Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

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I've always thought it was done because someone knew too much about somebody, and that drugs were part of the equation.

I agree. It was the knowledge, not the use. That is my opinion of course.

This is IF it was about drugs and no one outside of LE knows that to my knowledge.

A short note about drugs from my generation. When I was that age smoking cigarettes was the big deal behind the school somewhere. And a six pack of beer was the extent of the "drug culture" when I was growing up.

A couple of months ago I injured my back and was prescribed an opioid and muscle relaxant. This was the first and only time I have used these drugs and it was for a short time. Let me say this. I don't think these drugs should be prescribed outside of a hospital.

These drugs are in fact the leading cause of death of Americans under the age under 50.

Somehow I don't really like drug use as related to this case. Knowledge of same is more likely. That may have come to light with the upcoming testimony of Suzie having to do with the grave robbing trial.
Not with meth or heroin. So scary. There have been several bad batches being passed here resulting in even more deaths. So senseless and totally preventable.

Right - in most cases they either stop using or they get worse. Or they go back and forth, back and forth. :(
I don't think the women themselves were necessarily drug users, but I think either Sherrill or Suzie "knew too much". As I have stated before, my husband knew a lot of hair stylists in Springfield, a lot of them were heavily into cocaine, also, Susie's ex-boyfriend was robbing graves and extracting gold fillings from the skulls and pawning them. Why? To buy Dr. Pepper and Krispy Kreme donuts? Or buying drugs perhaps?
I don't think it's a coincidence that Suzie was going to testify the following week against the ex boyfriend. I think he was a minor player, but I think someone "higher up" was concerned she might spill the beans. These people were ruthless.
I don't think it's a coincidence that Suzie was going to testify the following week against the ex boyfriend. I think he was a minor player, but I think someone "higher up" was concerned she might spill the beans. These people were ruthless.
Me too.
I don't think the women themselves were necessarily drug users, but I think either Sherrill or Suzie "knew too much". As I have stated before, my husband knew a lot of hair stylists in Springfield, a lot of them were heavily into cocaine, also, Susie's ex-boyfriend was robbing graves and extracting gold fillings from the skulls and pawning them. Why? To buy Dr. Pepper and Krispy Kreme donuts? Or buying drugs perhaps?

I spent the better part of an hour this evening discussing this drug business with someone I have known for a long time and was helpful in the early going being close to the actual investigation itself. Not a police officer.

This long time source is believed to be highly credible and in a position to know certain facts not known to most people.

What I was told is that drugs were not the causal factor here. I realize this seems to be the prevailing view of most. If drugs were involved it was not that either Suzie nor Sherrill were either using or dealing.

I am more and more inclined to believe the answer lies elsewhere. I would start with the way the investigation itself was conducted and supervised. A good deal of concern was expressed within the department and in the news media.

If I had any input into the investigation it would be to reinterview all the original suspects and witnesses. The facts need to be nailed down tight and also a clear timeline. For example it would seem impossible for the girls to have arrived at the home prior to 2:45 AM. Nothing is known about Sherrill after about 11:30 PM. We also don't know if Sherrill was even at the home when the girls arrived.

As to the gold fillings it is my understanding according to one participant that one or more were tripping out on LSD. Suzie's car was used but she was not driving.

I do not regard them high on the suspect lister this time.
I don't think the girls themselves were drug users but I certainly think it's possible Suzi and/or Sherrill had connections or knowledge of the drug scene. Out of the three of them I tend to think Suzi may have been the one with the connection. I definitely think Stacey was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It appears that Suzi was associating with some shady people i.e. grave-robbing. Why were they robbing graves? Gold teeth. Why did they gold teeth? Money. What did they need money for so badly that they resorted to grave robbing to get it? Drugs.?
The problem with all that is it is hard to imagine teenage boys pulled this off. As far as I know they were investigated and no ties to a bigger fish were unearthed, that we know of anyway. It's hard to know how much info police have that they haven't released.
I don't know if drugs were involved but there was one person questioned that swore Sherrill was heavily involved in cocaine... even named the guy she got it from and he was brought in to take a lie detector test, which he passed.

