Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #1

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I read in the local news this morning that investigators are reporting suspicious bank activity on Christmas Eve, and no activity since then. Below is a link to the article:

This sure is a weird case. I think it's totally wrong that supposedly the police can't do anything about her being missing until the Marines say she's AWOL. In this day and age, that's got to change.

Anyway, here's some tidbits from NG's show last night.
GRACE: She`s not going to be deployed. What are you talking about, deployed?

KAY: No, not -- what I`m saying is that when the sheriff`s department began their investigation on the 19th...


KAY: ... they interviewed the people that knew her. They interviewed people at the base. They conducted an investigation to figure out where she was at. I believe they think at the time that she was where she wanted to be.

GRACE: Oh, voluntarily missing.

KAY: Right. Right.

GRACE: Because that is -- that`s a gap in the timeline that`s very disturbing to me.

KAY: Right.
GRACE: That`s my next question. Who`s the baby`s daddy? Mandi Sheridan, do we know?

SHERIDAN: I asked her mother that exact question, Nancy, and she told me that her daughter was a loner, somewhat of a loner, and that the family was not aware of any boyfriends. And then she said she could not comment beyond that.

GRACE: OK. She`s a loner, and the family didn`t know who the boyfriend was? Is that what I`m hearing?

SHERIDAN: She just told me the family was not aware of any boyfriends. And then she said she was not able to comment any further.

GRACE: OK. Lindell Kay.


GRACE: The father hasn`t come forward? The father`s not out there beating the bushes, trying to find his unborn child? I smell a rat.

KAY: Well, that`s -- yes, that`s more than likely maybe the case. But I think the important thing to point out is the car was found Monday, but it was not at the bus station all this time. They checked the bus station over the weekend, it was not there. So either Maria or someone else put her car at the bus station on Monday.

GRACE: I assume the car has been impounded and it`s being processed for prints, right, Lindell?

KAY: The FBI was -- spent two or three hours going over it today.

(MUCH more at the link)
I read in the local news this morning that investigators are reporting suspicious bank activity on Christmas Eve, and no activity since then. Below is a link to the article:


Thanks for the link Jadenn. I am wondering if there is surveillance video showing who exactly took out the money at her bank. If it shows Maria by herself or if it shows a stranger. I honestly don´t think she would have gone AWOL knowing that her mother was coming to spend Christmas with her . I don't think she would put her family through this anguish and worry without contacting them in some way.

The fact that she had witnessed something on base of a criminal nature and that she was expected to testify about it throws up red flags for me. Also, who is the father of the child ? Where is he ???? Could she have been raped ? Perhaps that is why she wouldn't divulge the identity of the baby's father ? What do you all think ?
Unlike Nancy Grace I don't find it odd that the dad is not out looking for his child. He could be deployed and unaware of the situation, or he may not know he is going to be a dad. Given the fact the military is involved and Lejeune is a tiny area I find it more than plausible the dad is also a Marine. As much as I hate to say it this baby could be the product of a rape. That could be what she was going to testify about, and that would explain why they haven't released any details. They want to protect her privacy with respect to , pure speculation on my part, her rape, but get her picture out to locate her. That could also be why her family is saying she was a loner, and they didn't know of any boyfriends. That doesn't mean they don't know who the father is, just that she didn't have a boyfriend. I really hope she is OK, and she is hiding out because she was scared to testify.
This case is going to get ugly. Is this also the reason for the delay in the investigation? From the below link:


The sheriff told CNN affiliate WECT that other people in the military could be involved with the Marine's disappearance and that they may have tampered with her car and cell phone.
Brown told WRAL that investigators want to talk to a male roommate of Lauterbach's who may be on deployment and could be considered a person of interest in the case.
"Until you can interview him and eliminate, you still consider them as key people of concern," the sheriff said.
I heard a reporter today on FOX around 2:30 describe her as "emotionally needy". Are there emotionally needed Marines in this world? Yikes.

I would like to know if she's really pregnant. If she's been getting well-baby checkups, then that can prove that. I'm not familiar enough with the Marines to know if she would have been required to show up for monthly prenatal checkups or not.

I'm also just wondering if she just went AWOL to be with the baby's dad, or to be by herself.

This whole case has me scratching my head, especially with the mother not really seeking much publicity either.
I have heard that raping women officers is very common on base. I wonder if the soldier who raped her is married and the father of her child. He could have murdered her before the baby was born. Also, could this be the case in which she was due to testify? I hope that they are able to get to the bottom of this disappearance.
I heard a reporter today on FOX around 2:30 describe her as "emotionally needy". Are there emotionally needed Marines in this world? Yikes.

I would like to know if she's really pregnant. If she's been getting well-baby checkups, then that can prove that. I'm not familiar enough with the Marines to know if she would have been required to show up for monthly prenatal checkups or not.

I'm also just wondering if she just went AWOL to be with the baby's dad, or to be by herself.

This whole case has me scratching my head, especially with the mother not really seeking much publicity either.
The girl probably is emotionally needy because she is scared for her well being and apparently rightly so. I think that her mother may be keeping quiet because the police are on to the suspect and they have told her to keep quiet. Perhaps, her pregnancy resulted from a rape.

I was very naive when I was this girl's age. I almost joined the Army, myself. The Army recruiter made it sound really good. I was working as a civilian on base at the time. The senior enlisted man in the office talked me out of joining. He really made it clear that I shouldn't do it. I think that he also talked about assaults on women in the military. I can't remember if that's where I first heard it. I thank him every day for steering me away from signing up!
The problem with the run-away theory is that her senior officers failed to report her AWOL or missing. Wasn't it her mom who finally reported her missing?She is a Marine, for goodness sake! You can't just decide not to show for work and expect it to go un-noticed!Something stinks, and her commanding officers need to be answering some hard questions.Susan
The problem with the run-away theory is that her senior officers failed to report her AWOL or missing. Wasn't it her mom who finally reported her missing?She is a Marine, for goodness sake! You can't just decide not to show for work and expect it to go un-noticed!Something stinks, and her commanding officers need to be answering some hard questions.Susan

She could have been on leave over the holidays, they get 30 days a year. If she was on leave her commanding officer would not have been suspicious about her not being there. Or she may have been on some sort of medical leave related to her pregnancy as well, all you need is a doctors leave chit for that. Another option is that she was not required to report to work because she was a witness in the assault case, I feel she was a rape victim. They might have told her not to report for duty for safety reasons or to avoid contact between the victim and the aggressor. Taximom, I don't think she is faking the pregnancy because she would have needed doctors notes to get out of daily PT. As soon as she started to show her commanding officer would have been questioning her about it.
article on fox news states her step mom said she is bipolar and a compulsive liar.
article on fox news states her step mom said she is bipolar and a compulsive liar.

Is it just me, but why is it that lately alot of "missing persons" cases seem to be Bi-polar. She is in the Marines! Emotionally needy is a sexist term.

More than likely, she was raped on base, then became pregnant. Hopefully this roomate will enlighten us.

NG will be discussing more tonight!:clap:
How did she get into the Marines if she is Bi Polar? I would guess she would have to have been unmedicated for it prior to enlisting, wouldn't she?
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