Missing cell phones

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Maybe I misunderstood.
I'm quite certain LE has got her phone history, incoming numbers and all.

I am not sure what you're expecting her to know that she doesn't.

Lol, we are confusing one another and I think saying the same thing. I'm saying I think she probably knows exactly where the call came from, and from what phone. And so does LE, because they would have told her.
I didn't realize that a cell company could tell if a call was answered. I do know you can tell from looking at the actual phone (at least with mine) if it was a missed call.....that is if I didn't delete the missed call.
My cell records tell if you checked the message in voicemail.
She could have been working on them earlier in the day before she started drinking. It is also possible she was working on that when she was sitting outside for a while. Nowhere does it say she was doing it after she was drinking.

We also only have her word that she was programming the phones. Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't.
I've kinda wondered if, ya know. Someone pocket-dialed or something.

And now we're back to the beginning! :floorlaugh: I'm not laughing at you, but this is where the thread started. We're going in circles with this. I guess there is too much we don't know.

And I agree. I could have been a pocket dial. :floorlaugh:
It was my understanding (ONLY from my reading on here) that LE tracked MW down (based ON phone records) not that she was aware at any point until they did, that she had recieved a call from one of the missing phones.. she is most likely an innocent player dragged into this because of a (hopefully fortunate for LE) mistake by perp ...she could even be wearing a wig to semi disguise herself at the suggestion of LE...she was maybe even pursuaded to leak it out herself, to put emotional pressure on a guilty party...I hope there is someone out there sweating bullets and will cave soon.. FIND THIS BABY...LISA IRWIN is missing!!
Please don't judge someone by their hair color.
My hair is close to that same color. I'm not a whack job, I work full time, have two kids in college and one still in high school, pay my bills and am overall, pretty dadgum functional for the most part.
I colored my hair bright fushia like that in support of October being Breast Cancer Awareness month. After Halloween, I'll either go back to a normal color or do something else fun with it.

I understand what you're saying, but I have a degree in sociology and loved my social statistics classes. So I'm really into statistics, cause and effect, and likelihood and predictability.

Women who color their hair in colors that aren't natural human hair colors are a subgroup, of their own choosing. (this is going to bore everyone to death) Any subgroup of people who "self select", that is, they're in that group by choice as opposed to groups of people with the same eye color, same initials, etc. have things in common that as a GROUP, you can predict. (At this point people usually jump up and start naming anomalies, things that surprisingly don't fit into the group, just to point out you can't predict individuals, but you can predict groups). So ok.

People who are PTA presidents have lots in common, people who are cat owners have lots in common, people who own sailboats have lots in common, etc. You can make predictions about populations of people although obviously there are red herrings out there who completely don't fit the mold.

When you see someone with the haircolor of MW, you can make some inferences that are very likely to be true. One of them, I believe, is that she's likely to have more odd or unsavory friends than people in her exact other circumstances who do not color their hair nonhuman colors.

I have two friends with nonhuman hair color, and they themselves are delightful and I love them to death. But BOTH of them have other dear friends who are dangerous. Not just quirky, that's great, I'm talking dangerous. So when I get together with these friends over a glass of wine, the subject of how these other friends are doing typically comes up - it's always an interesting story, always makes me glad that those people are not MY friends.

SORRY THIS IS LONG. But wouldn't you agree that people with nonhuman hair color are, in fact, more tolerant of other people behaving oddly, and more likely to have a few friends, a few connections who seem scary to the mainstream of society? People who are shunned by the mainstream for cause, and yet people with pink hair accept their friendship anyway and are connected to them?

Just my own observations on life.
Considering the magnitude of this case and the surrounding publicity, don't you think MW would have at least been curioius as to who answered her phone from that number and would have wanted to determine who it was and what was said? I don't believe her, I don't believe DB or JI, and I don't believe the couple who said they saw a man carrying a baby that night.

She knows who answered her phone that night.

There are legal schematics at play in all this. For legal purposes, the media cannot allow her to name the person(s) that had access to her phone. That person(s) may or may not be involved and if they are not involved, mentioning a name would be cause for a lawsuit not only to MW but the network airing the interview.

She may have been couched by LE or even an attorney. LE may only want enough information leaked to make someone nervous but not the actual facts (because the person that answered the phone might give some facts that are only known to LE). On the other hand, they may want the person who answered the phone to feel safe, as if they are not being suspected.

A lawyer could have couched her and for all we know BS may have spoken to her. If she was a witness, a good defense lawyer would point out to her that she doesn't really know who answered her phone if she didn't witness it with her own eyes. That the only information she would have is who had access to her phone and if the phone was in someone else's possession at the time (and she wasn't around), she really has no idea who had access to that phone.

So if she gave her (ex)boyfriend the phone to use while he was out with a bunch of guy friends and MW was not with him. It could have been any of those guys with the boyfriend who answered the phone, she truly would not know for fact, she would only be able to assume.

Lol, we are confusing one another and I think saying the same thing. I'm saying I think she probably knows exactly where the call came from, and from what phone. And so does LE, because they would have told her.

OK, I follow you now, and I agree.

It would have been quite an interrogation otherwise if LE asked questions about a phone call that she hadn't answered from a number she didn't know but they couldn't tell she didn't know that number because they wouldn't tell her which number they meant. :crazy:
She could have been working on them earlier in the day before she started drinking. It is also possible she was working on that when she was sitting outside for a while. Nowhere does it say she was doing it after she was drinking.

