. They have sought it out for that purpose. However, the Fla LE diidn't have a choice in this. They take what comes and do their best with it. We have seen the LE at their best and they have shown us since July that not only are they competent, they are compassionate. They care that an innocent baby has lost her life. When this is over and the scheme team leaves Orlando, the LE will still be there, still taking what comes and able to hold their heads up proudly.
If Klee died after KC went to jail, then what is the decomp in her car? It was not pizza or dead animals. GA thought it was Klee when he first smelled it, CA thought KC had done something with her child.

I think KC is guilty of murdering her child and I do beleive she will be convicted for that murder, no matter who JB gets on the team. I also think their is a lot more evidence than we have seen or heard. LE has a good case against her. But then again had Klee actually been taken why did KC wait 31 days to report it and she would not have reported had CA not forced her to. Had CA not found KC, we may still not have a clue that anything was wrong.

I think KC will get life with no possibility of parole.
I guess I'm not asking or saying the right things on this thread. I'm asking how things work not really bashing the defense. I really liked this forum because there seemed not to be so much "yelling" at each other.
I like this judge,definitely no softie. :)

From what I heard he isn't going to be around long though. They rotate judges from criminal to civil cases.

My hope is the trial starts on March 19th or it's underway just prior..what a great b-day present to the Mommy of The Year.:blowkiss:
JB didn't draw these people out of the wood work. It is my opinion that they contacted him simply because of the magnitude of the case. It isn't even about Casey, much less Caylee.

JB proudly announced yesterday on GR, "I have assembled a team that is second to none."

(Btw, I started this exact thread last nite and it was merged with the Million Dollar Defense Team. Discuss the Players Here thread, found on p. 2 )
From what I heard he isn't going to be around long though. They rotate judges from criminal to civil cases.

My hope is the trial starts on March 19th or it's underway just prior..what a great b-day present to the Mommy of The Year.:blowkiss:

Could Judge Strickland request this case since he started it.?
Maybe now that he see's this scheme team he will want to stay to make sure justice is served..IMO
Oh, Good Grief!!! Whether we like it or not, Casey is entitled to a defense. ALL criminals have that right.
I'm sure Ms. Reich has enough fans of her books that emailing her nasty letters won't faze her one bit.... I doubt if she will even read them... probably her secretary or personal assistant will file them all in the trash can.
IF the evidence against her is so solid... why would you all be so upset? If I were the prosecution, it wouldn't worry me in the least what they do or say. If there is a solid case against her, they have nothing to worry about. The defense can spin it any way they want to... if the evidence points to her guilt, she will be convicted.
But just as a point of debate...... what if it doesn't? What if they find someone else's fingerprints on the tape and nothing leading back to Casey? What if they find out that Caylee died AFTER Casey was arrested and in jail? What if the tests prove she did not do it? What if they find out that garbage bag was put there maybe 3 months ago... and not back in June or early July? What then? Will you all accept that?
Personally, I want this case to all be on the up and up.... nothing left to chance and no loose ends... and if that means these experts can firm it all up, then that is good. I don't want any reason for a mistrial or for someone to claim ineffective counsel. Let her have the best defense possible.
I see no reason whatsoever to distrust these people or to slander them in any way. They have been asked to do a job, and that is what they are doing. No need to slam them just because they agree to look at the evidence... what harm can it do?
If she is guilty.... then there is nothing to worry about!

Of course you're right ,TxLady. Everyone deserves a fair trial. Nobody wants to see a mistrial in this case. I think the issue here is that there will always be the OJ factor--that one guilty person who gets away with a heinous crime due to a crafty defense. So there is some worry involved here.

Defense experts work with loopholes, technicalities and semantics. Rarely are they "telling the truth" as they know it to be. And the better an expert is, the more likely that he or she will be able to convince a jury of a scientific "reality" that is nothing more than a fabrication. Something the expert themself doesn't even believe.

I admit it's hard for me to respect that sometimes.
Oh, Good Grief!!! Whether we like it or not, Casey is entitled to a defense. ALL criminals have that right. (respectfully snipped

Absolutely agree with you. We all know what we think happened (and I am sure it did, unfortunately) but what if it didn't? What if somebody else did this? We do want the correct person punished.

What's happening is both part of the beautiful and ugly of our legal system.
I'm preparing myself for an ugly tiral ie; OJ, Scott Peterson. The attorney for SP, Geragos, was especially horrid in his tactics. The prosecution has to be honest to a fault, but the defense can lie and spin and there is no recourse.

The defense's behavior the past few days is an indicator this trial is going to be ugly.
My vote is dream team because if they think that
1. Casey will NOT be convicted of murder
2. Their client is innocent
3. They will find an impartial jury OR........that they will profit from this case.....THEN THEY ARE DREAMING!
"Michelle Bart, spokeswoman for Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, said the family is suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings.

"It's been searched dry, it's been searched wet, it's been searched in between. It's been searched over by Tim Miller [of Texas EquuSearch] twice, who we hold in high regards with his professional organization," Bart told News 13."

just wanted to let all know that the land of PR is still intact...jb still has tb---a's still have mb....

Could we go with xxxx Team? No probably not, sorry; I'm letting my emotions run wild. I'll get myself under control. I vote xxxxx Team.
JB proudly announced yesterday on GR, "I have assembled a team that is second to none."

(Btw, I started this exact thread last nite and it was merged with the Million Dollar Defense Team. Discuss the Players Here thread, found on p. 2 )

When he said that, I immediately corrected him (in my own head), "second to one", and that one being the FBI supporting the SA & OSCO.
"Michelle Bart, spokeswoman for Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, said the family is suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings.

"It's been searched dry, it's been searched wet, it's been searched in between. It's been searched over by Tim Miller [of Texas EquuSearch] twice, who we hold in high regards with his professional organization," Bart told News 13."

just wanted to let all know that the land of PR is still intact...jb still has tb---a's still have mb....


So now they are going to accuse the Orange County Utilities Company of killing or "planting" Caylee's remains ??? Well that's easy enough. Have the meter reader provide DNA, fingerprints and a polygraph test.

Next attempt please ? A's ~ try, try again. So far, not working for me.
"Michelle Bart, spokeswoman for Caylee's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, said the family is suspicious of the circumstances leading to the findings.

"It's been searched dry, it's been searched wet, it's been searched in between. It's been searched over by Tim Miller [of Texas EquuSearch] twice, who we hold in high regards with his professional organization," Bart told News 13."

just wanted to let all know that the land of PR is still intact...jb still has tb---a's still have mb....


Ok, so.... The invisible Zanni has been...what? She's been hiding little Caylee's remains in...her invisible house? At her imaginary mom's house? At her invisible sisters? I know, she secreted them at the Ants!!!? (That's why fibers just may match!) These people are beyond belief. Oh, I know, Adverb Woman gave Caylee to someone she trusted (although she never told the police that) and now the poor creature has been betrayed...betrayed I tell you! By someone she trusted. The Ants are probaby drafting plans as we speak to throw the creature's hapless friends under the bus...some of them for a second or third time. God help anyone who ever knew the creature and considered her a friend. Her path of destruction is long and wide and full of Teaming Schemers!

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