MN MN - Joshua Guimond, 20, Collegeville, 9 Nov 2002 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
....oh one other thing. These people may not be local. I remember talking to people from all over the world! If they're not local they may remain unidentified.
Obviously if one of them was local....then the finger of suspicion would point more at them I suppose.

A new theory is bubbling away in my mind.
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Thanks. I am gonna complete the rest too but on Wednesday when I'm back at my work's computer :) I'm also going to tentatively group them because I believe there are 3 different groups (possibly just 2), as you say.

1) Journalists, lawyers and other professionals (these are perhaps people involved in sex scandal cases within the church?) (6 & 17 and probably others)
For these individuals it would be helpful to find if the actual photo is on an old Web page (newspaper site eg) from 2002. Then we can see if Joshua was actually talking to them or merely researching their work. Perhaps the Wayback Machine would help, and I'm willing to reach out and ask them too.

2) Profile Pictures. Numbers 1, 3, 16 for instance. These are full body "posing" photos. I would suggest these were used on a dating site. Some of the others which appear to be taken using a webcam may as have been used as profile photos also.

3) Webcam photos. Many appear to be taken on a webcam, and not only that, they appear to be "action" shots. Numbers 5, 12, 13, 26 & 28 were unlikely to be used as a profile photos on a dating site due to the angle and quality. Were these screenshots that Joshua saved?

We know Joshua was perhaps researching abuse within the church, and we have possible evidence of this here. We know he was possibly posing as a female (or a female was using his computer) on dating sites and it looks like we have evidence of that. We know he began to access Web cam chat sites (obviously he wasn't posing a female here, he had to be himself!) And it looks like we have evidence of that too.

*a note on Web cam dating sites. I remember using these myself and despite the connotations they weren't always for anything rude. Sometimes it was just nice to see and hear a potential date. They were used for more rude things too of course.
It's a shame we don't have any details of Joshua's actions leading up to this date. I want to know if he me with any strangers or took any trips where he didn't say where he was going!

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im sorry to be the bearer of bad news (welll a bad thought but) ihave a hunch that these people are completely irrelevant to the case and these photos are nothing but a giant curveball

and i have a feeling that the sheriffs know.let me explain!!

1) if you look at your own computer cache you will see hundreds of files just like these....unkown faces of people you never met,never spoke to,never interact with
2) people are dying e.g bruce wollmering, richard d. walton (reporter). i think the most obvious thing is to ask the man we suspect of being phto 17 if it is him in the photo.hes still alive. and if he says yes that could lead to something

and 3)i think the sheriffs are complicit in hiding the truth. remember when bruce wollmering died they sealed his room and taken his computer. he was a known prolific pedophile with keys to underground tunnels and incinerator on campus.he was track and field coach and a keen jogger.the fbi profile fit wollmering to the letter.

wollmerings computer info never got relesaed. joshs dad sued them but lost the case so the sheriffs dont have to release all this of the detectives originally on the case was a graduate of st johns so therre is a conflict of interest!!

i know this wont be popular but i think police know what happened and these photos are put out to intentionally distract websleuths.josh was visiting webcams as you correctly say yahoo was an international site.i remember being on chatrooms in the 90s (AOL chatrooms) and you could talk to people from all over USA, UK, Australia....which explains why these people would show up on the computer and have nothing to do with the disappearance

i think our plan of action needs to be

1) ask photo 17 if it is him in photo
2) as you said in post #756 see if @DarkJodo knows an ymore aboutt he photos
im sorry to be the bearer of bad news (welll a bad thought but) ihave a hunch that these people are completely irrelevant to the case and these photos are nothing but a giant curveball

and i have a feeling that the sheriffs know.let me explain!!

