Missing Baby Lisa Sighting Reported in Kansas

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! yes, I would probably feel funny if people were looking at me weird because my baby looked suspiciously like another baby, so good on you for saying you'd put up with the inconvenience. Yes, we want people to be looking, but I agree with JJenny that this situation seems super-uncomfortable and maybe not even that plausible. Those of you who said that you wouldn't mind the mistaken ID if someone thought your baby was a missing person sound a lot more tolerant and less self-centered than a lot of parents that I run into. :twocents: Moo! IMO! Jmo!
I agree, they just stated that they paid with a credit card, why would you do that with a stolen baby?
"We had a call from a woman who was inside McAlister's who saw a child that looked like the missing baby with two women that, for whatever reason, kind of made her feel suspicious in the way they reacted to her looking at them. When they left the business, she got a vehicle description and direction of travel of the car and she then notified the police," said Captain Kurt Moldrup, an administrator with the Riley County Police Department.

The witness described the car as a small black vehicle, 1998-1999 model with possible Missouri tags. She told officers the car headed north on Tuttle Creek Boulevard towards Riley but after that, Moldrup says the driver could have turned and went in any direction. Tuttle Creek Boulevard is a main arterial roadway in Manhattan, with access to Highway 24 and K-177 and K-18, both of which lead to Interstate 70. Moldrup could not provide a description of the women that were with the child.

"We were unable to locate any such vehicle. We then put out an attempt to locate to other area agencies just to make sure we had the bases covered. Obviously, we took this tip seriously but that's all we have. We have no way of knowing whether it was the baby or not. We treat it as such. We've also notified the Kansas City Police Department, the agency handling her disappearance," Captain Moldrup added.

When asked how sure the witness was that the baby she saw was Lisa Irwin, he responded, "She was sure enough that she felt she need to call us." The woman, whose name is not being released, was being interviewed Tuesday afternoon and Moldrup said officers would be looking for any surveillance footage captured in the area.

13 News contacted the Topeka Police Department who said they had not been alerted to the incident. The Kansas Highway Patrol in Salina also said they were not alerted as of 3:00 p.m.


LOLOL Kansas Highway Patrol was not alerted but BS was yakking with Radaronline about it?? Give me a break. How could this person not have gotten the license plate? That could have meant A HUGE tip for that waitress!
Just heard on news that cashier called LE from the deli.....that she had the ladies credit card information and passed that on to the LE as well and they are trying to track usage of the card as well as the APB on the car.....praying!

:fireworks: YES!:great:
Sorry folks, this "sighting" is all the work of Wild Bill and JT. Their building a defense. Wild Bill was sent out to Kansas City by JT to try and find out what "evidence" the police had. IMO!

Welcome linajoy. Sounds like you know what you're talking about. All these sightings are too hinky and convenient.

My father was a defense attorney. He had plenty of morals and was very ethical. I do not think it is fair to paint everyone with such a broad brush.

You're right and I shouldn't have stated that...my apologies.

On the other hand, I do believe that JT is not in this for the right reasons and he has represented people in the past that one may conclude that he is unethical. Guy gives me an uneasy feeling.
I can also see a bus boy that would be able to tell the year of a car if seen from a distance my 23 year old son-in-law would be able to do that...
I find it very odd the vehemence of the attacks on this story; regardless of whether or not it pans out, it does offer some of us a bit of hope that baby Lisa might still be alive.

ITA.....if those who are on alert and are willing to report possible sightings see such negative comments, EVERYONE is less likely to take a chance in the future for baby Lisa or any other missing child.

And use your credit card to pay your bill?

Yup, baby snatcher or baby buyers are not likely to be shopping with baby Lisa, using a credit card whilst stolen/purchased baby is all over the 5:00 news.

Reminds me of the Caylee and Laci sightings. We all know how that panned out.

Just my opinion of course.

encproducer ENC

Riley Co., KS police confirm the baby inside McCalister's Deli was *not #lisairwin
3 minutes ago
Some of you are making me feel really inferior about my ability to identify cars! :crazy:
encproducer ENC
Riley Co., KS police confirm the baby inside McCalister's Deli was *not #lisairwin
3 minutes ago

I am glad they had the credit card info. That gives me confidence that they could easily verify this child's identity.
Yup, baby snatcher or baby buyers are not likely to be shopping with baby Lisa, using a credit card whilst stolen/purchased baby is all over the 5:00 news.

Reminds me of the Caylee and Laci sightings. We all know how that panned out.

Just my opinion of course.


If this is the case.....and it may very well be so.....what purpose are the posters, and putting the picture on tv and in newspapers serving, if no one would ever be out in public anywhere with a missing child? Not at all being critical here, as I have often wondered just how effective those hundreds of thousands of posters really are in these cases.

ITA.....if those who are on alert and are willing to report possible sightings see such negative comments, EVERYONE is less likely to take a chance in the future for baby Lisa or any other missing child.


Because she looks like so many other babies all it's likely going to do in this case is create a lot of work for police to check out all these "sightings."
If this is the case.....and it may very well be so.....what purpose are the posters, and putting the picture on tv and in newspapers serving, if no one would ever be out in public anywhere with a missing child? Not at all being critical here, as I have often wondered just how effective those hundreds of thousands of posters really are in these cases.


A lot of photos of her are not even of her at her current age. Which is going to lead to people thinking that 3 months old are "baby Lisa"
I find it very odd the vehemence of the attacks on this story; regardless of whether or not it pans out, it does offer some of us a bit of hope that baby Lisa might still be alive.

If everyone had the attitude that some are displaying on here.. no one would be looking for this sweet baby. I personally find it disturbing.

I'm not giving up on this little girl.. Sorry that some feel so confident in their theory that they can pshaw a possible sighting right off the bat. :(
LOLOL Kansas Highway Patrol was not alerted but BS was yakking with Radaronline about it?? Give me a break. How could this person not have gotten the license plate? That could have meant A HUGE tip for that waitress!

You mean the possible Missouri plates? If I were out with my kid, and someone was doing too much staring, then approached... oh lawdy... they would get one unhappy Tuffy on them!
If this is the case.....and it may very well be so.....what purpose are the posters, and putting the picture on tv and in newspapers serving, if no one would ever be out in public anywhere with a missing child? Not at all being critical here, as I have often wondered just how effective those hundreds of thousands of posters really are in these cases.


IF somebody is trying to pass this child off as their own, then they probably would have to move to a new community. So if there is a new family in town, and they have a baby that looks like this picture, then call in the tip.
I find it very odd the vehemence of the attacks on this story; regardless of whether or not it pans out, it does offer some of us a bit of hope that baby Lisa might still be alive.
Hear Hear

Ill take that bit of hope and all the false leads. Means people are looking for her.
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