Mistrial, Hung Jury - Raven Abaroa Murder in the 1st

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Worse court hours were in AZ during the Arias trial-- no court at all on one day of the week. The jury asked about staying later or on the weekends -- as did one jury in Wake County -- the juries were told the same thing in both counties -- they were not budgeted for extra hours, and of course a fair amount of security is involved as well as that involving transporting the defendant back & forth, so it could not be done in either location. I'm sure that's what we have here.

Florida must have had more bucks in their courtroom kitty. Pity.
OMG Those poor jurors. I was so frustrated for them - it was so inconsiderate. Compare JS to Belvin Perry - no comparison.
I just feel like complaining this AM. My husband says I'm contrary. If *I* am nervous, I can't imagine Janet's loved ones. I swing back and forth from knowing the jurors will see the truth, to being frightened they will not.
Strike that - positive thoughts only.

PS. I would put a line through those negative thoughts if I knew how. I don't know how peeps do that. You know what I mean? I am rambling, aren't I? Sorry.
What's wrong with both, little cuppa?!

Let's have a good day and Justice for Janet, today!

He he he, nothing. But god forbid I smoke ciggies anywhere or people give me the looks from hell, kiddies point at you, bla bla. They don't seem to have that problem with pot. Weird me thinks.
When I listen to the 911 call, it sounds like when ravYn finally goes to get the baby he is walking upstairs (he is out of breath when he's talking). You then hear the baby cry as he's walking into the room. He then goes back downstairs and is shuffling through papers while he is trying to recall Mikes name.

I don't think ravYn was anywhere near the body when he dialed 911!
Has anyone ever transcribed that 911 call? It's SO hard to understand his words during that overthetop performance.
I have only been a part of various trials because I was in LE for a number of years. The two times I was called for jury duty since then I was excused due to having ulcerative colitis and both times I was in a flare. Anybody familiar with that disease knows you can't leave the house in a flare, much less be somewhere important such as jury duty. I really, really want to sit on a jury, a high profile case, before I die. I would never try to get out of serving like so many other do. I look at it as a privilege.
So perhaps I should not mention that I hang out on WS if I'm ever called again, that's interesting. I live in such a backward area most people probably don't have computers, much less know what WS is.
I was called for a case a few years ago and had to disclose all of the LE in my family and my message board and then try to explain WS to the court. I believe I sounded like a nut case to every person in the room. I wasn't trying to get out of jury duty at all, and I think they got that part.... which is one of the reasons they excused me for 'cause'. I would not mind sitting on a jury as the whole process fascinates me. However, I did know one of the defense attorneys and they got rid of me toot sweet.
OMG Those poor jurors. I was so frustrated for them - it was so inconsiderate. Compare JS to Melvin Perry - no comparison.
I just feel like complaining this AM. My husband says I'm contrary. If *I* am nervous, I can't imagine Janet's loved ones. I swing back and forth from knowing the jurors will see the truth, to being frightened they will not.
Strike that - positive thoughts only.

PS. I would put a line through those negative thoughts if I knew how. I don't know how peeps do that. You know what I mean? I am rambling, aren't I? Sorry.

I don't know how to put a line through words either. I am going back and forth between feeling good about things and worried to death. And I ramble even when I am not crazy worried.
NCEast says: "I live in such a backward area most people probably don't have computers, much less know what WS is."

Now East, are you saying that there are some backward areas in NC? I read your post twice, so I think I read it correctly -- Backward area, huh?

My DH and I are in Morehead City this weekend, and I'm thinkin' we may have driven through or close to some backward areas.... Hmmmm, maybe you're right, my NC pal!! But there's lotsa good folks in those backward areas...

Has anyone ever transcribed that 911 call? It's SO hard to understand his words during that overthetop performance.
Yes, somewhere in all my files I have it. I'll look for it for you. It might be here already on one of the old threads. Send some good thoughts to my computer... it's currently being held together with bubble gum and duct tape and I spent 19 hours yesterday doing an emergency back up of over 9000 photos..... but that file is here somewhere. :/
I just tweeted to TG, asked her for anything from the Abaroa trial. Just a tidbit of something, we need to know!
Yes, somewhere in all my files I have it. I'll look for it for you. It might be here already on one of the old threads. Send some good thoughts to my computer... it's currently being held together with bubble gum and duct tape and I spent 19 hours yesterday doing an emergency back up of over 9000 photos..... but that file is here somewhere. :/

I will say a prayer that your computer holds together until we get through this trial. I am so proud of you for working so diligently yesterday to keep it going.
I have to leave for awhile at noon, hubby wants to go over and mow one of our daughters yard today. :( I hope the verdict doesn't come in while I'm gone. And I'm worrying about two family dogs, one mine and the other the absolute best friend of my autistic grandson. :( They are both in pretty much dire circumstances with cancers. So my irritability and stress levels aren't too great right now. If word does come while I'm away, I'm so hoping for the best, and not a mistrial.
NCEast says: "I live in such a backward area most people probably don't have computers, much less know what WS is."

Now East, are you saying that there are some backward areas in NC? I read your post twice, so I think I read it correctly -- Backward area, huh?

My DH and I are in Morehead City this weekend, and I'm thinkin' we may have driven through or close to some backward areas.... Hmmmm, maybe you're right, my NC pal!! But there's lotsa good folks in those backward areas...

LOL, I live in one of those backward areas. When ever I go to vote I'm shunned. :floorlaugh: My vote never even counts, as I'm in the 20% that doesn't go along with the flow. :banghead:
NCEast says: "I live in such a backward area most people probably don't have computers, much less know what WS is."

Now East, are you saying that there are some backward areas in NC? I read your post twice, so I think I read it correctly -- Backward area, huh?

My DH and I are in Morehead City this weekend, and I'm thinkin' we may have driven through or close to some backward areas.... Hmmmm, maybe you're right, my NC pal!! But there's lotsa good folks in those backward areas...

Have fun at the beach this weekend Born--the weather is supposed to be perfect! You may have come close to where I am as we are somewhat on the way to the coast from the central part of the state.
There are still people around here who don't have indoor bathrooms, johnny houses are still in the back yards. A man down the road lives in an old wooden house and sometimes when the sun is just right I can see it through the boards. Sad. Again, $$$$$$$ leaving this country to help others get indoor plumbing and better living conditions. Angers me beyond words.
I have to leave for awhile at noon, hubby wants to go over and mow one of our daughters yard today. :( I hope the verdict doesn't come in while I'm gone. And I'm worrying about two family dogs, one mine and the other the absolute best friend of my autistic grandson. :( They are both in pretty much dire circumstances with cancers. So my irritability and stress levels aren't too great right now. If word does come while I'm away, I'm so hoping for the best, and not a mistrial.

Oh I'm so sorry about the dogs. It's awful to watch, I had a pug with pancreatic cancer, lost him in 2007 and I still cry.
I hope we get a verdict today, hope you will be back here to help us celebrate. A mistrial will do me in. Don't get too hot Glee.

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