Missouri - The Springfield Three--missing since June 1992 - #7

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I agree that could be a possibility. Perhaps then Sherrill, knowing the ins and outs of this because certainly Suzie would have told her, would have been silenced as well. Yes, Stacy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But let me ask you this, the man, the one you suspect might be the perp, do you think he is one of the so called grave robbers? It would make sense, certainly, but wouldn't the police have looked at this angle?
To me, what else motive would there be other than sexual when 3 women were kidnapped? Clearly, robbery wasn't the motive. What else could it be?

Then why make them disappear ? And all three ?
Tells me it was personal . Who benefits from them being gone ?
I agree that could be a possibility. Perhaps then Sherrill, knowing the ins and outs of this because certainly Suzie would have told her, would have been silenced as well. Yes, Stacy was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But let me ask you this, the man, the one you suspect might be the perp, do you think he is one of the so called grave robbers? It would make sense, certainly, but wouldn't the police have looked at this angle?

That is the rub. The police chief, Knowles, took it upon himself to rule them out. Then the assistant police chief, Worsham, left not too long after the women went missing. It has been alleged he was the defacto lead investigator.

He went on to became the sheriff of Webster County. However his chief aid, was charged with impersonating a LE officer, entered an Alford Plea and received one year of unsupervised supervision. There were other issues as well.

The then attorney general and later to become governor, Jay Nixon, went to court and the sheriff was removed from office. His LE credentials were also revoked but incredibly he was re-elected as sheriff but had no LE authority himself. He was effectively an administrative official only. There is somewhere a complete judgment that speaks to this subject. I can’t lay my hands on it at this time. However a Google search of Worsham, Voss and Jay Nixon should turn up relevant information.

Not too long ago, this past July, after the sheriff was long out of office, he and his former aid were involved in an auto accident that resulted in an older lady’s death. It appeared from news reports that she crossed the center line. The former sheriff and his aid were seriously injured but survived.

There have been unproven allegations that the aid and the third grave robber had some kind of connection. I have no first hand knowledge about the alleged connection and am ambivalent. It may be irrelevant.

The primary grave robbers, Recla and Clay do not appear to be involved in the women going missing and presumed dead. The history and connection of the third grave robber is clouded in some mystery. He went back to Illinois and changed his last name were the reports.

To sum up, there are a great deal of odd events regarding this whole case. The problem, in my view, was that it was micro-managed and was not investigated properly. The former prosecutor was highly critical as well. It just leaves too many loose ends that muddied the waters that continue to the present day.

My personal opinion is the SPD would rather bury the case and move on. There have been allegations that concerns about law suits are a factor as well which is one reason the original prosecutor warned after the 48 Hour program aired.
Your posts are always so interesting, MM. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I can tell that you're passionate about the case, but also very careful and meticulous.

I wish someone would just spill their beans already. Sadly I think confession is the only way this case will be solved, and that doesn't seem at all likely.

ETA: The information about Nixon is very interesting to me. I had a young family & didn't pay much attentiin at the time, but I do remember his political ads lol.
I am a bit lost about that third grave robber, I have always read about two: what is this strange story of names changed, and why the mystery about the whole issue?
Reading the excellent news compilation of the Streeter family's blog, I have three observations:

1-it is asserted both girls dated; why haven't anything been said or detailed about Stacy's dates? If it has, I never came across it. Also, she worked in a health club, a place which usually many people attend, so it would be interesting to know whether Stacy knew something she was not supposed to. In an odd coincidence, Stacy's job reminds me of Sherrill's, in the sense that both of them surely had professional contact with several different people.
2-I sometimes lack a clear time line about certain facts of this case: the Streeter blog asserts the telephone conversation between Sherril and her friend took place at 9,30, and not 11,30. If so, there is a span of two hours to speculate about the possible beginning of events.
3-One of the investigators sets out an interesting theory: the perpetrator/s plucked Sherrill's dog and then they rang the bell with the ruse of wanting to return it, moment they could have taken advantage of to enter the Delmar house.
The then, now former, prosecutor was frustrated and was, IMO, grasping at straws.

On the George’s deal, the fact that no one ever came forward to identify themselves and that the clothing doesn’t match with their known attire and that none of the other employees recalled the encounter tends, to my thinking, would make that very unlikely.

