MN - Dentist Kills a Tame Lion- Catches Heat, July 2015

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When they do so, I will listen. So far I'm only hearing your view on this. And frankly, and respectfully, I'm totally unclear at this time as to what your point is!

Except I provided the name of an article where Zimbabweans are speaking out...

My point is that there is more outrage over the killing of one lion than there is over the murders of human beings. Americans are not screaming at the atrocities committed in Zimbabwe or other African nations, but are getting worked up over one lion because he had a name. He was one of the hundreds of lions killed this year by trophy hunting, yet the outrage will begin and end with Cecil. The killing of an animal causes more outrage than the killings of people of color or poor people which is very disturbing. The outrage over Cecil is the same as what happened with kony....a trend that people latch into to be cool and they will forget about it soon enough.

Anytime there is a case here not getting much attention, remember, many of your fellow human beings care more about a lion than they do a child, teenager, or adult being abused, raped, or murdered. Many cases here fail to generate much local interest, we hear all the time how no one In the area seems very interested, yet one lion has caused the entire world to flip out. And of course they can't all get coverage but its the contrast between people not caring about missing kids, cannot even name the ones who do get coverage, and flipping out over an animal who was killed thousands of miles away. No one is defending Palmer like they defend rapists or cops who kill one is blaming the victim.
Outrage over Cecil's untimely demise is already getting positive results. So frankly it's good this trophy hunting business is finally getting attention it's so badly deserves. This lion wasn't killed because somebody was hungry. The only reason this animal was killed so this dentist could mount his head on his wall. And we need to make sure this lion didn't die in vain.

"The recent killing of a popular lion named Cecil by an American dentist in Zimbabwe sparked considerable outrage on social media and elsewhere against safari hunting. The event has also brought to light the role that airlines play in transporting trophy kills as cargo, and may have contributed to changing airline policy."
Except I provided the name of an article where Zimbabweans are speaking out...

My point is that there is more outrage over the killing of one lion than there is over the murders of human beings. Americans are not screaming at the atrocities committed in Zimbabwe or other African nations, but are getting worked up over one lion because he had a name. He was one of the hundreds of lions killed this year by trophy hunting, yet the outrage will begin and end with Cecil. The killing of an animal causes more outrage than the killings of people of color or poor people which is very disturbing. The outrage over Cecil is the same as what happened with kony....a trend that people latch into to be cool and they will forget about it soon enough.

Anytime there is a case here not getting much attention, remember, many of your fellow human beings care more about a lion than they do a child, teenager, or adult being abused, raped, or murdered. Many cases here fail to generate much local interest, we hear all the time how no one In the area seems very interested, yet one lion has caused the entire world to flip out. And of course they can't all get coverage but its the contrast between people not caring about missing kids, cannot even name the ones who do get coverage, and flipping out over an animal who was killed thousands of miles away. No one is defending Palmer like they defend rapists or cops who kill one is blaming the victim.

I posted this a few days ago. You must have missed it.

"While tragic, the lion's death has not inflamed local passions because it is "far removed from the lived realities of most of the local people," he added, saying that tourism and hunting in Zimbabwe are "mired in elitism". "
Outrage over Cecil's untimely demise is already getting positive results.

"The recent killing of a popular lion named Cecil by an American dentist in Zimbabwe sparked considerable outrage on social media and elsewhere against safari hunting. The event has also brought to light the role that airlines play in transporting trophy kills as cargo, and may have contributed to changing airline policy."

One airline banned it...there are many other options. How many else will follow? Also, How many airlines now require 2+ people in cockpit at all times after the German wings crash? I know there are a few. It will be interesting to see which event causes more airlines to change policies.
One airline banned it...there are many other options. How many else will follow? Also, How many airlines now require 2+ people in cockpit at all times after the German wings crash? I know there are a few. It will be interesting to see which event causes more airlines to change policies.

ONE airline banned it?

