Mitigating Factor:Could Casey Have Post-Partum Psychosis?

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Three years down the pike!? That better not fly as a defense. I think she's mentally ill, but I think the diagnosis is different from PPD.

From the start it looked to me like bipolar + personality disorder. I said it from the start.
But it still is no excuse for going that far....How about her going to seek help?

I am not a Doctor, but I am the parent of a bipolar daughter who was not diagnosed till she was in her late 30's
For the Anthony's not to consider Mental illness as they went forward with this case, but to cover, lie, and think that will be in her best interest is scary.
There have been way to many cases of women claiming to be prego, and them lying for one reason or another... that this trick isn't a secret to the world. Considering her record of lying.. I don't think she could claim it and be believed about the miscarriage.

Not being snarky, just looking at the situation bluntly.

Testing may help...:crazy:
The coldness, cunning and calculation KC has displayed prior to, during and after the crime does not indicate PPD, in my opinion. In addition, KC's antisocial behavior manifested itself way before she was ever pregnant. She was already an adroit liar and GA's depo lends credence to the fact that they were terrified KC would get "irritated" if confronted with any of her indiscretions. I believe her "illness" is that she's a textbook sociopath. However, I fully expect CA to be thrown under the bus during the penalty phase and the defense to claim KC suffers personality disorders as a result of a controlling, domineering mother and passive father.

I agree! In this case, Casey's antisocial behavior began long before she was ever pregnant and likely in childhood, becoming more of a problem as a young teen. PPD doesn't play a role in this case.

I agree too that with a guilty verdict, the defense will be throwing both parents under the bus, with the emphasis on Cindy's controlling behavior and the absence of any reasonable discipline to mitigate Casey's behavior. Casey was never made to take responsibility for her actions, and grew up believing that she could do whatever she wanted and her parents would take care of any problems that resulted.
Yes, I do feel great compassion for women who have suffered from PPD. I also agree that some anti-depressants and certainly xanex can create wild changes in the mental state, and not always good.

Just tell me when Casey was going through all this suffering and tortured depression. As far as I know, she was having a darn good time until LE arrested her on a whim.

Caylee Marie Anthony needs some Justice.

The pictures of Casey dancing at Fusian and other party pictures would negate any defense claims of depression.
I agree! In this case, Casey's antisocial behavior began long before she was ever pregnant and likely in childhood, becoming more of a problem as a young teen. PPD doesn't play a role in this case.

I agree too that with a guilty verdict, the defense will be throwing both parents under the bus, with the emphasis on Cindy's controlling behavior and the absence of any reasonable discipline to mitigate Casey's behavior. Casey was never made to take responsibility for her actions, and grew up believing that she could do whatever she wanted and her parents would take care of any problems that resulted.


And then they will play snippetts from CA and GA's many depos with the many different versions and tall tales that they have woven as this case has progressed whilst they tried to cover once again for KC. But this time the problem just won't go away! Those pesky LE just insist on making KC pay for what she has done wrong!
Sometimes a person's very own words explain so very much. I believe that is true in this case. It's a simple straightforward explanation.

"Maybe I'm just a spiteful b****".
Just tell me when Casey was going through all this suffering and tortured depression. As far as I know, she was having a darn good time until LE arrested her on a whim.

I'm not an expert. But I always thought that PPD occurred during pregnancy and or during the first year after birth. Remember that the changing hormone's are supposed to be a factor in PPD. Caylee was more than two years old. If KC had PPD, Caylee wouldn't have lived to the age of two or KC would have been in for previous intensive treatment. And the hormone issues would have been settled before she reached two also.

Look, it is SO clear that there was/is something profoundly wrong with KC. I am always a little surprised that so many posters seek to discuss her as if she is perfectly normal but just a "mean person". Come on! She is completely whacked! How about that incredibly strange "breakfast with Caylee" video where the filmer doesn't talk to Caylee while she is filming?? Come on---that is no doubt KC doing the filming! If you have not seen that film--watch it! It is chilling!!!

I think KC fits everything! She is BPD (Borderline) and Narcissistic (no question)--She seems Manic and she lies pathologically. On this website they indicate PPD can last months "into years". What is so hard to believe about the fact that KC is mentally ill? Come on people--you know that she is. Why do so many of you want to insist that she is simply "spoiled"? She is as nutty as anyone we've ever seen..that is why there is an entire forum (this one) as well as several others completely DEVOTED to her and her abberant behavior.

