Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #1

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I think the term "emotionally needy" came from the mom according to the reporter. I was going from room to room when I heard that, so I could be wrong, but I don't think a reporter would just apply that term to a stranger.

Now the stepmom says she's a compulsive liar? Do we have 2 moms in the picture now?
Ok if I'm understanding correctly she was the victim of Sexual Assault..



Documents attached to a search warrant in the case cite the Marine's mother as saying Lauterbach had been the victim of a sexual assault by a superior officer.

Hell Yea, you betcha you're emotionally needy, 1st time pregnancy and that Sh** to boot?

snip -
Makes me wonder even more if the Officer accused of the SA isn't the child's biological father.

Lauterbach may have been due to give birth on January 8, Brown said, and he said if possible she should come forth to get the help and support of family, friends and medical professionals.
"You can't run from those things in life," Brown said in comments directed toward the missing Marine.

Police documents say that shortly before Lauterbach disappeared, her mother had talked to the Marine about giving up the baby once it was born.

Ok, first I hate adoption language like that - you give up a puppy, a toy, smoking, not a baby! ahem, off the soapbox - Are they trying to make it look like she disappeared on her own accord?

Why hasn't she been reported as awol or whaever it is called? I mean, after all aren't you considered a runaway basically if you dn't report where you're supposed to be? (I don't much at all about military sorry!)
Yeah this thing just got stink all over it! If she was on leave then her leave would of had to of been authorized and there would be a paper trail so I highly doubt she is on leave. I hate to think what might of happened to her and for her step-mom to say compulsive liar to me sounded kinda catty..I just didn't like it. I will keep her & her unborn baby in my prayers for sure!
Maybe she is the proverbial Cinderella stepmom?! I would have to assume their relationship is not a close one and the stepmom feels no sense of "family loyalty" to her which also reflects on the father for not standing up for his daughter against statements like that, imo.
Why hasn't she been reported as awol or whaever it is called? I mean, after all aren't you considered a runaway basically if you dn't report where you're supposed to be? (I don't much at all about military sorry!)[/quote]

Technically she would be listed as UA (unauthorized absence) until she was gone for 30 days. Then she would be be listed as AWOL or a deserter.

This is a very strange case, especially since I work on Camp Lejeune and yesterday was the first day I heard of it.

However, I know from experience that if she was just UA they wouldn't go looking for her, but the circumstances surrounding her disappearance make it hard for me to imagine that no one sounded an alarm bell before now. In light of the pregnancy, and the testimony, and the cell phone and the car, you would think that someone would get very worried about her well being.

I have to agree that something stinks about this case, unless they have more of a reason to believe she disappeared on her own accord. That is the only way them not looking for her makes sense.

I saw where they said that she may be receiving financial assisstance thru western union, but that would mean that someone is sending it to her.

There has got to be alot more to this story.
Re: the stepmom--nice!
Maybe the girl has accused someone of something before, and the stepmom thought she was lying?
Anyway, sounds like they think she took off, and her roommate is helping by channelling money to her.
This case has me very interested. Can't wait to hear more information. I pray she isn't dead, but I do fear the worst.
I was thinking that they were on holiday routine. Meaning they get a few weeks off during the holidays. The ONE HUGE problem with that is they still have to report for duty on the forth day or so during the holiday routine. I am talking about how the Coast Guard does it. Not sure if this is even done in the Marines, but it may! Maybe someone knows how the Marines do it during holidays. But I am sure they do something like this as well!

Military has not listed any AWOL at this time! They put off that she has been missing for three weeks...usually 7-10 days until they are listed as AWOL..they would go looking for you, but they have not done any of that
(the military).

Very suspicious!!
Nancy Grace just stated that the USMC hasn't declared her UA nor AWOL yet ! Something is stinking to high heaven. Sounds like a cover up ?

What gives with the emotionally needy carp and the compulsive lying carp ? Sounds like smoke and mirrors to me.

They just mentioned that there was a man on the ATM camera trying to cover the camera with a rag while he got money from her account. I wonder if he was her roommate or who could he possibly be ?
Nancy Grace just stated that the USMC hasn't declared her UA nor AWOL yet ! Something is stinking to high heaven. Sounds like a cover up ?

What gives with the emotionally needy carp and the compulsive lying carp ? Sounds like smoke and mirrors to me.

They just mentioned that there was a man on the ATM camera trying to cover the camera with a rag while he got money from her account. I wonder if he was her roommate or who could he possibly be ?

Right, the family is trying to give us the impression she is in hiding...If a person skips out of the military voluntarily, wouldn't that person be jailed???

Why aren't they mentioning that?
I heard on Nancy Grace that allegations were made by her at another base and then dropped charges. Not that it has anything to do with the disappearance, but I'm thinking that the mom and step mom may know what they are talking about and so does the military. They're probably doing her a big favor by not declaring AWOL until more info is known or at least about the possible bipolar.
I'm confused --- Is the "Mother who talked to Maria the day before she disappeared and advised her to give away the baby the same woman as the "Stepmother" who said she was Bi-polar and a compulsive liar?

Are we talking about two different women here or is this all about her Mother?

How strange is this for the Mother of a girl who was raped to speak of her?

This whole story is really strange.
I heard on Nancy Grace that allegations were made by her at another base and then dropped charges. Not that it has anything to do with the disappearance, but I'm thinking that the mom and step mom may know what they are talking about and so does the military. They're probably doing her a big favor by not declaring AWOL until more info is known or at least about the possible bipolar.

They don't declare you AWOL (really it's called UA) until you've used up all your leave on the books.
It sounds like there is no love lost between the stepmother and this girl. Regardless, the stepmother should keep her comments to herself during this time. The girl is missing and she is over due to deliver a baby. There should be some concern there instead of making nasty comments.

Is it the superior officer that is deployed? If so, and he is the rapist she wouldn't have to be concerned about him right now. It sounds like he told her that he would ruin her career but didn't threaten bodily harm.

I'm wondering if her mother's comment about giving the baby up could have caused her to take off? Her mother was coming to visit over the holidays and maybe she just couldn't take listening to her mom about giving the baby up. If shw had already decided to keep the baby then she wouldn't be open to a lecture about giving it up.

I sure hope that nothing has happened to this girl and her baby. I hope she did decide to take off and have her baby and come back later. I wonder if any baby clothes are gone or any of her clothes. It could be her roommate that is taking money out of her account and wiring it to her. I wonder why she wouldn't have done that before she left though unless she just left without thinking things through.
Bobbisangel, as a Lace Corporal she is an E-3 and as a Corporal he is an E-4, both pretty low on the food chain. I mean technically he out ranks her but when I hear Superior I think Gunnery Sargent or higher. Plus I don't think they would be allowed to live together if she was charging him with rape.
Sounds like her pregnancy was high risk. I hope she didn't run off fall ill and was unable to get the needed medical attention. I'm hearing a lot of conflicting stories about this whole thing.
The way the military has handled this case is very suspicious. What finally prompted the Sheriff to get involved and this case to go public? Because it sure sounds like to me people on base was hoping that no one would notice she was gone and then think she ran off. In fact the sheriff stated fellow officers may have taken those types of steps. The way he flip flopped on this is astonishing.
I wonder why the roommate called the mother to tell her that Maria had left the house on the day she went missing. Money was taken out of her account that day, but not again until 10 days later on Christmas Eve.
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