Missing 8 mth pregnant Marine Maria Frances Lauterbach- NC #5

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They need to put new pictures of him out already! God I don't understand wth is going on here?! The head honcho cop needs to start acting/talking a little more professional. Some of his comments are drama filled and as a Police chief or whatever he is he should know better... I saw no reason for him to talk about the little hand and how it was positoned and how he will never forget that etc etc...
Unbelievable! He still has not been caught. But then again, I guess I'm not really surprised at this case has been botched from the get go!

Have to go to work today, so won't hear anything until I get home this evening! :(

Here is some interesting information I got from a poster who gave me permission to post it:

my cousin said that there was a case once where a mexican citizen came to U.S. and killed someone. Mexico didn't want to extradite because of the electric chair...they don't use that. They ended up extraditing him but she said not sure if he got the DP. It wouldn't apply for Laurean if he had a dual citizenship. U.S. would have as much right to him as Mexico.

If true, that would be good news for us as it would mean that Laurean can be extradited back to the US to stand trial. However, not sure if he can receive the DP for Mexico to approve the extradition.

Maybe that's something you guys can research today.
FYI It is about 1530 miles from Jacksonville, NC to Laredo TX - one of several border towns in TX much closer than El Paso. That's about 25 hours driving at 60 MPH without stops except for gas. He left Jacksonville sometime Thurs night (it was before 4AM Fri morning if the wife is to be believed). If he was driving, even if he stopped and slept a few hours, he was in Mexico by sunrise Sunday morning. If he was on a bus, and IF he was in Shreveport Saturday at midnight he could easily have been in Mexico by bus by midnight Sunday - its only 578 miles from Shreveport to Laredo. I don't think he would have gone to El Paso when Laredo, McAllen and Eagle Pass are all closer to Shreveport.

IF was headed to Mexico, he would be there by now. And if he is driving his own vehicle all he had to do was head off into the Texas/Mexico border area on any one of hundreds of dirt roads and drive straight to the border and cross. Border patrol isn't looking for people sneaking INTO Mexico. They won't find his vehicle for days and it may even get stolen before LE can find it.

Otherwise he took a Greyhound bus and A - got off in Laredo or McAllen and walked or rode one of the little tourist trams into Mexico. Or B - took one of the 20 or 30 independent bus company's buses that transport Mexicans legally into and out of the US every day from Shreveport, or Dallas and rode in to Mexico with the other travelers returning from the US. He doesn't need a passport or an ID to get IN to Mexico...just to get back OUT. They barely look at you OR your ID when you enter Mexico from the US and I'll betcha has a Mexican birth certificate - if so, that is ALL HE NEEDS - IF he is asked for any ID at the border at all. He is a native Mexican Spanish speaker - he wouldn't get a second glance riding on one of the Mexican bus lines or walking across at the border on a weekend. He'd blend right in.

LE didn't issue the warrant until Sat AM - could easily have been in Mexico before any BOLO went out nationwide.

Well, since you (seem to) KNOW exactly how the Border Patrol operates, I guess there is no need in any of us speculating that he might still be in the US.

Personally, I think he is still in the US waiting for things to calm down before he tries to go into Mexico.

ETA: It is very easy to change license plates on a vehicle. All he would have had to do is find a truck that was the same make, model, year, and color and steal them. Whose to say he's still not in NC laying low somewhere? He could be anywhere. I have done a lot of thinking about this, and I think he is closer to NC than he is to Mexico. Probably waiting to see if his wife is in custody.

JMO, before I get banned.
News stations this AM are now reporting that there are no confirmed sightings of and that the public has been asked to help locate him.

Also, reports of a press conference at 10:00 AM EST

--->>>Wanted to bring over peace9274 post about press conf this morning the 14th of Jan.

Also thanks to Steadfast posts #2 & 7
Flowerchoild #24 & 31
Barbo0301 #11 & 29
All covering dual citizenship

WHAT DOES THE DUAL MEAN IF he is located IN Mexico about HOW WE GET HIM back to USA for ARREST AND TRIAL ETC.?

Additionally Dimples #33 and #35 about the CLOSE friend who LIVES next door, whose signature is on marriage certificate. Marine credo "Death B4 Dishonor. Hmmm.

Pharlap, I noted your suggestion on page two of this #5 thread, yeppers get DOG on this, he could redeem himself BIG TIME IF HE CAN FIND HIM!!!! Phar (hope you donut mind me giving you a nickname) Wonder HOW DOG would go about this???

--->>>Wanted to bring over peace9274 post about press conf this morning the 14th of Jan.

Also thanks to Steadfast posts #2 & 7
Flowerchoild #24 & 31
Barbo0301 #11 & 29
All covering dual citizenship

WHAT DOES THE DUAL MEAN IF he is located IN Mexico about HOW WE GET HIM back to USA for ARREST AND TRIAL ETC.?

Additionally Dimples #33 and #35 about the CLOSE friend who LIVES next door, whose signature is on marriage certificate. Marine credo "Death B4 Dishonor. Hmmm.

Pharlap, I noted your suggestion on page two of this #5 thread, yeppers get DOG on this, he could redeem himself BIG TIME IF HE CAN FIND HIM!!!! Phar (hope you donut mind me giving you a nickname) Wonder HOW DOG would go about this???


Camper, I think Mexico would have to agree to extradite him, which they won't if he's facing the death penalty. I am not sure how the "dual citizenship" thing works.

