MISTRIAL - Sidney Moorer on trial for the kidnapping of Heather Elvis #4

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Prosecution convinced me this trail lead straight to SM. Cant imagine what they have on TM that ties her to it. It must be after the fact when he lured her out there and took her. I hope he is found guilty and her trial moves forward. Any ideas anyone since following the trial why TM is also charged with kidnapping? My theory is he took her to the house. They forced her to take the p test then she took her anger out on HE or told SM to get rid of her. jmo. Would love to hear some thoughts.
I have a question. I may not be in the right thread to ask, please direct me to the appropriate thread if so.

The murder charges have been dropped. Until Heather is found, it will NOT be known if she was still pregnant. It sounds to me as if she was, she would have been between 3-5 months? Then if she is found, they can be tried(hopefully) for her and the baby's death? I just don't understand how TM KNEW that SM contacted her that night, was there a rumor at work about the baby and she just went postal? Did TM finally get wind of a baby? Why that night?

I think rumors got back to SM, or perhaps HE DID leave a note on his truck, and then through the grapevine he heard BW was going out of town, and it was the perfect chance. I'm thinking SM/TM(I am still on fence on if they did this together, or if one did it and the other is helping cover things up) didn't think she would be reported missing so quickly.
Heavy heart for HE and her family tonight. May justice be swift and sure for her tomorrow.

Surprised no one else mentioned Christina Morris case. It's the most similar to this one, IMO. Also charged with (aggravated) kidnapping b/c she has never been found. Hope all you wonderful and caring sleuths have a good night.
Although I've been following this case for a while, this is my first post on this site. Firstly, thanks so much keeping myself and everyone up to date.

I have a question that's been bugging me for some time now. Not sure if it's been discussed before, but I read on a timeline that was posted that after HE went missing someone pulled $5000 out of a bank account. Tammy if I recall?

I was thinking maybe after the abduction she was handed off to someone who ultimately took her life. And maybe this person was hired by the Moorers who then paid that person with this money.

Thoughts? Or has this withdrawal already been explained?

Thanks again, you all are so great at remembering things! 😀

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Prosecution convinced me this trail lead straight to SM. Cant imagine what they have on TM that ties her to it. It must be after the fact when he lured her out there and took her. I hope he is found guilty and her trial moves forward. Any ideas anyone since following the trial why TM is also charged with kidnapping? My theory is he took her to the house. They forced her to take the p test then she took her anger out on HE or told SM to get rid of her. jmo. Would love to hear some thoughts.

BBM - I agree the evidence presented leads straight to SM. As far as the ties to TM, I agree they are hard to pin down exactly. After the fact is true that it appears she is aware of what happened. That would make her complicit. Criminal law in South Carolina recognizes a form of accomplice liability commonly referred to as the “hand of one, hand of all.” This is where a person who participates in a crime with another person or group of people can be charged with some or all the crimes committed by the other person or group as if the person participated in the separate crimes. Also, ironically, if SM is convicted, TM may be right behind him. I say so because he implicated her in his interview to the news. He stated she was with him in the truck when he bought the pregnancy test. Then from there he went to the payphone in no time, so she had to have been with him then as well. So to me the one hand, hand of all applies.
Although I've been following this case for a while, this is my first post on this site. Firstly, thanks so much keeping myself and everyone up to date.

I have a question that's been bugging me for some time now. Not sure if it's been discussed before, but I read on a timeline that was posted that after HE went missing someone pulled $5000 out of a bank account. Tammy if I recall?

I was thinking maybe after the abduction she was handed off to someone who ultimately took her life. And maybe this person was hired by the Moorers who then paid that person with this money.

Thoughts? Or has this withdrawal already been explained?

Thanks again, you all are so great at remembering things! 😀

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Yes! I would also love to hear others thoughts regarding the 5k. I was thinking about this just yesterday & it had always sort of nagged at me, that maybe their ability to claim the innocence that they do, is because she didn't die at their hands. They paid someone else to get their hands dirty!?

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Although I've been following this case for a while, this is my first post on this site. Firstly, thanks so much keeping myself and everyone up to date.

