Mistakes made that led to Casey being aquitted...

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I think that was part of it too. They didn't want to sentence this woman- child to death. That's a huge responsibility.

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She was still guilty of child endangerment and child abuse, she could have gone away for a very long time, the death penalty was no reason for this insane verdict. I thought it was impossible for there to be a jury of 100% mental defectives like the OJ trial again, but lo and behold here we are.
She was still guilty of child endangerment and child abuse, she could have gone away for a very long time, the death penalty was no reason for this insane verdict. I thought it was impossible for there to be a jury of 100% mental defectives like the OJ trial again, but lo and behold here we are.


A-freaking-men to that.
George and Cindy Anthony are absolute scum. The way they stood by Casey is disgusting. Cindy says she prayed to God for there to be justice, and that justice for Caylee would be justice for Casey but she also forgot one of the teachings of the bible, the truth will set you free. God put the truth in front of her eyes, the truth that Casey murdered her child and she didn't want to hear about it. Not only that but she went on a witness stand and lied to protect her daughter. Her perjury directly affected the jury and helped came back with this verdict. She will never have peace, her willful ignorance will haunt her forever, and given the way she looks now, obese and sick, you can tell it is taking its toll. She will die a hopeless, broken woman with no resolution of any kind, and always thinking that she may have caused this in more ways than one because Casey didn't want the child, Cindy did and made her had it. She will never get peace of mind and she deserves every second of it.

A-freaking-men to that.
And have you seen them speak to the media?? The fat, ugly red head woman, she speaks with such incredible authority and pride, I wanted to send her a message on facebook dragging her but I couldn't find her. They are scum.
George and Cindy Anthony are absolute scum. The way they stood by Casey is disgusting. Cindy says she prayed to God for there to be justice, and that justice for Caylee would be justice for Casey but she also forgot one of the teachings of the bible, the truth will set you free. God put the truth in front of her eyes, the truth that Casey murdered her child and she didn't want to hear about it. Not only that but she went on a witness stand and lied to protect her daughter. Her perjury directly affected the jury and helped came back with this verdict. She will never have peace, her willful ignorance will haunt her forever, and given the way she looks now, obese and sick, you can tell it is taking its toll. She will die a hopeless, broken woman with no resolution of any kind, and always thinking that she may have caused this in more ways than one because Casey didn't want the child, Cindy did and made her had it. She will never get peace of mind and she deserves every second of it.
Hear, hear. The crazy apple didn't fall far from the crazy tree.

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Hear, hear. The crazy apple didn't fall far from the crazy tree.

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George also believes that Casey gave her something to sleep and she didn't wake up lol, he is still making excuses for the daughter that accused him of rape!!! They still have pictures of Casey in the house. There is no way she died like that, she killed her.
The classic good ole "Manendez brothers defensive try". Vilify a parent as a sexual abuser and it ups the chance of the jury having compassion and giving lesser charge.

Casey is a narcissist through and through and her dopey parents fell for it as well as the jury.

Still will never forget how everything was about HER in those videos of the phone meetings behind glass with her parents while in custody. She was so nasty to them and they were just trying to encourage her despite knowing what she did. You would think she would be sweet as pie to the only people on her side. And all about herself. NOTHING about Caylee.

George also believes that Casey gave her something to sleep and she didn't wake up lol, he is still making excuses for the daughter that accused him of rape!!! They still have pictures of Casey in the house. There is no way she died like that, she killed her.
The problem with the "decomposition expert" is that they were making hypothesis without proving that what they were claiming was correct. Basically they were doing a bunch of tests without doing controls to show that whatever they were measuring really did support their hypothesis.

How? What did the decomposition expert say that was unproven? He noted exceptionally high levels of chloroform in Casey's trunk and he (along with about 5 other people including Casey's parents) identified the smell in the trunk as that of decomposition. He has the background to make both of those statements.

The defense's "swimsuit theory" was an even bigger hypothesis and they offered nothing aside from the Anthony's having a pool in their backyard to back it up.

