Mistakes made that led to Casey being aquitted...

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Dr. Spitz will go to hell, he has helped freed hundreds of killers throughout the years. Cindy is beyond sick, she is still saying she made the chloroform searches and that the trunk didn't smell of death. The prosecution made a huge mistake in not questioning the good mother accounts. Could she truly have been a good mother with not having a place to live? Never being around her daughter? I'm starting to see a lot of mistakes and a lot of mediocrity. Also, we know that Casey paid Baez with sex like the *advertiser censored* that she is, but when would these payouts take place? Did she have a right to conjugal visits? Do surreptitious *advertiser censored* be enough to pay for all that defense??

The prosecution was extremely limited in their ability to characterize Casey as the lowlife psychopath she is because all Casey's secrets were carefully guarded by her parents, in particular, Cindy. There was a mountain of stuff to show Casey's true character, but because Cindy either wouldn't admit to any of it, denied it, or outright lied about it, the prosecutors had nowhere to go with it.

Example: Casey lived with George and Cindy, so they were really the only people with first-hand knowledge of her "mothering skills" on a 24/7 basis. I'll guarantee you Casey was neglectful and probably abusive to Caylee under their roof, but were they ever going to admit to it? Nope.

Another example: Where was Casey leading up to the last day anyone saw Caylee? She wasn't staying with G&C, because she and C had a big blowout. So where was she? She wasn't living with Tony yet. Was she living out of her car? More importantly, where was Caylee staying? The prosecution couldn't bring any of that out at trial because the only ones who knew how long she'd been out of the house with her daughter - with no place to live - were her parents. Were they going to admit to it? Nope. Cindy wouldn't even admit they'd had a big blowout.

I think the prosecutors did a remarkable job with the limited information they had about Casey's dangerous behavior. Her parents set up roadblock after roadblock after roadblock to prevent showing the world the creature they raised. It's why I was almost as angry at them as I was at her. They played a huge role in keeping the real Casey under wraps, up to and including allowing George to be blamed for molesting her and dumping Caylee's body.
I think what sealed it for me was her boyfriend TL and friends.
They had no idea Caylee had been missing for 31 days.
Yet Casey was living there, without a car.
How was she getting Caylee from the sitter to her parents and back?
I guess she fed them lies just like she did anyone else, but IMO, they knew better.
TL got out of that relationship pronto. He knew what or who he was dealing with. She didn't have him "fooled".
IMO, had he been "fooled" into thinking she was this great mom/person, wouldn't he have stuck by and offered her support?
Maybe he was too young.
Maybe he did know.
Didn't he catch her crying at some point over Caylee?
Are we supposed to believe he never bounced the situation off any of his friends?
If things happened like I think they did, he was riding around in the car with Caylee in the trunk.
Nevermind the fact that the "baby daddies" Casey named were all deceased!

But... I guess the jurors weren't told this part of the story.
TL may have been scared he'd be her next victim.
Then again maybe he just wanted OUT!

Just like the jurors did.
Move that bus!!!


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No, Casey had her car for most of the time. She only abandoned it later. Which, IMO, is what makes it so ridiculous to try to tie her car to anyone else.

She abandoned her car for one reason and one reason only. She knew it was going to get her caught and she wanted to distance herself from it. I think that's also why she called Jesse Grund and asked him to go all the way across town and then put gas in it for her. She wanted his fingerprints on it and she was actively trying to frame him.

Then there was that weird day she showed up at his apartment out of the blue asking to use his shower. I think she grabbed something and planted it on Suburban to incriminate him, but by the time Caylee's remains were discovered whatever it was and whatever DNA it may have had was gone.
The prosecution was extremely limited in their ability to characterize Casey as the lowlife psychopath she is because all Casey's secrets were carefully guarded by her parents, in particular, Cindy. There was a mountain of stuff to show Casey's true character, but because Cindy either wouldn't admit to any of it, denied it, or outright lied about it, the prosecutors had nowhere to go with it.

Example: Casey lived with George and Cindy, so they were really the only people with first-hand knowledge of her "mothering skills" on a 24/7 basis. I'll guarantee you Casey was neglectful and probably abusive to Caylee under their roof, but were they ever going to admit to it? Nope.

