Miss California - Same Sex Marriage-Perez Hilton

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It is only "fun" for people who despise Carrie Prejean. Saying you a Christian and trying to adhere to a basic following of Christianity does not mean that you have never sinned.

Her politically incorrect answer of marriage being between a man and a woman does not mean that she proclaimed HERSELF to be Mother Teresa Part Deux.

I don't recall her ever going after the past of those who are against her like they have gone after her. And the super classy tolerance preaching gay pageant directer calling in Carrie and her mother and playing the tape was no doubt a gleeful moment in further humiliation.

What's next ......did she smoke a joint when she was younger, drop the f-bomb, drink milk straight from the carton!

The same crowd eagerly awaits a Sarah Palin divorce.............while saying little about David Letterman getting smacked in the face............

tripping over there own selective moral pedestal........

I think I'm one of the people you're speaking of. I'm totally entertained by this woman being knocked down a few notches. BTW, I'm against gay marriage but not for the same reasons many are (similiar, but not the same). And I would be equally ammused by a palin divorce. You see when people put themselves out there as having some sort of higher moral standing than everyone else I believe it is not only our right but our duty to find out if they are for real. If they aren't it should be shouted from the rooftops so everyone will know. Now Ms Prejean's comment about gay marriage was okay by me, I wouldn't begrudge anyone their religious beliefs. However, in the aftermath she appeared on many morning shows etc and while I don't recall her exact words I do recall getting the feeling that she portrayed herself as being ultra conservative, ultra religious, going to follow the good book no matter what type of gal. Then she proceded to claim in a lawsuit that she had been disctriminated against for her religious beliefs. So now we find out that she isn't so good at following her religious beliefs as she would have us believe. I don't think the GM issue though is why these tapes surfaced.

I'm not a huge fan of beauty pagents but I hear they have some rules that you have to follow to participate. One of them is that contestants should not have participated in any salacious behaviour, in order to spare the pageant from embarrassment. The wording is mine, but you get the picture, they want the girls to appear to be pure wholesome young woman representing them, not some wanton hussy that might tarnish their good name (LOL). So there are contracts to be signed attesting to such and penalties to be dealt with if it is found that the contestant was less than truthful. So when faced with Ms Prejean's lawsuit it was within their right to investigate to see if she had held up her end of the bargain. If she hadn't then "poof" no more lawsuit because you see she would have been fired anyhow regardless of the whole GM issue. And that appears to be just what happened. Now the entertaining part for me is seeing a person who I already suspected as a hypocrite proven as such but also seemingly exposed as a liar as well.

I'll save the Sara Palin rant for another time but I will take issue with David Letterman. Dave never held himself up as an superior moral being in the first place, and when his actions were discovered and exposed he did not hide, nor did he deny or lie about his actions. He stood up and accounted for himself. Not that he needed to, but he did. My opinion about comparing his misdeeds to that of Ms Prejeans (or Palin's, whatever they may be) is that it is the comparison of apples to oranges.
I felt sorry for Carrie when she tried to gather her thoughts to answer PH's question. This tape is no big deal except for the fact having made a video of nudity is against the rules of the pageant. She signed that contract.

We must remember teenagers will continue to do daring things that may haunt them later in their adult lives.

Now what does disturb me is her ranting across the media circuit how harshly she is being treated for answering a question so poorly. WRONG, her big mouth spewing her values is what is causing her problems. The exposure/discovery/release (whatever) of this tape certainly warrants giving her a second look as not being what she wants the public think she is. She does not realize that no one expects her to elevate herself to sainthood.

WHOA, just saw on my local news a clip from LKL where she says LK is being inappropriate. Gotta to go find more info on this. Silence is Golden-does she know this???
I think I'm one of the people you're speaking of. I'm totally entertained by this woman being knocked down a few notches. BTW, I'm against gay marriage but not for the same reasons many are (similiar, but not the same). And I would be equally ammused by a palin divorce. You see when people put themselves out there as having some sort of higher moral standing than everyone else I believe it is not only our right but our duty to find out if they are for real. If they aren't it should be shouted from the rooftops so everyone will know. Now Ms Prejean's comment about gay marriage was okay by me, I wouldn't begrudge anyone their religious beliefs. However, in the aftermath she appeared on many morning shows etc and while I don't recall her exact words I do recall getting the feeling that she portrayed herself as being ultra conservative, ultra religious, going to follow the good book no matter what type of gal. Then she proceded to claim in a lawsuit that she had been disctriminated against for her religious beliefs. So now we find out that she isn't so good at following her religious beliefs as she would have us believe. I don't think the GM issue though is why these tapes surfaced.

