Misty 2/9/2010 jail video tapes - the anniversary of Haleigh's disappearance

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I have been thinking and wondering something. Smack me if you must....but, does anyone think it's possible that Hank C SR is the one that gave up the info to authorities about Misty and her drug activities? His arrest came as a shock( okay maybe not a shock) but is it possible that he talked back then about his thoughts on his daughter? He could still love her and turn her in, in my opinion.

Also, after reading over the incident report from the fight between Hank SR and Tommy....it said that Tommy hit Hank over the head with a bag of DVD's....put's Tommy's burglaries in a different light....perhaps there was a question about stolen DVD's back on that night? And the stolen pills of course. I guess Hank SR knows who stole his pills now huh?
actually, I doubt the tip theory. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were doing. I think the cops knew & then used an informant for details. I don't think Hank supplied any details-maybe Hope, but probably a running buddy.
BBM I found this NG transcript from Sept 2009. It clearly shows HC 5 months ago trying to help, so I had to post it.
Refer to the article for more but here is a snip-

GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Breaking news. Girlfriend-turned-new-stepmom Misty Croslin`s own father doubts her story about the night Haleigh disappears, stating plainly she may very well have left the home, leaving behind two little children sleeping there.


I just think he really wants to find Haleigh without any motive.

I hope so too. But I couldn't really blame him if he also wanted all this to be over because it's disrupting the whole life of his family. This sort of tragedy happening might be a wake up call and make people sort out their lives but it doesn't appear to be happening to the Croslins, they just get more dysfunctional.

GRACE: Art Harris, investigative journalist, has been in Satsuma for the duration. Art Harris, this is huge, that her own father is now saying she may have left the home, not been there. I mean, that voids her entire story. It`s all -- it`s down the trash chute now.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Well, when your dad says he doesn`t think you were at the trailer when you said you were, that`s serious, Nancy. He is also saying, though, that he stands by Misty. He doesn`t put much stock in the lie detector test, but he says he doubts her story.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer the story from the get-go. What about it, Marlaina.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, when I spoke to Hank Croslin, Misty`s father, earlier today, he said that he puts absolutely nothing into those polygraphs. He thinks that they are ridiculous, and they mean nothing to him. He stands by his daughter...

I find this a bit contradictory. He stands by his daughter and the polygraphs mean nothing, they're ridiculous ... but yet he says he thinks she lied. Weren't the polygraphs right then? Why would he insist that the results showing deception mean nothing if he agrees with the result?

It might be that he's just hit on this theory because it seems to offer Misty an alibi, a tolerable way out of this mess. If she was there and lied she was most likely involved in whatever bad thing happened to Haleigh, but if she was out partying and left the kids alone maybe she could get a deal or be charged for negligence but not for murder.

But this was several months ago and he may have other thoughts now. Maybe he thinks that Misty would have confessed to having been out by now so it's probably the worse option. His "I don't want to know more" sounds like he suspects the real story won't be so innocent for Misty whatever it is.
actually, I doubt the tip theory. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they were doing. I think the cops knew & then used an informant for details. I don't think Hank supplied any details-maybe Hope, but probably a running buddy.

Maybe they were reading rumors at WS :crazy:

I don't think they'd have needed much of a tip, really. It was not a well kept secret that they had drug connections and if LE looked at their finances as part of the investigation they might have found indications of shady dealing.
So I watched these videos of misty with her mom and she really wants out, but then I see an article about a letter from her lawyer asking LP to cease and desist what he is doing for Misty's parents and such....I think Misty is going to crack it is just a matter of time . I will be shocked if she is behind this cease and desist letter...
I just watched those tapes and I have to say that girl is one self-centered person. Her mom says Leornard's put $100 on your books then she goes on and on about what about Dad said he would give me $100 too and TC too! If she did get the $300 and she did get out the next day like she hoped how much do wanna bet she would give a dime of that money back to anyone? Fat chance she would spend every dime of it on her self and still expect everyone to take care of her. I really never thought that she really knew what happened to Haleigh, but after watching those tapes I think she knows plenty.
To me it just shows selfishness, instead of being grateful that LP did put that $100 in her account ~ $100 she wouldn't have had without his help. Spend it wisely Misty, and try to be thankful. MOO
So I watched these videos of misty with her mom and she really wants out, but then I see an article about a letter from her lawyer asking LP to cease and desist what he is doing for Misty's parents and such....I think Misty is going to crack it is just a matter of time . I will be shocked if she is behind this cease and desist letter...
I think that solely came from her lawyer who is there to protect her interests and stop her from talking. MOO
I honestly can't believe she wanted Lindsy to put money in her account, too. She has 3 kids to feed and last time we saw her there wasn't much to eat. Be selfish, Lindsy. Take care of your own family first. And Chelsea should do the same. You guys can't support the rest of this family on a once a year tax refund and unemployment. Misty needs to learn to be responsible for her own mistakes.
I honestly can't believe she wanted Lindsy to put money in her account, too. She has 3 kids to feed and last time we saw her there wasn't much to eat. Be selfish, Lindsy. Take care of your own family first. And Chelsea should do the same. You guys can't support the rest of this family on a once a year tax refund and unemployment. Misty needs to learn to be responsible for her own mistakes.
It looks like the same mentality I've seen with people who just think of themselves and no one else. I do hope her family takes care of their own needs before putting more money in her jail account. And, IIRC, she can only have so much at one time anyway. MOO
<snipped -- OK butchered-- & bolded by me>