1) if you look at your own computer cache you will see hundreds of files just like these....unkown faces of people you never met,never spoke to,never interact with
2) people are dying e.g bruce wollmering, richard d. walton (reporter). i think the most obvious thing is to ask the man we suspect of being phto 17 if it is him in the photo.hes still alive. and if he says yes that could lead to something

and 3)i think the sheriffs are complicit in hiding the truth. remember when bruce wollmering died they sealed his room and taken his computer. he was a known prolific pedophile with keys to underground tunnels and incinerator on campus.he was track and field coach and a keen jogger.the fbi profile fit wollmering to the letter.

wollmerings computer info never got relesaed. joshs dad sued them but lost the case so the sheriffs dont have to release all this of the detectives originally on the case was a graduate of st johns so therre is a conflict of interest!!

i know this wont be popular but i think police know what happened and these photos are put out to intentionally distract websleuths.josh was visiting webcams as you correctly say yahoo was an international site.i remember being on chatrooms in the 90s (AOL chatrooms) and you could talk to people from all over USA, UK, Australia....which explains why these people would show up on the computer and have nothing to do with the disappearance

i think our plan of action needs to be

1) ask photo 17 if it is him in photo
2) as you said in post #756 see if @DarkJodo knows an ymore aboutt he photos
I'm sorry, although I do believe in LE making mistakes and bad judgement calls I don't believe there is some big conspiracy theory focused on distracting websleuths. I don't think these images were released to put people off the trail. I don't know if LE may have more info that makes these relevant, or if they are totally irrelevant, but I believe since it's the first thing officially released in so many years I am going to stick with it. LE and family seemed to believe they may have some relevance. That's good enough for me.

You are correct in what you say, yes these may be cached images, but so what? It still shows what sites he was visiting at the time he vanished and personally I think that may have relevance. If it doesn't...well nothing ventured, nothing gained in my opinion.
I'm sorry, although I do believe in LE making mistakes and bad judgement calls I don't believe there is some big conspiracy theory focused on distracting websleuths. I don't think these images were released to put people off the trail. I don't know if LE may have more info that makes these relevant, or if they are totally irrelevant, but I believe since it's the first thing officially released in so many years I am going to stick with it. LE and family seemed to believe they may have some relevance. That's good enough for me.

You are correct in what you say, yes these may be cached images, but so what? It still shows what sites he was visiting at the time he vanished and personally I think that may have relevance. If it doesn't...well nothing ventured, nothing gained in my opinion.
youre welcome to believe theres no conspiracy but youre severely misunderestimating the power of the abbey.that is not a regular little church this is an almighty powerful pedophile ring where the most evil depraved people you can imagine are shuffled around the world in order to carry out their pedophillia against innocent kids.i personally traced the pedophile activity from st johns abbey to bahamas to japan and a few other countries around the world.the fact that the sheriff graduated from this place is huge,..and i mean huge.a complete conflict of interest and he would know how powerful the abbey is.and unless he focused on the water he knows he could end up silenced.....permanently.

so what? so we are wasting our i said,i looked on my own computer and i havent cleared my cache in months.i saw upwards of 300-400 telling you man,stearns county know this is total BS.

if you still arent convinced then consider this....the sheriffs had those photos since 2002/2003.they showed them to joshs dad in 2016/2017.then they waited til 2020 for netflix before they publicly released them?

17 years before you release photos that you think might be so important to crack the case??? its a total and utter joke.ill eat my shorts if the people in these photos had anything to do with the crime.

someone the stearns county facebook page said this (attached screenshot) aand i agree 100% !!! shes right in what she said.stearns have got this as an 'active investigation' because it means the public think its being worked on,but they dont have to release details and in the meantime,monks are dying, reporters are dying,joshs grandpa died.they want this to remain unsolved.releasing those photographs of people who will never be identified is a tactic to keep thee case unsolved..


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youre welcome to believe theres no conspiracy but youre severely misunderestimating the power of the abbey.that is not a regular little church this is an almighty powerful pedophile ring where the most evil depraved people you can imagine are shuffled around the world in order to carry out their pedophillia against innocent kids.i personally traced the pedophile activity from st johns abbey to bahamas to japan and a few other countries around the world.the fact that the sheriff graduated from this case is huge,..and i mean huge.a complete conflict of interest and he would know how powerful the abbey is.and unless he focused on the water he knows he could end up silenced.....permanently.

so what? so we are wasting our i said,i looked on my own computer and i havent cleared my cache in months.i saw upwards of 300-400 telling you man,stearns county know this is total BS.

if you still arent convinced then consider this....the sheriffs had those photos since 2002/2003.they showed them to joshs dad in 2016/2017.then they waited til 2020 for netflix before they publicly released them?

