MN - Jacob Wetterling, 11, St. Joseph, 22 Oct 1989 - #1

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The Wetterlings will mark 20 years since Jacob's abduction by thanking those who helped on the case.

Several current posters don't realize that Jacob's abduction began a national focus on abducted children.

Thank you for reminding me why I don't frequent the Topix board. There is a lot to be said for a moderated forum.
Below are some snippets from a couple news articles from back when the car theory was abandoned that would seem to suggest that the authorities have at least a few suspects in mind, which makes me wonder if the true perp could be among them but the authorities are perhaps having difficulty with obtaining concrete evidence against him... :waitasec:

"ST. JOSEPH, MINN -- After more than 14 years of frustration, Patty Wetterling reacted with caution and weary optimism Wednesday to a new development in the abduction of her 11-year-old son Jacob.

Wetterling and her husband, Jerry, met with Stearns County Sheriff John Sanner for about an hour at the office of the foundation named for Jacob, who was abducted near their home in 1989.

She said the latest development suggests that someone living near the abduction site took Jacob, giving less credence to previous theories that someone in a car had driven off with him.

Wetterling called the development "significant" and said authorities "have reason to apply pressure, but not too much pressure" to a local man who has been interviewed by investigators."

"A new theory that the kidnapper could have been on foot and lived near the rural St. Joseph abduction site has developed.

New information from the driver of a long-sought vehicle reportedly seen at the abduction site allowed investigators to rule out the involvement of that vehicle in the abduction.

Sheriff John Sanner said investigators have been reexamining suspects who couldn't be ruled out earlier. He also said the information didn't completely rule out that a vehicle was used but did diminish that possibility.

The suspects investigators are talking with have been identified for years as potential suspects, he said.

The new information is allowing investigators to focus on a smaller group of possible suspects, Sanner said.

Investigators are continuing to interview people, gather additional evidence and receive new information, Sanner said. Sanner declined Thursday to give details of the interviews or evidence."​
Thanks for the backup info. Unfortunately, this info was from year 14, and now we're into year 20 with no resolution to the abduction.

Local Involvement? To some, the St. Joe area may have a few hidden secrets. Both stories are older than Jacob's abduction, which occurred in 1989.

In 1974, Sisters Mary and Susan Reker, ages 15 and 12, were abducted and found murdered in a quarry. They had walked to/from a local store. Their bodies were found just outside St. Cloud, which is about 8 miles from St. Joseph. Police believe the murderer was local. This crime has never been solved.

Also, there have been rumors of involvement in Jacob's disappearance by someone from St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, near St. Joseph, although I don't believe anyone specifically has ever been named - only rumors.

If local involvement is true, someone must know something; someone must have a conscience.
Jacob's best friend; Aaron Larson's story
Produced by Renee Jones Schneider | Last updated on Oct 17, 2009

Twenty years have passed since Jacob Wetterling was abducted and never seen again. His best friend Aaron Larson, who was with Jacob and his brother the night of the abduction, still questions why this happened...

Absolutely incredible video from Aaron, the last person to see Jacob alive.

What a sad, sad video. Aaron feels such guilt, even after all these years, that Jacob was taken and he was not. I remember when Jacob was kidnapped, how terrifying it was---as a mom of baby boys, I remember feeling as though I could not ever safely take my eyes off of them, that giving them any freedom at all could lead to something so awful happening.

Jacob and his family have been in my heart for so many years. How I wish the truth would come forth!
What a sad, sad video. Aaron feels such guilt, even after all these years, that Jacob was taken and he was not. I remember when Jacob was kidnapped, how terrifying it was---as a mom of baby boys, I remember feeling as though I could not ever safely take my eyes off of them, that giving them any freedom at all could lead to something so awful happening.

Jacob and his family have been in my heart for so many years. How I wish the truth would come forth!

And, now Aaron has a son of his own. I'm sure he never want his boy to be out of his sight.
Three days until the 20th anniversary. I hope one of the newsmagazine shows (20/20, Dateline, 48 Hours) or AMW does a story.
The St. Cloud Times featured many pages on Oct. 18th on Jacob Wetterling for the 20th anniversary of his kidnapping.

Here is a link to an index of all articles:

The main articles:

and one about Aaaron Larson's family:

and a map to the abduction scene:

Video and crime scene photos, suspect sketches:
Thanks for posting those, shergal. I feel sorry for the Wetterlings that they still have hope their son will be coming home. Their best hope is to at least get some answers at some point. The not knowing must be the hardest.
I'm confused about the abduction site, though. Was it across from Dale St., as the article shows, or farther south at the long driveway, as I've long thought?
I'm not positive, but if you look at "on the scene" here:

and click on at the crime scene on the map that comes up, it does look like the driveway at one time came east off Dale Street back then. You could probably contact the Times or the Wetterling Foundation to find out for sure.
I think the sctimes is wrong. I'm fairly certain the abduction site is not next to Dale St., as depicted, but at the long driveway 1/4 mile south. I have seen the site shown on TV programs over the years, and it's never among trees with houses around; it's always out in the middle of farmers' fields.
Three days until the 20th anniversary. I hope one of the newsmagazine shows (20/20, Dateline, 48 Hours) or AMW does a story.

Me too. Would someone please post if they hear of any specials on the anniversary.

Excerpts from the above article...

About halfway through their mile-long trip, Aaron heard a rustle in the tall grass by the road.

"A little shiver went through me," he said. "I didn't know if it was a person or an animal, but I kind of sped up. I don't know if Trevor or Jacob even heard it. ... It was just a strange noise that shouldn't be there."

Not wanting the others to know he was scared, he said nothing.


Halfway back, near the same spot where Larson heard the rustle, a man wearing a mask stepped from the dark.

This is very significant, it would mean that the abductor was already in place when they passed by the spot the first time... I wonder at what point he first spotted the boys (assuming it was really the abductor Aaron had heard and it seems likely that it was).
October 22, 1989 approximately 9:20pm Central Time

Let us pause to remember Jacob, his family, and his best friend Aaron.
I'll be thinking of them... & hoping too :heart:
Bump for Jacob Wetterling - abducted 22 Oct 1989. Keep the family and friends in your hearts today.
Thinking of Jacob and his family today.....I can't believe it's been 20 years. :(
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