Misty's New Interview

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Oh Boo Hoo Hoo...she is such a liar!

Me, Me, Me, Me, Me!

She makes me wanna just puke!:banghead:
I don't believe her when she is talking about Haliegh.

If she really thinks Ron has something to do with it, and especially if she KNOWS Ron had something to do with it and is covering for him, why all the worry from her about Ron thinking she is involved?

She 'tried to leave so many times but couldn't.." Why? "Because of the kids." Yet IMO she didn't hesitate to marry Ron.

I just don't believe she's telling the truth, I really don't.
if this is really about the cartel and drugs,it all finally makes sense.
"why did you let my baby get stole?'
"she's not a thing"
noone could talk while on the outside even now Misty should be scared ,that's why the rat was in Tommy's mailbox.Better to let far away cousin Joe be the fall guy than to tell the truth because that could mean that could put all of them in danger.
I don't believe her when she is talking about Haliegh.

If she really thinks Ron has something to do with it, and especially if she KNOWS Ron had something to do with it and is covering for him, why all the worry from her about Ron thinking she is involved?

She 'tried to leave so many times but couldn't.." Why? "Because of the kids." Yet IMO she didn't hesitate to marry Ron.

I just don't believe she's telling the truth, I really don't.
you make some good points, especially about her reaction towards Ron if he's involved. I'm not getting the impression she's pointing at Ron...more like a defensive move for something he has said about her. But what??? I want to believe in Misty, but it's getting harder. She still seems to have a problem with her role as 'mother' to Ron's children. Ron may have reinforced that and I can actually understand her point, but somebody in authority needs to drill home to her that she was not Haleigh's mother. They need to break down that barrier, because I really believe that she's using that role as justification to keep secrets. But like I said, I kind of understand her point. Right or not, she was thrust into the mother position. & she's right...their mother wasn't there. But maybe if she understood that it wasn't CS's fault, she might be more willing to relinquish her own 'rights' and start talking. MOO.
What bar did someone in Rons family own ? I never heard that before.
What bar did someone in Rons family own ? I never heard that before.

It is not a public bar. I understand it is more of a biker hang out on a relative of Ron's private property.
I can't watch the video, but still don't believe one word that comes out of that (now adult woman) Misty's mouth. She is a compulsive liar who has always tried to make her story fit what Jr. saw, and I don't think any drug dealer would have squeaky cheap shoes in what would have been a premeditated abduction. I'm sure they'd just come in and take one child and not touch a hair on Misty's head. Misty is so full of it. Why would anyone want to kidnap Hayleigh for a drug debt, but let Ron live. It makes no sense. She shows how wacky she is by so quickly inserting herself as the kids mother, plus she slipped and showed how jealous she was of Hayleigh in an interview. The one where she got an ugly look on her face, and spoke of how Hayleigh had to get pink shoes because Misty got pink shoes and always had to be like her. She treats her family like crap by accusing them of murder, sexual abuse, etc, so she knows nothing about caring for children or loyalty to anyone. She didn't even stay faithful to Ron but slept with other men right away soon as they had a fight. Either one of her family did something to Hayleigh and she then found the body and they all hid it, or she did something to Hayleigh out of jealousy and told them some wild story and they all hid the body. Mexican drug cartel is crappola. Remember, Joe said that Timmy and his wife left in the van that night.
It is not a public bar. I understand it is more of a biker hang out on a relative of Ron's private property.

I had never heard that before either.

What you are describing sounds like a club house that biker "clubs" like Hell's Angels etc. have. The aren't connected to that kind of organization are they? Seems like we would have heard about it if they were.

She is just a very confused young woman. About her childhood, about her family, about her relationship with Ron, Haleigh and Junior. To me it seems like she has everything jumbled up.

She has never given an accurate account of what happened on that night. That could be the result of drugs, to cover something up or any number of things. But I really wish she would just keep her mouth shut until she can give us that accurate account.

