Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

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Mother of missing woman: Don't call it an anniversary

Read more: http://www.news-leader.com/story/ne...issing-woman-dont-call-anniversary/351482001/

This is so inhuman, the cruelty. One can get over the death, even the murder of a loved one but they can never get over the not knowing of what happened. I find the following interesting and I can confirm that is factual, having asked a member of the MSHP myself.

"McCall recalled how early in the investigation, the highway patrol volunteered to bring a "whole truckload of computers" down to help with the investigation, but the Springfield Police Department declined.

Computers would have been much more effective at tracking information than the 3x5-inch note cards used by police, McCall said."

I have never personally spoken to the McCalls myself although I did see Mr. McCall at an auto dealership many years ago. I wanted to but I thought it would be very painful so I declined.

If I had an opportunity to talk to them I would ask them one question. But that is a question I cannot ask on this forum. Perhaps one of these days.....

I have never understood the inability of an entire department of mostly competent police officers how no leads (or so they say) have been developed. It makes no sense. I had a lead I wanted to share but the officer refused to take it. Go figure.
I believe that they have never declared her deceased either. My question: If her underclothes were there, what was she wearing?

If you think it through, no one truly knows what they were wearing. We are only told that Sherrill was wearing a print floral dress, evidently deduced because it was not in the house when the inventory was taken of the clothing. It has been said somewhere that Suzie's clothing was in the hamper.

For example they could have been taken in any form of undress and the clothing returned if the crime scene was staged, as I believe it was.

According to a very reliable source Suzie had no key to the side door as Sherrill had never given her one. In point of fact, no side door key was on her key chain and that is what I was personally told by one of the officers working the case. There was some indication she perhaps didn't always lock the door although I cannot confirm that.

What I find most compelling is how anyone got into the house except through one of the two doors. That Yorkie would have gone bannanas if anyone she did not know tried to get into the house. At that age (two I believe), its senses both smell and hearing would have been hyper sharp. Whoever got into the house had to be let in or alternatively, came in with the girls when they returned home. The crime scene tells us otherwise but I would not bet the farm that they were in the house. Probably but not for a certainty.
If they were indeed at George's restaurant, then the time frame could be narrowed down from 3:00 AM to 8:00AM when calls were made to the house. So there is 5 hours. With the front porch light being broken, I would suspect that they left the porch light on when they left to go to George's, walked back on porch and saw light busted out, sat their purses down and then at that time, the person/or persons snatched them. I think they were lying in wait for them to return. MOO.

The matter of the alleged George's sightings has been discussed many times on many forums and the preponderance of evidence and logic is that they were not there that night. While the waitress seemingly was highly credible the clothing (as told by others knowledgeable) was that they were wearing western wear clothing which does not seem in keeping with their normal attire.
. What we can be certain is that no one drove off I44 and decide that he would abduct and murder three young women that night.


Why not ? While not my top theory . It's happened before and with all the people in town for graduations .. would certainly explain why no one 25 years later have come forward .
Suspect was in town and left the state and never returned , possibly with the three women as well .
This is so inhuman, the cruelty. One can get over the death, even the murder of a loved one but they can never get over the not knowing of what happened. I find the following interesting and I can confirm that is factual, having asked a member of the MSHP myself.

"McCall recalled how early in the investigation, the highway patrol volunteered to bring a "whole truckload of computers" down to help with the investigation, but the Springfield Police Department declined.

Computers would have been much more effective at tracking information than the 3x5-inch note cards used by police, McCall said."

I have never personally spoken to the McCalls myself although I did see Mr. McCall at an auto dealership many years ago. I wanted to but I thought it would be very painful so I declined.

If I had an opportunity to talk to them I would ask them one question. But that is a question I cannot ask on this forum. Perhaps one of these days.....

I have never understood the inability of an entire department of mostly competent police officers how no leads (or so they say) have been developed. It makes no sense. I had a lead I wanted to share but the officer refused to take it. Go figure.

when I watched Mrs Janis McCall talking about stacy in the link
: http://www.news-leader.com/story/new...ary/351482001/
I felt so sad, what a brave woman , I adore her how she can manage to function with such horrible reality , I feel the same for Stacy's father and bart streeter.
I still think that a Huge money reward will make someone to talk and solve this case, I really believe in it.

Sometimes I think that with the passion and the motivation of the forum members to solve this heartbreaking case the case will be solved if you all had access to all the files and all the facts that known to the police , knowing that there will be no access is frustrating. I wish that the renewed interest in the case will bring Justice and closure, it's about time.
Have any of the lakes near Springfield ever been checked??
MM, can you elaborate without elaborating - "If I had an opportunity to talk to them I would ask them one question. But that is a question I cannot ask on this forum. Perhaps one of these days....." Is this about Stacy's decisions?

I agree a young Yorkie would typically lose its mind with visitors, but possibly not. And that leads to multiple possibilities:

* Abductor was stranger but entered with Sherrill and/or Suzie so was not deemed a threat
* Abductor was known to Cinnamon and therefore not a threat
* Abductor was indeed a stranger but because he/she was allowed entry by her owners Cinnamon calmed down
* Cinnamon did flip out but no one heard (or disregarded)
* Is there a sliver of a chance that Stacy didn't like or was allergic to dogs and THAT is why Cinnamon was in the bathroom while Stacy got ready for bed?