Like many, I always find myself coming back to this case over the years. I lived through the town experience here in Springfield and I still find myself driving around thinking about places they might be.. even still checking wooded areas and such. Like many, I have a lot of personal theories as to what happened from talking to people who were involved and just collecting information over the years. I'm still inspired to figure it out... all the more, every time I see Janice on TV. It genuinely breaks my heart to know the pain she's had to deal for such a long time.

So this if my first post here. One thing I'll mention because I never see it mentioned on forums and I've always felt the answer seemed obvious. How did the perp get in at around 3am?

The light cover was broke on the same night but the light still functional. Obviously, this had to play into what happened. So.. If you're outside the door of these 3 at around 3am trying to figure out how to get in, knocking isn't going to work, right? You need something to make them curious. You can't run to one of their cars and do something there or you risk one of them seeing you run across the yard, since the cars are in view out the window. Knocking both the light and cover out with a big sound would be a bad option because it would have made them instantly scared. I doubt they would have opened the door... probably called 911 right away because "somebody's out there and they've knocked out the light!", but if you unscrew the globe and drop it while ducking down out of sight? You create a sense of curiosity... a little fear too, no doubt.. but the girls are inside asking "what was that? Did something fall?" They try to look out the window and the light is still on which makes them feel a little better. They wait a bit and don't hear/see anything else. Their cars seem undisturbed. "What the heck was that?!"

I don't think the original door had windows (the remodel shows it does) so they couldn't see anything that was happening on the porch (but regardless he could have ducked below out of sight to the side of the door). He waits while their curiosity gets the best of them, probably reassuring each other that something must have fallen off the house or something... and they slowly crack the door to take a look.. and then he (or "they" but I still feel it was a single person) simply pushes it on open, only needing to defeat the strength of one woman who wasn't ready for someone to push their way in. The other 2 are likely standing there in shock while there's now a gun pointed at all 3.

Years ago, I heard the glass was swept from the middle of the porch and people kept talking about how odd that seemed in this case. That makes this scenario even more likely.. and, it gives us a look into the perp. He is calm and cool, comfortable in the shadows of someone's home in the middle of the night, even before committing a crime of this magnitude. I don't know about you but if this is my first time doing something like this, my heart would be beating so fast I couldn't think. I would never be able to take my time and unscrew a globe on a porch to make this happen, or even be calm enough to think up something that clever at that point. He was experienced - maybe even enjoying this a little bit. Sounds a bit psychopathic and like someone who has seen the inside of a prison before because he wasn't scared or very nervous at all. It also means he knew who was in there.. 3 women that he knew he could over-power. He must have either followed one of them or been waiting - but he was fully aware and had no qualms about taking control of the situation.

Anyway.. I'll catch up with the rest of this thread this weekend to see if I've missed anything I haven't heard before. I'm only on page 10 so have some reading to do...
I have been following this thread for some time and I'm also not convinced the two young women ever made it to the house (at least alone).
Also did anyone notice the color and type of vehicle mentioned in the article about meth?
I have been following this thread for some time and I'm also not convinced the two young women ever made it to the house (at least alone).

Also did anyone notice the color and type of vehicle mentioned in the article about meth?

The evidence at the "first' crime scene strongly suggests they made it back alone.

However, there is no evidence I am aware of that Sherrill was in the home when they arrived.

Perhaps Suzie realized Sherrill was not there and is why the blinds were cracked. She expected that was her mother returning home. Purely speculation. No one really knows that I am aware.

The thing we were told repeatedly is that entry was gained by someone who was trusted. That is pretty much it.
I don't think the women themselves were necessarily drug users, but I think either Sherrill or Suzie "knew too much". As I have stated before, my husband knew a lot of hair stylists in Springfield, a lot of them were heavily into cocaine, also, Susie's ex-boyfriend was robbing graves and extracting gold fillings from the skulls and pawning them. Why? To buy Dr. Pepper and Krispy Kreme donuts? Or buying drugs perhaps?

I also strongly believe that the knowing was the motive for the crime and the crime was committed by Higher criminal in the chain ,maybe Susie's boyfriend didn't participated but I really think he and his friend know who gave the order to commit the crime and why.
I have been following this thread for some time and I'm also not convinced the two young women ever made it to the house (at least alone).
Also did anyone notice the color and type of vehicle mentioned in the article about meth?