On Monday, Delta Air Lines became the latest carrier to change its rules about transporting hunting trophies. Its announcement came as a group of airlines including Air France, KLM, Iberia, IAG Cargo, Singapore Airlines and Qantas signaled last week they would ban the transport of trophy-hunting kills, according to Paul Ferris, the campaign director at, a consumer-based petition agency in Brooklyn, which has pressed for changing cargo policies

Such a ban was initiated by South African Airways in April, and Emirates, Lufthansa and British Airways later joined. These airlines pledged not to carry big game trophies, including elephants, rhinos, lions and tigers as cargo

(from jjenny's link)
ONE airline banned it?

On Monday, Delta Air Lines became the latest carrier to change its rules about transporting hunting trophies. Its announcement came as a group of airlines including Air France, KLM, Iberia, IAG Cargo, Singapore Airlines and Qantas signaled last week they would ban the transport of trophy-hunting kills, according to Paul Ferris, the campaign director at, a consumer-based petition agency in Brooklyn, which has pressed for changing cargo policies

Such a ban was initiated by South African Airways in April, and Emirates, Lufthansa and British Airways later joined. These airlines pledged not to carry big game trophies, including elephants, rhinos, lions and tigers as cargo

(from jjenny's link)

That may go a long way to putting a crimp on trophy hunting. But the rich will find a way.. lots of money for private cargo jets and such.
The mighty huntress Sabrina sounds like a bimbo with mental issues in the video below, saying such things as, "I got my giraffe" "I respect and connect with the animals I kill" "Giraffes are dangerous, they could hurt you" "How can you fault my hobby?" blah blah ding dang...


Just be glad you're not waking up to THAT every morning. We have to count our blessings where we find them. WOW, I watched the video and thank GOD she killed that dangerous and predatory giraffe!! And that ZEBRA!! That takes some hunting skills there!! What next? Fish in a barrel?

The glaring and unmistakable undertone with that whole mess is that no one talks about Sabrina and her husband's obvious sexual component. Big strong alpha male taking his pretty little wifie out on the hunt to show all his friends how lucky he got when he married a good lookin' woman that could cook AND hunt.

The whole thing is nauseating. In my opinion THIS is at the heart of the issue, THIS is what gets people so angry. More so than the animal rights, more so than the actual hunting aspect is the ATTITUDE of these people involved in these trophy killings. It's sickening.

I'm glad I don't know any of these people personally or professionally.
That may go a long way to putting a crimp on trophy hunting. But the rich will find a way.. lots of money for private cargo jets and such.

I agree. The rich always find a way. I'm wondering about Fedex.
Just be glad you're not waking up to THAT every morning. We have to count our blessings where we find them. WOW, I watched the video and thank GOD she killed that dangerous and predatory giraffe!! And that ZEBRA!! That takes some hunting skills there!! What next? Fish in a barrel?

The glaring and unmistakable undertone with that whole mess is that no one talks about Sabrina and her husband's obvious sexual component. Big strong alpha male taking his pretty little wifie out on the hunt to show all his friends how lucky he got when he married a good lookin' woman that could cook AND hunt.

The whole thing is nauseating. In my opinion THIS is at the heart of the issue, THIS is what gets people so angry. More so than the animal rights, more so than the actual hunting aspect is the ATTITUDE of these people involved in these trophy killings. It's sickening.

I'm glad I don't know any of these people personally or professionally.

Yes you're right, I'm very thankful that I'm not waking up to THAT every morning!

Lastly I'm not sure why people keep bringing up cases here that they posted on as I'm clearly referring to people who care more about lions but change the channel when it comes to missing or murdered children. And I'm not sure why people are defending themselves as I said most people, not all...

Snipped by me to address this part.