(snipped above)

I understand your points and agree with some of them but will make 2 counterpoints. Show me where Carrie proclaimed herself to be morally superior. I think the only reason she even brought up religion is to explain why she held the view that marriage should be between a man and a woman. I didn't take that to mean that she was without sin or had adhered to some Mother Teresa type of dedication in her life.

As far as the pathetic David Letterman. Yes, he certainly looked down on people with his nose up in the air especially with adultery and even made fun of teen pregnancy. I can remember him mocking people (who he disagreed with politically of course) and shaking his head saying Jesus Christ....all the while fooling around with numerous people on his staff and making the women work in an uncomfortable and difficult environment. He only owned up to these things when he was forced to because the story was about to break...then he made light of it and joked, having to do it again to get it right.

No I don't give Letterman a pass because he never claimed he was all that because he sure acted like he was......karma slapped him in the face.
When you make a living on pointing your finger at those you disagree with you don't get excused because of your political party. Sorry. FWIW he made fun of a few non conservatives too for their "sins" so the hypocrisy issue wasn't in play in those cases.

And believe it or not, I take no pleasure from that because I know that it hurt his wife. I would take no pleasure from a Palin divorce since they have children including a new special needs child. But at least you are honest enough to say it because I know many women who despise her and it usually centers around her views on abortion....and that is a whole other subject..
Just saw on the Today show, clips from LKL... she's very bold... LoL
Whoops! Yet another lie,per TMZ ,CP and camp went to said bf last week and asked him to LIE and say she was only 17 when in fact she was 20! So much for her excuse of being young and dumb.
And did anyone see her on LK last night? When the question was not to her liking she ripped her mic off and sat there saying,"I can't hear you!"
Idiot much???

ETA-She says this took place in the confines of a serious committed relationship.He says they were introduced after she saw his photo on myspace.She flew out and stayed in a motel with him for 4 days. After returning home she sent him explicite sexual videos from her cell 15 or 20 times. The last time being when she was 21.
Whoops! Yet another lie,per TMZ ,CP and camp went to said bf last week and asked him to LIE and say she was only 17 when in fact she was 20! So much for her excuse of being young and dumb.
And did anyone see her on LK last night? When the question was not to her liking she ripped her mike off and sat there saying,"I can't hear you!"
Idiot much???

The funniest thing about that, if it's true, is that I was dumber at 20 than I was at 17!
I believe the left-leaning media is the one hyping this to no end. There is a bigger issue here: I personally think she represents a large majority of Americans, including our current president, who feel the same way, and the outcry and attacks that she has endured since the pageant have been incredibly disrespectful and rude. She is one American who voiced her opinion, and under our consitution, she is entitled to have that voice. She did not go into that pageant EVER expecting a question such as that, and she did the best she could. I for one am sick of the double standard. Some people believe in freedom of speech/rights etc, but only if it agrees with their voice. If someone contrary has an opinion, they are raked over the coals, subjected to rude and lude names, have their personal lives dug through and splashed across the media, and called radical, racist, or homophobic. It is WRONG. Why should gays have rights but not unborn children? People are allowed to have an opinion. Ms. Prejean said it best today--This should not be happening in America. She was asked her opinion, she is entitled to her opinion, and this whole controversary was over her opinion. This is total bologney that this whole situation had anything to do with any contracts, photos etc--this was a pure and simple case of shutting her up because her opinion differed from others. Shanna Moakler and the other CA pageant official wanted her booted because they do not agree with her. Now Trump has shut them up and shut them down, which they did not expect to have happen, so now they are playing kissy face with Ms. Prejean. So...those who did want her crown taken, do you also want a recall on Obama's election? He clearly stated that he feels the same way, so shouldn't he be raked over the coals, and ridiculed too? While this may have been just a silly beauty contestant, this situation leads to a bigger issue, which is that certain groups in this country are trying to shut up voices that do not agree with their own.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Yes Thank you as that is rexactly what is happening.
I respectfully disagree that her opinion is what lost her the crown, and later her job as Miss California.