17 years before you release photos that you think might be so important to crack the case??? its a total and utter joke.ill eat my shorts if the people in these photos had anything to do with the crime.

someone the stearns county facebook page said this (attached screenshot) aand i agree 100% !!! shes right in what she said.stearns have got this as an 'active investigation' because it means the public think its being worked on,but they dont have to release details and in the meantime,monks are dying, reporters are dying,joshs grandpa died.they want this to remain unsolved.releasing those photographs of people who will never be identified is a tactic to keep thee case unsolved..
I totally agree about what you're saying about the church and its disgusting behaviour. But I would ask, how many people in this supposed giant network has the church made disappear? Also, Brian was far too old to have been of any interest to a pedophile. Maybe the church did disappear him....but I don't really understand why they felt so threatened by a student. They never "disappeared" any of the other many people who'd made accusations against them and frankly they could have made his life at school much more difficult without murdering him and bringing the attention of the world and police to their doors.
I'm just not sold on this idea.
It's just my opinion, and I respect everyone's ideas. Ideas are all we have so bouncing them back and forth is great :)

I'm not sure the sheriffs had these images at all until someone came along and managed to tease them out not long ago.

The cached images on your computer, yes I do agree as I said....but I still think it might be useful. If you disappeared mysteriously for instance, I'd be interested to go through your cached files and see what you'd been up to. It could provide a clue, who knows.

As for the case being active. It is active and open. That doesn't mean someone is actively working on it every single day. I'm currently working on a case from 1980 which is both active and open. There hadn't been a single lead since 1980! But it's still an active's just police jargon it means nothing. You have to remember, there is no actual evidence that a crime has been committed in this case. That somewhat limits LEs ability to investigate it as a crime. They can't just accuse someone of murder without any evidence of a crime happening.
(Depsite how obvious it seems to us)
for context on my above post... lets quickly re-explore how depraved many of these monks are

lets take one monk....finian mcdonald
  • his youngest victims were 13 or 14-year-old prostitutes in Thailand
  • paid male prostitutes for sex while working in Japan
  • he also admitted that he abused 18 people while serving as a prefect at St. John's dormitories
  • he admitted to having 200 'partners' - including children
  • finian mcdonald reports that at approximately age eight or nine, he and several other young boys attempted to have intercourse with a girl their age in a church basement
  • finian mcdonald stopped a student who was walking across st johns campus and said he felt attraction to him and said that "they should work out together". Father McDonald indicates that he then put his hand over the muscles of this students upper body, in what can only bed described as a seductive self-stimulating manner
theres much more on this guy...

according to behindthepinecurtain....after all of that.....hes reportedly STILL AT THE ABBEY !!!

you can download files about them here Priests Files (PDFs) from the November 2015 File Release |

ive attached just a small screenshot from a licensed psychologist who underlined how dangerous this particular monk was to st johns and the financials of st johns....

this is what im saying.these monks are a financial risk for st johns. if the monks had any involvement in joshs disappearance, then it was covered up because of the financial risk and risk to the abbey. this is an unbelievably powerful place.i dont have words to describe how powerful it really is.

the reason its this powerful is probably because it has links to epstein style power of pedophile rings...


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I totally agree about what you're saying about the church and its disgusting behaviour. But I would ask, how many people in this supposed giant network has the church made disappear? Also, Brian was far too old to have been of any interest to a pedophile. Maybe the church did disappear him....but I don't really understand why they felt so threatened by a student. They never "disappeared" any of the other many people who'd made accusations against them and frankly they could have made his life at school much more difficult without murdering him and bringing the attention of the world and police to their doors.
I'm just not sold on this idea.
It's just my opinion, and I respect everyone's ideas. Ideas are all we have so bouncing them back and forth is great :)

I'm not sure the sheriffs had these images at all until someone came along and managed to tease them out not long ago.

