Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I'm sure the police would examined the vehicles.
Why do you ask?
I'm sure the police would examined the vehicles.
Why do you ask?

I ask because I’ve read all the posts and it has not been mentioned ... it would be nice to know if they searched the cars ... and if they found any blood ... DNA... ect.
As far as I know, all that was found was the broken porch globe. I don't know if any prints were ever found, but I'm sure they did a good check of the cars. Seat ajustments, all that stuff. Police had a command post set up at the house for a few weeks. Also, lots of pictures were taken. 20/20 has a good documentary on youtube.
I ask because I’ve read all the posts and it has not been mentioned ... it would be nice to know if they searched the cars ... and if they found any blood ... DNA... ect.

Did you read thread #1-5? Also, I don't recall if DNA was collected in 1992, but no blood was found.
Did you read thread #1-5? Also, I don't recall if DNA was collected in 1992, but no blood was found.

Actually I should say that no bood/prints were found that we know of. Just because we have never been told dosent really mean they never found any.
Did you read thread #1-5? Also, I don't recall if DNA was collected in 1992, but no blood was found.

I was told some time back that DNA was collected but couldn't be connected to anyone. I agree about the blood.

Remember that this house was the home of an elderly woman, the mother of the owner, who sold the house to Sherrill. It is highly doubtful her DNA would be found nor her visitors. In reality, none of that DNA may be worth anything except curiousity. Some of her friends likely had passed away in the five years (I believe) she lived there.

It very well may be that the crime took place outside the home and the perps never entered the home except to drag Stacy from the home being that they knew she was in the home being that her car was there. The dragging part is what convinces me that it was an abduction. She was probably flailing about and it was then that the globe was dislodged and fell to the porch breaking.

The purses are interesting. However too much may be read into their placement. It could be that of all the visitors to the home that someone had the "bright" idea to look through them for "clues" where they might be and then sit them down and pretended not to know that they had contaminated the crime scene. That's a theory only.

As I understand it, only Dustin Recla had been to the home, or would have logically been to the home being her boyfriend off and on. Clay should never have been there as I understand it nor Joe from Illinois. Recla's DNA could be explained away and it may be that he had nothing to do with it.

It may be that neither one had anything to do with it directly. It may be the work of others but if so at least someone had to have had the means to get the women out of the house.

For what it is worth, I ran across in my notes that money laundering was behind this mess. That's someone else's theory, not mine but it generally makes sense. I am speculating that the people higher up the food chain wanted to kill this baby in the crib and that's why the women had to be killed. Unfortunately, Stacy had the very bad luck to have been there that night and it cost her her life.

That is not to say that Suzie and Sherrill were expendable or in anyway complicit in their demise. We simply don't have the facts to draw any conclusions.

The conversations inevitably turn back to the so-called "Grand Jury 3", but if my one telephone call with Steve Garrison when he called me from prison they didn't have anything to do with it. He certainly seemed convincing to me in our short conversation. But I could have misread it.

Getting back to the DNA, it probably is because the perps never entered the house. My opinion only. Take it for what it is worth.
I don't think they would have known about touch DNA back then. It's to bad that the house could not have been preserved so that a real CSI team could have prosesed it with newer technology.

If the perps had handled the purses, then surely there would be touch DNA there.

On another note Mule, do the the people from prison call you collect?

Just wondering if you could write that off on your taxes?
I don't think they would have known about touch DNA back then. It's to bad that the house could not have been preserved so that a real CSI team could have prosesed it with newer technology.

If the perps had handled the purses, then surely there would be touch DNA there.

On another note Mule, do the the people from prison call you collect?

Just wondering if you could write that off on your taxes?

It was just a normal call. The prison operator wanted to know if I would accept the call from someone in prison. I said I would and we talked about 10 minutes. He didn't come across with someone with a chip on his shoulder. My recollection as best I can recall is that floated the ideal that drugs had been pilfered from the police property room and resold on the street. But I didn't tape the call so I can't say that factually.

I have two sources I regard as trustworthy that he was uninvolved. Had an ironclad alibi and he mentioned the other two "GJ3" by first name and said they didn't either. And I believe him.