I do think that she received a harsher sentence than she deserved but I don't really care what she has to saw about it. We all know that Ronald treated her badly, but I don't want to hear about that either.

All I want to hear from Misty is an accurate account to the best of her ability of what happened that night.
Did she just say in this video that the black man at the truck said that the Mexicans had her and if Ron had the money they could get her back???? Has she told this story b4? I don't remember that coming from her. Now I've got to listen to it again to make sure I heard right.

The exact situation that Misty described is not something that I've heard before, but I am by no means an expert and sadly this has been going on a long time.

The portion that I bolded is something that I had heard talked about as a theory and a rumor.
The exact situation that Misty described is not something that I've heard before, but I am by no means an expert and sadly this has been going on a long time.

The portion that I bolded is something that I had heard talked about as a theory and a rumor.
I remember this story or a version of this story from earlier...from the guy who was in the road rage/car chase incident with them. moo.
Did she change her story about the night Haleigh disappeared again or have we heard of her giving the children baths before?

What did they play? I used to think the kids watched DVD's.
Now, I thought AH or someone had reported that Ron called her upteen times and she didn't answer. She said she called Ron 23 times and he didn't answer. Wonder which story is closer to being true?


Good Morning Boots!

When i first started following HaLeigh's story, around the end of Feb. 2009, there was one news station that had reported that Misty called from several times and he never answered, then when she opened the door to the mh, there he was standing there. (that alone would have scared the dickens out of me) Of course i would provide the link, but it no longer exists, and was only a working link for about a week or so, now i kinda wish i would have printed it out.

Did she just say in this video that the black man at the truck said that the Mexicans had her and if Ron had the money they could get her back???? Has she told this story b4? I don't remember that coming from her. Now I've got to listen to it again to make sure I heard right.

Yes she has talked about the black man before ...
I have to say, i am a little taken back at how well Misty has adjusted to her life in prison. Her skin looks good, and she seems to have lost some of that chub she had when she first went to prison. I would also like to know, why is she doing an interview now? Maybe this will cause the two other ladies to come out of the wood works to defend Ron.

I am not surprised that she is speaking of Ron being abusive, and i believe her. She is not the only one saying that Ron was abusive. Crystal too said it.

I was surprised to hear her say it looked like Ron was all messed up on drugs when he got home that night/morning from work---or wherever else he was. OK, maybe not too surprised, b/c IMO, that would explain his behavior on the 911 call, and his inability to speak with LE when they arrived at the MH.

I still am not buying that HaLeigh was taken by Mexicans. I am really starting to wonder though, could it be that Misty and JR were asleep, and Ron got home around midnight, HaLeigh woke up, and was giving Ron problems going back to sleep, he got pissed and HaLeigh paid the ultimate price? Ron left with HaLeigh's body, and when Misty awoke, and found HaLeigh missing, she was frantic, calls Ron, as he is pulling into the drive way?

Could all of this gone down with Misty sleeping? She was overly tired.

Did she change her story about the night Haleigh disappeared again or have we heard of her giving the children baths before?

What did they play? I used to think the kids watched DVD's.

She did not really change it again, it was the first intial story she told with a little more added detail, but yes the details about the bath were new at least to me.....
i really wish i came on last night and got to see this interview.. it's going to be a looooong day.. i can't wait to get home and watch it!!

does it sound like she's "over" ron? from the posts i've read, it seems like she is kind of throwing him under the bus by saying he was abusive and did drugs etc?
I really do not know if Misty knows what happened to Haleigh. I really don't, she is a mystery to me. I have followed this case since I heard about the "cinder block" and the "van" the night Haleigh went missing. I got frustrated at the lack of movement in the case and I have just been following what WS have provided as information on a very haphazard basis. :blowkiss:

But! IMHO Ron has always known something about what happened to Haleigh. I am sorry but I could not have a lower opinion of Ron Cummings. What is different to me, about what Misty is saying here is (and unless I have missed her saying this before) that Ron was on drugs and was abusive.