I am going to throw out something to chew on. What if the actual perpetrator has, in the past, actually posted on this forum?

Lest anyone think I am concocting something out of whole cloth, I have someone, in particular in mind.

I have an internet friend who has long covered this case. This friend started getting weird messages on the computer. But when the computer was hacked and the hacker was identified to a local area it really set off alarm bells.

I can say with some high degree of confidence that “someone” is keeping him under wraps. I won’t say how, but I truly believe that. Last night sealed the deal so far as I am concerned. I could be wrong but I don’t think so.

This is my take on the possible suspects and in particular I have had contact and not too friendly contact with three of them and do not believe them involved. I could be wrong, of course.

The person I have in mind does not have a criminal history. I will leave it there for now. I want to triple check the alleged hacking incident one more time.

Do you think any of the three grave robbers have posted here?
Lol, gave robbing isn't all that serious of crime. It's not all that likely that they came after 3MW. Yes they were the first three suspect, and squeezed very hard through the ringer, but they did not do this crime. They are only guilty of being the town idiots as that's what they were. LOL. If there is a red herring in this case, it's the grave robbers. They weren't facing all that much time. LoL
Lol, gave robbing isn't all that serious of crime. It's not all that likely that they came after 3MW. Yes they were the first three suspect, and squeezed very hard through the ringer, but they did not do this crime. They are only guilty of being the town idiots as that's what they were. LOL. If there is a red herring in this case, it's the grave robbers. They weren't facing all that much time. LoL
You seem to have quite a bit of insider information regarding this case. Perhaps you should apply to become a verified insider.

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The grave robbers were each charged with felony offenses and were facing up to 7 years.
I'm not sure if they ever were convicted.
They passed polygraphs but the police could never confirm their alibi. One left town soon after the women went missing and missed his court date, he was later arrested in another state.
Suzie was a witness to their crime and was likely going to testify against them in court.
Here's a quote, Recla was Suzie's ex.

Both Recla and Clay – who told police he wished the three women were
dead – passed polygraph examinations concerning that case.End
quote. News-Leader, Sept. 17, 1992.

I don't think they did it, but they sure had a motive and it sounds like they were pissed.

Fyi...this link has a lot of info if you haven't seen it. http://3missingwomen.proboards.com/thread/32/valuable-information.

As with anything I'm not sure how accurate it all is but it's mostly quotes. Some stuff I had never read.
Then why make them disappear ? And all three ?
Tells me it was personal . Who benefits from them being gone ?
It could have been to get them out of the way for some reason, but it could have been a sex crime. It's entirely possible that one girl was the target and the others were collateral damage. It might seem reckless, but think about the extremes that Joseph Duncan went to in order to snatch Shasta Groene. He murdered three members of her household immediately and abducted a second person, her brother, whom he later murdered.
With all due respect I don't want Mule to ride productive conversation off the rails for the next X# of months AGAIN about how he thinks SPD was involved in this crime.

I will answer one of your questions, SPD can't core the garage with out sufficient Probable Cause to obtain a Legal Search Warrant, signed by a Judge. It's clear that there is no probable cause to do so, or they would have already done so. Also, considering the veracity of the person who lead them to the parking garage in the first place.......I completely understand why they haven't.

You don't know what you are talking about. Nobody is preventing a core from being taken. The police think the tip is worthless. The hospital said they are OK with a core being taken, but the PD say there are not interested in doing one. If the PD believed this was credible, they would have already cored it. This has nothing to do with 4th amendment issues.
Lol, gave robbing isn't all that serious of crime. It's not all that likely that they came after 3MW. Yes they were the first three suspect, and squeezed very hard through the ringer, but they did not do this crime. They are only guilty of being the town idiots as that's what they were. LOL. If there is a red herring in this case, it's the grave robbers. They weren't facing all that much time. LoL

Actually it is and very disturbing behavior . In addition , younger kids have killed for Lot less of motives . Who ELSE needed them to disappear ? You act like they TP a house , smh
I'm sure cinnamon probably made a lot of noise. Like I said before, if we look at the picture of Sherrell's bed, and the way the covers are slung off to the side and her pillow, we can see that she awoken, and sprung from bed very quickly.