I would still rather listen to an unbiased expert rather than defense hearsay stemming from a client has proven themselves to be a pathological liar and who has repeatedly changed their narrative only after it's been debunked and always in a way that completely absolves themselves of all blame.

First Casey was completely a victim of Zanny, her only fault was trusting Caylee with this person.

After Casey realized that Sawdust Apartments wasn't going to fly, Caylee was kidnapped at a park by the nanny's fictional sister. Meanwhile the nanny who physically held her down as she tried to run to her child, threw a script in her face and then drove off cackling that this was to "teach Casey a lesson."

Story three: Casey is once again blameless. She overslept (and was possibly drugged) meanwhile her evil father snuck into her room and possibly drowned her child in the pool.

When he came upstairs with her unconscious child in his arms, poor Casey sat on the floor and cried while her father screamed at her that "her mother would never forgive her" then he, all by himself, did something with Caylee's body all the while assuring her that "daddy would take care of everything."

Meanwhile, Casey's car is the one that smells like it had a dead body in it and the defense can't even offer any sort of concrete time frame of when this occurred. Slight discrepancy there.

Why does someone who has told three ridiculous stories deserve the benefit of a doubt? Why should we believe that she was acting in Caylee's best interests or that she somehow was a victim of anything?

The duct tape proves nothing. It could have been placed there post-mortem as part of the wrappings to conceal and contain the body, or it may have slipped there incidentally having being somewhere else in the package prior to the body decomposing. The mere fact that it was present does not mean that it was used to suffocated Caylee. That would have been seen by the jury as common sense, and the attempts by the prosecution to suggest that (and again, with the supposed chloroform connection) would have been perceived as clutching at straws. That did not help their case.

How is unreasonable that searches for "recipe for chloroform", "how to make chloroform" were performed on the Anthony computer back in March and high chloroform levels were found in the trunk?

Computer forensics discovered the chloroform searches AFTER forensics reported finding the high chloroform levels in the trunk. The police had to specifically ask the computer experts to search the Anthony computer for "chloroform." Interesting coincidence there.

I think a jury wants to see a compelling case before they do something as serious as convicting someone of murder, and the problem for the prosecution was that they did not have a compelling case. They had suspicion, but that was all. You could equally well make an alternative argument for how Caylee died, and that would have been just as plausible. Just saying that Anthony was an irresponsible mom is not enough. That was why the case ended in acquittal. As to why the state proceeded with prosecution when they clearly did not have a case for the charges they were making is up for debate, but no doubt public pressure and the high profile of the case played a large role in that

I disagree. There was plenty of evidence that pointed to Casey either accidentally or on purpose being responsible for her daughter's death, failing to notify anyone and get Caylee emergency care if some sort of accident had occurred, doing everything she could to cover Caylee's death up, disposing of her daughter's dead body in a callous manner and obstructing the investigation into her daughter's disappearance.

Whatever Casey did to Caylee, she did it all by herself and the fact that she's willing to go so far to frame her father for molestation and murder speaks volumes about her, along with her behavior and her actions (which when combined form powerful circumstantial evidence) during those thirty one days.
The duct tape proves nothing. It could have been placed there post-mortem as part of the wrappings to conceal and contain the body, or it may have slipped there incidentally having being somewhere else in the package prior to the body decomposing. The mere fact that it was present does not mean that it was used to suffocated Caylee. That would have been seen by the jury as common sense, and the attempts by the prosecution to suggest that (and again, with the supposed chloroform connection) would have been perceived as clutching at straws. That did not help their case.
The person who wrote this demonstrates a complete and total lack of understanding about the laws of physics that govern the universe and how the physical world we live in actually works. The odds of computer searches for "neck breaking" and "how to make chloroform", the disappearance of a child, said child being found in trash bags with duct tape placed so firmly on its face that it was still there after it was a skeleton dragged and attacked by animals, not being related and a consequence of each other are zero. Zero. To not see it is mental defective thinking and it's this mental defective nature that was possessed by the jury too, hence the verdict.
The problem with the "decomposition expert" is that they were making hypothesis without proving that what they were claiming was correct. Basically they were doing a bunch of tests without doing controls to show that whatever they were measuring really did support their hypothesis.

