Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #16

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We'll have to ask Janelle that. You could ask her on her FB page.

In those first few hours of June 7, 1992, who of us would seriously think that two of our friends and one's mother would be abducted? Even if it crossed your mind, you'd dismiss it out of hand, thinking that it's just too crazy an idea. We're projecting our 20/20 hindsight onto 18 YO kids.

Why was Janelle crying? Here's a hypothesis:

When she first discovered Stacy and Suzie gone, she thought they were just playing a joke on her (ha ha!). So her and Mike sit and wait for them to return. When they don't, they go looking for a local pool (I remember reading that they asked a local if there were any public pools in the area), spend some time there and return to the house.

But they're still not back, so now Janelle thinks they really took off on her and it's no longer a joke - she feels abandoned - so she cries.

Think about when you were 18 (a very long time for me...). Your group of trusted friends cuts out on you, leaving you behind. Crushing blow!

Anyway, just a thought. Like I said earlier, only Janelle can answer that, and maybe the answer is in the unreleased police reports/interviews of those first few days...

I think that it’s good to give someone a healthy benefit of the doubt, I do. But in this case you would honestly have to believe that both Janelle and mike are literally some of the dumbest people on the planet and also that Janelle has dementia at 18 because she changes her story from day to day (significant facts I will add) AND her mother does as well because she changes her story too....if you look at the evidence and still find nothing amiss I just think you’re kind of ignoring the evidence.

I don’t believe mike and Janelle abducted those women. But I do believe there was something going on that made them lie and wreck the crime scene. And finding out the WHY to that could be key to solving this case.
Has Janelle ever come to Websleuths? I haven’t ever come across her in threads. If not, why? Anybody ever send her an invite?
“The inmate interviewed has provided several conflicting statements, none of which are consistent with the facts of the case. “

Single most important statement regarding hall .

he is known to waffle back and forth between confessing and not wanting to be caught. Without knowing what these conflicting statements are, I don’t discount him. There’s way too much supporting evidence of his involvement.
Totally unbelievable isn’t it? That is probably the reasons the cops kept asking her questions. It also suggests the reason why Asher said to her “there is still time.”

I have come to the belief she holds the keys to solving this case. While I don’t believe she was involved, I’d bet the farm she has a very good idea who might have committed this crime.

One question I would like an answer is why did she go to Appleby’s house? Why would he be expected to know? None of that makes any sense to me. She could have called the McCall’s house right at the git-go.
I read in an early newspaper article that Shane lived close to Delmar and he was still asleep when Janelle and Mike stopped by to see if he’d seen Suzie, Stacy or Sherrill.
Shane’s house was 3.5 miles from Suzie’s. Down the street and across from the mall where she worked. When did Suzie and Stacy decide not to stay at Janelle’s? Could they of possibly been vocal about that while at Shane’s 1-2AM? Who was at Shane’s? As far as we know; The only people to know Suzie was going back to her house with Stacy was: Janelle, her mom and Mike. Where did Mike go? The next day: There were many things that rely solely on the word of Janelle and Mike. Such as the phone calls, initial condition of the house, the dog...etc.... I still can’t get over the “that other girl” statement by Janelle. Additionally the crying so early in the investigation. I want to dig up more details about Janelle, Mike and Shane. Didn’t Janelle end up marrying Mike?
I read in an early newspaper article that Shane lived close to Delmar and he was still asleep when Janelle and Mike stopped by to see if he’d seen Suzie, Stacy or Sherrill.

That was my recollection as well. Interesting to think he might have seen them. I am guessing he is the one whose timeline was “cleared up.”

It is my opinion that this case may not as complicated as it has been made out to be. I can envision this simply as a sexual quest that went awry.

If I had any input into the case I would want to reinterview all participants to that last party on Hanover. I rather imagine that there would be new information learned after the passage of 28 years. And as is well known a person doesn’t have to remember the truth. But someone who has lied must remember the lies he has told.

One question I would ask each person was whether anyone was seen hitting on Suzie or Stacy. If such a person or persons were named, I think it would be a good idea to reinterview them.

This is an excerpt of the police bulletin in 2012.

