MN MN - Joshua Guimond, 20, Collegeville, 9 Nov 2002 - #2

What is there to explore about you wonder. I consider deceiving people with a fake account a bad character trait. Sorry, but I can't look at this in any other way.
Intention. If JG was unearthing something big, might he have been fishing in pedo waters, ultimately to document and expose it? That's how LE nabs some of these bottom dwellers, by posing online as minors. Had JG not disappeared, what story would he have told?

just because the computer was being used does not mean it was being used by josh. i find it hard to believe the computer was being used then just stopped.
I totally agree, it doesn't mean that it was being used by Josh.
However, I am trying to look at this logically and explore other angles and in my mind the most logical conclusion is that if someone was in Josh's room and using Josh's computer...then it was most likely Josh himself. I don't think someone else was in his room listning to music and skipping tracks (manually).

in order to be thorough,,why do you think the friends would lie and say josh was at the party if he was in his bedroom all night?
As I said, I have no idea. There isn't enough information given by anyone (LE or friends) to make a conclusion. I have no idea what those kids were doing and what they may have been up to that might mean they would need to lie about a party, or lie about anything for that matter.
He may have been there. But JMO I don't think there is any evidence at all that he was.

The same theories in Josh's case have gone around and around for decades and there is still no more movement than there was in 2002. Except possible developments concerning his hardrive, which suggests that LE have finally realised it may have some significance. His hard drive was in his room. For me, the room is the key.

I think it is just time to explore other angles.
just because the computer was being used does not mean it was being used by josh.
Sorry, I forgot to add, this is not based on the computer use alone. Josh left all of his stuff in his room, which I personally do think is evidence that that is where he vanished from. He didn't take his wallet to a poker party, nor put on a jacket in a November night in Minnesota! I guess he could have had money in his pocket and young men often don't feel the cold. He also left his glasses, but apparently was wearing contact lenses, so nothing definite.
I'm not saying it is a firm fact, don't get me wrong. I'm willing to be totally wrong! But with the computer use, TV, his posessions thats just what I get.

I think there's a chance that he did go to the party too. He may have left at 11.45 ish and then just..gone back to his room to chill and listen to music, the timings for this make perfect sense. But since it wasn't indicated that he used his key card to re-enter his room, that means that he either never left, or his roommate was in there and let him in/had the door open. But that's not what the roommate says.

The more and more I explore this I just come back to someone he knew being responsible (ie one of his supposed friends). But I can't say who...I honestly have no idea about a motive or suspect.
Sorry, I forgot to add, this is not based on the computer use alone. Josh left all of his stuff in his room, which I personally do think is evidence that that is where he vanished from. He didn't take his wallet to a poker party, nor put on a jacket in a November night in Minnesota! I guess he could have had money in his pocket and young men often don't feel the cold. He also left his glasses, but apparently was wearing contact lenses, so nothing definite.
I'm not saying it is a firm fact, don't get me wrong. I'm willing to be totally wrong! But with the computer use, TV, his posessions thats just what I get.

I think there's a chance that he did go to the party too. He may have left at 11.45 ish and then just..gone back to his room to chill and listen to music, the timings for this make perfect sense. But since it wasn't indicated that he used his key card to re-enter his room, that means that he either never left, or his roommate was in there and let him in/had the door open. But that's not what the roommate says.

The more and more I explore this I just come back to someone he knew being responsible (ie one of his supposed friends). But I can't say who...I honestly have no idea about a motive or suspect.
i like your thoughts.i really do. the reason i am asking for more of your thoughts is because in the beginning i thought this same thing.and it led me to the exact same conclusion as you

if josh did not go to the party,we know nick keycard himself back in maur house at 2:43a.m. by your theory (not saying you are wrong or right i am just theorizing further),nick says josh wasnt there when he got home late. this would means 1 of 2 things

1) nick is lying
2) josh was taken between the hours of 12:32a.m according to (Simply Vanished | S1 E1 Music in the Night) and 2:43a.m

whichever way you look at it, it comes back to monks, nick/katie or poker friends

if your theory was rightt and josh is home the whole time,why did the friends lie and claim josh was at poker? more importantly why did nick lie and say josh went to poker at metten court?

it doesnt matter how many times we rearrange the puzzle pieces, it comes back to nick/katie, poker or monks every single time!!

we have 3 theories that we should continue on

1) monk (wollmering) got josh as he left poker party,incinerator on off day, joshs friends later kill wollmering for being responsible in their friends death
2) josh overdose in bathroom of metten court, people made to leave so 2-3 deal with body in bathroom.joshs bedroom could be part of a staged crime where his friends placed wallet there and turned tv on to complicate the case
3) josh never went to the party and nick and poker party friends are all lying

the question is which of those 3 is most likely
So, I am sure the police have already done this (I hope!) but I thought I would run some facial recognition software on the faces of the guys whos photo was found in Joshua's computer. The first one I chose because he had a distnicive face matched with this guy, I have done a side by side:

I can see a definite similarity, especially the hairline and eyebrows. Now here's the clincher: This is Richard D. Walton, a journalist from The Indiananapolis Star who is most well known for his "stories included a 1996 series co-written with Linda Graham Caleca about sexual abuse by Catholic priests in the Lafayette Diocese"
He died in 2015.