I think Mexico is the LAST place Dog Chapman would want to go....I think he learned his lesson after Andrew Luster. But, I could be wrong....LOL

O/T: How are you feeling? You've been in my prayers!
O/T but is DOG still a bounty hunter? I thought I heard that was revoked or something? :waitasec:
O/T but is DOG still a bounty hunter? I thought I heard that was revoked or something? :waitasec:

I'm not sure. I read his book and he was being investigated for some violations. Exactly what they were, I am not sure. His book wasn't that great.

But, he'd have his hands full going against a Marine who probably has weapons with his fire extinguisher! Of course, he could just send Beth after him and he'd be begging for mercy! LOL
They sent back the in the Emily Sanderson case (Girl that went missing from Kansas in Decemberish, the 's G/F stayed in Mexico if that helps)

They had to make some promises, but they got him back here....Could NC do something similiar? I would love to see him be sentenced to the DP but IF he could at least be brought back for LWOP it's better than him getting to continue on with some sort of normalcy if you kwim?

Link describing what happened when Israel was picked up -


Snip -

Satterfield said her office had to promise Mexican authorities that it would not seek the death penalty for Mireles. If convicted of capital murder, he would face life in prison without the possibility of parole, she said. The extradition is expected to take about 60 days, Satterfield said.

So couldn't this apply in Cesar the baby killer/woman rapist - situation?
Even if all the can get is LWOP, he won't last long in prison...baby killers, esp. those who kill their own, aren't very popular.....
Even if all the can get is LWOP, he won't last long in prison...baby killers, esp. those who kill their own, aren't very popular.....

Color me uninformed, but wouldn't he go to a military prison or is this now a criminal matter and the military is out of it? Either way, I don't think he'd last too long....
LMAO @ Beth.... gotta love em though! Really wish DOG would get rid of the mullet... :eek:

I'm not sure. I read his book and he was being investigated for some violations. Exactly what they were, I am not sure. His book wasn't that great.

But, he'd have his hands full going against a Marine who probably has weapons with his fire extinguisher! Of course, he could just send Beth after him and he'd be begging for mercy! LOL
Good morning everybody ! Wow, yesterday I had to partake in Sunday activities, and when I got back here, there were so may posts to catch up on. Just got finished reading them ! Great sleuthing, everyone ! :clap:

I am so disappointed that they haven't caught him yet. I just hope he's not in Mexico yet, otherwise it will be almost impossible to find him: he'll blend right in. I am praying for justice to be done for Maria and her baby.
LMAO @ Beth.... gotta love em though! Really wish DOG would get rid of the mullet... :eek:

Trust me, if he seen Beth coming at him full-steam, he'd hit the ground and immediately surrender :eek: (this would be the look on his face when he seen Beth coming for him!)! Plus, he'd have to shake out his shorts after he got to jail! I love Beth, especially when she puts her make-up on before a bust! I have mixed feelings about Dog, but Beth ROCKS! And to think I never used to like her! Yeah, Dog needs a stylist.....:rolleyes:
They need to put new pictures of him out already! God I don't understand wth is going on here?! The head honcho cop needs to start acting/talking a little more professional. Some of his comments are drama filled and as a Police chief or whatever he is he should know better... I saw no reason for him to talk about the little hand and how it was positoned and how he will never forget that etc etc...

My thoughts exactly, Mygirlsadie ! :clap: :clap: :clap:

I can't believe after the whole weekend passed the cops haven't been able to acquire another photo of him . If his wife is cooperating with LE, the least they should have is a couple of photos of him in civilian clothes. Even one with some facial hair, perhaps ?

Sheriff B. irritates me to no end with his so unprofessional comments. I have never heard any member of LE speak as he does. It is so drama filled, he should watch LAw and Order to learn how it is done ! :furious: GRRRRR......

May I dare to expect today's presser to be any better ???:confused:
I have found this petition on the facebook memorial page for Maria. If it has been posted before , I am sorry. I hope enough people sign this petition to make a difference. Maria and her baby deserve justice to be served.

Sign this petition to help change the law. If it beats, its alive. Maria's baby was almost full term.

At this point, North Carolina is one of the 15 states who do not have a law that will charge someone twice in the case of a victim being pregnant.

Not only does Maria deserve justice, so does her unborn child.

Steadfast:That command seems lax in the extreme, considering all we're hearing. I know soldiers can sometimes leave early and that at some commands chits are not that hard to get approved. But I've never heard of someone being able to not show up without huge consequences, whether they "called in" or not.

I think

I have just finished reading thread 4 (haven't started this one yet)Just wanted to respond to you steadfast.
My husband has been in the Navy 19 years.Depending on what the ship or shore duty station is doing ,a day off can be requested the day before without a chit .A really good reason has to be given.Not just because I want a day off.

My husband was on shore duty (until recently,he was pulled from his duty station and sent to Iraq)

There has been a couple of times in the past 6 months when he was home,that he called into work telling them he would be late because I needed to goto the ER.If its something we know in advance then he will request that day in advance without putting in a chit.

It just depends.Also depends alot to on the service members record.I think with Cpl investigation,they let him have that day off due to that.

That tells you right there he had his commanders snowed in believing he was something he was not .
Hudson (the DA) is on. Not saying much we don't know already. Border Patrol is on alert. Remains have not been medically identified, but put out the warrant because they were concerned he would flee to Mexico.
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