Mitigating Factor:Could Casey Have Post-Partum Psychosis?

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I so hear what you're saying. I'm glad you received help. We have a serious problem in this country where we feel we have to be supermoms and heading back to work and regular duties as soon as the baby is born. But that's a whole 'nother tangent I shouldn't touch right now.

The only thing that bothers me with this being used as a possible defense for KC is this: are there any records of her being treated for PPD at any time following Caylee's birth? Andrea Yates had a long history of postpartum disorder. The defense can't just say "Oh it was PPD/PPP" without some kind of medical records to back it up. It just won't work. Or will it?

Depression is pervasive. While we all don't suffer in the same way, some symptoms/signs seem to affect most people in similar ways:

1. Not caring about personal hygiene/appearance - KC always looked bathed and even had her makeup done. Not typical.

2. Social avoidance - KC continued to have a very active social life.

3. Loss of appetite - those burrito pics look to me like she enjoyed her food very much.

I've only touched the surface of depression symptoms. There are many more that I won't get into now. This post is long enough as it is. :D

The beware I also placed in bold as it's one of the things about postpartum illness that upsets me to no end. No mother should ever be afraid to get the help she needs to get well. It's one of the reasons we are so afraid to tell anyone what's happening. We don't want to be branded a "bad mom" and have our kids taken away from us. In fact, it takes quite the brave mother to go to her Dr. or family and share what's going in. This is what we should be encouraging.

Thank you, and bless your heart. It's another one of those "unless you go through it yourself..." I am eager, as you are, I suspect, of what this defense team is going to propose. The three points you list above pretty much covers PPD, along with the "proof" that KC wasn't PPD, PPP. Like many sleuths here have said, the defense can try it, but it won't float.
She'd have to be post-partum to use that excuse and she's a few years late for that!! I'm not even sure she's demonstrated run of the mill, psychosis.

I was told by a doctor that if post-partum depression is left untreated it can last for years. I had a problem with depression ten years ago and my doctor said it was post-partum depression. I didn't think that was possible since my son was already three years old, but the doctor said it is very possible.
I was told by a doctor that if post-partum depression is left untreated it can last for years. I had a problem with depression ten years ago and my doctor said it was post-partum depression. I didn't think that was possible since my son was already three years old, but the doctor said it is very possible.

Months ago...I posted that maybe the defense will claim that she had PPD that was undiagnosed and untreated.

What do you think?
I had PPD and I can tell you - that I would cry all day and barely ate or spoke to anyone. I was a shut in and was not in the mood to party and fake a job and put together such and elaborate illusion. My mind was a fog and I was in a trance.

No way does she or did she have PPD.

She only had a case of the "I am so sick of this snot head it is time for ME" - sorry that was harsh but my feelings. However, I do feel CA's parenting was a direct attribute to what happened and who Casey is in general.
Months ago...I posted that maybe the defense will claim that she had PPD that was undiagnosed and untreated.

What do you think?

I hope they don't because she shows no signs - she didn't seem depressed strolling through Blockbuster or IM'ing her boy toy.
Months ago...I posted that maybe the defense will claim that she had PPD that was undiagnosed and untreated.

What do you think?

I feel they might try it. I had untreated post-partum depression that went into a psychosis. During the time after my son's birth, I finished my bachelors degree and worked a full time job. Most people looking at me wouldn't have thought I had post-partum depression. I had a lot of energy during that time and required very little sleep. I checked myself into a hospital when I began to have scary thoughts about hurting my son. Those thoughts scared me to death and they seemed to come out of nowhere.

Anyway, I recognized that something was majorly wrong and got help.
I hope they don't because she shows no signs - she didn't seem depressed strolling through Blockbuster or IM'ing her boy toy.

So, what do you think is the BIG surprise we will hear at trial from the defense?
I had PPD and I can tell you - that I would cry all day and barely ate or spoke to anyone. I was a shut in and was not in the mood to party and fake a job and put together such and elaborate illusion. My mind was a fog and I was in a trance.

