Million Dollar Dream Team. Discuss the Players Here and UPDATE INFO

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Interesting. The better question is WHY is someone paying this much to defend her?!

My question from the beginning. WHO is paying?

Baez will not tell WHO is paying him

They would not tell WHO paid the second bond ( Baez just called them an anonymous source)

Now, they have people on their team who will cost at least a million dollars or more and we are to believe they just appeared out of the blue?

They may not have to answer now, but I am sure that will be an issue in court.
How is this scheme team going to provide one single thing that proves a nanny ever existed? It would have to totally manufactured or totally speculation or totally pulled from their rear portals.

I believe that scam is yesterday's news...........I don't believe that will be used anymore. is this dream team going to explain Casey's fingerprints on the duct tape if they find her prints? Guess that was tampered with too??
JUSTICE FOR LITTLE CAYLEE!!!!!!!!! :blowkiss:
I think this dream team has a lot of things they are going to have to deal with that maybe they are not aware of yet!!! They have 2 versions of a kidnapping and they have CA who can't be quiet and they have GA testimony to the grand jury seems like alot of stuff to deal with that we know and just guess how much we do not know. jmo
I bet that was the deal, her services in exchange for rights to the book. KathyB. is not a true crime writer, but this wouldn't be too hard for her with all her experience. She is used to writing fiction and "getting inside of people's heads"

I personally consider her as a poor writer. I actually thought she had a ghost writer for a long time because they seemed too poorly written for someone with her education. Her books bore me to death and I love anything in forensics.

I LOVE Jefferson Bass' (pseudo name for Bill Bass world famous anthropologist who started the Body Farm) books. The one "Carved in Bone" has a lot of good information on how much they can find from just bones. His are very well written and very accurate in forensics.
After watching Geraldo tonight it appears that this "dream" team is just looking to cause a mistrial. They did so much complaining over the way LE is handling the forensic investigation. I think that is pathetic. I feel sure that LE has it's reasons for doing things the way they are.

There are two sides to the story, as usual, Geraldo spent most of his time with his whining buddy...JB.:mad:

I admit that NG has a definite prosecution slant, HOWEVER, it's not actual members of this prosecution team who go on her show whining.

I am just now watching the Geraldo repeat (I am in the mood for punishment, I guess), but what jumped out at me is....most of us saw, and understood, the ruling of Judge Strickland. How do you think the court would view this disrespectful tv stunt? Is it too late to get that gag order, after all?

Next question: Is it really a dream team when your lead attorney is :clown:, ahem, :jester: Baez?
Interesting. The better question is WHY is someone paying this much to defend her?!

My guess?
Remember when dear old no way Jose told us, we are getting offers every day. I have created a file and am placing these offers inside of it. Some of these offers have been near half a million dollars. At some point, I may reach into the file and pull out one of those offers, because somebody HAS to pay for all of this...

Not an exact quote, but the gist...

Someone is looking for notoriety and fame along with some potential sweet deals along the way to sweeten the lemonade that IS Casey...
My question from the beginning. WHO is paying?

Baez will not tell WHO is paying him

They would not tell WHO paid the second bond ( Baez just called them an anonymous source)

Now, they have people on their team who will cost at least a million dollars or more and we are to believe they just appeared out of the blue?

They may not have to answer now, but I am sure that will be an issue in court.

Obviously George and Cindy were paid some very large sums of money for their interviews, photos and videos. I also believe they have some money waiting when book or movie deals are struck. And let's not forget Jose's file of "offers" that he MAY just have to reach into...
Okay - this is probably pretty tactless, but I saw the team on a late run of Geraldo and all I could do was laugh. I know it is not funny, but seriously..... these people all think they are movie stars. Where are the REAL people who do work and not in anticipation of a reality show or book deal???? This needs to stop. I'm thinking.... okay, KC can't be a celebrity because they won't let her out of jail, so I guess the next best thing is to have a celebrity defense team. Seriously...... I don't take these people seriously!! Dr. Lee is just a scientist who doesn't take a side.. WTH???? Right, and I believe that (NOT)!

Baden is on now again (GR)...can't believe it. Something is amiss. Do the Badens need money? We simply cannot sit back and watch these legal people manipulate like they did for OJ, Spector, etc. We excused it because we said ,"money can buy your way out." Not in this case. KC and her parents have no money. Money or the potential of money is what draws these lawyers in. Has nothing to do with KC's guilt or innocence.
This definitely has nothing to do with doing right for Caylee or the TRUTH.
Of course, GA and CA will be completely drawn into the continued delusion.
Can we start some sort of letter-writing, emailing campaign?