The duct tape proves nothing. It could have been placed there post-mortem as part of the wrappings to conceal and contain the body, or it may have slipped there incidentally having being somewhere else in the package prior to the body decomposing. The mere fact that it was present does not mean that it was used to suffocated Caylee. That would have been seen by the jury as common sense, and the attempts by the prosecution to suggest that (and again, with the supposed chloroform connection) would have been perceived as clutching at straws. That did not help their case.

I think a jury wants to see a compelling case before they do something as serious as convicting someone of murder, and the problem for the prosecution was that they did not have a compelling case. They had suspicion, but that was all. You could equally well make an alternative argument for how Caylee died, and that would have been just as plausible. Just saying that Anthony was an irresponsible mom is not enough. That was why the case ended in acquittal. As to why the state proceeded with prosecution when they clearly did not have a case for the charges they were making is up for debate, but no doubt public pressure and the high profile of the case played a large role in that.


Are we still doing the duct tape argument, Tugela?... I'm officially moving that to the top of my list of mistakes made...
(1) The prosecution should have called a duct tape expert to the stand. I don't even know if a duct tape expert exists, lol, I always assumed it was common sense that duct tape doesn't attach, then lose its adhesion and unattach, then slip down and gets its adhesion back and reattach somewhere else. Which is exactly what would've been necessary if the duct tape was used first on the trash bags, or anywhere else for that matter... I don't think you need an expert to explain that duct tape won't slip or slide around on plastic trash bags AND if it comes loose, once attached, it's because it lost all its adhesive properties and would not then be able to reattach to hair. And it was attached to her hair, which is why her skull and mandible were found as one unit. Dr. G reiterated this in night 2 of the recent special... One thing I have learned about this case, and this jury, is that common sense should not be considered and experts are required for everything, the sillier the expert, the better... ie, Spitz and the grief lady...smh

All jmo.

Are we still doing the duct tape argument, Tugela?... I'm officially moving that to the top of my list of mistakes made...
(1) The prosecution should have called a duct tape expert to the stand. I don't even know if a duct tape expert exists, lol, I always assumed it was common sense that duct tape doesn't attach, then lose its adhesion and unattach, then slip down and gets its adhesion back and reattach somewhere else. Which is exactly what would've been necessary if the duct tape was used first on the trash bags, or anywhere else for that matter... I don't think you need an expert to explain that duct tape won't slip or slide around on plastic trash bags AND if it comes loose, once attached, it's because it lost all its adhesive properties and would not then be able to reattach to hair. And it was attached to her hair, which is why her skull and mandible were found as one unit. Dr. G reiterated this in night 2 of the recent special... One thing I have learned about this case, and this jury, is that common sense should not be considered and experts are required for everything, the sillier the expert, the better... ie, Spitz and the grief lady...smh

All jmo.
as I said they clearly have no understanding of the physical world.
Well i keep thinking of what Dr. G said at trial, that no baby should ever be found with duct tape over it's face/head. Something like that but i can't remember her exact wording.
They should have focused on her lies about her job, her inconsistent stories when Caylee was missing. Lay out what a master manipulator Casey was. Lay out how she would be willing to vilify her father as a child molester to save her skin. I just feel if her lies had been chronicled in a more meaningful way the jury would see through the smoke and mirrors. If Baez is going to use a pseudo psych maybe bring in another talking head about how post partem depression can make women go off the rails and murder their children. How parents will be willing to sacrifice themselves and their reputation for their only spoiled little brat.

With Baez I would have tried to take the approach of "Oh you wanna play the game THAT way? Well then, let's see who plays it better."