Another example: Where was Casey leading up to the last day anyone saw Caylee? She wasn't staying with G&C, because she and C had a big blowout. So where was she? She wasn't living with Tony yet. Was she living out of her car? More importantly, where was Caylee staying? The prosecution couldn't bring any of that out at trial because the only ones who knew how long she'd been out of the house with her daughter - with no place to live - were her parents. Were they going to admit to it? Nope. Cindy wouldn't even admit they'd had a big blowout.

I think the prosecutors did a remarkable job with the limited information they had about Casey's dangerous behavior. Her parents set up roadblock after roadblock after roadblock to prevent showing the world the creature they raised. It's why I was almost as angry at them as I was at her. They played a huge role in keeping the real Casey under wraps, up to and including allowing George to be blamed for molesting her and dumping Caylee's body.

The jury had plenty of evidence of what a horrible and manipulative person she was and probably still is. All they needed to do was pay attention during the jailhouse tapes. They were probably sleeping or playing hangman or something though.
The prosecution was extremely limited in their ability to characterize Casey as the lowlife psychopath she is because all Casey's secrets were carefully guarded by her parents, in particular, Cindy. There was a mountain of stuff to show Casey's true character, but because Cindy either wouldn't admit to any of it, denied it, or outright lied about it, the prosecutors had nowhere to go with it.

Example: Casey lived with George and Cindy, so they were really the only people with first-hand knowledge of her "mothering skills" on a 24/7 basis. I'll guarantee you Casey was neglectful and probably abusive to Caylee under their roof, but were they ever going to admit to it? Nope.

Another example: Where was Casey leading up to the last day anyone saw Caylee? She wasn't staying with G&C, because she and C had a big blowout. So where was she? She wasn't living with Tony yet. Was she living out of her car? More importantly, where was Caylee staying? The prosecution couldn't bring any of that out at trial because the only ones who knew how long she'd been out of the house with her daughter - with no place to live - were her parents. Were they going to admit to it? Nope. Cindy wouldn't even admit they'd had a big blowout.

I think the prosecutors did a remarkable job with the limited information they had about Casey's dangerous behavior. Her parents set up roadblock after roadblock after roadblock to prevent showing the world the creature they raised. It's why I was almost as angry at them as I was at her. They played a huge role in keeping the real Casey under wraps, up to and including allowing George to be blamed for molesting her and dumping Caylee's body.
It is true that Cindy did insurmountable damage, however it is not true that the prosecution couldn't do anything. They was a myriad ways they could spin this to attack Casey, as a matter of fact,. they didn't have to spin anything, just tell the truth. Is a mother that lives with her parents and leaves her daughter with them all the time a good mother? No. Is a mother that lies about her employement and has no employment a good mother?? No. Is a mother that hangs out more with her boyfriend than her daughter a good mother?? No. Is a grandmother that LIES for her daughter on the stand a good grandparent?? Did she care about Caylee?? NO. They had to attack the Anthonys and throw them under a bus if they wanted to win this case and they didn't. The more I analyze this the more this prosecution fails.
The jury had plenty of evidence of what a horrible and manipulative person she was and probably still is. All they needed to do was pay attention during the jailhouse tapes. They were probably sleeping or playing hangman or something though.

And I think this is why the prosecutors didn't realize (until it was too late) that they needed to spell everything out at trial. They took for granted that this group of 12 would see the evidence the same as the rest of the world... like the jailhouse tapes you mentioned...and like the parade of "friends" who said she was a good mom, the rest of us immediately understood that they weren't reliable judges of how fca was as a mom because they only saw them together a handful of times...for literally like a matter of minutes...
The jury had all the same info but concluded their extremely brief time with them was good enough for them. They only heard the part that she was a great mom...

All jmo.
It is true that Cindy did insurmountable damage, however it is not true that the prosecution couldn't do anything. They was a myriad ways they could spin this to attack Casey, as a matter of fact,. they didn't have to spin anything, just tell the truth. Is a mother that lives with her parents and leaves her daughter with them all the time a good mother? No. Is a mother that lies about her employement and has no employment a good mother?? No. Is a mother that hangs out more with her boyfriend than her daughter a good mother?? No. Is a grandmother that LIES for her daughter on the stand a good grandparent?? Did she care about Caylee?? NO. They had to attack the Anthonys and throw them under a bus if they wanted to win this case and they didn't. The more I analyze this the more this prosecution fails.

All Baez would have to do to counter all that was put Cindy on the stand to deny all the accusations the state made against her daughter. Cindy would deny Casey tried to leave Caylee with her all the time. Cindy would back Casey up on her employment. Cindy would claim Casey spent all her spare time with Caylee, not her boyfriend. Cindy would deny she was, herself, lying on the stand. See how that works?