I have a question that's been bugging me for some time now. Not sure if it's been discussed before, but I read on a timeline that was posted that after HE went missing someone pulled $5000 out of a bank account. Tammy if I recall?

I was thinking maybe after the abduction she was handed off to someone who ultimately took her life. And maybe this person was hired by the Moorers who then paid that person with this money.

Thoughts? Or has this withdrawal already been explained?

Thanks again, you all are so great at remembering things! 😀

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At the last bond hearing where they were granted bail, the state retracted that as well as the DNA being found in the truck.

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Although I've been following this case for a while, this is my first post on this site. Firstly, thanks so much keeping myself and everyone up to date.

I have a question that's been bugging me for some time now. Not sure if it's been discussed before, but I read on a timeline that was posted that after HE went missing someone pulled $5000 out of a bank account. Tammy if I recall?

I was thinking maybe after the abduction she was handed off to someone who ultimately took her life. And maybe this person was hired by the Moorers who then paid that person with this money.

Thoughts? Or has this withdrawal already been explained?

Thanks again, you all are so great at remembering things! [emoji3]

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I don't remember that. I just pulled up some old screenshots I saved and found the SW evidence records. On those, $10K in a safe/lock box was mentioned having been found in a closet under the stairs.

There was also a screenshot from the presentation given at the preliminary hearing that shows the text from an email SM sent to a realtor in FL on 1/16/14, where he asks if a seller would agree to finance a house if he made a $20K cash down payment. He also asks if there was anything comparable in the area even if it's just land and no house.

Also... while looking at these photos, I remembered there was some discussion about a Bi-Lo receipt. There is one listed on the evidence record dated 12-18-13 that was recovered from an outdoor trash bin. I also have a screenshot of a FB post on TM's page dated 12/18/13 that says "Triple coupons at Bi-Lo tomorrow!!!! I might need to do some shopping."

I wonder what the receipt was for, and if it was important, why it wasn't mentioned in court? Trust me, there's a reason she posted that where the public could see it.

Yes, I believe that is the maximum, but nobody has chimed in with what the minimum might be.

I am not sure what the minimum is. I wonder if that would be at the judges discretion? I hope not! He might give him a hand shake! Anyone know if the judge decides the penalty?
I don't remember that. I just pulled up some old screenshots I saved and found the SW evidence records. On those, $10K in a safe/lock box was mentioned having been found in a closet under the stairs.

There was also a screenshot from the presentation given at the preliminary hearing that shows the text from an email SM sent to a realtor in FL on 1/16/14, where he asks if a seller would agree to finance a house if he made a $20K cash down payment. He also asks if there was anything comparable in the area even if it's just land and no house.

Also... while looking at these photos, I remembered there was some discussion about a Bi-Lo receipt. There is one listed on the evidence record dated 12-18-13 that was recovered from an outdoor trash bin. I also have a screenshot of a FB post on TM's page dated 12/18/13 that says "Triple coupons at Bi-Lo tomorrow!!!! I might need to do some shopping."

I wonder what the receipt was for, and if it was important, why it wasn't mentioned in court? Trust me, there's a reason she posted that where the public could see it.


Thanks for mentioning this. I felt there were a few (important) things left out of the trial. I know we have spent countless hours over the past 2 1/2 years on this but they have had just as much time to prepare. I know I wouldn't mind if their research included a stop by these threads for reference. It's too late for this in SM trial but hopefully by the time the next trial comes, the state is a little better prepared. They did a good job IMO but there were a few things here & there that could have been much better. JMO

I do appreciate the respect that was shown in the courtroom over the last 4 days. Even though some felt the judge was harsh on the prosecution, everyone remained calm for 4 full days. Maybe bc TM wasn't there? Imagine that :thinking:
I am not sure what the minimum is. I wonder if that would be at the judges discretion? I hope not! He might give him a hand shake! Anyone know if the judge decides the penalty?

A minimum sentence doesn't seem to appear in the legal text. The judge said at the beginning of the trial that the jury would not have to issue a sentence if found guilty, so I took that to imply that he would make that determination.

SECTION 16-3-910. Kidnapping.