You know, people who say she was too drunk to programme the phones are right, having had to do it myself twice in the last 4 years, I know it's a painstaking and tedious process. Thing is though going off my own experience, it's not something I did all at one sitting, mostly because I have a low boredom threshold combined with an innate distaste for repetitive chores, no, it actually took me a few days on both occasions I had to do it. I started initially transferring the 3 or 4 numbers I dial ALL the time then a few more at a time based on the regularity with which I call them.

Oh and on a superfluous gratuitous personal info note I should admit that some numbers never got transferred on the grounds that I looked at them and thought "Who the knife and fork is Tony Martin and why do I have his number in my phone?"
OK, I follow you now, and I agree.

It would have been quite an interrogation otherwise if LE asked questions about a phone call that she hadn't answered from a number she didn't know but they couldn't tell she didn't know that number because they wouldn't tell her which number they meant. :crazy:

Yes, now we are on the same page. ;)

Sorry to be so confusing!
My take on this and just ignore if you've had enough (lol)

Maybe MW is leaving it open to someone maybe hacking into her voice mail. We know it's possible for people to do this since the big News of the World scandal. Her claim of not knowing who answered it is likely what turnadot and others have discovered here, that a call isn't logged or 'answered' unless it is checked or opened. This answers the call. She likely never has voicemails so didn't check these (my speculation of course). At some point this message or call was checked and it became an official call and traceable from her end. She doesn't know who answered it (i.e. who went into her voicemail to listen to the call) what was said (if anything was said) she doesn't know who was on the other end of the phone (she doesn't know who made the initial call and/or who got into her phone to access her messages.) JMO JMO
I will go as far as to say that the "phones" is the reason (jmo) the search in the woods so many times. And the phones are one of the reasons for the grand jury subpoenas (jmo) The phone records have been obtained by LE. (jmo)
She could have been working on them earlier in the day before she started drinking. It is also possible she was working on that when she was sitting outside for a while. Nowhere does it say she was doing it after she was drinking.

So true. I think the cell phones are really important to the solution but only if the solution is found.

What I mean is.. There are two scenarios and I find both equally possible. The person who took Lisa also grabbed the phones and pocketed them either because he/she assumed (rightly) that they didn't have a land line and it would delay LE or they just wanted free phones-making me think a younger perp.


DB took the cell phones and hid them because of some bizarre reason. If she follows true crime she knows the records are available so it wasn't because of that imo. Crazy thinking after she discovered Lisa was dead perhaps. I still think IF she is involved then the phones are with the baby. Why in the world throw them away separately and they clearly aren't easily found.

It seems to me that the phones right now can be massaged into a theory of guilt or innocence which is why a solution is needed before their importance will be known.
Lol, we are confusing one another and I think saying the same thing. I'm saying I think she probably knows exactly where the call came from, and from what phone. And so does LE, because they would have told her.

I really strongly disagree. They know what phone it came from, for sure, they don't know who made the call. That is the billion dollar question.

They were quick - licketysplit quick - to come out and announce the family isn't cooperating when they asked for a break.

I think they would be at the microphone before you could blink if they knew one of the Irwins made that call. (I don't mean "guess", I mean "know". As in, they talked to the person who answered the call and she/he said oh yeah, that was my friend Deborah Bradley and she wanted to know if she could borrow my car. I said no).
You know, people who say she was too drunk to programme the phones are right, having had to do it myself twice in the last 4 years, I know it's a painstaking and tedious process. Thing is though going off my own experience, it's not something I did all at one sitting, mostly because I have a low boredom threshold combined with an innate distaste for repetitive chores, no, it actually took me a few days on both occasions I had to do it. I started initially transferring the 3 or 4 numbers I dial ALL the time then a few more at a time based on the regularity with which I call them.

Oh and on a superfluous gratuitous personal info note I should admit that some numbers never got transferred on the grounds that I looked at them and thought "Who the knife and fork is Tony Martin and why do I have his number in my phone?"

If that ain't the truth, lol!

(Then again, there's that blanket transferring of contact numbers/picture/videos/ etc that the cell provider will do for you when you purchase a new phone. :crazy: )

ETA: or when you just go in to your providers store and ask. Don't even have to be buying a new phone.
A cell phone contains a memory chip like any other computer device. The contents whether it be voice mails, text messages, call log, will be stored inside even if deleted until it's overwritten by other data. A foresnic examiner will be able to retrieve its history as long as it wasn't overwritten. In the US cell carriers retain logs of text messages and in some cases voice mail messages for a period of at least 6 months.
Personally, I never bought the "programming the phones" routine. I think she needed to come up with a reason why JI's phone would be in the home if he wasn't. Don't believe all 3 were conveniently sitting on the counter just waiting on this mysterious kidnapper/phone snatcher either.

Lol, we are confusing one another and I think saying the same thing. I'm saying I think she probably knows exactly where the call came from, and from what phone. And so does LE, because they would have told her.
I'm thinking she knows A LOT more than she told the reporter!
So true. I think the cell phones are really important to the solution but only if the solution is found.

What I mean is.. There are two scenarios and I find both equally possible. The person who took Lisa also grabbed the phones and pocketed them either because he/she assumed (rightly) that they didn't have a land line and it would delay LE or they just wanted free phones-making me think a younger perp.


DB took the cell phones and hid them because of some bizarre reason. If she follows true crime she knows the records are available so it wasn't because of that imo. Crazy thinking after she discovered Lisa was dead perhaps. I still think IF she is involved then the phones are with the baby. Why in the world throw them away separately and they clearly aren't easily found.

It seems to me that the phones right now can be massaged into a theory of guilt or innocence which is why a solution is needed before their importance will be known.

I think they are actually really important in FINDING the solution. Whoever made that call, has Lisa. Either dead or alive. So whoever answered the phone call needs to be found and made to tell what that conversation was about. JMO.
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