There are 2 issues here -- not just one.

The issues are 1) why she didn't win / why she later had her crown taken away

and 2) How the media treated her.

For number 1, refer to my earlier post on why she lost the job. It's a job, and she wasn't even trying to do the job--plus she lied ahead of time.

But for number 2, I agree that the media shouldn't have jumped on this whole thing about her opinion. She tried to articulate her opinion --one that many other share, even though I do not. She has a right to her opinion. That opinion would NEVER get her fired in the pageant world, where many contestants are very very conservative (and many many pageants workers are not). The media spun this whole thing out of control, with help from Perez Hilton.

Please understand, you have to sepearate these 2 issues. She didn't lose the crown for her opinion, and she should have not been vilified in the media for having that opinion.
Do most Christians really think masturbation is a sin? I'm Christian and was never taught that.

The "fun" of Prejean is that she scrambled up onto a moral pedestal that could not hold the weight of her own human failings. Who doesn't enjoy watching pompous piety trip over its own feet?

The same OT passages that condemn homosexuality also condemn the "sin of Onan," or masturbation. (Technically, male masturbation only, since most ancient cultures weren't concerned with what women did out of the presence of men.) The ancient Hebrews, a smallish tribe surrounded by hostile neighbors in Canaan and needing to keep up their birth rate, were very concerned that male seed not be wasted.

(Since they lived before the scientific era, they had no way of knowing that semen is pretty much infinitely renewable. It was more or less a "magical" substance to them. And they had no concept of ovaries and egg production; hence, the lack of concern for what women did when alone (not that female masturbation wastes eggs).)

I don't see anything hypocritical, per se, in making a sex tape and then later opposing gay marriage.

But as others pointed out above, invoking scriptural authority to condemn homosexuality is hypocritical, sex tape or no, because NOBODY follows all of those ancicent prohibitions. (Whether Miss Prejean herself invoked the OT, I can't recall.)
Does anyone have a clue who won the Crown?

Exactly....I didn't think so.

I just felt the need to point out again that by any number of standards, Ms. Prejean is the clear winner.
It's true that openly gay bishops are a relatively recent phenomenon. Women priests and pastors are also a relatively recent phenomena. Many Christian Churches continue to grow in their knowledge of God and leave behind the soul-numbing prejudices they once felt comfortable preaching and practicing in the name of the Bible.

Also, thanks for pointing out that her stance on gay marriage in the name of Christianity is simply her perception. I interpreted your initial post to intimate that her beliefs are supported by Christianity.

I am ultra sensitive when people present "homosexuality as sin" as a basic Christian tenet as opposed to a basic tenet of some Christians. For too long, we Christians have failed to welcome all God's children into our fold with love and acceptance. It is the facet of Christian practice that I find most repelling.

"Openly gay" anything is a relatively recent development, because our concept of "gay" is a modern one.

But did bishops and even popes engage in homosexual behavior throughout history? They did indeed. Did they fall in love with other men and leave records of such? They did indeed.

Moreover, for the thousand years after the fall of the Roman Empire, our record of homoerotic literary expression consists entirely of writings from bishops, priests and monks. The Church even performed what we would call "commitment ceremonies" for men who loved one another. Of course, that wasn't "gay marriage," but it came pretty close!

(All of the above was carefully documented by Yale historian, John Boswell.)
The same OT passages that condemn homosexuality also condemn the "sin of Onan," or masturbation. (Technically, male masturbation only, since most ancient cultures weren't concerned with what women did out of the presence of men.) The ancient Hebrews, a smallish tribe surrounded by hostile neighbors in Canaan and needing to keep up their birth rate, were very concerned that male seed not be wasted.