The cached images on your computer, yes I do agree as I said....but I still think it might be useful. If you disappeared mysteriously for instance, I'd be interested to go through your cached files and see what you'd been up to. It could provide a clue, who knows.

As for the case being active. It is active and open. That doesn't mean someone is actively working on it every single day. I'm currently working on a case from 1980 which is both active and open. There hadn't been a single lead since 1980! But it's still an active's just police jargon it means nothing. You have to remember, there is no actual evidence that a crime has been committed in this case. That somewhat limits LEs ability to investigate it as a crime. They can't just accuse someone of murder without any evidence of a crime happening.
(Depsite how obvious it seems to us)
i think you made a typo and meant josh,brian is joshs dad. yes you are right,if the monks were responsible,the chances are they didnt want josh for sexual reasons although thats possible (see what i posted about finian mcdonald stopping a student on campus because he was attacted to him and felt his muscles)...but the chances are josh had found out that these monks are related to pedophile rings across bahamas, japan, thailand and even students on campus are being sexually abused..

maybe josh had figured out the link between bahamas, japan, thailand and why the monks get moved to different countries....its so they are allowed to continue their abuse without anyone knowing their past,plus allowing them "access' to "fresh meat" (sorry that sounds vile but its true)

if josh had figured out the link and was in the process of contacting lawyers....remember josh had searched for "statute of limitations st johns conspiracy theory" then this would actually make the most sense...

what was finian mcdonald most afraid of? answer: his sexual predator behaviour becomming public

if josh was contacting lawyers with what he found out,then the monks have a reason to silence him because they were all terrified that their pedophile ring would become public knowledge.
for context on my above post... lets quickly re-explore how depraved many of these monks are

lets take one monk....finian mcdonald
  • his youngest victims were 13 or 14-year-old prostitutes in Thailand
  • paid male prostitutes for sex while working in Japan
  • he also admitted that he abused 18 people while serving as a prefect at St. John's dormitories
  • he admitted to having 200 'partners' - including children
  • finian mcdonald reports that at approximately age eight or nine, he and several other young boys attempted to have intercourse with a girl their age in a church basement
  • finian mcdonald stopped a student who was walking across st johns campus and said he felt attraction to him and said that "they should work out together". Father McDonald indicates that he then put his hand over the muscles of this students upper body, in what can only bed described as a seductive self-stimulating manner
theres much more on this guy...

according to behindthepinecurtain....after all of that.....hes reportedly STILL AT THE ABBEY !!!

you can download files about them here Priests Files (PDFs) from the November 2015 File Release |

ive attached just a small screenshot from a licensed psychologist who underlined how dangerous this particular monk was to st johns and the financials of st johns....

this is what im saying.these monks are a financial risk for st johns. if the monks had any involvement in joshs disappearance, then it was covered up because of the financial risk and risk to the abbey. this is an unbelievably powerful place.i dont have words to describe how powerful it really is.

the reason its this powerful is probably because it has links to epstein style power of pedophile rings...
I totally agree and I think this is a very real possibility and worthy Avenue to explore.

But for myself I am focusing on something else. I'm not excluding anything at all.
continuing on about Finian McDonald....some things in this document are standing out
  • Joined in on sex talk on the internet
  • Looked at sex pictures on the internet
  • Met sex partner through the internet
  • He reports being sexually attracted to adult males; athletic, slender in build, developed pec area muscular
  • 18 sexual contact victims while serving as a Dormitory Prefect, he reported that the usual ages of these particular victims were 18 to 22
so that's one monk we know was on the internet doing sex talk and abusing students on campus between 18-22 years of age
i think this confirms that monks didnt 'just' abuse children but 18-22 year olds too
continuing on about Finian McDonald....some things in this document are standing out
  • Joined in on sex talk on the internet
  • Looked at sex pictures on the internet
  • Met sex partner through the internet
  • He reports being sexually attracted to adult males; athletic, slender in build, developed pec area muscular
  • 18 sexual contact victims while serving as a Dormitory Prefect, he reported that the usual ages of these particular victims were 18 to 22
so that's one monk we know was on the internet doing sex talk and abusing students on campus between 18-22 years of age
i think this confirms that monks didnt 'just' abuse children but 18-22 year olds too
None of this makes him a murderer however. The first 4 things listed are not criminal in any way. The fifth is a concern, but also is not evidence of murder.