Admittedly I don't know much about the science involved in the case. I remember the decomposition expert having a tough time bc Casey's defense kept calling question to his abilities to identify human decomp vs trash decomp. Who the F leaves trash in the back of their trunk to decompose? Bc it wasn't trash. It was Caylee.

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Well i keep thinking of what Dr. G said at trial, that no baby should ever be found with duct tape over it's face/head. Something like that but i can't remember her exact wording.
She said "there is no reason for putting duct tape over a child's face, and there is no reason for putting duct tape on a child's face after they die"
They should have focused on her lies about her job, her inconsistent stories when Caylee was missing. Lay out what a master manipulator Casey was. Lay out how she would be willing to vilify her father as a child molester to save her skin. I just feel if her lies had been chronicled in a more meaningful way the jury would see through the smoke and mirrors. If Baez is going to use a pseudo psych maybe bring in another talking head about how post partem depression can make women go off the rails and murder their children. How parents will be willing to sacrifice themselves and their reputation for their only spoiled little brat.

With Baez I would have tried to take the approach of "Oh you wanna play the game THAT way? Well then, let's see who plays it better."

Admittedly I don't know much about the science involved in the case. I remember the decomposition expert having a tough time bc Casey's defense kept calling question to his abilities to identify human decomp vs trash decomp. Who the F leaves trash in the back of their trunk to decompose? Bc it wasn't trash. It was Caylee.

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to CASEY it was trash.
She said "there is no reason for putting duct tape over a child's face, and there is no reason for putting duct tape on a child's face after they die"
Well, I'm not sure that's necessarily true. Didn't someone testify that the tape may have been put over her mouth to prevent the decomposing fluids from spilling out?

And I will admit, I don't know much about the properties of duct tape and what it does and doesn't do.
If I recall correctly, this bag with Caylee in it had been underwater
in that "swamp" near the house for a period of time? Animals had ravaged the bag and it's contents.

The weird brother/son testified that his Dad (GA) used to bury their pets by putting them in a plastic trash bag and sealing it with duct tape.
Boom. So, it makes sense (to those of us unaware of the physical world) that when the bag was dragged and torn, part of the duct tape got caught up in Caylee' s hair. And once again, the focus was back on dear ol' dad (George) and how he disposed of his pets. He must have done It! (Written w/ sarcasm).

This is part of why I think Jose did a much better job of getting Casey off than anyone is/willing to admit.
He was willing to say and do anything.

His 1st comment in closing remarks was how GA put his p**is in Casey's
mouth. Wow! What a pronouncement to make. It had nothing to do w/ CA's guilt or innocence but people sure did sit up on that one. And then when GA was antagonistic to both sides of the attorney tables, he looked guilty as heck.

And when Baez was making other outrageous statements, instead of objecting, JA was laughing at the absurdity of Baez's comments.
Baez made that quite clear to the judge, the jury and the people watching at home that the prosecuting attorney was laughing and scoffing at his rebuttal. (Which may have been understandable but very inappropriate and unprofessional).

The prosecutors, specifically JA, severely underestimated Jose Baez.

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Well, I'm not sure that's necessarily true. Didn't someone testify that the tape may have been put over her mouth to prevent the decomposing fluids from spilling out?

And I will admit, I don't know much about the properties of duct tape and what it does and doesn't do.
If I recall correctly, this bag with Caylee in it had been underwater
in that "swamp" near the house for a period of time? Animals had ravaged the bag and it's contents.

The weird brother/son testified that his Dad (GA) used to bury their pets by putting them in a plastic trash bag and sealing it with duct tape.
Boom. So, it makes sense (to those of us unaware of the physical world) that when the bag was dragged and torn, part of the duct tape got caught up in Caylee' s hair. And once again, the focus was back on dear ol' dad (George) and how he disposed of his pets. He must have done It! (Written w/ sarcasm).

This is part of why I think Jose did a much better job of getting Casey off than anyone is/willing to admit.
He was willing to say and do anything.