My dear,
This is our system of things in the USA...a lawyer is to zealously represent his client and any client that he accepts is either appointed to him by the court, or he selects the case TO represent. Of course on a high profile, money is flying all over creation on interviews, movie rights, book rights, videos, photos, and the media is MASS covering the case on an almost daily basis there ARE going to be plenty of folks who jump right on the defense bandwagon and get their moment of glory. It is a chance to try an extremely infamous case and to get their name instantly recognized by millions...There is nothing that anyone can do about it, nor anything that SHOULD be done about it. To each his own, and let the evidence stand against the challenge as is the due course of law...With or without a "dreaming scheming team" Casey is going DOWN and if they want to be on the losing side while they become infamous then so be it.

Beam me up Scottie, this has gotten surreal...million dollar experts? For Casey the Cavegirl? It HAS to be about fame and notoriety in addition to the media exposure there is SURE to be some money for all who are involved in this endeavor...Win or lose, they are on the side of a woman who murdered her sweet little baby in cold blood and THAT is all on their own conscience if that is their choice.
After watching the new players in the defense team last night on GR, I have to say I think they are not a dream team but a scheme team. I heard them whinning about being kept out of the "crime scene" in the woods, while they were welcomed back into the crime scene at the A house. What I heard were these professionals trying to tell us that the judge was wrong on the rullings he set forth during the emergency hearing. The state quoted the law forbidding them from participating in any way and the judge upheald it. LB was there pleading her case at that time, why didn't she whine to the judge like she and all the others whinned to GR. Please dont tell me this is what we have to look forward to until the trial! It turns my stomache to think of the spin they are already trying to put on this case. Thankfully, the LE and FBI are more professional than this Scheme Team that JB has managed to scrape together.
xxxxxxxxxx Team is trying to make the public doubt the evidence, and the handling of the evidence, before trial. Trying to create reasonable doubt.
After watching the new players in the defense team last night on GR, I have to say I think they are not a dream team but a scheme team. I heard them whinning about being kept out of the "crime scene" in the woods, while they were welcomed back into the crime scene at the A house. What I heard were these professionals trying to tell us that the judge was wrong on the rullings he set forth during the emergency hearing. The state quoted the law forbidding them from participating in any way and the judge upheald it. LB was there pleading her case at that time, why didn't she whine to the judge like she and all the others whinned to GR. Please dont tell me this is what we have to look forward to until the trial! It turns my stomache to think of the spin they are already trying to put on this case. Thankfully, the LE and FBI are more professional than this Scheme Team that JB has managed to scrape together.

You are so right on the money! That's all this is: one big fat Scheme Team and they are just going to attempt to discredit all the forensics and LE along with their work..........:furious: If you think about it really is Casey's only hope to get RD.
I am so sick and tired of some of these lawyers and paid experts.I've seen good defence atty's who didn't win their cases by stepping on dead bodies.

I don't like and I don't trust people like dr.Lee and dr.Baden because I've seen them in action.

I don't wanna go on because I don't wanna get in trouble,it's just makes me sick and SAD.This will become a circus,they will forget about Caylee,it will be all about winning,no matter what.
xxxxxxx team, I hope their antics come out in the trial. So the world can see how unprofessional they are.
Unfortunately, JB hired these people to do what they do best....cast doubt in the minds of jurors. Its going to be such a "show" in the courtroom, everyone's head will be spinning, and before long they will have people starting to question everything about the case. The States Attorney Office will have a tough job keeping the focus on the facts and the evidence, and I hope they pound the defense into the ground. I look forward to trial, there will be things revealed that will blow everyone away, IMO of course.
Unfortunately, JB hired these people to do what they do best....cast doubt in the minds of jurors. Its going to be such a "show" in the courtroom, everyone's head will be spinning, and before long they will have people starting to question everything about the case. The States Attorney Office will have a tough job keeping the focus on the facts and the evidence, and I hope they pound the defense into the ground. I look forward to trial, there will be things revealed that will blow everyone away, IMO of course.

It can get much worse than Geragos in the Laci Peterson trial.......or can it??? He had the homeless people pushing Laci from Modesto to the SF Bay in a shopping cart just to frame Scott!

And then there was OJ's attys and the drug cartel.

This shall be interesting. IMO they are all DEVIL'S ADVOCATES!!
It all depends on who sits on the jury. If they can confuse just one or two people that is all they need and that is the defense strategy. Look at all the hard work fellow WS'ers have put into this case. The defense isn't going to do that. They have a plan. Just like JB pretending to be inept at handling this case (maybe not pretending). Look who he has drawn out of the woodwork. This may have sounded crazy to us but they are thinking they are crazy like a fox. This was CA plan all along, LE is trying to get me, LE doesn't like me, and my favorite I saw in a movie that you can't trust LE when you child is kidnapped. It is a Scheme Team.

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