Misty's New Interview

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I hate to say this, but I think Teresa Neves is the key. And I think Ronald made it that way.
she is either the primary person responsible for haleigh's death, or her original story is true, she knows nothing, and she is just guessing when she floats all these other ideas.

there is almost zero chance she doesnt break down when she is facing all that jail time and admit anything she knows, if she played just a small part in an accidental death, or was just an accomplice after the fact, she would have given it up.

so then i have to consider what is more likely - that she is primarily responsible for haleigh's death (i say death because in this scenario if haleigh was still alive misty absolutely would have spilled the beans by now) and disposed of the body in such a way that it has never been found... or that everyone went to bed and someone managed to come into the house and abduct haleigh.

and between those two options i find it extremely more likely that someone abducted haleigh and that misty has no specific factual clue as to who it was.
she is either the primary person responsible for haleigh's death, or her original story is true, she knows nothing, and she is just guessing when she floats all these other ideas.

there is almost zero chance she doesnt break down when she is facing all that jail time and admit anything she knows, if she played just a small part in an accidental death, or was just an accomplice after the fact, she would have given it up.

so then i have to consider what is more likely - that she is primarily responsible for haleigh's death (i say death because in this scenario if haleigh was still alive misty absolutely would have spilled the beans by now) and disposed of the body in such a way that it has never been found... or that everyone went to bed and someone managed to come into the house and abduct haleigh.

and between those two options i find it extremely more likely that someone abducted haleigh and that misty has no specific factual clue as to who it was.
LE seemed pretty sure that Misty was gone at least part of the night and then we have Jrs' account of a black man in black taking Haleigh...according to CS. She also said that Jr said Misty was asleep. So, it looks like she was gone but came back and got in bed. I wonder why she didn't talk about Jr's account in this interview. If I was her, I'd be globbing on to his witness account of an intruder...but she instead made a point to bring Mexicans into the mix. Sorry, but that doesn't jibe and she knows it. Mark my word, Misty was distancing herself from the truth here. MOO.
I could be wrong and if I am, I stand corrected, but the only retraction I remember was when a news outlet reported that Ron and Misty were suspects. They aren't evidently. But like I said, I could be wrong...because statements, reports and retractions were flying and I could have missed it. MOO.

You're right, the retraction was taking out the suspect part. However LE said the family wasn't truthful, they did not say Ronald. Imo, when they said family, they meant the Croslins. Jmo. But they did not say Ronald.
LE seemed pretty sure that Misty was gone at least part of the night and then we have Jrs' account of a black man in black taking Haleigh...according to CS. She also said that Jr said Misty was asleep. So, it looks like she was gone but came back and got in bed. I wonder why she didn't talk about Jr's account in this interview. If I was her, I'd be globbing on to his witness account of an intruder...but she instead made a point to bring Mexicans into the mix. Sorry, but that doesn't jibe and she knows it. Mark my word, Misty was distancing herself from the truth here. MOO.

good points, i still think that if misty was just an accessory and not the person that actually killed haleigh, that misty would have broken by now and tried to make a deal.

it has been some time since i looked in on this case - are there any more specific details as to why LE thought she had gone out that night? i remember hearing this but cant recall specifics.

and as jr has grown older has he ever been re-interviewed and has he been able to expand at all on his recollections of that night? i forget his exact age but i believe he is in that range where speech is developing rapidly.
good points, i still think that if misty was just an accessory and not the person that actually killed haleigh, that misty would have broken by now and tried to make a deal.

it has been some time since i looked in on this case - are there any more specific details as to why LE thought she had gone out that night? i remember hearing this but cant recall specifics.