Same with the blinds in Suzie's room. So I'm sure cinnamon was making a lot of noise, but that dosent mean when the perps entered the home she didn't get scared and run to the backyard to hide.

I don't see how we can assume she sprung from the bed quickly by looking at that picture.

Do we know if it's a fact that the house had a doggy door? I hadn't seen anything regarding such.
I don't see how we can assume she sprung from the bed quickly by looking at that picture.

Do we know if it's a fact that the house had a doggy door? I hadn't seen anything regarding such.

A very small doggy door on the rear of the house per posted photos.
Do you think any of the three grave robbers have posted here?

Not to my knowledge. I have never seen anything from Recla. I seriously doubt Riedel discusses this case anywhere. His reticence is a bit of a mystery.

However Clay and his wife have posted 100’s of time on Topix. We have also exchanged several emails. Seems to have straightened up his life.

I seriously doubt that he or Recla were involved but have concerns about Riedel. He is a mystery man it seems.

The two best motives I have seen is to keep Suzie off the witness stand. The other would be the unknown lone stalker theory.

Whoever did this had to have a way into the house. In going back to the original profiler theory that offers a third motive in that he would have been trusted. That could also include a trusted cop.

The alleged sighting of the APCO station is a big unknown and neither proven nor disproven. That opens it up to other motives and a way into the house.
I am a bit lost about that third grave robber, I have always read about two: what is this strange story of names changed, and why the mystery about the whole issue?
Reading the excellent news compilation of the Streeter family's blog, I have three observations:

1-it is asserted both girls dated; why haven't anything been said or detailed about Stacy's dates? If it has, I never came across it. Also, she worked in a health club, a place which usually many people attend, so it would be interesting to know whether Stacy knew something she was not supposed to. In an odd coincidence, Stacy's job reminds me of Sherrill's, in the sense that both of them surely had professional contact with several different people.
2-I sometimes lack a clear time line about certain facts of this case: the Streeter blog asserts the telephone conversation between Sherril and her friend took place at 9,30, and not 11,30. If so, there is a span of two hours to speculate about the possible beginning of events.
3-One of the investigators sets out an interesting theory: the perpetrator/s plucked Sherrill's dog and then they rang the bell with the ruse of wanting to return it, moment they could have taken advantage of to enter the Delmar house.
Hadn't the light bulb from the front porch fixture been broken or removed? Maybe the perp broke the bulb so one of the women would notice that the front porch light was burnt out and would come outside to replace it--or maybe the perp did use the dog ruse but wanted the porch light out because he didn't want the women to see his face clearly (because they'd recognize him and know he was up to no good).
The globe fell from the fixture and broke on the cement, but the light bulb was fine and remained lite. To me it looks like the door had been slammed in some way. Ether slammed shut, or someone forced their way in the house causing the door to smack against the wall.
Not to my knowledge. I have never seen anything from Recla. I seriously doubt Riedel discusses this case anywhere. His reticence is a bit of a mystery.

However Clay and his wife have posted 100’s of time on Topix. We have also exchanged several emails. Seems to have straightened up his life.

I seriously doubt that he or Recla were involved but have concerns about Riedel. He is a mystery man it seems.

The two best motives I have seen is to keep Suzie off the witness stand. The other would be the unknown lone stalker theory.

Whoever did this had to have a way into the house. In going back to the original profiler theory that offers a third motive in that he would have been trusted. That could also include a trusted cop.

The alleged sighting of the APCO station is a big unknown and neither proven nor disproven. That opens it up to other motives and a way into the house.

I agree with you that graverobbers or lone stalker are the most likely culprits with LE individual also being a possibility.

Given the crime is unsolved looking at who would have the best knowledge and skillset to pull it off is something to consider.

While the perp had luck on their side as any crime had variables and unknowns I think its highly likely the person knew what they were doing.

Given his past crimes it would have to be a total fluke for Robert Cox to have pulled this off successfully. Admittedly the graverobbers seemed to demostrate a lack of planning and restraint in their grave robbing also.

There are bad eggs in LE and they would be in a way better then average position of pulling this off.

I have wondered if maybe the globe was broken to draw them out? Especially the way the blinds were parted.
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