You don't need to prove to me that there was a problem with these monks. There was. That's undeniable.
But as yet I haven't seen anything that would link them conclusively to Josh's disappearance.
I agree, it looks bad and yes there is reason to suspect them for sure. But as yet I haven't seen anything that would particularly connect them to Josh's disappearance more so than anyone else.
I'm not defending them at all. But it's just not enough for me to jump to murder yet.
None of this makes him a murderer however. The first 4 things listed are not criminal in any way. The fifth is a concern, but also is not evidence of murder.

You don't need to prove to me that there was a problem with these monks. There was. That's undeniable.
But as yet I haven't seen anything that would link them conclusively to Josh's disappearance.
I agree, it looks bad and yes there is reason to suspect them for sure. But as yet I haven't seen anything that would particularly connect them to Josh's disappearance more so than anyone else.
I'm not defending them at all. But it's just not enough for me to jump to murder yet.
i didnt say it makes him a murderer. i am simply connecting the dots.

and the dots are

1) josh was using online chat rooms and it seems like the monks were chatting sexually online too (at least 1 monk)
2) the monks didnt just abuse children. josh was in the age range of 18-22 which is what some monks targeted
3) josh was vocal about the abuse on campus and both wollmering and finian did not want that to be public knowledge
4) aubry immelman's profile of joshs likely abductor fits wollmering perfectly and wollmering said as much in his emails to abbot klassen
5) wollmering had tunnel keys and was one of only two people who could run the incinerator
6) incinerator said to be run the day after joshs disappearance which was an 'off day' and not a scheduled day for the incinerator to be run

im not sure how much more evidence you would need to see before you think the monks might have a connection to this? we arent going to find a report online that says 'hi im monk X and im guilty'. the only way to solve this is by painstakingly piecing together every tiny aspect of the crime....this can be solved i am certain..

josh likely abductor

wollmering AND finian mcdonald both fit this profile almost to the exact letter. almost everything the profile says matches wollmering and finian

i also think our next steps if anyone is prepared to help me..... is to look at the profile of joshs likely abductor here

and compare it to the files released for finian and wollmering which are here

this will take a lot of work but once we finsih this....we will have a good idea of which monk fits the profile best
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im not sure how much more evidence youd need to see before you think the monks might have a connection to this??
Any evidence is what I'd need to see. Right now there isn't even evidence that a crime has been committed.

I'm not knocking your idea, it's totally believable and probable. And the circumstantial evidence is compelling.

But that doesn't mean I'm willing to accuse someone because they engaged in morally questionable behaviour and abused their position.

For me it is a major theory and it's right up there and suspicious. But I certainly don't think it's the only one. I'm just exploring everything.
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Who made this profile? Sorry if I missed it. I read this, but who/what is it?

Al from Sartell
Posted: Jul 29, 2006 at 9:59 PM

The Likely Profile of Joshua Guimond’s Abductor
January 2003

In this profile seems to be some bias towards the monks. That's why I liked the the somewhat rewritten version of this profile by @formerpolicestaff so much.
the original profile was released by Dr. Aubrey Immelman. On July 29, 2006 at 9:59 PM, Aubrey Immelman’s profile was published for the first time on the message boards of the St. Cloud Times web site. Aubrey teaches psychology at St Johns

immelman is a psychologist, an extremely clever man and he worked for the US department of defense too.

the following is taken from behind the pine curtain. Abbot Klassen was terrified of Wollmering being associated with joshs disappearance

Delayed Public Disclosure

By 2006, the leadership at St. John’s University (Reinhart) and St. John’s Abbey (Klassen) had yet to make Wollmering’s name, or any of his misconduct or crimes, public.

Internally, reasons for keeping Wollmering’s name from the public were being discussed.

