MN - Dentist Kills a Tame Lion- Catches Heat, July 2015

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Any truth to the rumor that this guy has moved in with Steve Bartman?
I just don't understand folks who throw some horrible case involving say, a child, at those of us upset over this case and then jump to the conclusion that we care more about animals than people. I cannot speak for everyone but I am capable of feeling outrage at both. The case cited by a prior poster was indeed horrific. What however does it have to do with this case? Are we less capable of feeling outrage over a child's death just because we feel it over Cecil's?

Maybe I am missing something here.
Yes. I only have one ***** to give. I wasted it on a celebrity lion.

Now I am *****less.

Really? Are we really doing this?
I just don't understand folks who throw some horrible case involving say, a child, at those of us upset over this case and then jump to the conclusion that we care more about animals than people. I cannot speak for everyone but I am capable of feeling outrage at both. The case cited by a prior poster was indeed horrific. What however does it have to do with this case? Are we less capable of feeling outrage over a child's death just because we feel it over Cecil's?

Maybe I am missing something here.

there is no international outrage regarding many issues that effect humans. No one is ruining the lives of the perps, no one of talking about it all over social media, etc. where are the celebrities? how many people have tweeted about Teghan compared to Cecil and you really think people care about both? How many articles were written about her case? How many people know her name? But yep her murder definitely got as much outrage as cecil's...

it's become a common and accepted thing to say that one cares more about animals than humans...I'm just reacting to what I've heard.

On to the next outrage...95% of people crying over this will not tweet about animals becoming endangered and extinct after another week. it's the outrage of the week..there's always a new one.
there is no international outrage regarding many issues that effect humans. No one is ruining the lives of the perps, no one of talking about it all over social media, etc. where are the celebrities? how many people have tweeted about Teghan compared to Cecil and you really think people care about both? How many articles were written about her case? How many people know her name? But yep her murder definitely got as much outrage as cecil's...

it's become a common and accepted thing to say that one cares more about animals than humans...I'm just reacting to what I've heard.

On to the next outrage...95% of people crying over this will not tweet about animals becoming endangered and extinct after another week. it's the outrage of the week..there's always a new one.
So, you'll only be satisfied if they ruin the vacation home of the murderer in the case you cited??? There are alot more murders of humans in the world, and this is an animal that is going extinct and was a senseless killing. That's how serial killers start. Plenty of murders don't get publicity. I wish my cousins' murder had gotten more, but that's the way of the world. Doesn't mean everyone isn't outraged. Not going to say more:silenced:
there is no international outrage regarding many issues that effect humans. No one is ruining the lives of the perps, no one of talking about it all over social media, etc. where are the celebrities? how many people have tweeted about Teghan compared to Cecil and you really think people care about both? How many articles were written about her case? How many people know her name? But yep her murder definitely got as much outrage as cecil's...

it's become a common and accepted thing to say that one cares more about animals than humans...I'm just reacting to what I've heard.

On to the next outrage...95% of people crying over this will not tweet about animals becoming endangered and extinct after another week. it's the outrage of the week..there's always a new one.
I am outraged over each and every child, man, woman - EVERY living creature that is killed, abused, tortured. No matter who the living being is I see, IMO, a direct reflection on our society. My heart aches for them all. I also watch the media rampin' up the crowds with things like Cecil. Yep, I admit I suck into it. As do I with most of the cases on WS. I won't acknowledge caring less for humans than animals. That's ridiculous - I care about what people are becoming and doing.
there is no international outrage regarding many issues that effect humans. No one is ruining the lives of the perps, no one of talking about it all over social media, etc. where are the celebrities? how many people have tweeted about Teghan compared to Cecil and you really think people care about both? How many articles were written about her case? How many people know her name? But yep her murder definitely got as much outrage as cecil's...

it's become a common and accepted thing to say that one cares more about animals than humans...I'm just reacting to what I've heard.

On to the next outrage...95% of people crying over this will not tweet about animals becoming endangered and extinct after another week. it's the outrage of the week..there's always a new one.

No one posts on every single thread on WS involving missing and murdered people/children, social injustices, or crime. It's not that people don't care-- it's simply not possible, so people post on threads that are of interest to THEM. I can't imagine going to a thread and posting that there are more important issues than that thread and people should be more concerned with other issues.

This thread is about more than just Cecil the lion. It's about poaching, endangered species, being held accountable for ones actions, being rich and entitled, extradition policies, and last but not least---Beanie Babies.
Teghan Skiba was tortured for more than 40 hours and her case didn't get any coverage outside of the local area and very little outrage. Many comments were telling the media to stop reporting on the case. No one is ruining the lives of her mother or killer's parents who one could argue had some responsibility. People do not care about both. Tell people who are crying about a lion about Teghan and their reaction won't be anywhere near as emotional. After all we have people who brag about how they care more about an animal in a movie dying then humans in real life dying and this is considered an acceptable thing to's gross.