The defense will have tons of experts to explain to all about how KC is looneytunes as they plead this thing out. Try not to be too disappointed when there is no trial and they don't hang her high or fry her. KC IS looneytunes! You guys know this, right? KC's receiver is permanently off the hook!
Look, it is SO clear that there was/is something profoundly wrong with KC. I am always a little surprised that so many posters seek to discuss her as if she is perfectly normal but just a "mean person". Come on! She is completely whacked! How about that incredibly strange "breakfast with Caylee" video where the filmer doesn't talk to Caylee while she is filming?? Come on---that is no doubt KC doing the filming! If you have not seen that film--watch it! It is chilling!!!

I think KC fits everything! She is BPD (Borderline) and Narcissistic (no question)--She seems Manic and she lies pathologically. On this website they indicate PPD can last months "into years". What is so hard to believe about the fact that KC is mentally ill? Come on people--you know that she is. Why do so many of you want to insist that she is simply "spoiled"? She is as nutty as anyone we've ever seen..that is why there is an entire forum (this one) as well as several others completely DEVOTED to her and her abberant behavior.

The defense will have tons of experts to explain to all about how KC is looneytunes as they plead this thing out. Try not to be too disappointed when there is no trial and they don't hang her high or fry her. KC IS looneytunes! You guys know this, right? KC's receiver is permanently off the hook!

She is most definitely mentally ill, that does not mean she does not have the ability to make choices and be held accountable for the consequences. Someone without awareness for the severity of their crimes would have no need to lie pathologically, they would be unable discern that their behavior was wrong. Casey didn't steal from her friends and family and simply light the ill begotten gains on fire in some ritual offering to Hekate No, she went around buying carp for herself; self serving, but not insane. And when she was finally confronted after a month of living it up (the 'bella vita' if you will) while her young child was "missing" - dead and discarded like garbage most likely, she crafts the story of an untraceable nanny. How convenient for Casey. Selfish, devious, and cunning (to whatever degree a phenomenally lazy person can be) hardly "looneytunes", IMO.
IMO, I think anyone who harms or kills a child is mentally ill or just plain out evil! I also feel, that person should be punished despite of any illness they may have, if its in a mental hospital or jail the rest of their life. Andrea Yates, for an example, I do not feel she should ever be aloud to walk outside of a mental hospital for the rest of her life.
I somewhat agree although in behavior, beyond killing their children, there is no comparison between Andrea Yates and Casey. Andrea was definitely "not in this world" and probably never will be. Casey on the other hand appears to me at least to be fully functioning and completely self serving.
I do feel in the case of Andrea Yates, although this is off topic, that her husband should have been charged with child abuse as he was well aware of how mentally ill his wife was. Surely he had an equal responsibility to keep his children safe, even if it was from his spouse. Just as I believe Cindy and George had a responsibility to Caylee to keep her safe from Casey when clearly Casey wasn't capable of emotionally caring for Caylee.
In my opinion Casey did not suffer from PPD or anything like that. Casey reminds me alot of my own mother. I was an "accident". My mother was only 20 years old and married my dad because back then it was the proper thing to do. My mother was not the motherly type. She never truly bonded with me, my grandparents raised me more than she did. She was more concerned with being a typical 20 year old. When she and my father finally got divorced I lived with my mother until I was 6. Once I moved in with my dad I refused to visit her unless I was forced to. She would leave me at home alone while she went to clubs and partied with different men. When I got married at 21 and had my first child at 25, she tried to "compete" with me by trying to get pregnant at 45. When this didn't happen she adopted a baby. My mother has NEVER treated my adopted sister the way she did me. If there was a mental illness issue with my mother it would have continued with my sister.

Casey had an "accident" when she became pregnant with Caylee. Casey did not properly bond with Caylee. Casey allowed her parents to do the majority of the raising of Caylee. Casey wanted to leave her child as often as possible to go to clubs and party with many different men. Casey was all about Casey. I feel that IF Casey was found innocent, settled down, matured some and had another child that was "planned" she would not behave the same way towards the "planned" child.

