MN - George Floyd, unarmed man killed in police custody, Minneapolis, 25 May 2020

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Yes, that is a difference, but I don't think having video makes it any worse.

No, it does not. But, what it does do is create a searing visual that a judge can't deny. If they had the benefit of that in the Noor shooting, it might have done something. She did not get justice. It is a tragedy that they have not made changes before or since.
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Not to negate the victim, or support the perpetrator.

The officer who shot and killed a disabled man, and shot both of his parents at Costco was never charged. No riots.

Ms. Justine, from Australia was shot and killed in Minneapolis. No riots.

Riots are not an effective form of getting attention.

The officer who shot and killed a man in his apartment in Dallas, TX, no riots. There were peaceful demonstrations.

Why did this happen?
Not to negate the victim, or support the perpetrator.

The officer who shot and killed a disabled man, and shot both of his parents at Costco was never charged. No riots.

Ms. Justine, from Australia was shot and killed in Minneapolis. No riots.

Riots are not an effective form of getting attention.

The officer who shot and killed a man in his apartment in Dallas, TX, no riots. There were peaceful demonstrations.

Why did this happen?
It’s not a legal way of getting attention, but it will get the attention of people. Some feel it’s worth it.
I believe that as much as the rioting/looting/criminal behavior is important it becomes a distraction to the crime perpetrated on Mr. Floyd. Yes, there is a lot happening in Minneapolis and the opinions on who was right/wrong/responsible are going to run the gamut.

BUT, we are losing the focus on this victim, this crime. Mr. Floyd deserves justice. Mr. Floyd deserves to be given a voice in the legal system. He was killed in a needless (senseless, horrific, slow, frightening, insert your adjective here) situation at the knee of a sworn officer of the law with three others helping/looking on.

Talk about the rioting....but don't forget Mr. Floyd. He didn't cause the riot. He's dead.

Yeah, those have been my thoughts. The murder (allegedly per TOS) is overshadowed vs. getting focused on. That is such a tragedy.
Not to negate the victim, or support the perpetrator.

The officer who shot and killed a disabled man, and shot both of his parents at Costco was never charged. No riots.

Ms. Justine, from Australia was shot and killed in Minneapolis. No riots.

Riots are not an effective form of getting attention.

The officer who shot and killed a man in his apartment in Dallas, TX, no riots. There were peaceful demonstrations.

Why did this happen?

I think PoC are sick and tired of trying get change as there are too many cases.
Philando Castille, Amhaud Arbery (not cop but former cop hunting him down and DA refused charges even with video), Breonna Taylor (wrong house, she and bf thought it was a home invasion he shot and was arrested--other home invasions not so much a quick arrest), Botham Jean(remember the atmosphere was horrific in the city b/c they didn't blood test her, interviews were cut short and delegates called and Mr. Jean's name was drug through the mud--pot, altered state etc), Atatiana Jefferson.

In cases where mentally ill people are killed, there is very rarely a community outcry. The DS man killed in the theater is a great example. And there are many others.

We should all be outraged by ill-trained, over zealous shooting by officers regardless but we are not always so inclined.......
Not to negate the victim, or support the perpetrator.

The officer who shot and killed a disabled man, and shot both of his parents at Costco was never charged. No riots.

Ms. Justine, from Australia was shot and killed in Minneapolis. No riots.

Riots are not an effective form of getting attention.

The officer who shot and killed a man in his apartment in Dallas, TX, no riots. There were peaceful demonstrations.

Why did this happen?
Good question. Maybe it was the broad daylight aspect of this, and that so many people literally watched a crisp-clear video of a man dying. Heard him call for his mother. Saw the nonchalant look on the officer's face. Maybe that was infuriating enough, on top of the Central Park incident the day before, the Arbery case in GA, and in the background is the toll this virus is taking on our country. JMO.

Generalized bashing of law enforcement is not allowed. Stick to this case and don't make blanket derogatory statements about LE.

I can't thank you enough.

All LE being called a cult or exactly the same is very hurtful, but also baseless in facts. In all LE agencies we have around a million men, and women who put their lives on the line each, and everyday for their communities.

99% are not like this excop who murdered George.

Thanks for reminding all of us SillyBilly.

Not to negate the victim, or support the perpetrator.

The officer who shot and killed a disabled man, and shot both of his parents at Costco was never charged. No riots.

Ms. Justine, from Australia was shot and killed in Minneapolis. No riots.

Riots are not an effective form of getting attention.

The officer who shot and killed a man in his apartment in Dallas, TX, no riots. There were peaceful demonstrations.