I will say this. If a gun were held to my head right now and asked to name my preference of suspects it would be corrupt cops. I am one who respects and appreciate the cops who put their lives on the line. I am not in any way sympathetic to bad cops who abuse their authority to enrich themselves or railroad innocent people into jail just so they can get credit for another crime solved.
I read that there was possible blood on the globe pieces . Does anyone know if that was Janelle's or Stacy ? I think the abductors entered the home. Makeup on the washcloths and Stacy clothes and the T.V. at the end of the video tell me the girls were in for the night. Placement of the purses is tricky . Four people saw them there . Which couple wouldn't be telling the truth ? Another of my famous questions.
It was just a normal call. The prison operator wanted to know if I would accept the call from someone in prison. I said I would and we talked about 10 minutes. He didn't come across with someone with a chip on his shoulder. My recollection as best I can recall is that floated the ideal that drugs had been pilfered from the police property room and resold on the street. But I didn't tape the call so I can't say that factually.

I have two sources I regard as trustworthy that he was uninvolved. Had an ironclad alibi and he mentioned the other two "GJ3" by first name and said they didn't either. And I believe him.

I will say this. If a gun were held to my head right now and asked to name my preference of suspects it would be corrupt cops. I am one who respects and appreciate the cops who put their lives on the line. I am not in any way sympathetic to bad cops who abuse their authority to enrich themselves or railroad innocent people into jail just so they can get credit for another crime solved.
Sociopaths can be very charming and manipulating . Just saying.
I read that there was possible blood on the globe pieces . Does anyone know if that was Janelle's or Stacy ? I think the abductors entered the home. Makeup on the washcloths and Stacy clothes and the T.V. at the end of the video tell me the girls were in for the night. Placement of the purses is tricky . Four people saw them there . Which couple wouldn't be telling the truth ? Another of my famous questions.

I've never read about blood on the globe pieces. You'll have to provide a link for that. I always thought the pieces had been swepted up, and put in a dumpster at a nearby business.

As far as the purses. My theory is that one of the perps lined them all up, and planned on taking them, but ether forgot, or was told by another perp to just leave them.
I've never read about blood on the globe pieces. You'll have to provide a link for that. I always thought the pieces had been swepted up, and put in a dumpster at a nearby business.

As far as the purses. My theory is that one of the perps lined them all up, and planned on taking them, but ether forgot, or was told by another perp to just leave them.

My understanding is that the shards were recovered and in possession of the Missouri State Highway Patrol. If there was any blood found it was very likely Stacy’s with her being in her bare feet.
It was just a normal call. The prison operator wanted to know if I would accept the call from someone in prison. I said I would and we talked about 10 minutes. He didn't come across with someone with a chip on his shoulder. My recollection as best I can recall is that floated the ideal that drugs had been pilfered from the police property room and resold on the street. But I didn't tape the call so I can't say that factually.

I have two sources I regard as trustworthy that he was uninvolved. Had an ironclad alibi and he mentioned the other two "GJ3" by first name and said they didn't either. And I believe him.

I will say this. If a gun were held to my head right now and asked to name my preference of suspects it would be corrupt cops. I am one who respects and appreciate the cops who put their lives on the line. I am not in any way sympathetic to bad cops who abuse their authority to enrich themselves or railroad innocent people into jail just so they can get credit for another crime solved.
What would you speculate to be the motive for corrupt cops to have killed the women? Or did you just mean the cops were bought off/covering for someone? Is this related to the new potential suspect you mentioned a bit upthread?

Also - how many suspects have you been able to make contact with? And are/were they aware that you're an avid researcher of the case? In other words, why were they receptive to visiting with you over other researchers/reporters/etc?

I could just pick your brain all day long lol.

Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
What would you speculate to be the motive for corrupt cops to have killed the women? Or did you just mean the cops were bought off/covering for someone? Is this related to the new potential suspect you mentioned a bit upthread?

Also - how many suspects have you been able to make contact with? And are/were they aware that you're an avid researcher of the case? In other words, why were they receptive to visiting with you over other researchers/reporters/etc?

I could just pick your brain all day long lol.

Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk

I have had many contacts with Bartt. Clay, dozens of times, Garrison one time,
i was introduced to Carnahan in the office elevator.

As to possible bad cops, I had contact with five but only one I would be inclined to think was corrupt.

The rumor was that drugs were being pilfered out of the property room. I know nothing anout that.

The one area that has never been explored is whether money laundering was taking place. I found, what I bellieve, is an undercover cop’s statement that both Sherrill and Suzie were “aware” of the possible money laundering that led to their demise. Do I believe that? Only that one site having some 53,000 posts would not allow that subject to be discussed.