This tells me that Casey has NO mental illness, no PPD, no PPP or anything of the sort. This tells me that Casey is simply an immature, selfish person that did the unthinkable to her child because she never saw that child as meaning anything to her. Caylee was a "mistake" and one that cost her her fun 20's party time.


ETA: I can't remember who brought up about the breakfast video and Casey not talking to Caylee while filming it, however, if you watch the video of Casey laying on the floor playing with Caylee and George or Cindy are recording you can see and hear Casey telling them that they are "going to be all over the video" because of them talking. While it is shocking to see a video of a child trying to get a response from the person recording them I feel that Casey was trying to be "professional" in the video and not have her voice on tape so that the video would just be about Caylee.
She is most definitely mentally ill, that does not mean she does not have the ability to make choices and be held accountable for the consequences. Someone without awareness for the severity of their crimes would have no need to lie pathologically, they would be unable discern that their behavior was wrong. Casey didn't steal from her friends and family and simply light the ill begotten gains on fire in some ritual offering to Hekate No, she went around buying carp for herself; self serving, but not insane. And when she was finally confronted after a month of living it up (the 'bella vita' if you will) while her young child was "missing" - dead and discarded like garbage most likely, she crafts the story of an untraceable nanny. How convenient for Casey. Selfish, devious, and cunning (to whatever degree a phenomenally lazy person can be) hardly "looneytunes", IMO.

I agree. If she has borderline personality or bipolar disorder, etc, it's nothing that prevents her from knowing what she's doing. The only time she really crossed the line was stealing - basically, as long as she had $$$ she functioned in her own way imo.
Please do not take offense to this anyone, but I hate this thread. I think it does a disservice to those who have or have had PPD. I am assuming that the discussion is based upon the miscarriage information that has been discussed before-has there been any independent verification that this even happened??? Like a pregnancy test result? Cause you can be sure the SA has subpoenaed any medical records in existence for this woman.... jmo...
Please do not take offense to this anyone, but I hate this thread. I think it does a disservice to those who have or have had PPD. I am assuming that the discussion is based upon the miscarriage information that has been discussed before-has there been any independent verification that this even happened??? Like a pregnancy test result? Cause you can be sure the SA has subpoenaed any medical records in existence for this woman.... jmo...

I, too, hate this thread. I hate the massive amount of uninformed, stigma causing misinformation that always gets posted about psychosis in this thread.

I'll say it again, if the defense were planning on using any type of mental illness defense we would see Casey being interviewed by mental health professionals for both sides. They can't just walk into court with their professionals claiming she's mentally ill without first letting the state have a chance to prove she isn't. A mental illness defense isn't some surprise defense allowed the day of trial! The witness lists.. the depos.. the experts that we have all been privy to because of the doc dumps? No mental health experts other than the ones that gave her her psych eval before being released on bond. The chicks got issues, no doubt about that. She's sick but she's far from "insane" and her issues aint gonna save her because if she killed her child, she had other choices and she chose to murder her child. We all have choices.
This thread is about possible post partum psychosis.Is it reasonable or possible? if so could it be used as a mitigating factor?
This thread is about possible post partum psychosis.Is it reasonable or possible? if so could it be used as a mitigating factor?

Nope nope and nope. I'll move on to another thread :)
I agree with both sides. PPD is vastly misunderstood, and at times people invalidate it because they lack knowledge on the subject. For so long it was brushed off as a new mom just being hormonal, and women were made to feel less worthy or defective if they were experiencing symptoms of PPD. What I think many people don't understand is that hormonal imbalance can in fact develop into more serious chemical imbalances. I do not dismiss the fact that it is a possibility in KC's case. It doesn't mean it is true, it just means that without having seen her medical records, I can't prove it impossible. At the same time, I don't know that PPD or PP Psychosis have any connection to KC whatsoever. I am anticipating it being used in mitigation and with that anticipation, I like to find articles published by authorities on both sides (medicine and law) discussing the impact of this subject. I would love to see this thread morph into a real investigation of how PPD is used in mitigation as opposed to people feeling the need to defend their opinion. Perhaps we be more productive if we find references to share that support or discredit both sides and try to be really careful not to step on toes. Really, personal feelings shouldn't factor in, just legal or medical references to PPD and mitigation. JMO
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