MN - Dentist Kills a Tame Lion- Catches Heat, July 2015

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And when this happened, I expressed my outrage about it too. I wish posters here would stop with the if you care about animals, you can't care/be outraged about human deaths!!!:mad:

Someone said the same thing to me , don't you care about kids more???? why is this such a big deal!!!! WELL I DONT RECALL NOT BEING OUTRAGED THE LAST TIME A CHILD WAS MURDERED AND DECAPATIED!!! TO ME THAT LION (and I saw a doc on him awhile back) was like a kid or a pet

ALL HORRIFIC ACTS BE DAMMED!!!! .......happy now

I never said a word about posters caring for animals more then humans, so please don't quote my post and say stuff that I didn't say. jmo idk

Maybe you didn't, but you did say Outrage of the Week. I resent that. WS is not the place for that.

Anyone who kills another living thing not for food (humans excluded from this category, please) or out of mercy or self defense, but for the sheer pleasure of taking another life is a sick SOB.

Again, MOO.

This man is no different from some nutter who shoots up a theater. Why are people so blood thirsty? How can a person grin ear-to-ear over the murdered carcass of an animal that posed no threat?

And don't get me started on "thrill of the hunt". Hiring people to flush out an animal while you stand there with a tripod and pick the poor thing off is just vicious. We discuss ad nauseum serial killers who began with harming animals. IMO, people that pay and participate in this sick "hobby" are right there with serial killers, and yes. I said that. I calls em as I sees em.

It appears one of my posts and a few others got snipped from this thread. I would sure appreciate hearing from a mod what I did wrong. Criticism of some of what we see going on on WS shouldn't be grounds for deleting posts. But then what do I know..
Except most people screaming about Cecil do not care about lions going extinct. They care about the death of one lion. Cecil is not the only endangered animal who has been hunted yet the only one people are willing to throw themselves off a bridge for.

BBM for focus. Do you have a source for this?

I posted upthread that I don't particularly care whether the dead lion in question was the celebrity Cecil (whom I had never even heard of it until now) or some other random lion.

I care because lions are endangered and this one was killed illegally, AFAIK lured out of his protected sanctuary, for no good reason except the guy wanted to and a large sum of money exchanged hands.

I kind of assumed others shared my view, that it wasn't about this particular lion specifically but about an endangered animal being killed just for someone's kicks and someone else's greed.

ETA: and the corollary that if this kind of outrage could happen to a celebrity lion, what kind of outrages are visited upon lions that we don't even know about.

Also I wanted to respond to another of your posts that has been deleted. In general I don't post about those other types of cases to which you were referring because I get so depressed by what other posters are saying. The same things that upset you, I'll wager.

That doesn't mean I'm not outraged by those cases--believe me, I am--but I think human nature leads most of us to post more on threads where we have allies than those where we feel we're futilely butting heads with the majority view.

I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here--having been on Websleuths a long time, I've been in both the majority and the minority camps. I'm continually amazed at how I can agree 100% with someone on one case and zero percent on another. I can name on one hand the members that I have agreed with on every single issue, at least as far as I recall.

But I'm getting away from my point.

Which is, I would ask you to please don't assume that if people seem to exhibit more passion over one outrage than over another, that they care less.

For my own part, I am grateful to be part of this community of people that CARE at all. Over any brutal, unjustified death of another living creature, human or not.
BBM for focus. Do you have a source for this?

I posted upthread that I don't particularly care whether the dead lion in question was the celebrity Cecil (whom I had never even heard of it until now) or some other random lion.

I care because lions are endangered and this one was killed illegally, AFAIK lured out of his protected sanctuary, for no good reason except the guy wanted to and a large sum money exchanged hands.

I kind of assumed others shared my view, that it wasn't about this particular lion specifically but about an endangered animal being killed just for someone's kicks and someone else's greed.

What you assumed is just common sense to anyone expressing outrage over this killing IMO.

The problem with common sense is---- sometimes it's not that common.
I'm wondering why I have to validate my concern for this issue.

Oh that's right, I DON'T.
It appears one of my posts and a few others got snipped from this thread. I would sure appreciate hearing from a mod what I did wrong. Criticism of some of what we see going on on WS shouldn't be grounds for deleting posts. But then what do I know..

I think those posts were snipped before I saw them, so I can't speak to them specifically.