I'm not convinced on extensive staging of the scene. Most experienced criminals get the hell out and don't visit unnecessary rooms in case they leave evidence. And a novice might not have the where-with-all to "keep it clean," especially in a spur of the moment crime. In '92 one might not be overly concerned with DNA, but definitely with fingerprints...unless he/she knew they'd already be in the house...Otherwise, was abductor ready ahead of time with gloves?

Flashing neon sign for me is the purses lined up. Were all three women herded into the house upon their coming home and told to put them there? Or were the purses already in the house, presumably in different places, and then collected? And if collected, why? To check IDs on who was who of the girls since it'd be obvious who was the older woman?
And question I would like answer to if anyone knows: Where were Sherrill and Suzie's cigarettes found?
I've read they "were left behind." If they were in their respective purses, they just returned. If they were on end tables or countertops, they were already home. If one of each we have two different abductions...
Per 1 of the many pocasts: Sherrill's cigarettes were in her bedroom. It was her habit to take them with her to bed at night. That's a common trait with smoker/heavy smokers. They'll wake up and smoke in middle of the night. Or light 1 upon waking in the morning. I don't recall where they said Suzie's cigs were located; other than "left behind". They may have stated where I just do not remember.

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MM, can you elaborate without elaborating - "If I had an opportunity to talk to them I would ask them one question. But that is a question I cannot ask on this forum. Perhaps one of these days....." Is this about Stacy's decisions?

I agree a young Yorkie would typically lose its mind with visitors, but possibly not. And that leads to multiple possibilities:

* Abductor was stranger but entered with Sherrill and/or Suzie so was not deemed a threat
* Abductor was known to Cinnamon and therefore not a threat
* Abductor was indeed a stranger but because he/she was allowed entry by her owners Cinnamon calmed down
* Cinnamon did flip out but no one heard (or disregarded)
* Is there a sliver of a chance that Stacy didn't like or was allergic to dogs and THAT is why Cinnamon was in the bathroom while Stacy got ready for bed?

I'm not convinced on extensive staging of the scene. Most experienced criminals get the hell out and don't visit unnecessary rooms in case they leave evidence. And a novice might not have the where-with-all to "keep it clean," especially in a spur of the moment crime. In '92 one might not be overly concerned with DNA, but definitely with fingerprints...unless he/she knew they'd already be in the house...Otherwise, was abductor ready ahead of time with gloves?

Flashing neon sign for me is the purses lined up. Were all three women herded into the house upon their coming home and told to put them there? Or were the purses already in the house, presumably in different places, and then collected? And if collected, why? To check IDs on who was who of the girls since it'd be obvious who was the older woman?

Nothing about Stacy. Without elaborating I will simply say this. Who do they truly trust to tell them the truth?

For what it is worth, I believe to my core, we have been sold a bill of goods that are grossly misleading. What I mean by that is every few years lip service will be given to the same old stuff said over and over and even here we are asking questions long settled. It is as though if enough sand is thrown in the gears of progress it will grind to a halt.

We can see this when the weekend of dump of bad political news is revealed. The ones who are being looked at will more often than not do this. If they really want to gum up the works, they provide boxes upon boxes of legal documents and other items that would take dozens of people to sort through. We have been given a lot of irrelevant information but not what we need to know. We can't even get a straight denial of certain things like who flunked the polygraph or if that is even true. We haven't gotten a flat denial about the George's sighting. We have never been told if it was a certain fact that Stacy and Suzie even arrived. We have never been told how it was possible that anyone other than a trusted person OR a cop could have gotten into the house. These are simple questions. Instead we are told that a "confession" is needed. That's not police work. That is unacceptable in my opinion.

Here is something most people do not know. There were two front doors; the regular door and a storm door. They opened in opposite directions. Any occupant only needed to open the main door but not the storm door. They could have talked to anyone who came to the door without letting them in.

Did you know this? The infamous broken globe with the burning light was direct wired to the lamp in the front yard. When the front porch light was on so was the yard lamp.

Did you know this? Suzie did not have a key to the side door. Why? Why was that not explained?

Have we been told if it was anyway possible to have entered the house in any other way except through the front or side doors? Surely we can't believe someone came down the chimney like Santa Claus.

Why doesn't the police department hold an open press conference for the press and the public? If they can't or won't answer a question, say so. But don't hide behind some claim of "it's an open case and we can't talk about it." I once contacted a reporter for the local newspaper, the Springfield News-Leader." He told me personally they REFUSED to talk about it. What kind of nonsense is this? I worked for 40 years with the public. I could never get away with refusing to talk about a case I was working with the state of Missouri. If I would have done that I would have been called on the carpet or even fired. What makes the police so special? They have produced nothing in 25 years. I'm not accepting of that. No one should be either.
I wanted to impart some information that really doesn't break any new ground but over the years I have been in personal contact with some folks close to the investigation and I will leave it there. I won't break confidentiality. It is useful to take the measure of the people. I worked nearly 40 years dealing with the public, and it doesn't take long to figure out who is lying and who is truthful. That is called experience. Not trying to brag but just explaining.