Most people know who I am but my phone doesn’t ring, although my name and address have been made public. Do I fear, not really. I think the police know my thoughts. I’m just here to learn as anyone else. I never rule anything or anyone out unless they are truly ruled out.
I have had many contacts with Bartt. Clay, dozens of times, Garrison one time,
i was introduced to Carnahan in the office elevator.

As to possible bad cops, I had contact with five but only one I would be inclined to think was corrupt.

The rumor was that drugs were being pilfered out of the property room. I know nothing anout that.

The one area that has never been explored is whether money laundering was taking place. I found, what I bellieve, is an undercover cop’s statement that both Sherrill and Suzie were “aware” of the possible money laundering that led to their demise. Do I believe that? Only that one site having some 53,000 posts would not allow that subject to be discussed.

Most people know who I am but my phone doesn’t ring, although my name and address have been made public. Do I fear, not really. I think the police know my thoughts. I’m just here to learn as anyone else. I never rule anything or anyone out unless they are truly ruled out.
Thank you for your answers, always very interesting!

Is there a spreadsheet/list/thread/website anywhere that outlines each of the potential suspects and why they are considered such?

Also - don't forget to leave a copy of your book addressed to flute4peace ; )

Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk
Thank you for your answers, always very interesting!

Is there a spreadsheet/list/thread/website anywhere that outlines each of the potential suspects and why they are considered such?

Also - don't forget to leave a copy of your book addressed to flute4peace ; )

Sent from my SCH-I435L using Tapatalk

Not to my knowledge except perhaps at the Springfield Police Department but they won't discuss the case which, frankly, baffles me.

I have no plans to write a book. I'm 74 years old and hope to see this case solved in my lifetime. I just want to know. And of course that justice be served.
I've never read about blood on the globe pieces. You'll have to provide a link for that. I always thought the pieces had been swepted up, and put in a dumpster at a nearby business.

As far as the purses. My theory is that one of the perps lined them all up, and planned on taking them, but ether forgot, or was told by another perp to just leave them.

So you find a broom & dustpan ,but hiked all the way over to a business to throw it away?? it’s not like a little globe has Massive amounts of glass anyways . This has never made any sense ? Plus , in at least one photograph I saw their dumpster was right under the carport . And the front door was open and you went in .. Stories don’t add up .

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Bottom line, NONE of us are any closer to solving this or finding the three women than we were in 93 when it happened. Who, what, where, when and how? Despite all the questions, guesses, theories or pontificating that goes on here, no one has located Sherrill, or Suzie or Stacy and we still have no real idea who was responsible. I, too, would like to know the truth before I die but I doubt it will be found here no matter how committed we are to that goal.
Bottom line, NONE of us are any closer to solving this or finding the three women than we were in 93 when it happened. Who, what, where, when and how? Despite all the questions, guesses, theories or pontificating that goes on here, no one has located Sherrill, or Suzie or Stacy and we still have no real idea who was responsible. I, too, would like to know the truth before I die but I doubt it will be found here no matter how committed we are to that goal.

I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet. Some questions have been cleared up to my satisfaction.

In the end it comes down to elimination of suspects and questions.

I was informed repeatedly that the identity of the perp is known and was seen on the job by my source and his friend who accompanied him.

The name was provided to him by an impeccable source. And this was known well over 12 years ago. One perp, however, is either dead or in prison.
And that person I would argue is Robert Craig Cox.

I think a gullible person did not know of Cox's past and was probably soused that night and woke up the women and they came out and argued and everything spiraled out of control. Cox is a complete psychopath who was last found with zip ties and duct tape.

A strong healthy male can over power most females by virtue of the fact that a female only had 60% of the upper body strength of a male. These women were small, no more than 120 pounds and a strong male of 200-250 pounds could easily have forced his will.

Hang in there a while longer. I'm not going to give up but will continue to pry so long as I am alive.
I agree as well. I do think with all the minds working together here, progress is being made. It might not seem like it, but the more theory's that are being hashed; I think helps bring us closer to what the most probable theory's are.

I do think all this stuff needs to be more organized.

Like this for instance:

So you find a broom & dustpan ,but hiked all the way over to a business to throw it away?? it’s not like a little globe has Massive amounts of glass anyways . This has never made any sense ? Plus , in at least one photograph I saw their dumpster was right under the carport . And the front door was open and you went in .. Stories don’t add up .

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I never really put much thought into the broken glass until reading this post.
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