Why did this happen?
I think it was simply the horrific video of that cop with his knee on Lloyd's neck for 9 minutes. Plus the cop had sort of a nonchalant look on his face while Lloyd was pleading with him. That can set people off. Video is powerful.
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Yes, that is a difference, but I don't think having video makes it any worse.
Direct evidence is the best the prosecution could hope for. It shows the accused not only used unnecessary deadly force, but continued to put the victims life at risk by kneeling and putting pressure on his neck, not only after he was lying prone in cuffs and defenseless, but for 6 or 7 minutes after he showed no signs of life. It's solid proof that he intended to inflict harm, with malice and a total disregard for human life.

Being a police officer, he would have known it could have resulted in death. Especially since he knew the victim may have been drinking. They should have taken him to the hospital once they had control.

"I anticipate charges" against the other three officers, Freeman says.

View attachment 249121
Theo Keith on Twitter
page 2 the statement reads Mr. Floyd said he couldn’t breathe. (This was prior to restraint)

of course it made perfect sense to further exacerbate his breathing issues by kneeling on his neck/full weight, for 8-9 minutes. (Angry sarcasm)
(Excerpt of the complaint):

On May 25, 2020, someone called 911 and reported that a man bought merchandise from Cup Foods at

3759 Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis, Hennepin County, Minnesota with a counterfeit $20 bill. At 8:08

p.m., Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) Officers Thomas Lane and J.A. Kueng arrived with their body

worn cameras (BWCs) activated and running. The officers learned from store personnel that the man who

passed the counterfeit $20 was parked in a car around the corner from the store on 38th Street.

BWC video obtained by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension shows that the officers

approached the car, Lane on the driver’s side and Kueng on the passenger side. Three people were in the

car; George Floyd was in the driver’s seat, a known adult male was in the passenger seat and a known

adult female was sitting in the backseat. As Officer Lane began speaking with Mr. Floyd, he pulled his gun

out and pointed it at Mr. Floyd’s open window and directed Mr. Floyd to show his hands. When Mr. Floyd

put his hands in the steering wheel, Lane put his gun back in its holster.

While Officer Kueng was speaking with the front seat passenger, Officer Lane ordered Mr. Floyd out of the

car, put his hands on Mr. Floyd, and pulled him out of the car. Officer Lane handcuffed Mr. Floyd. Mr. Floyd

actively resisted being handcuffed.

Once handcuffed, Mr. Floyd became compliant and walked with Officer Lane to the sidewalk and sat on the

ground at Officer Lane’s direction. In a conversation that lasted just under two minutes, Officer Lang asked

Mr. Floyd for his name and identification. Officer Lane asked Mr. Lloyd if he was “on anything” and

explained that he was arresting Mr. Lloyd for passing counterfeit currency.

Officers Kueng and Lane stood Mr. Floyd up and attempted to walk Mr. Floyd to their squad car (MPD 320)

at 8:14 p.m. Mr. Floyd stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic.

MPD Officers Derek Chauvin (the defendant) and Tou Thoa then arrived in a separate squad car.

The officers made several attempts to get Mr. Floyd in the backseat of squad 320 from the driver’s side.

Mr. Floyd did not voluntarily get in the car and struggled with the officers by intentionally falling down, saying

he was not going in the car, and refusing to stand still. Mr. Floyd is over six feet tall and weighs more than

200 pounds.

While standing outside the car, Mr. Floyd began saying and repeating that he could not breathe. The

defendant went to the passenger side and tried to get Mr. Floyd into the car from that side and Lane and

Kueng assisted.

The defendant pulled Mr. Floyd out of the passenger side of the squad car at 8:19:38 p.m. and Mr. Floyd

went to the ground face down and still handcuffed. Kueng held Mr. Floyd’s back and Lane held his legs. The

defendant placed his left knee in the area of Mr. Floyd’s head and neck. Mr. Floyd said, “I can’t breathe”

multiple times and repeatedly said, “Mama” and “please,” as well. The defendant and the other two officers

stayed in their positions.

The officers said, “You are talking fine” to Mr. Floyd as he continued to move back and forth. Lane asked,

“should we roll him on his side?” and the defendant said, “No, staying put where we got him.” Officer Lane

said, “I am worried about excited delirium or whatever.” The defendant said, “That’s why we have him on his

stomach.” None of the three officers moved from their positions.