When it comes to missing or murdered children it rips the heart out of compassionate people. Unfortunately those types of cases are way to often. People can only take so much heartache and heartbreak before they themselves become severely depressed. It isn't that people don't care about those children, perhaps they care too much. Is it right or fair to the missing/murdered child that people change the channel? Not really, no. But it is understandable. When we are bombarded by the images of missing/murdered children day after day it becomes too much for some to handle. Cases like Cecil are not reported on often unless it is a commercial for SPCA or other animal foundations. And just because someone changes the channel does not mean that they aren't heartbroken for that child.

She used a TRIPOD with her rifle on it to shoot that Giraffe. That's pathetic.
One airline banned it...there are many other options. How many else will follow? Also, How many airlines now require 2+ people in cockpit at all times after the German wings crash? I know there are a few. It will be interesting to see which event causes more airlines to change policies.

It's not just Delta. I saw an article on Facebook today that United and American have also followed suit.
I am not sure why I need to talk to every single American to make an observation. That's like saying you need to ask every single adult who they would vote for before you can release a political poll. It would be nice to think that Americans care about what is happening in Zimbabwe, but I think it's most likely that most Americans couldn't even tell you who the leader is, much less what is happening there. There is very little news coverage of Zimbabwe in U.S. media, yet I'm supposed to actually go out and ask every single American before I can make a generalization that they nothing about Zimbabwe, much less care about what is happening there? Um....ok.

I think there are many, many people who care more about a lion being killed than a human. There are even plenty who will admit it. Of course it depends on who the human is. No one would say they care more about Cecil than the children at Newtown, but victims of police bruality? That's a whole other story. For many people, Cecil's death ranks above the deaths of many victims who they find something wrong with. Nobody is asking if Cecil has a record. Nobody is asking how many children Cecil has fathered with how many women. Nobody is asking what Cecil was wearing. When all victims are giving the same respect, then I will believe that people care equally about all of them.

I saw a tweet by a black person saying something along the lines of "We need to start wearing lion costumes so people care when we die" Very true, no matter how much it "bothers" or "offends" people.

Your post is getting very close to a personal should not be focused on me, the poster, but on my post. discussing my past posts, speculating about what I am like outside of the Internet, or saying that I cannot participate in any serious discussion on any topic is offensive and inappropriate.

Amen to that. I thought of you the other day when I was on Sandra Bland's thread. I was thinking where is eileenhawkeye? She should be here. ;)

My heart dropped when I heard about Cecil and it angered me. Though because I have been following the Bland case and other similar cases recently I completely understand where you're coming from. I see an outrage re: Cecil's death and demand for justice (rightfully so). But when it comes to the Bland case and others like it - I don't see anything like that in comparison.

I read A LOT of "look at her past traffic violations, look how much she owed in traffic fines, did you see she considered herself a civil activist on social media, she broke the law by changing lanes without signaling" and those, I suppose, are reasons why it was ok for a LEO to handle the traffic stop with her like he did, etc. To say it deeply saddens me to see people justify certain behavior of LEO is astounding to me. It rocks me to my core and I come from a large family of LEO's (retired and current). I apologize for bringing up another case in this thread. I want to let Eileenhawkeye know that I understand where she is coming from and that is because of the particular cases I'm currently following at the same time.

(Important note: I'm not down playing Cecil's death whatsoever nor the reaction to it. My heart is broken for what happened to him especially as to how it happened and all the details surrounding that. Following this case as well as several where the victims are treated poorly (that is putting it really nicely) because of a list of reasons that should never matter and a healthy amount of people justifying it or even agreeing with it beyond troublesome and actually frightening.

So, I can see where eileenhawkeye is coming from on that. I don't want a lion to ever be killed and I definitely hope his killer doesn't get to kill again but I'm not hopeful...who kills a polar bear for goodness sake?!? I equally hope that one day people as a whole will stand up and demand justice and become supportive of ALL victims regardless of their race, sex, religion, past criminal record, employment history or lack thereof, driving record, etc.

** The above post is my opinion only. Yours may vary. I respect all opinions and view points just the same. **

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