Remember kony? Or bring back our girls? Just another example of the Internet outrage machine...

The world went mad when Caylee Anthony's killer went free. When Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman's killers went free. People do care about humans.

But I think what differentiates Cecil from a baby like Teghan is one, unfortunately, there are so many cases like Teghan's around the world that any one is not likely to capture the media's attention. Two, lions like Cecil are beginning to become rare. So hunting them is a big issue. Three, animals have far less protections than children. Four, we loathe yet understand that child abuse happens. We get that there are people who are evil or filled with rage and who abuse children. But the systematic hunting of a beautiful, rare and tame animal takes not only much planning -thus it is very cold blooded and methodical - it also takes a ton of money. So killers of animals like Cecil are actually paying to torture and destroy an animal. Which takes it all up a notch.

People can be outraged about both child abuse and animal torture. And we have been. Which is why we have passed numerous laws criminalizing the abuse or maltreatment of children. We do not yet have anything close to protecting innocent and dependent animals like Cecil. You can pretty much still torture your dog to death and not much is going to happen to you criminally.

Which brings me to number five: The issue of animal abuse and killing has not yet been resolved. We all pretty much acknowledge that certain conduct is abusive toward a child and should be illegal. There is no such consensus when it comes to animals. Thus, the outrage can become magnified and more intense as people strive to effect cultural change about the issue. :twocents:
there is no international outrage regarding many issues that effect humans. No one is ruining the lives of the perps, no one of talking about it all over social media, etc. where are the celebrities? how many people have tweeted about Teghan compared to Cecil and you really think people care about both? How many articles were written about her case? How many people know her name? But yep her murder definitely got as much outrage as cecil's...

it's become a common and accepted thing to say that one cares more about animals than humans...I'm just reacting to what I've heard.

On to the next outrage...95% of people crying over this will not tweet about animals becoming endangered and extinct after another week. it's the outrage of the week..there's always a new one.

Are you personally outraged and involved in every issue? Are you aware of every case internationally that evidences something despicable? If not, can we say you don't care that much about humans?

Humans care deeply about one another - about the plight of other humans. Here is just a sampling of "international outrage" about various atrocities or abuses or inhumanities committed against other humans:

An abusive attack of a tiny girl by her mother sparked international outrage:
Wait a minute.

International outrage over the 1000 lashes sentence of a Saudi journalist who dared to criticize clerics:

International outrage over the execution of drug smugglers:

The treatment of the remains of the crash in Ukraine caused international outrage:

International outrage over a cruel prank played on a 13 year old girl on t.v.:

The death sentence of 500 Egyptians sparked international outrage:

A little boy from Australia posing with a severed head in Syria evoked international outrage:

People care about many different things and they are able to care about many different things at the same time.

Our collective outrage about various things has led, throughout history, to various changes in our cultures and our laws. Maybe this is Cecil's time too.

So what?
The world went mad when Caylee Anthony's killer went free. When Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman's killers went free. People do care about humans.

But I think what differentiates Cecil from a baby like Teghan is one, unfortunately, there are so many cases like Teghan's around the world that any one is not likely to capture the media's attention. Two, lions like Cecil are beginning to become rare. So hunting them is a big issue. Three, animals have far less protections than children. Four, we loathe yet understand that child abuse happens. We get that there are people who are evil or filled with rage and who abuse children. But the systematic hunting of a beautiful, rare and tame animal takes not only much planning -thus it is very cold blooded and methodical - it also takes a ton of money. So killers of animals like Cecil are actually paying to torture and destroy an animal. Which takes it all up a notch.

People can be outraged about both child abuse and animal torture. And we have been. Which is why we have passed numerous laws criminalizing the abuse or maltreatment of children. We do not yet have anything close to protecting innocent and dependent animals like Cecil. You can pretty much still torture your dog to death and not much is going to happen to you criminally.

Which brings me to number five: The issue of animal abuse and killing has not yet been resolved. We all pretty much acknowledge that certain conduct is abusive toward a child and should be illegal. There is no such consensus when it comes to animals. Thus, the outrage can become magnified and more intense as people strive to effect cultural change about the issue. :twocents:
Excellent post, the whole thing!:clap::clap::clap::goodpost:
Seriously gitana post of the week!!! 💜💜💜

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Are you personally outraged and involved in every issue? Are you aware of every case internationally that evidences something despicable? If not, can we say you don't care that much about humans?

Humans care deeply about one another - about the plight of other humans. Here is just a sampling of "international outrage" about various atrocities or abuses or inhumanities committed against other humans:

An abusive attack of a tiny girl by her mother sparked international outrage:
Wait a minute.