“The suspect clearly spent a considerable amount of time out and about from late at night on Saturday, June 6, 1992, into the morning of Sunday, June 7, 1992. The suspect had to have been unaccounted for at the time of the crime. Someone who knew or lived with the suspect in 1992 likely would have been aware of this fact. In addition, in order to explain his whereabouts on the night of the crime, the suspect may have fabricated a story regarding his activities.

Around the time of the crime, the suspect may have spent a considerable amount of time in, or may otherwise have been familiar with, the area of the crime, and he may have frequently been out and about at odd hours. The suspect also may have developed an interest in the victims.

People who know the suspect may not believe that he is capable of committing this type of crime, and he may not have a history of committing crimes of violence.”

I find the sentence quite interesting. What this means is that he merely needs to keep quiet and with no evidence he is home free. Also displays the traits of a true sociopath.
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Shane’s house was 3.5 miles from Suzie’s. Down the street and across from the mall where she worked. When did Suzie and Stacy decide not to stay at Janelle’s? Could they of possibly been vocal about that while at Shane’s 1-2AM? Who was at Shane’s? As far as we know; The only people to know Suzie was going back to her house with Stacy was: Janelle, her mom and Mike. Where did Mike go? The next day: There were many things that rely solely on the word of Janelle and Mike. Such as the phone calls, initial condition of the house, the dog...etc.... I still can’t get over the “that other girl” statement by Janelle. Additionally the crying so early in the investigation. I want to dig up more details about Janelle, Mike and Shane. Didn’t Janelle end up marrying Mike?
They got divorced in I think 2007. She also got an order of protection out on him. He had some affairs before and during his marriage with Janelle and had kids with the other women. You can find it on casenet.
Shane’s house was 3.5 miles from Suzie’s. Down the street and across from the mall where she worked. When did Suzie and Stacy decide not to stay at Janelle’s? Could they of possibly been vocal about that while at Shane’s 1-2AM? Who was at Shane’s? As far as we know; The only people to know Suzie was going back to her house with Stacy was: Janelle, her mom and Mike. Where did Mike go? The next day: There were many things that rely solely on the word of Janelle and Mike. Such as the phone calls, initial condition of the house, the dog...etc.... I still can’t get over the “that other girl” statement by Janelle. Additionally the crying so early in the investigation. I want to dig up more details about Janelle, Mike and Shane. Didn’t Janelle end up marrying Mike?

If we believe Brian joy, the plan was to stay at his house up until the girls got back from the Hanover party at 2:00am. Then between the joy residence and the Kirby home (a five minute drive max) it is alleged that the girls planned on staying with Janelle. By Janelle, who was not in the car with them.

yet, they never went inside the house (appleby watched them walk straight to their cars and leave) so I guess we’re supposed to believe they had X-ray vision and saw through the house that a bunch of family were staying and then changed their minds.

so a five minute max plan that is spread like the gospel all over media for years on end.
I think 100% something very "mean girl" happened to Suzie and Stacy was so disgusted and shocked by whatever it was she didn't want to leave her side. I can see Suzie just wanting her mom and Stacy not wanting her to be alone. Thus Janelle coming over to see if she had gotten over it by morning and getting scared when nobody was home as nightfall approached.
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I think 100% something very "mean girl" happened to Suzie and Stacy was so disgusted and shocked by whatever it was she didn't want to leave her side. I can see Suzie just wanting her mom and Stacy not wanting her to be alone. Thus Janelle coming over to see if she had gotten over it by morning and getting scared when nobody was home as nightfall approached.

Think this would have been unearthed. Regardless of how poorly investigated the case was the Detectives still had authority, the idea that everyone there would be able to keep their mouth shut over nearly 30 years is crazy to me. Someone would have been intimidated into talking early on if they knew anything. These were young dumb teens, not seasoned criminals.

Also wasn't Stacy only a tangential friend to Suzie? Why would she care about her so deeply here? Having hung around with and dated the most popular girls throughout school and college, that's a completely alien depiction to me and i don't think Stacy's mom has even suggested that.