No way does she or did she have PPD.

She only had a case of the "I am so sick of this snot head it is time for ME" - sorry that was harsh but my feelings. However, I do feel CA's parenting was a direct attribute to what happened and who Casey is in general.

I guess everyone can have different symptoms. I didn't think I had it either until the psychosis kicked in and I knew at that point something was majorly wrong!
I have to say again that if she did have PPD, there's probably not going to be any way to support that in court. She won't have one stitch of proof if she had a miscarriage, or any other proof she can produce on a recent pregnancy, nor will she have any record from a doctor supporting PPD after the "event".

We'd be lucky to see OB records from when she was preg with Caylee!!

Somehow she doesn't strike me as the type to go to an OB clinic like a normal woman would to verify a possible pregnancy, or to take prenatal vitamins regularly as the doctor would order.
So, what do you think is the BIG surprise we will hear at trial from the defense?

I honestly feel that they are going to say Caylee was taken from Casey and Casey was threatened and that is why she didn't tell anyone. She is not going to say who took her, just that she was taken. They will then say the body was not at the location originally, but put there by the kidnapper/killer to frame Casey. They will raise reasonable doubt about the body dump easily, since many people claimed to have searched that area.

Without putting Casey on the stand the prosecution can't question her many lies or the reason for her lies. They will have to use witnesses to and testimony to show she lied, but the defense could say the lies were a cover.

The Nanny issue will be a huge hurdle as CA and GA have already stated that they have heard the name for two years, explaining why she lied about a nanny for two years will be tough, but again Casey will NOT be called to testify so the nanny lie will not be addressed in much detail.

Prosecution must show motive, opportunity and means. Defense needs only to bring about doubt and they can bring about all kinds of doubt - not just one - many - they can say she had enemies in Jesse Grund, her parents even.
Because KC has been aware of person, place, and things since delivering Caylee and appeared to try on different sets of friends I don't want to give her a psychiatric term for her murderess behavior. I don't feel the death of Caylee allows kC to rely on, "My brain made me do it," as an easy answer for her cunning manipulative murder upon her child. Never forget GA's words of , "It is what it is", a muder perporated upon a child by his daughter. No psychiatric diagnosis is going to keep her from paying the price of breaking society's rules let alone the 10 commandment rules of the christian religon brought into this case.
I was told by a doctor that if post-partum depression is left untreated it can last for years. I had a problem with depression ten years ago and my doctor said it was post-partum depression. I didn't think that was possible since my son was already three years old, but the doctor said it is very possible.

Post partum depression is attributed to rapid changes in hormonal levels, so while I agree depression left untreated may last years, I disagree that a depression diagnosed 3 years post partum, is post partum depression.

I can't find a single medical source to substantiate a diagnosis of PPD years post partum actually.
I do agree with you, but do we know for sure if Casey was always like this? Since age 5? Where is that info reported? What struck me about the interviews is that people who knew Casey for many years stated this was not the person they knew. Like she changed. I can't remember one interview from someone who knew her for more than a couple of years that said she was always this big liar. I'm just speculating but, like I said, I do tedn to lean towards a personality disorder or disorders. She fits the mold of many bordeline, narcisstic, histrionic anit-social people I have known, through my business. What strikes me is that there are no reports of this type of behavior from people who have known her for her whole life. So, it's confusing to me and I'm trying to throw something out there to see where it lands.

Somedays I believe SOMETHING changed after the pregnancy with her mind.
Based upon these statements:
JG - She is not the Casey I knew
Kristina- She called me and said she was having crazy bad thoughts (paraphrased) Then the next day.. it was like she forgot about the previous call.
Kiomarie- Stated she was different back in school.

Then on other days....
Based on these events:
RP- She openly lied about being pregnant.
JG - She lied about the parentage. They were not dating at the time of the pregnancy
SP- Seems like Grandma emails indicated that Cindy always let Casey slide.

Trying to understand crazy makes me crazy. One thing we can all agree on.
She just isn't a normal person.
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