International outrage over the 1000 lashes sentence of a Saudi journalist who dared to criticize clerics:

International outrage over the execution of drug smugglers:

The treatment of the remains of the crash in Ukraine caused international outrage:

International outrage over a cruel prank played on a 13 year old girl on t.v.:

The death sentence of 500 Egyptians sparked international outrage:

A little boy from Australia posing with a severed head in Syria evoked international outrage:

People care about many different things and they are able to care about many different things at the same time.

Our collective outrage about various things has led, throughout history, to various changes in our cultures and our laws. Maybe this is Cecil's time too.

So what?

I'm personally outraged that Adrian Gonzalez senselessly tortured and killed Maddy Middleton (And I do blame both mothers in this case for not supervising their children), yet I'm not calling for their apartments to be burned down!!!
One big difference between crimes against children and crimes against animals. If cops know who the perp is in a crime against a child, we can expect that perp to be arrested. But this dentist is running around free, and I don't see much hope there will be justice.
Are you personally outraged and involved in every issue? Are you aware of every case internationally that evidences something despicable? If not, can we say you don't care that much about humans?

Humans care deeply about one another - about the plight of other humans. Here is just a sampling of "international outrage" about various atrocities or abuses or inhumanities committed against other humans:

An abusive attack of a tiny girl by her mother sparked international outrage:
Wait a minute.

International outrage over the 1000 lashes sentence of a Saudi journalist who dared to criticize clerics:

International outrage over the execution of drug smugglers:

The treatment of the remains of the crash in Ukraine caused international outrage:

International outrage over a cruel prank played on a 13 year old girl on t.v.:

The death sentence of 500 Egyptians sparked international outrage:

A little boy from Australia posing with a severed head in Syria evoked international outrage:

People care about many different things and they are able to care about many different things at the same time.

Our collective outrage about various things has led, throughout history, to various changes in our cultures and our laws. Maybe this is Cecil's time too.

So what?

I wonder how many of the stories in your post are household names around the world like Cecil? None of your examples have gotten anywhere near as much recognition or publicity even though they involve multiple human beings. How many social media posts have been made about them? And in the examples you cited, international outrage is the author's phrase and could mean's subjective and doesn't prove that any have caused the firestorm that Cecil's death has.

It's like saying both MH370 and random daily mail story has gotten international media coverage...clearly one has gotten significantly more. Just doing a google search for international outrage brings up stories that have failed to gain anywhere near the outrage, especially by westerners, as Cecil.

Cecil is flavor of the week.

Lastly I'm not sure why people keep bringing up cases here that they posted on as I'm clearly referring to people who care more about lions but change the channel when it comes to missing or murdered children. And I'm not sure why people are defending themselves as I said most people, not all...
If somebody doesn't think the topic is important, by all means, discuss something else.
Nobody here is making people to discuss the killing of endangered lion.
I don't go on other threads demanding people discuss the killing of Cecil the lion.
I read an article called 'what lion?' About the reaction in Zimbabwe. On phone so hard to link. Locals had never heard of Cecil, did not know why westerners were flipping out over the death of one lion when many are killed in each year, and why they don't pay attention or care about any of the other pressing issues facing the people of their county.

I hope the people of Zimbabwe are allowed to share their views on this.
I read an article called 'what lion?' About the reaction in Zimbabwe. On phone so hard to link. Locals had never heard of Cecil, did not know why westerners were flipping out over the death of one lion when many are killed in each year, and why they don't pay attention or care about any of the other pressing issues facing the people of their county.

I hope the people of Zimbabwe are allowed to share their views on this.

When they do so, I will listen. So far I'm only hearing your view on this. And frankly, and respectfully, I'm totally unclear at this time as to what your point is!
And- when you thought you'd already reached the point of total disgust at the human race, there is this:

The media firestorm in the past week is now bringing out all the proud 'hunters' to throw their blood lust in the world's collective face. Note she uses the Bible to support her indulgence. One problem though- the scriptural passage seems to refer to hunting for food, not for sport.

The mighty huntress Sabrina sounds like a bimbo with mental issues in the video below, saying such things as, "I got my giraffe" "I respect and connect with the animals I kill" "Giraffes are dangerous, they could hurt you" "How can you fault my hobby?" blah blah ding dang...

If somebody doesn't think the topic is important, by all means, discuss something else.
Nobody here is making people to discuss the killing of endangered lion.
I don't go on other threads demanding people discuss the killing of Cecil the lion.
Amen. I don't know that I've ever been accused of caring too much about a living creature until this lion. Why be OPPOSED to caring? By all means get upset about the lack of caring about something but it's really rather silly to demand the caring that's given be TAKEN from something else. Unlike many resources there's a lot of caring going around. No one can realistically give all their time to every issue and concern but they can do what they can.

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