MISTRIAL - Sidney Moorer on trial for the kidnapping of Heather Elvis - June 22, 2016 #2

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HE left a note on SM's truck
SM went to Walmart at 1:19am right?
SM made first call to HE from payphone at 1:35 am
SS dropped HE off from their date at 1:30 ish

SM KNEW HE was on a date and was following!
SM wanted HE to meet him and take the test and talk

TM!! found out about it

TM found her at longbeards...then starts calling the number LAST called on HE's phone
and tells SM, guess what I've done?
SM then gets back in his truck and heads to PTL

so many holes in that theory but....

Sent from my ALCATEL A564C using Tapatalk
I don't know if this has already been said, but judging from the timeline of calls, I think SM and HE planned to meet at Long Beard's, but SM didn't show. So HE waited then left, drove around, came back, waited and tried calling him again. HE left to go home, they talked again, planning to meet at PTL. She went to PTL and was taken from there.
Many thanks to all of you for your posts about the trial and your discussion of the evidence it is very interesting to read your different perspectives.
If The M's bought the new truck November 9th, then went out of town (while SM and HE have no contact), how would HE know what SM's truck looked like? If she left a note on it, how did she recognize the truck?
No, this exchange appeared to me to be between SM and TM. Remember, the timing of this call was at 4:30 am or something. HE's phone had stopped working an hour before or so. My guess is that SM was out "cleaning up" or disposing or whatever needed to be done, after having dropped TM back at the compound. So he was out and she was home and wanted him to bring that stuff home for some reason was the way I took it.
Maybe she'd been vomiting because of a recent murder
If The M's bought the new truck November 9th, then went out of town (while SM and HE have no contact), how would HE know what SM's truck looked like? If she left a note on it, how did she recognize the truck?

Great point! Not sure when the notes were left (if they were) but the coworkers all said he had a white truck. I still think they (SM/HE) saw each other since the last time he admitted to though so she would have known about the new one. IMO
I think her phone traveled to LB, sat stationary for 14 minutes, then traveled down River Oaks in the direction of her apt but changed direction at Augusta Plantation Dr (about the halfway point). After turning around, the phone traveled back to LB and sat stationary for another 14-15 minutes and then traveled back to her apartment's parking lot, where it sat stationary for 4 to 5 minutes, before finally traveling to PTL.

I have done that kind of thing waiting for someone. The car would get hot/cold and I would drive around a few minutes before returning to wait.
So let me get this straight:

- Sidney, with his wife in truck, heads to Walmart at 1:12am - 1:19am where Sidney goes into the store to purchase a pregnancy test, claiming it's for the wife, who stayed in the truck (what woman wouldn't want to go into a store herself, given the opportunity?)

- Sidney, with wife still in truck, heads to a gas station...but not to get gas... no he parks behind some shrubs/dumpster, leaves wife in truck, goes and makes a nearly 5 min phone call to his ex-mistress, supposedly telling her to "stop calling him." Except she hasn't called him. He's calling her. Does he use a cell phone? Nyet. He uses a payphone. How long does it take to say, "so...stop calling me!?" Wifey sits in truck while this is all going on, unaware.

- Meanwhile, according to Sid & <modsnip>, they now have this purchased pregnancy test for TM to use. Except... TM is drinking and continues to drink. So much so that the next month (Jan) her own sister comments in text form to Sidney that <modsnip>needs to 'get sober.'

- Supposedly the 'pregnant' <modsnip> upon being arrested and jailed, doesn't tell anyone she is pregnant UNTIL a bond hearing in March. At the same time jail officials confirm TM has refused prenatal care, and the various things that go with it. Then, all of a sudden, TM is "no longer pregnant," alleging she suffered a miscarriage.

Uhhh Huhhhh....

AND the jury is supposed to buy this???

Was she I the truck? Fact or Theory? Not doubting, just mad that I missed that.
Good Post by the way.
Was she I the truck? Fact or Theory? Not doubting, just mad that I missed that.
Good Post by the way.

SM said TM was waiting in the truck while he bought the pregnancy test for her.

However, many of us think he was lying about that because he locks the truck when he gets out and unlocks it when he returns. Regardless, he says she was there, which puts her smack dab in the middle of what went down that night.
A thought came to me as I was thinking about past experience with pregnancy tests. What if the OJ was code for HEs urine (the $0.88 test makes you collect urine in a cup and use a dropper) and then popsicles was code for the test strip? Perhaps after disappearing HE TM was reminding SM to clean up those items or bring them to her to handle. Otherwise they seem harmless enough and they don't jive in nature with the other deleted information.

Also, my take on the tracking of SMs phone is that they were only getting coordinates from metadata in pictures. Therefore, if a picture wasn't taken then they don't have his location. That doesn't mean that his phone was off in the days prior to 12/18, just that after their trip he stopped taking pictures. The phone could have been powered off 12/17 and turned back on around 3:00am on 12/18 which would account for the powering up event. The witness didn't have information for powering up events prior to 12/18 that he could testify to. All JMO.
SM said TM was waiting in the truck while he bought the pregnancy test for her.

However, many of us think he was lying about that because he locks the truck when he gets out and unlocks it when he returns. Regardless, he says she was there, which puts her smack dab in the middle of what went down that night.

To clarify further, he said this during his interview with the news, the interview that violated the gag order. http://wbtw.com/2016/06/22/news13-e...s-trial-says-pregnancy-test-was-for-his-wife/ It was not something presented in court.
Can we at least agree that SM and TM kidnapped Heather?

Obviously the State couldn't connect the dots to when the murder took place (hence the "temp" dropped charge).
I listened to it at those times and they were valid objections from the DT because the Prosecution Attorney was asking about times not on the report on the screen.

I am really disappointed in her at that point because she was obviously not prepared to know what was on the report .

This was critical stuff and the Prosecution attorney was fluttering around and confusing everyone. Sad that this wasnt all ironed out better than what was presented.

And her "mmmmm K" all the time is ridiculous. She sounds like the Principle on Southpark. "mmmmm K" :)

BBM -- I hope the Jury is more tolerant than I am . :pullhair:
Can we at least agree that SM and TM kidnapped Heather?

Obviously the State couldn't connect the dots to when the murder took place (hence the "temp" dropped charge).

IMO, YES!!. 100% I can agree that SM and TM kidnapped Heather.
Can someone refresh my memory...how long had HE been living with BW?
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