Whoever shall unlawfully seize, confine, inveigle, decoy, kidnap, abduct or carry away any other person by any means whatsoever without authority of law, except when a minor is seized or taken by his parent, is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned for a period not to exceed thirty years unless sentenced for murder as provided in Section 16-3-20.

I feel like some of the things left out were either left out because they will be used in TM's trial, or because they link more to the murder charges that were dropped. If the murder charges came back, maybe some of those missing items we saw earlier will too.

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A minimum sentence doesn't seem to appear in the legal text. The judge said at the beginning of the trial that the jury would not have to issue a sentence if found guilty, so I took that to imply that he would make that determination.

SECTION 16-3-910. Kidnapping.

Whoever shall unlawfully seize, confine, inveigle, decoy, kidnap, abduct or carry away any other person by any means whatsoever without authority of law, except when a minor is seized or taken by his parent, is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned for a period not to exceed thirty years unless sentenced for murder as provided in Section 16-3-20.


Based on the handshake in court today, it does NOT give me any comfort that this Judge would determine the length of sentence.
I ended up here because TE is a personal friend, and on the day HE went missing he called to ask if I had heard from her or seen her or if my son had(They were the same age and friends). As the social media circus went on, I wanted to find a place to actually find some TRUTH rather than the stupid rumor mill etc. Subsequently, my son was questioned not just once, but twice, a year apart, about when the last time he had spoken with HE was(for those idiots on the Moorer side who say LE only investigated SM and TM).

In any case, I don't post much, but seriously appreciate the rules(even though I've broken them a few times inadvertently) because it keeps it from turning into another social media free for all that can't be believed.

Since coming here, i've also read all I could about the Brittnee Drexil case as well as Amber Berbiglia, both cases happening right here in Myrtle Beach.

Thanks to all of you for the support of the Elvis family. They are good people. As more insight, for those jerks who at one time kept harping on the "donation money" being stolen or frauded, it absolutely was not. Terry doesn't need anyone's money. He is a generous man. He has done work for me, and many time's i've had to force him to take money to pay for the labor or supplies. It's been hard to see a good man, a nice family who isn't perfect, be vilified and turned into a monster, for some troll's sport.
I feel like some of the things left out were either left out because they will be used in TM's trial, or because they link more to the murder charges that were dropped. If the murder charges came back, maybe some of those missing items we saw earlier will too.

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There is one thing that still puzzles me. The statement by the now retired, Sandra Rhodes regarding the heinous crime scene. What was that about?
There is one thing that still puzzles me. The statement by the now retired, Sandra Rhodes regarding the heinous crime scene. What was that about?
Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe that is something saved for later.

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There is one thing that still puzzles me. The statement by the now retired, Sandra Rhodes regarding the heinous crime scene. What was that about?

Did she mention the scene or the crime in general? If it was the latter, it could have been the lure tactic said to be what separated Heather from the safety of her home. Or, it could have been an overstatement, as the so called DNA was.
I ended up here because TE is a personal friend, and on the day HE went missing he called to ask if I had heard from her or seen her or if my son had(They were the same age and friends). As the social media circus went on, I wanted to find a place to actually find some TRUTH rather than the stupid rumor mill etc. Subsequently, my son was questioned not just once, but twice, a year apart, about when the last time he had spoken with HE was(for those idiots on the Moorer side who say LE only investigated SM and TM).

In any case, I don't post much, but seriously appreciate the rules(even though I've broken them a few times inadvertently) because it keeps it from turning into another social media free for all that can't be believed.

Since coming here, i've also read all I could about the Brittnee Drexil case as well as Amber Berbiglia, both cases happening right here in Myrtle Beach.

Thanks to all of you for the support of the Elvis family. They are good people. As more insight, for those jerks who at one time kept harping on the "donation money" being stolen or frauded, it absolutely was not. Terry doesn't need anyone's money. He is a generous man. He has done work for me, and many time's i've had to force him to take money to pay for the labor or supplies. It's been hard to see a good man, a nice family who isn't perfect, be vilified and turned into a monster, for some troll's sport.
Thank you so very much for your kind & sincere words about the Elvis family. Though I don't know them I have always felt incredible empathy & compassion for what they are going through. Your words reconfirm.

The Elvis family will be supported, always. From near & far. ❤

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