It IS indeed unlawful for minors to smoke cigarettes here, but both the local police chief [Palatka] and the sheriff [Putnam County] responded to the law passed by saying that they had no intention of trying to enforce it. Their officers have enough work to begin with.
btw - it is also a violation of law, technically prosecutable, for your child to be truant or to ride a bicycle without a helmet
It is much like the seatbelt laws, IMO - a basis/excuse to pull you over in your car, turn you in to DCF for child neglect, etc.
Nancy Grace made much about Haleigh's truancy [remarked upon by Ronald to Crystal, re: why she couldn't see the child at some particular time.]
Truancy letters from the schools went out over the past few weeks. A friend of mine, whose son attends the same school as Haleigh, told me about receiving one re: her son's tardiness, threatening her with arrest and prosecution. Mind you, her son was only tardy by a few minutes, [announcements and pledge of allegiance had not finished], though it was more than a few times due to her work schedule. While not an admirable habit and a bit insulting to the teacher [I guess], threatening the parent - usually the mom btw, with prosecution is a bit much.
Yes, I received one, too, for my youngest son's undocumented absences. [Did not turn in Mom's written excuses and doctor's excuse, cried 1st week of school not wanting to be away from Mom who has no backbone, etc.] Both my son and my friend's son have straight A's, so what's the big deal.
So, truancy is not an indication of anything in Putnam County except the county's desire to maximize their federal and state funding.
My best guess at this point: Misty & Chad Reynolds [missing predator] hooked up while she and Ron were estranged, reportedly over her drug use. Misty had only recently been allowed to moved back in with Ron & kids. [This is from local source.]
Perhaps Chad Reynolds "groomed" her to get access to Haleigh - not unheard of. I have a relative whose mother was groomed [via reduced rent, etc] by the man who then began molesting her 10 yr old son. He didn't kidnap or murder the kid... he pimped him out to other molesters all over SE Georgia and North Fla, sold/traded photos & video of him over the 'net.
Kid is 18 now and completely F---ed up.
Crystal is not smart enough to murder anyone and succesfully cover it up, IMO. Nor is any other 17 yr old that I know.
Y'all send me a msg if I have posted too much/too often. Don't want to be an annoyance.