In February of 2006, a paranoid Abbot John Klassen worried that claims against Wollmering, combined with Professor Immelman’s profile [ View ], could tie Wollmering to the disappearance of Joshua Guimond:

If the harassment charge against Bruce Wollmering becomes public, it will be perfect fuel for this faculty member to work full force against Bruce and ultimately against the monastic community. It will be difficult for me to lead in this environment. – February 17, 2006 Memo from John Klassen

3 years after the profile,Wollmering dies in suspicious circumstances

Aubrey's youtube channel has some extremely interesting videos from the time including wollmering's funeral


I think professor Immelman is correct in his assessment and his credentials are excellent.
But just to be clear for those reading, he isn't a criminal profiler. He specialises in the profiles of world leaders. I think this is easily transferable to crimnals though lol
I would gave really like to see a profile done b a professional criminal profiler with more of a background n criminal behaviour. I take it one was never done by the FBI or anyone?
i have spent the day reading and found something that may be of interest that i havent seen mentioned before...

page 130...

'During the summer of 1985 I applied for, interviewed, and was offered a summer job as a
Career Assistant in the Counseling and Career Services office. Since Fr. Bruce also
worked out of the office, I got to know him better. we would often go out canoeing
together, sometimes fishing, sometimes to watch the loons on the lake
. On one occasion
when we were out on the far side of the lake, near the chapel, Fr. Bruce suggested we go
swimming. He took off his clothing and went ín naked. He suggested that i do the same,
which I did.'

and later

'one summer day, most likely after a day out on the lake, Fr. Bruce asked me if I would
give him a massage' It was in the evening and we went to his counseling
office. since it was evening the counseling and career offices were closed. Bruce lay on the floor
naked and I massaged him'

Bruce Wollmering seemed to spend a lot of time taking students he was grooming to the lake near the chapel house.where is that lake you ask? its lake sagatagan where joshs scent was found and the sniffer dogs led to the canoes... but they would not let joshs family search there... i wonder why

attached screenshot of lake sagatagan and the canoes were likely in the shed on the left or the facility on the right. this area is right behind the chapel house...

did josh have any interest in canoes? any evidence of canoes on his computer?? i wonder if Wollmering's ruse was the canoes??

i am going to run some searches and see if josh was involved in any canoeing on campus


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topic seem quiet over the new year so i will start again..... i watch the documentary over and over and over...and here are somethings i notice on the netflix doc,, katie was having a party at her place...why do none of the people katie partied with verify the time nick left katies place?? if katie had a small party then some one should be able too validate nicks leaving time? right???

i think formerpolice member on this forum said a good point....the monks are predators but their victimss are all stills alive.none of them vanished...does that mean the monks may not have anythhing to do with this?some people thought the monks were involved in the wtterling case but they were not

also the doxcumentary says nick and josh fought over something.some websites say its over katie including this said a flatmate over heard it.....which means it was probabbly loud.which means it was probaBly intense...which means it was probably serious... just my opinion and speculation on my part...
so if you are on same waveslegnth as me then i believe that wollmering killed josh and the abbey cleared it up.lets go over some facts of the case and check our theory doesnt have holes in

nick said josh was writing a paper on abuse by monks. joshs parents said josh was livid about the it is my belief that the paper josh created was discovered by the st johns monks and they made a plan to get rid of josh to stop the school collapsing under weight of lawsuits by victims and to keep the schools image.

the following picture is from sasquatch a poster on websleuth but he has not posted for a while now

he sayss " These pictures of a drainage slide is right across the bridge and off the street he [josh] crossed"

thephantom from websleuths posted this Excerpt from "Catholic Straight Answers"

The sacramental seal is inviolable. Quoting Canon 983.1 of the Code of Canon Law, the Catechism states, It is a crime for a confessor in any way to betray a penitent by word or in any other manner or for any reason (#2490). A priest, therefore, cannot break the seal to save his own life, to protect his good name, to refute a false accusation, to save the life of another, to aid the course of justice (like reporting a crime), or to avert a public calamity. He cannot be compelled by law to disclose a persons confession or be bound by any oath he takes, e.g. as a witness in a court trial. A priest cannot reveal the contents of a confession either directly, by repeating the substance of what has been said, or indirectly, by some sign, suggestion, or action. A Decree from the Holy Office (November 18, 1682) mandated that confessors are forbidden, even where there would be no revelation direct or indirect, to make any use of the knowledge obtained in the confession that would displease the penitent or reveal his identity.
also can you find the tunnel maps on st johns website? NO they got taken down!!!
now think about it !!!
metten court, knocked down!
incinerator,knocked down!
wollmering,dead under suspicious circumstances!
tunnel maps gone from saint johns website!

immelman's profile led to.....wollmering.
so what did st johns and the sherrifs do?!?!