BWC video shows Mr. Floyd continue to move and breathe. At 8:24:24, Mr. Floyd stopped moving. At



Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
8:25:31 the video appears to show Mr. Floyd ceasing to breathe or speak. Lane said, “want to roll him on

his side.” Kueng checked Mr. Floyd’s right wrist for a pulse and said, “I couldn’t find one.” None of the
officers moved from their positions.
At 8:27:24, the defendant removed his knee from Mr. Floyd’s neck. An ambulance and emergency medical
personnel arrived, the officers placed Mr. Floyd on a gurney, and the ambulance left the scene. Mr. Floyd
was pronounced dead at Hennepin County Medical Center.
The Hennepin County Medical Examiner (ME) conducted Mr. Floyd’s autopsy on May 26, 2020. The full
report of the ME is pending but the ME has made the following preliminary findings. The autopsy revealed
no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation. Mr. Floyd had
underlying health conditions including coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The
combined effects of Mr. Floyd being restrained by the police, his underlying health conditions and any
potential intoxicants in his system likely contributed to his death.
The defendant had his knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in total. Two minutes and 53
seconds of this was after Mr. Floyd was non-responsive. Police are trained that this type of restraint with a
subject in a prone position is inherently dangerous.
Defendant is in custody.

Read the complaint charging ex-Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin with murder of George Floyd
27 CR 20 12646 Complaint

Read the complaint charging Derek Chauvin with murder of George Floyd
View attachment 249120
I am reading the 3rd degree definition from above. I have some questions.

From the post above:
a) Whoever, without intent to effect the death of any person, causes the death of another by perpetrating an act eminently dangerous to others and evincing a depraved mind, without regard for human life, is guilty of murder in the third degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 25 years.


1.He has his knee on the neck. The man is asking for relief. The crowd is calling for relief. The man goes slack. The killer doesn't adjust, change position, get off Mr. Floyd, or turn Mr. Floyd over to give him the opportunity to breathe. Any reasonable person could see the man was in distress and not conscious. He rendered no aid. How is that not intent to kill?

2. What were they waiting for by keeping Mr. Floyd on the ground, under that knee for 7+ minutes? He was defenseless. Yes, he was a tall man but there were 4 cops. No cop asked for further back-up as far as I can tell. Show of force? Showing off for the rookies?

3. What is the training on that hold? How long can you jam your knee into the neck of a person before you cause their death? (I am not talking about embolisms or tears but more length of time.)

4. As Mr. Floyd is pleading for him to stop, the killer does not. As the pleas get more desperate, Mr. Floyd can not try to escape as there are three on him. How is it reasonable to think that continued lack of capacity for his lungs to breathe combined with cutting of his blood flood with the knee would not cause permanent damage or death?

I wonder why they are pursuing 3rd degree rather than a higher charge (I know that they can increase the charges).

I do not agree with 3rd degree murder.

I feel he should be charged with first degree or no less than second degree murder.

The other officer checked George's pulse, and he had none, and told the suspect yet he still kept his knee on his neck.

No way should this be manslaughter. Imo the facts as known doesnt support the lower charge.

I am just catching up with this news. Haven’t read the entire thread yet, and I apologize in advance as I’m sure everything I’m about to say has already been said. But I need to say it too. RANT ALERT

I sadly watched the Floyd video. I’m sickened. I just saw police slowly murder a human being ... on video. I feel sick. I am today literally ashamed to be white. From what I saw on video there was no resisting arrest by Floyd. He was maybe drunk. It was a counterfeit bill. Tase him and cuff him. Ok. But NO. They freaking murdered a man on video. I have watched graphic videos before, and have a strong stomach. This actually sickened me. It’s slow. You literally watch this man slowly be killed by suffocating him.

Termination of the officers was the bare minimum. The murder charge was the obvious outcome.

Someone said to me, “well now you know why people run from police.” I don’t want to go there. It diverts attention to those that don’t cooperate with police. Floyd didn’t run, he appears to not resist. I’m focused on that. People should not have to run, nor should they. Do not resist arrest. If a suspect is an armed violent threat, police may need to use force or weapons. I’m on board with that. But an unarmed person not resisting arrest should expect to be treated with respect and within legal protocol. Not murdered in cold blood, slowly, while being filmed. I’m so outraged.

I am sorry for this city that is experiencing the outbreak of protests. Violence is never the answer. But I am actually glad to see some outrage about something that has real meaning. I have watched the protests from the privileged folks that are angry they can’t get their Starbucks double latte without a mask. That is ok too. They have a right to protest. Now let’s come together and be outraged about this senseless brutality and murder.

Let there be justice for George Floyd.

all above MOO. RANT OVER
Lane asked,“should we roll him on his side?” and the defendant said, “No, staying put where we got him.” Officer Lane
said, “I am worried about excited delirium or whatever.” The defendant said, “That’s why we have him on his

8:25:31 the video appears to show Mr. Floyd ceasing to breathe or speak. Lane said, “want to roll him on
his side.” Kueng checked Mr. Floyd’s right wrist for a pulse and said, “I couldn’t find one.” None of the
officers moved from their positions.

One of them (Lane) had some sense but deferred to the veterans. Then, they knew he had no pulse and didn't render CPR or anything but remained in their positions. They should all be charged.
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