His 1st comment in closing remarks was how GA put his p**is in Casey's
mouth. Wow! What a pronouncement to make. It had nothing to do w/ CA's guilt or innocence but people sure did sit up on that one. And then when GA was antagonistic to both sides of the attorney tables, he looked guilty as heck.

And when Baez was making other outrageous statements, instead of objecting, JA was laughing at the absurdity of Baez's comments.
Baez made that quite clear to the judge, the jury and the people watching at home that the prosecuting attorney was laughing and scoffing at his rebuttal. (Which may have been understandable but very inappropriate and unprofessional).

The prosecutors, specifically JA, severely underestimated Jose Baez.

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<modsnip> She wasn't acquitted because of him.

You are also, like the jury <modsnip>, entirely missing the point about the duct tape. Duct tape around a child's face = fowl play and that is A FACT. So Casey Anthony put the duct tape to stop decomposing fluids from coming out?? In what UNIVERSE would that make her innocent?? In what plane of existence would that be normal? Even if she died out of misfortune or even neglect, no normal, innocent person would do this. Like Dr. G said, A TRUE PROFESSIONAL, there is no other explanation for the circumstances of finding her other than homicide, period.
<modsnip> She wasn't acquitted because of him.

You are also, like the jury <modsnip>, entirely missing the point about the duct tape." Duct tape around a child's face = fowl play and that is A FACT. So Casey Anthony put the duct tape to stop decomposing fluids from coming out?? In what UNIVERSE would that make her innocent?? In what plane of existence would that be normal? Even if she died out of misfortune or even neglect, no normal, innocent person would do this. Like Dr. G said, A TRUE PROFESSIONAL, there is no other explanation for the circumstances of finding her other than homicide, period.

The above is my opinion WHY Casey was acquitted. I don't necessarily believe it.

But my assessment of those involved in this farciful case are pretty square on.

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Well, I'm not sure that's necessarily true. Didn't someone testify that the tape may have been put over her mouth to prevent the decomposing fluids from spilling out?

And I will admit, I don't know much about the properties of duct tape and what it does and doesn't do.
If I recall correctly, this bag with Caylee in it had been underwater
in that "swamp" near the house for a period of time? Animals had ravaged the bag and it's contents.

The weird brother/son testified that his Dad (GA) used to bury their pets by putting them in a plastic trash bag and sealing it with duct tape.
Boom. So, it makes sense (to those of us unaware of the physical world) that when the bag was dragged and torn, part of the duct tape got caught up in Caylee' s hair. And once again, the focus was back on dear ol' dad (George) and how he disposed of his pets. He must have done It! (Written w/ sarcasm).

This is part of why I think Jose did a much better job of getting Casey off than anyone is/willing to admit.
He was willing to say and do anything.

His 1st comment in closing remarks was how GA put his p**is in Casey's
mouth. Wow! What a pronouncement to make. It had nothing to do w/ CA's guilt or innocence but people sure did sit up on that one. And then when GA was antagonistic to both sides of the attorney tables, he looked guilty as heck.

And when Baez was making other outrageous statements, instead of objecting, JA was laughing at the absurdity of Baez's comments.
Baez made that quite clear to the judge, the jury and the people watching at home that the prosecuting attorney was laughing and scoffing at his rebuttal. (Which may have been understandable but very inappropriate and unprofessional).

The prosecutors, specifically JA, severely underestimated Jose Baez.

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No, this was not testified to at trial... it was a theory floated around by some after her remains were discovered with duct tape over her face...

All jmo.
<snipped to address>

The prosecutors, specifically JA, severely underestimated Jose Baez.

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The premise of Baez's entire case was a lie, and he acted it out in front of the courtroom like a pimply-faced, squeaky-voiced freshman starring in his first high school play. It was an absolutely mortifying display that would never have got off the ground in any other case, in any other courtroom, in front of any other jury. The only thing more embarrassing was the fact that the Pinellas County jury chose to believe the drama queen's version of events.

Baez wasn't underestimated. The ability and morality of the jury was grossly overestimated.

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