(Since they lived before the scientific era, they had no way of knowing that semen is pretty much infinitely renewable. It was more or less a "magical" substance to them. And they had no concept of ovaries and egg production; hence, the lack of concern for what women did when alone (not that female masturbation wastes eggs).)

I don't see anything hypocritical, per se, in making a sex tape and then later opposing gay marriage.

But as others pointed out above, invoking scriptural authority to condemn homosexuality is hypocritical, sex tape or no, because NOBODY follows all of those ancicent prohibitions. (Whether Miss Prejean herself invoked the OT, I can't recall.)

That was a very fair post Nova.....thank you.
Well, don't act so surprised! ;)


LOL....I didn't mean it that way....

I know this issue of marriage means a lot to you and your post was neutral and informative....:blowkiss:
Carrie Prejean is such a media ..... well you guys can fill in the blank. I don't believe her being against gay marriage has anything to do with Christianity. I read somewhere her father left her mother for another man... gee I think that has a lot to do with it. She also put herself out there as "moral" and then has sex tapes and risque pics. She knew all of that was against the contract she had just signed. I find it hillarious and wish she would just go away. My sister-in-law says she (CP) gives blondes a bad name. I would never have run for public office or been in a stupid beauty pageant, because I do have some skeletons in my closet that I wouldn't want the entire world to know!! LOL. I wish CP and Perez Hilton would both just go away.
Carrie Prejean is such a media ..... well you guys can fill in the blank. I don't believe her being against gay marriage has anything to do with Christianity. I read somewhere her father left her mother for another man... gee I think that has a lot to do with it. She also put herself out there as "moral" and then has sex tapes and risque pics. She knew all of that was against the contract she had just signed. I find it hillarious and wish she would just go away. My sister-in-law says she (CP) gives blondes a bad name. I would never have run for public office or been in a stupid beauty pageant, because I do have some skeletons in my closet that I wouldn't want the entire world to know!! LOL. I wish CP and Perez Hilton would both just go away.


I have had that same thought as well. Certainly her personal experience in this vein might flavor her feelings and I can surely understand that. However, I do believe she was probably also raised in or around a Christian church that was condemning of homosexuality....sadly, those aren't hard to find.

On a lighter note, last night I viewed Ms. Prejean's exit from Larry King Live and all I could think was she really needs some gay men in her life - those boys know how to make an exit filled with righteous indignation....she couldn't even get the mike off her shirt, poor lamb.
LOL....I didn't mean it that way....

I know this issue of marriage means a lot to you and your post was neutral and informative....:blowkiss:

Sorry, mg. I must not have used the emoticons effectively.

I knew exactly what you meant and thank you for it. :)

I would like us to use the word "hypocrite" correctly. As I know you know, speech and behavior that are merely surprising or a change from one's prior opinion, or that seem to work against one's personal interests (e.g., John Edwards' advocating for the poor) are not necessarily hypocritical. Hypocrite is a strong word and I'd like to save it for the cases where it actually applies.

As for Miss Prejean, I think she's vain, silly, self-involved and not particularly well informed. If one is going to go on national TV and argue that a class of people should be denied equal rights (I know she didn't choose the question, but the issue was very much in the news and she should have expected it might come up.), then one should at least be able to articulate clearly why those equal rights infringe on the rights of others.

But it would be hypocritical of me to pretend I care whether she made nude videos. Her body, her camera. None of my business.
No Nova...you used the emoticons effectively, I just wanted to say more than I originally said.

And I'll give you your point on articulation. She could have explained why she thought that in a much better way. It's her treatment after the drama that I hate. And then I think that both sides were angry and things escalated. And for me, it is not just about this issue. I don't want anyone to be so afraid of certain reactions that they simply will not say how they feel out of fear.

Carrie may very well be vain, silly and self involved. We are talking California!
Carrie may very well be vain, silly and self involved. We are talking California!
:hand:Hey, let's not insult my whole state because of one vain, lying, hypocritical blonde!

She makes me look fantastic by comparison! I'm petite, brunette, and Jewish, and yes I'm a California Girl!;)

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