But if it helps, from my own observations and experience, the moderators probably considered those posts off topic.
What you assumed is just common sense to anyone expressing outrage over this killing IMO.

The problem with common sense is---- sometimes it's not that common.

Giant edit above! Mr. Izzy interrupted me yet somehow everything was saved! Not that anything I added contradicted what you said. :seeya:
I just don't understand folks who throw some horrible case involving say, a child, at those of us upset over this case and then jump to the conclusion that we care more about animals than people. I cannot speak for everyone but I am capable of feeling outrage at both. The case cited by a prior poster was indeed horrific. What however does it have to do with this case? Are we less capable of feeling outrage over a child's death just because we feel it over Cecil's?

Maybe I am missing something here.

This is a common reaction when people find out that I'm a long time vegan: but what about issue x, y, or z? What about those? How can you care about chickens when people are suffering? This is usually followed by a comment about how good bacon tastes.

I find it sad and distressing that many people apparently have limits to their compassion. If anybody ever feels distressed after following threads on here, click on over to the Farm Sanctuary for some warm fuzzies.

i am began for the same reason I read here: I care about all living things. Except maybe cockroaches, though apparently researchers are trying to wire them up to search for earthquake survivors.
As far as I know children aren't going extinct. My heart aches for every child that does not have a loving and safe home.

These animals know no better. JMO MOO
This is a common reaction when people find out that I'm a long time vegan: but what about issue x, y, or z? What about those? How can you care about chickens when people are suffering? This is usually followed by a comment about how good bacon tastes.

I find it sad and distressing that many people apparently have limits to their compassion. If anybody ever feels distressed after following threads on here, click on over to the Farm Sanctuary for some warm fuzzies.

i am began for the same reason I read here: I care about all living things. Except maybe cockroaches, though apparently researchers are trying to wire them up to search for earthquake survivors.

Throughout my life I have found myself apologizing for being thoughtful, being respectful, being different. Historically it has been the misfits, the outcasts and the free thinking dreamers that built the world as we know it. It's time to take our place in the Universe and draw the line in the sand.

Stop apologizing for having a brain that is free enough to consider possibilities that treat other LIVING THINGS with compassion.

I share with you my favorite quote of all time and one I clutch with all the passion of a drowning woman holding a lifeline.

View attachment 79508
You know, whenever I see photos of someone frolicking in the wild with, say, a lion, or a gorilla, or some other creature my first reaction is: "Don't teach them to trust humans--we're a *terrible* species."

And that's what happened to Cecil, he lived thinking that humans were a source of food and not a threat to him or his family until the night some milquetoast of a dentist paid $50,000 to have some guides lure this collared lion with food out of safety where he lived with humans he trusted to where he could be wounded, tracked for miles and then butchered to prove what a mighty hunter this guy was. I wonder if the guides held his crossbow steady while he pulled the trigger. Oh yes, Dr. Walter Palmer, you are the Master of the Jungle for shooting a tame lion. Such bravery! Such skill! I hope whenever you look on your trophy you understand with all your being how all the world now knows that you are bagging big game to compensate for your teeny, weeny....soul.
P.S. People get to be outraged about whatever they choose, other people don't have to agree with it. My post history more than documents (I think) how outraged I become over children being tortured and killed AND YET I still have room to be outraged over this innocent creature being killed for money + ego. Imagine that.

I am an outrage multi-tasker!
"Bless the Beasts and Children"

"Bless the Beasts and Children " by the Carpenters.

This is a common reaction when people find out that I'm a long time vegan: but what about issue x, y, or z? What about those? How can you care about chickens when people are suffering? This is usually followed by a comment about how good bacon tastes.

I find it sad and distressing that many people apparently have limits to their compassion. If anybody ever feels distressed after following threads on here, click on over to the Farm Sanctuary for some warm fuzzies.

i am began for the same reason I read here: I care about all living things. Except maybe cockroaches, though apparently researchers are trying to wire them up to search for earthquake survivors.
Agreed. If my adult sons find a Palmetto bug in the house, they still take it outside. They've been taught only to kill whatever may pose a certain threat. They've saved countless crickets over the years. My student son who lives back at home placed a bowl of water and some lettuce out on the sun porch because he couldn't catch the last lizard that had found its way in. He wanted to make sure the little lizard had a water source so it wouldn't become dehydrated or ill until we can catch and release him. And yes, we care about people too. That's inherent in compassion for all sentient beings.

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