Do you really think the jury, who chose to believe Baez's fairy tale about George, would doubt Cindy? I don't. The prosecution's primary character witnesses on Casey were her parents, the liars and defenders of their evil spawn.
And I think this is why the prosecutors didn't realize (until it was too late) that they needed to spell everything out at trial. They took for granted that this group of 12 would see the evidence the same as the rest of the world... like the jailhouse tapes you mentioned...and like the parade of "friends" who said she was a good mom, the rest of us immediately understood that they weren't reliable judges of how fca was as a mom because they only saw them together a handful of times...for literally like a matter of minutes...
The jury had all the same info but concluded their extremely brief time with them was good enough for them. They only heard the part that she was a great mom...

All jmo.
Exactly, because the prosecution did not attack the good mom myth. Also, why is Jeff Ashton saying that they had no choice with this jury? Couldn't they have picked someone more objective even if they thought she was guilty?
All Baez would have to do to counter all that was put Cindy on the stand to deny all the accusations the state made against her daughter. Cindy would deny Casey tried to leave Caylee with her all the time. Cindy would back Casey up on her employment. Cindy would claim Casey spent all her spare time with Caylee, not her boyfriend. Cindy would deny she was, herself, lying on the stand. See how that works?

Do you really think the jury, who chose to believe Baez's fairy tale about George, would doubt Cindy? I don't. The prosecution's primary character witnesses on Casey were her parents, the liars and defenders of their evil spawn.
The jury were imbeciles, if they had put on a good show painting Casey as a monster they would have believed them.,
Exactly, because the prosecution did not attack the good mom myth. Also, why is Jeff Ashton saying that they had no choice with this jury? Couldn't they have picked someone more objective even if they thought she was guilty?

That's kind of what I meant...I don't think I explained myself very well. I wasn't trying to call out the prosecutors, I was trying to say they couldn't have guessed that this jury would see things soooo different than all the rest of us... In hindsight, yes. But I think we were all just so incredibly blindsided and I'm not sure what they could've done to get this group to see things clearly...

All jmo.
The judge and prosecution made some mistakes but I'm of the school that holds the jury entirely responsible for this horrible fiasco. How in the world all 12 of them were willing to buy into making up their own rules of evidence and not finding CA guilty of anything is mind-boggling. If just one had had a rudimentary grasp of the law and stood up to the rest, there would have been a mistrial and a chance of getting a new jury of more well-informed, well-educated people. Or at least people who had watched an occasional trial or crime show and knew it wasn't necessary to know the time, place, motive, and method of death to convict someone. Or they did know that and just acquitted so they could get out of there, as suggested by others on this forum. Did anyone else get tears in their eyes when reminded of the video of Caylee singing "You are my Sunshine"? I sure did.
I meant FCA-I'm new to this forum, what does the F stand for?
That's kind of what I meant...I don't think I explained myself very well. I wasn't trying to call out the prosecutors, I was trying to say they couldn't have guessed that this jury would see things soooo different than all the rest of us... In hindsight, yes. But I think we were all just so incredibly blindsided and I'm not sure what they could've done to get this group to see things clearly...

All jmo.
Attack every single one of the defense's arguments?? They didn't do that, they just sat back and thought the forensics would do its magic, it doesn't work that way. They did prove their case, but for smart people only. Most people are dumb.
Dr. G's testimony: [video=youtube;pKN56jDQgj0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKN56jDQgj0[/video] She did her best but she could have used more coaching maybe? I hate to say it but her voice is grating and if past miscarriages of justice are to be believed, these types of things take credibility away from witnesses in trials were the jurors are mental defectives, as it clearly was in this case, still her testimony should have been enough, it is factual. The defense brought on an evil quack like Dr. Spitz yet they didn't bother to attack Dr. Spitz. But the defense attacked Dr. G and her credentials, do you get what I'm saying?? You do not let attacks on your witnesses go unaddressed and I'm not a lawyer, but it's obvious.

Having said that. I don't think the State should have introduced the chloroform evidence. For starters it opened a window for Cindy Anthony to destroy the prosecution with her perjury. Second. What does it matter?? Unless you are going to hammer to the jury that this child was being abused with chloroform, which the prosecution DID NOT, it opens the window into more doubt about homicide, making people think that it may have been accidental. The chloroform found on the trunk is unrelated to the cause of death anyway because if she consumed chloroform it would have been impossible to know. The chloroform on the trunk is most likely the result of a bottle of solution being spilled there.