I think this mainly comes from post-disappearance depictions being angelic and avoiding any negative aspects. I understand the family doing that but i don't think it's helpful at all for randoms like us discussing the case to tiptoe around that way.
Think this would have been unearthed. Regardless of how poorly investigated the case was the Detectives still had authority, the idea that everyone there would be able to keep their mouth shut over nearly 30 years is crazy to me. Someone would have been intimidated into talking early on if they knew anything. These were young dumb teens, not seasoned criminals.

Also wasn't Stacy only a tangential friend to Suzie? Why would she care about her so deeply here? Having hung around with and dated the most popular girls throughout school and college, that's a completely alien depiction to me and i don't think Stacy's mom has even suggested that.

I think this mainly comes from post-disappearance depictions being angelic and avoiding any negative aspects. I understand the family doing that but i don't think it's helpful at all for randoms like us discussing the case to tiptoe around that way.

I agree with you completely. If anyone had a confrontation or even a petty fight with either of the girls, or if a unknown weirdo was hanging out with them and making them feel uncomfortable, someone would have said something. These were not small get togethers, the Hanover party especially was pretty large according to accounts. Lots of people around who were most certainly questioned....and there’s no reason for others to keep these sorts of secrets from LE. Michelle elder hardly seemed to be friends with Janelle at all, for example.

I think the most obvious explanation is that Janelle was with her boyfriend and Stacy didn’t want to be a third wheel so she went with the other single girl of the group. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, I don’t buy a “plan to stay at janelles” period. They didn’t ever plan to stay at janelles from what I’ve seen of the evidence. This is something concocted by KK and JK.
Think this would have been unearthed. Regardless of how poorly investigated the case was the Detectives still had authority, the idea that everyone there would be able to keep their mouth shut over nearly 30 years is crazy to me. Someone would have been intimidated into talking early on if they knew anything. These were young dumb teens, not seasoned criminals.

Also wasn't Stacy only a tangential friend to Suzie? Why would she care about her so deeply here? Having hung around with and dated the most popular girls throughout school and college, that's a completely alien depiction to me and i don't think Stacy's mom has even suggested that.

I think this mainly comes from post-disappearance depictions being angelic and avoiding any negative aspects. I understand the family doing that but i don't think it's helpful at all for randoms like us discussing the case to tiptoe around that way.
Vow to keep 15-year-old John McCabe's murder a secret lasted 42 years

Well, these young dumb teenagers made a pact and stayed silent for 42 years...
McCabe's only mistake – the one that got him killed – was simply to "talk to the wrong girl at a youth dance". As Richard Schlesinger said in the 48 hours piece oldest motive there is jealousy over a woman.

And they were actually young teens 15,16,17 , not 20 1/2.

And just like this case too much mis-direction.
"The gruesome death in 1969 of 15-year-old John McCabe in a small Massachusetts town was for many years presumed to be linked to an criminal gang, perhaps one involved in drugs".
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I agree with you completely. If anyone had a confrontation or even a petty fight with either of the girls, or if a unknown weirdo was hanging out with them and making them feel uncomfortable, someone would have said something. These were not small get togethers, the Hanover party especially was pretty large according to accounts. Lots of people around who were most certainly questioned....and there’s no reason for others to keep these sorts of secrets from LE. Michelle elder hardly seemed to be friends with Janelle at all, for example.

I think the most obvious explanation is that Janelle was with her boyfriend and Stacy didn’t want to be a third wheel so she went with the other single girl of the group. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again, I don’t buy a “plan to stay at janelles” period. They didn’t ever plan to stay at janelles from what I’ve seen of the evidence. This is something concocted by KK and JK.

It's also possible with three friends like Stacy, Suzie and Janelle you end up with jealousy or a fight over something dumb but possibly magnified by alcohol and/or people around them. I don't mean that people died because of that but that could be the reason Suzie and Stacy were together and maybe not quite welcomed at Janelle's. I think you are right that if there was a plan to sleep over Janelle's it was ended with a fight. Maybe Stacy had other plans and roped Suzie into them. MOO. One issue is that parents were giving minors alcohol and then letting them drive.
Vow to keep 15-year-old John McCabe's murder a secret lasted 42 years

Well, these young dumb teenagers made a pact and stayed silent for 42 years...
McCabe's only mistake – the one that got him killed – was simply to "talk to the wrong girl at a youth dance". As Richard Schlesinger said in the 48 hours piece oldest motive there is jealousy over a woman.