This is not a surprise to me, but it is a surprise that Misty is saying such things. The last I knew about this case was Misty had nothing but good things to say about Ron. I think the gild is off the lily (she was being abused by him and now has been away from him long enough) and she is wanting the heat to be on Ron more than her.

I think(maybe?) at this point, if Misty really knew what happened to Haleigh she would sing. Why not? Wouldn't she be able to make quite the deal? (of course if she was more involved then she would still not tell the truth and there could be no deal) It makes you wonder why LE did try to get her to talk, but it seemed they "left" Ron alone. (Except for busting him for dealing pills- but meaning re: Haleigh ) Is that because LE knows Ron would never tell them anything? Especially if they do suspect he had something to do with what happened to Haleigh.

Drugs, drugs, drugs. What I am beginning to believe is that this did have to do with drugs. But! I have a hard time believing that a little girl is any kind of a payment for anything. That sounds like a bad movie plot. Why would drug dealers want Haleigh? If Ron owed them money how is taking Haleigh going to get them money? Ron was not a rich man-its not like they could ask for a high ransom.

If the only drug Misty was on was "pot", I also find it hard to believe that is the reason she does not know what happened. If she had been partying: drinking, smoking(pot) and had done so all weekend(week?), then she might have been very tired and (passed out). And, this is why she is hazy on the details.

I think Ron never did tell her what actually happened (if she is telling the truth and she truly does not know anything), she was too busy being loyal to him to really find out-and now she has been put in jail and as I said she is feeling bitter about her relationship with Ron and how what happened to Haleigh is not her fault. Because its not:

it is Ron "I was at werk" Cummings fault.

And so...these "drug dealers" stole a five year old girl (with special needs, if I understand correctly) so they could get the money from Ron. I guess they never contacted Ron, unless you believe Misty who is saying they did. I remember when Ron said something about getting money together for Haleigh, -so this is probably a story Ron was hoping to push, imo. But, I say they did not contact Ron because wouldn't he have paid money to get his daughter back?

Wouldn't he have gone to LE to let him know that someone is blackmailing him for his daughter? If any of it were true(that people wanted money for Haleigh), and that a "black man" had given this information AND Ron cared one bit for his daughter...I think no matter what else Ron had done in his life-he would have co operated with LE.

And now that he and Misty are busted for drugs anyway...why wouldn't Ron tell LE? Is he afraid "they" would get to him in prison? Well, he owed "them" money before and they did not do anything to RON.

They hurt Haleigh~! And if Ron loved his daughter one little bit he would not be worried about what would happen to him, he would tell anything that would get Haleigh back.

IMHO: this is like the Anthony case where no one (in the family) did/does anything (makes any move) to actually FIND the child. Did Ron run around his neighborhood like a madman knocking on doors? No. Did Ron ever check anywhere but in his own trailer? No. I remember that news report with Ron holding the picture of Haleigh with his mom there to comfort him. And I thought to myself, "a man wouldn't be standing there crying, he would be out looking for his daughter." And, I thought the tears were to stir up sympathy for HIMSELF.

I stopped reading about this case because of my upset that Ron was not being pressured or looked at by LE like I think he should. Really, I have no idea what LE is doing...I just could not stand that Ron is lying about Haleigh. IMHO.

I just don't know about Misty. :no:

Thanks for letting me jump in and voice my :twocents: I am sorry for Haleigh. :tyou: to Websleuthers who are dedicated to her thread and her memory.
It's still the same ol', same ol'...this has been said already, so nothing new except the bath...MC is another who couldn't tell the truth even if she truly wanted to...drug dealers would not have HaLeigh all this time...do you really think they want to babysit? NO druggies have HaLeigh, IMO....they all know what happened to her...it's impossilbe not to..What happened with TommyC taking her with cousin Joe down to the river...:maddening: which is what I believe they did with her....poor HaLeigh another child who has no adults in her corner....terribly sad...JMHO

Where is HaLeigh???
Interesting interview, unfortunately I don't believe a word she says
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