Also, did you get George Anthony's revelation that Caylee was being abused with chloroform?? And bruises?? He is sick and deserves every inch of what he's gotten. I guess ultimately Caylee is better off without this family, she was being abused. Her purpose in this life may have been to get the Caylee law passed, sounds cruel but some spiritual people believe this, either way her life was always in danger living with the Anthonys, INCLUDING George and Cindy. She's at peace now, too bad their abusers got away.

Also, if I was a prosecutor I would have gone against Cindy with full force, and would not have rested until she got serious jail time.
"an evil quack like Dr. Spitz"- you've got that right!! I could hardly contain myself when he was rambling on and on about not opening the skull, and saying Dr G was incompetent. As I remember, the point was that the body had been moved, and had nothing to do with who killed Caylee. Disgusting! Just a big waste of time and attempt to confuse the jury (which it did). I don't recall the prosecutor objecting and asking what the point of his testimony was, considering that the body had been in that swamp for 6 mos, no one had a problem conceding it may have moved.
"an evil quack like Dr. Spitz"- you've got that right!! I could hardly contain myself when he was rambling on and on about not opening the skull, and saying Dr G was incompetent. As I remember, the point was that the body had been moved, and had nothing to do with who killed Caylee. Disgusting! Just a big waste of time and attempt to confuse the jury (which it did). I don't recall the prosecutor objecting and asking what the point of his testimony was, considering that the body had been in that swamp for 6 mos, no one had a problem conceding it may have moved.
The more I analyze this the more it seems the prosecution's job was less than stellar.
Dr. G's testimony: [video=youtube;pKN56jDQgj0]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKN56jDQgj0[/video] She did her best but she could have used more coaching maybe? I hate to say it but her voice is grating and if past miscarriages of justice are to be believed, these types of things take credibility away from witnesses in trials were the jurors are mental defectives, as it clearly was in this case, still her testimony should have been enough, it is factual. The defense brought on an evil quack like Dr. Spitz yet they didn't bother to attack Dr. Spitz. But the defense attacked Dr. G and her credentials, do you get what I'm saying?? You do not let attacks on your witnesses go unaddressed and I'm not a lawyer, but it's obvious.

Having said that. I don't think the State should have introduced the chloroform evidence. For starters it opened a window for Cindy Anthony to destroy the prosecution with her perjury. Second. What does it matter?? Unless you are going to hammer to the jury that this child was being abused with chloroform, which the prosecution DID NOT, it opens the window into more doubt about homicide, making people think that it may have been accidental. The chloroform found on the trunk is unrelated to the cause of death anyway because if she consumed chloroform it would have been impossible to know. The chloroform on the trunk is most likely the result of a bottle of solution being spilled there.

Also, did you get George Anthony's revelation that Caylee was being abused with chloroform?? And bruises?? He is sick and deserves every inch of what he's gotten. I guess ultimately Caylee is better off without this family, she was being abused. Her purpose in this life may have been to get the Caylee law passed, sounds cruel but some spiritual people believe this, either way her life was always in danger living with the Anthonys, INCLUDING George and Cindy. She's at peace now, too bad their abusers got away.

Also, if I was a prosecutor I would have gone against Cindy with full force, and would not have rested until she got serious jail time.


I agree with you about the chloroform being left out...it confused me and I followed this case daily, kind of obsessively... I'm still up in the air with the chloroform... And with this particular group of jurors, who were already lazy thinkers, it further confused them and definitely did more harm than good...

All jmo.
She was acquitted because her attorney introduced reasonable doubt with his accidental drowning story. The fact that there is no reason to put duck tape over the mouth and nose of a dead child as stated by Dr. G. was forgotten.
She was acquitted because her attorney introduced reasonable doubt with his accidental drowning story. The fact that there is no reason to put duck tape over the mouth and nose of a dead child as stated by Dr. G. was forgotten.
he did not introduce reasonable doubt. Reasonable is the key word here.
Here's juror # 3's explanation of how they got around the duct tape: "In our country unfortunately we have to prove it...it smells bad, looks bad, yeah I get that. But it's someone else's life, and if Im wrong, I can't live with that." In other words, they completely disregarded the duct tape.

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