And they were actually young teens 15,16,17 , not 20 1/2.

And just like this case too much mis-direction.
"The gruesome death in 1969 of 15-year-old John McCabe in a small Massachusetts town was for many years presumed to be linked to an criminal gang, perhaps one involved in drugs".

i could believe this if the only person missing was Susie or Stacy. I don’t buy a prank gone wrong or a drunken jealous fit that results in three women, one an adult parent, going missing. I just can’t go that far personally. Making three women disappear from the face of the earth would have to be more than a spur of the moment heat of passion type of crime and something that was planned in advance. That’s where this theory loses me....if Janelle was jealous of Susie and wanted to hurt her, why take Stacy too? Surely she didn’t think they were BOTH screwing around with mike? And what about Sherrill? Why take her?

I am with you that a group of people can indeed keep secrets- especially if they feel threatened or that they could face prison time for their part.
I don't take a saints or sinners view with the 3MW. They were in high school. What may have happened could have been a dirty look or someone not saying hello, something nobody cares about this many years later. I believe whatever drama happened comtributed to someone being distracted, kind of like when people get upset and have no idea how they drove to someplace or got through the day.

Someone may have been irked that someone would pull any crap on graduation night, but in the big scheme it was exaggerated.
I think that it’s good to give someone a healthy benefit of the doubt, I do. But in this case you would honestly have to believe that both Janelle and mike are literally some of the dumbest people on the planet and also that Janelle has dementia at 18 because she changes her story from day to day (significant facts I will add) AND her mother does as well because she changes her story too....if you look at the evidence and still find nothing amiss I just think you’re kind of ignoring the evidence.

I don’t believe mike and Janelle abducted those women. But I do believe there was something going on that made them lie and wreck the crime scene. And finding out the WHY to that could be key to solving this case.
They were teenagers. Did you ever think that maybe they spent the day having sex all over Sherrill's house and had to clean things up afterward to cover their own tracks? Trust me, if a teenage couple ends up having a house—anybody's house—to themselves, there is zero chance of them not having sex in it.
They were teenagers. Did you ever think that maybe they spent the day having sex all over Sherrill's house and had to clean things up afterward to cover their own tracks? Trust me, if a teenage couple ends up having a house—anybody's house—to themselves, there is zero chance of them not having sex in it.
That is what I was thinking. I hoping no one was that rude. How would they have known Sherrill wasn't coming home? That is the one thing that makes their behavior extra weird.
That is what I was thinking. I hoping no one was that rude. How would they have known Sherrill wasn't coming home? That is the one thing that makes their behavior extra weird.
For many people, the possibility of getting caught is an added thrill. There is no doubt in my mind that they had sex in the house—probably in Sherill's bed, but possibly in many different places .
For many people, the possibility of getting caught is an added thrill. There is no doubt in my mind that they had sex in the house—probably in Sherill's bed, but possibly in many different places .

so these are kids who are getting a thrill from having sex in someone’s bed in a house they’ve never been to before, yet we are also supposed to believe that Janelle stayed home on a sofa with family when all her friends were lying to their parents staying elsewhere? These two theories don’t work together for me.

They may have had sex in the house- I actually did consider that, but as cherrymeg said, I also presumed that surely it would be too much to think they saw the purses, cars, clothes and thought the 3 “went for a quick walk” but still decided to romp in sherrill’s bed....that’s pretty ballsy, even for a teen.

And even assuming they did, what the hell would take SEVEN hours to sufficiently clean up? And why not call stacy’s mom when your other friend (Adina) is freaking out worried and why not initially disclose the 3:30 visit and why not initially disclose the two phone calls that made you so upset, and why would you clean up the glass and dump it across the street instead of in the house trash.......and on and on. That sex piece still wouldn’t explain much to me. How do you see it justifying the rest of her behavior?
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