GRACE: Art Harris, investigative journalist, has been in Satsuma for the duration.

The duration of what?! Wasn't he only here for five (5) days?!!!

Art Harris, this is huge, that her own father is now saying she may have left the home, not been there. I mean, that voids her entire story.

I wouldn't dare call anybody a kettle, but if it looks like a pot, walks like a pot, and quacks like a pot... (Just sayin'.)

It`s all -- it`s down the trash chute now.

There's that dang trash reference again.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer the story from the get-go. What about it, Marlaina.

No T-O for me. :)

I find this a bit contradictory. He stands by his daughter and the polygraphs mean nothing, they're ridiculous ... but yet he says he thinks she lied. Weren't the polygraphs right then? Why would he insist that the results showing deception mean nothing if he agrees with the result?

No, ma'am. No time-out for me.
To me it just shows selfishness, instead of being grateful that LP did put that $100 in her account ~ $100 she wouldn't have had without his help. Spend it wisely Misty, and try to be thankful. MOO

Spend it wisely Misty b/c the well is going dry as we speak, from anyone who has watched the video of the drug deals, and you're going to be in there a long long time.

Selling pills to other peeps with babies of their own, knowing what kind of life that is for their children. Didn't learn much growing up at all, and didn't grow a heart, or a conscience.
It looks like the same mentality I've seen with people who just think of themselves and no one else. I do hope her family takes care of their own needs before putting more money in her jail account. And, IIRC, she can only have so much at one time anyway. MOO
maybe Misty asks them for money because she has something on them or their husbands? Maybe that's why these women don't tell her to jump in a lake.
Maybe that same guy who funds casey's account will send her money. There's a sucker born every day.
I totally missed that! I hope Fields didn't...

I don't think Fields missed it - letter to Cease and Desist followed shortly after the release of these videos. He is trying to help his client but obviously she does not recognize how hard he is trying.
<snipped -- OK butchered-- & bolded by me>

The duration of what?! Wasn't he only here for five (5) days?!!!

I wouldn't dare call anybody a kettle, but if it looks like a pot, walks like a pot, and quacks like a pot... (Just sayin'.)

There's that dang trash reference again.

No T-O for me. :)

No, ma'am. No time-out for me.

Anyone remember the very beginning Ronald said he would take out the trash when it is time and it was O/T to anything having to do with Haleigh or the search or anything... (sorry I have no link)
Then there was the convo. in the recent RC tapes that talked about the trash man coming 3 times a day. There were quite a few 3s in this statement also, I couldn't help but think was this his way of saying that 3 people knew the "secret" or 3 people were responsible. I took the 3s to mean something.
Sorry, but these trash references by him are.... well... strange. For lack of a better word.
You'd think that with as much legal trouble that this family has been in, they'd be a little more grateful to this lawyer. He's working for FREE. Don't they appreciate that? & listen to every word he has to say, & follow every instruction to the letter.
You'd think that with as much legal trouble that this family has been in, they'd be a little more grateful to this lawyer. He's working for FREE. Don't they appreciate that? & listen to every word he has to say, & follow every instruction to the letter.

Seems to me Hank Sr does indeed realize Mr. Fields' value. Misty, has her own little world called "ME" and could care less. I have not seen her express any gratitude for anything - just more demands.

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