and as jr has grown older has he ever been re-interviewed and has he been able to expand at all on his recollections of that night? i forget his exact age but i believe he is in that range where speech is developing rapidly.
well...according to Art Harris sources, Misty was offered immunity to tell all she knows. At 1st, I thought this meant that LE thought she was a witness/accessory...but after thinking about it, I think it's possible that LE knows Misty is the perp and is willing to settle for her 25 drug years in exchange for a body. IDK about that, because my 'gut' tells me Tommy is more involved than an accessory after the fact. Also, I'm having problems with some of Ron's stories. I really don't think he's the perp, but something's going on with him. I don't know why LE seemed so sure about her being gone, (a tip I think), but it was one of the few things they released, so they must have thought it was credible. And it's weird that Misty wouldn't have jumped on being gone and removed herself from the situation. I guess but don't know, that whatever the tip was, it put her somewhere at a time that she doesn't want to be associated with. & then Tommy claimed to have dropped by the trailer and found her gone and LE seemed to believe that, but I'm not sure, but even after his wild JO story, they said they were sticking with his original time...I guess phone records back up that time. All of this is just MOO.
You're right, the retraction was taking out the suspect part. However LE said the family wasn't truthful, they did not say Ronald. Imo, when they said family, they meant the Croslins. Jmo. But they did not say Ronald.

I agree.
When LE said the 'family' was holding back truths, IMO, they were talking about Croslins.
Not Cummings, Sykes or Neves.

HaLeigh's live-in caretaker, Misty, and thus HaLeigh's defacto Croslin grandparents, aunts and uncles from that living arrangement and later marriage.
I couldn't help but snicker when Misty stumbled over bathroom and kitchen. Seems that part of the story has never quite gelled in her mind. And she forgot the part about the back door being wide open. :doh:

I'm still catching up on the thread, but I've read some excellent opinions from all sides. Still, my l'il ole opinion still stands. Misty lied in the beginning and continues to lie until this day. Through the entire video, I wanted to scream, What about cousin Joe, Misty? What about hearing Haleigh's anguished screams while you and Jr. hid under the blanket? What about Joe threatening your life and the lives of your family? What about witnessing Joe put Haleigh in a black bag. You know, the story your attorney told investigators? http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/ne...he-heard,-saw-haleigh-cummings-being-attacked

Oh, was that all a lie? Well, if you would hang something like that on your very own cousin, and implicate your brother, to boot, why should we believe anything you say? See, Misty, we remember all of it.

Now more muddy water. The Mexicans. It's an old story, and the lead didn't pan out. Apparently some low life tried to extort money from the family of a missing child. Despicable, but not uncommon. Yet, Misty seeks to perpetuate the story, proving once again her knack for obfuscating, a skill she's honed well through her short lifetime.

I don't doubt that her childhood was rough. We've learned enough about her parents over the past two years to know their children suffered because of their substance abuse. In that regard, I'm truly sorry for Misty and her siblings. Nevertheless, for her own sake, she must realize that the poor choices she made were her own, and though she's facing a very bleak future, she's alive. She has hope. Sadly, the same cannot be said for poor Haleigh. Haleigh will never have the opportunity to make choices, good or bad, because she was robbed of her life, and in death, she has been denied justice. Why? Because the persons responsible for protecting her, Misty, Ron, the whole bunch of them, failed her and now refuse to allow the truth come to light. That's unforgivable. So, sorry Misty. Somehow your story just pales in comparison.
I haven't followed the case closely in about a year. When did this happen?

Aug. 6, 2010

Lewis said Croslin only came forward when he faced a lengthy prison sentence. He said he did not consider that Croslin cooperated because investigators still do not have a full picture of what happened the night Haleigh vanished.

“He is still a suspect in that case,” Lewis said.

Read more at Jacksonville.com: http://jacksonville.com/news/crime/...y-croslin-jr-sentenced-15-years#ixzz1LXZ1Y2Nc
O/T Don't know where to put this... I'm so far behind. Going to start reading and try to catch up.. Over 100,000 lost power last Wednesday when the storms came through and then we left for St. Johns Island on Saturday.. Thankfully when we returned home our power had been restored eventhough 3 TV's and computer weren't working. Power surge protector totally fried... ..Three trees falling on our property caused damage.. Two fell on house and damaged roof, but we are all alive.. Grateful to be back on line...
Misty and Tommy ought to get 25 more years just for telling the crazy stories about the dock, alligators, Joe, threats, etc. then recanting. There must be a reason for that particular story. They must know there's a body and know where it is, but are too afraid of being charged with murder. For a grown man with children to get a teenage girl to go along with a certain story is telling of something. If Joe or the sil's know where the body is they'll probably never tell for fear of being charged with murder.
I couldn't help but snicker when Misty stumbled over bathroom and kitchen. Seems that part of the story has never quite gelled in her mind. And she forgot the part about the back door being wide open. :doh:

I'm still catching up on the thread, but I've read some excellent opinions from all sides. Still, my l'il ole opinion still stands. Misty lied in the beginning and continues to lie until this day. Through the entire video, I wanted to scream, What about cousin Joe, Misty? What about hearing Haleigh's anguished screams while you and Jr. hid under the blanket? What about Joe threatening your life and the lives of your family? What about witnessing Joe put Haleigh in a black bag. You know, the story your attorney told investigators? http://www.abcactionnews.com/dpp/ne...he-heard,-saw-haleigh-cummings-being-attacked

Oh, was that all a lie? Well, if you would hang something like that on your very own cousin, and implicate your brother, to boot, why should we believe anything you say? See, Misty, we remember all of it.

Now more muddy water. The Mexicans. It's an old story, and the lead didn't pan out. Apparently some low life tried to extort money from the family of a missing child. Despicable, but not uncommon. Yet, Misty seeks to perpetuate the story, proving once again her knack for obfuscating, a skill she's honed well through her short lifetime.

I don't doubt that her childhood was rough. We've learned enough about her parents over the past two years to know their children suffered because of their substance abuse. In that regard, I'm truly sorry for Misty and her siblings. Nevertheless, for her own sake, she must realize that the poor choices she made were her own, and though she's facing a very bleak future, she's alive. She has hope. Sadly, the same cannot be said for poor Haleigh. Haleigh will never have the opportunity to make choices, good or bad, because she was robbed of her life, and in death, she has been denied justice. Why? Because the persons responsible for protecting her, Misty, Ron, the whole bunch of them, failed her and now refuse to allow the truth come to light. That's unforgivable. So, sorry Misty. Somehow your story just pales in comparison.

Great post! I would love to print this out and send it to Misty and that's exactly what I would do if I thought she would understand any of it. Even if someone could read it to her, I doubt Misty is capable of feeling the impact.

I can't help but wonder why Misty did this interview. To me, Misty didn't really fluorish in the spotlight. Sure, she liked the trips to New York, etc., in the beginning, but before long it looked like Misty was wishing the spotlight would shine elsewhere--away from her. But now that it has, now that the case has gone cold and none of the group are mentioned even in passing anymore, here's Misty doing an interview.

Did the newspaper approach Misty for this? If they did, why after all this time? And if they did approach Misty, why didn't they take this opportunity to ask her some hard questions--the exact questions Bessie is asking?

Or did Misty request this interview? I am betting she did, on the pretense of "keeping Haleigh's name out there" while in reality Misty is only continuing to try to garner sympathy for herself.

Hard life or not, and personality disorder or not, Misty is simply a waste of space. I do not feel sorry for her. I hope to see Misty mature into a person who is able to take the high road but I'm not holding my breath on that, especially when I see interviews like this where no pressure at all is put on Misty to do the right thing.
Misty and Tommy ought to get 25 more years just for telling the crazy stories about the dock, alligators, Joe, threats, etc. then recanting. There must be a reason for that particular story. They must know there's a body and know where it is, but are too afraid of being charged with murder. For a grown man with children to get a teenage girl to go along with a certain story is telling of something. If Joe or the sil's know where the body is they'll probably never tell for fear of being charged with murder.
the last I heard, Tommy hadn't recanted his JO story...only Misty.
Misty does look more clear headed and mature in this interview. Is this the first time that she has admitted that Ron introduced her to prescription drugs ? If so, it's a big step for her to burn that bridge. This interview gives me just a little hope.
Misty does look more clear headed and mature in this interview. Is this the first time that she has admitted that Ron introduced her to prescription drugs ? If so, it's a big step for her to burn that bridge. This interview gives me just a little hope.

If I'm not mistaken I do believe she stated in one of her jailhouse interviews marijuana had always been her drug of choice until she hooked up with Ronald...I believe Nay Nay also made a statement to that fact in an interview she did with Cobra..JMHO
i also find it interesting watching misty tell the story of the night haleigh disappeared vs the mexican story... the mexican story seems to flow so much better.. the haleigh story she stumbles over the kitchen/bathroom part and it seems like she's trying to think about what to say. the mexican story she just kind of let it out.. without hesistation.

that's just my opinion.. i may be reading too much into this haha
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