Having said that, I will reinforce what I have said before. Someone give me a workable theory how entry could be gained short of having a key to the door or someone known to either Sherrill or Suzie. I can't think of one. Bottom line is how many possible people could that include? Really?

On another matter, one of the more interesting and unexplained "anomalies" is how the glass shards came to be swept up. That dog don't hunt. So far as I know the Missouri State Highway Patrol has the recovered shards and that may be how it came to be that Stacy was believed to have resisted in being taken from the house.

Depending on who one chooses to believe, DNA was recovered or it wasn't. I believe it was but not the kind of evidence (definitive enough) needed to convict. So here we are 25 years later still sifting for the missing link that will resolve this case.

Stated differently, if someone's DNA was found there who had no legitimate reason to be there, it would or should be a slam dunk case. Alternatively it might be that whoever's DNA was found (if it was useful) may never have had his DNA entered into CODIS. For example if Cox or Garrison's DNA were found in that house neither one could wiggle off the hook. No way would they be in that house.

I truly think I am down to one suspect. Just can't see how he can be eliminated.
Period photo from the News- Leader article posted above . Home has since been remodeled .

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MM, aren't there 2 who could in theory have DNA there but that wouldn't be expected 'fresh' there in June 92 unless he was involved? And could either of those 2 not only pull this off, but keep it unsolved without help for so long?
MM, aren't there 2 who could in theory have DNA there but that wouldn't be expected 'fresh' there in June 92 unless he was involved? And could either of those 2 not only pull this off, but keep it unsolved without help for so long?

I'm kind of puzzling over your meaning. Any DNA fresh or not from someone who was known not to be in the house would automatically put him front and center as a prime suspect. For example if my DNA were to be found in the home I would have had to have been there or someone would have had to have placed it there as I was never there. The quality of the DNA depends on what kind of DNA is found, such as a hair and whether the bulb was attached. The former would have to be identified through mitochondrial testing and at that time was in its infancy. My understanding is that such DNA is essentially destroyed to come up with usable DNA.

I want to state I am not an expert on the testing of the DNA and it would probably be best to get that from someone who is an expert.

I'm not sure who you are alluding to. If you want to PM those names I will identify them as "x" and "y" and give you my take.

I'd have to research the available information to know if they were ever in the home. If one of them is who I think you are suggesting, he was, to my knowledge, never in the home. Another one, I know personally, was in the home and is not a suspect.

Any friends of Sherrill or Suzie would also have to be considered but if their alibis are such that they are excluded the DNA is not particularly important. There are some people who can on the basis of common sense (physical infirmities, etc.) be excluded.

So I don't know who you are referencing. I'll be happy to look into that if you want to PM me.

I would have to look at my notes, but my recollection is that there was DNA found but it could not be connected to anyone. That suggests that such a person might not have had their DNA on file as of that time. Later on, if, for example they would become incarcerated and their DNA extracted and then matched up to the DNA they would be able to put such a person at the top of the suspect list.
I would like to ask a question and I apologize if previously posed.

Does anyone believe this crime could have been committed by a young serial killer? I have someone in mind.

I wish I knew what was in the police files. Obviously I don't. Somewhere I think someone at the SPD may have floated this idea.

My problem is that the number and identities of viable suspects seems to be running out.

i do not believe the crypt vandals did this crime.

Cox can't be ruled out.
well, with it being 25 years, they have brought the story back to live TV, so maybe someone will come forward
well, with it being 25 years, they have brought the story back to live TV, so maybe someone will come forward

I regret this is very unlikely. If this is a lone killer he is very unlikely to give himself up.

I am a bit of a cynic but I do would imagine these are obligatory local news because of the anniversary of the 25th year.

It is not impossible that the killer could be dead. But I do not believe such a person is deceased.

It is not impossible he has posted on this and other websites discussing this case.

I do not believe anyone will come forward with anything. I hate to say that but believe that is the only rational conclusion.
I would like to ask a question and I apologize if previously posed.

Does anyone believe this crime could have been committed by a young serial killer? I have someone in mind.

I wish I knew what was in the police files. Obviously I don't. Somewhere I think someone at the SPD may have floated this idea.

My problem is that the number and identities of viable suspects seems to be running out.

i do not believe the crypt vandals did this crime.

Cox can't be ruled out.
How young? A serial killer is a definite possibility. It's hard to see an unseasoned serial killing pulling off a triple abduction, but who knows.
Then we truly are down to one more likely suspect. But the question for him would be motive. Or at least enough of a motive for a triple homicide. Unless he was on something when he did this.
How young? A serial killer is a definite possibility. It's hard to see an unseasoned serial killing pulling off a triple abduction, but who knows.

Mid 20's would be my guess. A very, very intelligent man who is extremely meticulous, very well organized, thinks everything through. Has issues.

Suggested reading would be the life of Ted Bundy.

Still need to know how entry could be accomplished. All theories come up short absent someone who is trusted.
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