Hi! I also have been following this thread for awhile and haven't commented until now. I found in http://www.news-leader.com/story/news/local/ozarks/2017/05/27/man-who-reinvented-meth/330877001/ ....it said the informant told police that Wright (drug dealer/manufacturer?) would be driving a green Dodge van. I found that to be interesting considering the sightings of a green van early on and theories of drugs being involved.

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There have been postings about "blinds being parted". Was that in Sherrill or Suzie's room?
If the globe was removed the base would be empty. But if it was shattered in place (w/o cracking the bulb itself) wouldn't even a tiny shard of it still be in the fixture itself?

If Sherrill wasn't there when the girls got home, she have been brought back when they were...I think you'd open the door out of shock if you saw your Mom being held on the front porch at gunpoint. On the other hand it's risky to be there twice unless he wouldn't appear out of place or there is no activity on this particular street in the middle of the night. But why does he want back in the house unless he's looking for something or coming back for Suzie (assuming no one knew Stacy might even possibly be there until 2am)? It didn't appear he went through the house looking for something...although he could have and that hasn't been released.

Was everyone at the parties followed up on? It seems someone could have possibly followed them home and waited until everyone appeared asleep - in which case, did Sherrill and Suzie usually leave the tv on? Was it loud enough to drown out glass shattering?And again, waiting in the shadows while they are settling in for the night again puts him at the scene potentially longer than necessary.
What about hiding their bodies in the caves at Sequiota Park? located on South Lone Pine Street here in Springfield. When I go there it has a rope/tape or something saying you can't go further into the cave, so I wonder what it looked like 25 years ago.
I ask about the blinds for a reason. I grew up in Southern Missouri. Not a lot to do. It was common for my sister and I to "sneak out" at night. In the summer, at least 1-2 times a week, either pre-arranged or not arranged there would be a knock on our bedroom window (ground floor, similar layout to the home on Delmar). Boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, girlfriends, neighborhood kids...etc. "Let's party!" "We scored some beer, Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill, weed " fill in the blanks. We would sneak out the front door. Parents never knew a thing. Missouri Mule and I agree, whoever entered that home was known to either Suzie or Sherrill. If the blinds were parted in Suzie's bedroom was it someone she knew and trusted and wanted to keep the graduation party going? If it was Sherrill's bedroom blinds that tells me she heard something that may have startled her awake. The girl's arrival home, the Yorkie barking outside, a car pulling up, the globe breaking...what room were the blinds parted in?
I think they were Sherrill's blinds on front far left of the house. And Suzie's bedroom was more off the back, but I don't know what thread to confirm that in...does anyone know?
I think they were Sherrill's blinds on front far left of the house. And Suzie's bedroom was more off the back, but I don't know what thread to confirm that in...does anyone know?

Suzie's bedroom was a sunken bedroom in the back right (looking from the front). The carport was just in front of her bedroom. Sherrill's bedroom was on the left in the front of the house.

Somewhere around here or elsewhere is an actual diagram of the home. I'll see if I can call it up. The blinds were cracked in Suzie's bedroom.

On another matter is this police statement. Pay particular attention to the last sentence. I believe that is critical.
If that is true it virtually eliminates Sherrill's son does it not?

The kidnapper clearly spent a considerable amount of time out and about from late at night on Saturday, June 6, 1992, into the morning of Sunday, June 7, 1992. The kidnapper had to have been unaccounted for at the time of the crime. Someone who knew or lived with the kidnapper in 1992 likely would have been aware of this fact. In addition, in order to explain his whereabouts on the night of the crime, the kidnapper may have fabricated a story regarding his activities.

Around the time of the crime, the kidnapper may have spent a considerable amount of time in, or may otherwise have been familiar with, the area of the crime, and he may have frequently been out and about at odd hours. The kidnapper also may have developed an interest in the victims.
If the perp/perps were out "a considerable amount of time" the night of the crime (which is obvious, you don't kidnap 3 women, kill them and conceal them in 20 minutes) it tells me it was either someone who lived alone and wouldn't be missed, soméone who could sneak out undetected by family or roommates, or someone whose lifestyle meant they were often out late at night or didn't come home on a regular basis. Or a transient. This is what is so frustrating about this case. But I can't help but believe it was someone who knew Sherrill
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