"On the morning of October 17, 2003, St. John’s University and the Stearns County Sheriff’s department learned about the profile. Later that same day, an officer called Immelman to discuss the profile. The two met later at the sheriff’s department. The officer asked that the profile not be published on the web site or appear in any other media because doing so might tip off the person responsible for Guimond’s disappearance. According to Immelman, the officer further explained that publishing the profile might cause the suspect to clam up, cover his tracks, or hire a lawyer" behindthe piine curtain

If the harassment charge against Bruce Wollmering becomes public, it will be perfect fuel for this faculty member to work full force against Bruce and ultimately against the monastic community. It will be difficult for me to lead in this environment. – February 17, 2006 Memo from John Klassen

then you go back to what has already been posted on these forums. wollmerings dodgy autopsy report!!! "probable accident" and then that disappears from the final release of the aautopsy report!!!

i believe josh was taken to the underground tunnels by wollmering and killed by wollmering.

and if you are still unsure

found online about bruce wollmering

"just to clarify, the incinerator runs automatically on a schedule. The incinerator was seen running on the Sunday following Josh going missing. One of the people holding license that could perform the manual override, was the man the University's themselves believes was involved in Josh's disappearance, and who died after taking a shower. Apparently this "slip and fall" , as the college claims, left a bloody mess throughout the lockerroom and corridor. I believe the autopsy shows more than a slip and fall.

The other point I'd like to make this man the University suspects, and holds the boiler license, would have access to the tunnels under campus. One of the corridors, leads to the old pump house that took water from Stumpf Lake.... right under the bridge where the dog lost Josh's scent. These ate facts, everyone can take it for what it's worth."

this explains why the dog lost joshs sccent because josh was taken under ground

i believe the 28 photos of men released online are total bull and police are intentionally covering up this entire case probably because pedophiles in high places are involved

i would like to see if anyone can pin point the drainage slide that sasquatch taken the photo of on a map so we can see its exact location.
In addition, which I know has been mentioned in previous posts - Wollmering left campus for a few days following Josh’s disappearance, and I believe in the 270 plus page court documents (regarding Wollmering/abuse/removal from previous positions) it stated he was staying at OSB’s Swenson Lake cabin in the Bemidji area. Then when he comes back to campus after treatment in Ontario - he is put in charge of the cemetery and forestry?? Just so mind blowing.
I wonder if anyone of his friends who where with Josh before they went to Mettencourt, recollects the fact that they left the TV on? There is also no mentioning of the half hour telephone call, just before Josh deleted all the Yahoo accounts. Nothing about the tunnels on St. John's.

I remember reading somewhere that there were a skirt and 2 cucumbers (not sure exactly, but a strange find) found on someones property lying next to the St. Johns campus.
I believe there was a large size pair of high heels with the clothing as well, found on a woman’s property nearby. I think I found this info in the Simply Vanished podcast transcript but will find the link to it. I’m an observer of this thread and finally decided to post today after creating an account a couple days ago. This is the only group of people I’ve found who sounds like they’re willing to actually look at all possibilities and isn’t stuck on one or two concepts. I am nearly finished reading the 39 pages of posts from this group. I have researched whatever possible online and recently been having conversations with a relative. I reached out to a friend who is a licensed private investigator - he is getting caught up on reading about the case and plans to help as well. My main goal in researching this case is to bring justice to Josh’s family. I am from MN and lived in the St Cloud area at the time of his disappearance (college, we are about the same age). Thanks for letting me participate in your discussion!

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