So, what does everyone think? Seems a big coincidence! I am going to try and see if I can match up any of the others and see if there is a link. I might not be able to post any information on still living individuals here but I will let everyone know!
that looks like a very possible hit. it now makes me wonder if #2 is the right theory and josh knew something that would bring down the abbey and was leaking info to reporters. keeping an open mind, but great work !
that looks like a very possible hit. it now makes me wonder if #2 is the right theory and josh knew something that would bring down the abbey and was leaking info to reporters. keeping an open mind, but great work !
I know! I am not going to pin too much on it yet, but coincidence or what?

Or, was Josh just researching other people who written stories about similar abuse in the Catholic Church? If that is the case then we already knew he was doing this so unfortunately it doesn't help much.

I'll see what else I might be able to turn up...
Also, whatever happened to The hunt for Josh documentary (here)? The video was posted 4 years ago but did it get cancelled too?
Hey, "The Hunt for Josh" documentary producer here. I just want to say the doc is still ongoing in production with many hurdles to cross. I also did not expect to get as deep as I got in the research of this case, but here we are.
It might not be useful at all, and for all we know all of these men may already be identified, but since LE seem to think it might be and it's the first movement in the case for a long time, I had a go at trying to clear up the images I could. Some I couldn't, but here's a few for now. No perfect, but maybe someone will recognise them better?
Some of these look like actual webcam images that have been screenshotted, or maybe profile pics for dating sites. At first I thought they were most likely cached images of sites he'd visited but now I am not so sure. That washer program would have cleared the cache and since it's not permanent memory it should be iretrievable, once it's gone it's gone I think. Makes me think maybe these were actually stored on the hardrive.
Le seems to think he was "expermineting with his sexuality" based on these...I dunno.

Oh wait...Justin Tholl in the Simply Vanished podcast said that Josh was talking to people in Yahoo chat rooms that were specifically for web cams right?? Alot of these, 4 and 5 above, for example, are quite clearly taken on a webcam, or are a screenshot from a webcam. Some of the others just look like random cached photos from websites.

OK OK Josh started frequently using sexually explicit web cam chatrooms throughout October 2002. Then he reports someone for breaking the terms and conditions and rapidly deletes his account. He recieved a phoncecall which has been speculated to be about this situation.
Josh's username was his name plus the zipcode of where he lives. Hardly difficult to find out where he lived and possibly try and come and meet him....or stalk him?
What if someone got a bit "full on" and obsessive; found out where he lived, where he went to school, etc etc. That person would be majorly considered a suspect. Maybe that is why LE are quite keen to see who these men are?

LE is now suspecting Josh was curious and possibly experimenting with his sexuality. That doesn't mean he was gay at all, just that he was curious. That's normal. Is it interesting that there are no photos of females? I think so.

Should the angle here be on some kind of internet stalker? Is that why Josh left the party so suddenly because they were on campus, or he expected them to be?
Ok so after clearing up this one I got a match on someone. I won't post his name and information, but will link several articles below by/about him, you can get his name from that and look further if you wish.

The thing is; this guy is a Minnesota Lawyer and journalist who prosecuted several cases of sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests in Minnesota. Another link to his research.


So these images seem to be a mix of people who have been involved with church abuse scandals and web cam images of guys. I wonder which one is most relevant.
LE is now suspecting Josh was curious and possibly experimenting with his sexuality. That doesn't mean he was gay at all, just that he was curious. That's normal. Is it interesting that there are no photos of females? I think so.
i havent seen joshs computer and dont knw for sure but i wouldnt read much into sheriffs not releasing photos of women from his computer.the crime (if it is a crime) has an overwhelming probability of being committed by a man. especially if we place any faith in the 'profile' of joshs likely abductor
Ok so after clearing up this one I got a match on someone. I won't post his name and information, but will link several articles below by/about him, you can get his name from that and look further if you wish.

The thing is; this guy is a Minnesota Lawyer and journalist who prosecuted several cases of sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests in Minnesota. Another link to his research.

View attachment 469801

So these images seem to be a mix of people who have been involved with church abuse scandals and web cam images of guys. I wonder which one is most relevant.
i also wont put his name out there but the guy who we think it is,is a lawyer.surely sheriffs would know who this guy is? have sheriffs identified any of the men in the photos do we know??
i havent seen joshs computer and dont knw for sure but i wouldnt read much into sheriffs not releasing photos of women from his computer.the crime (if it is a crime) has an overwhelming probability of being committed by a man. especially if we place any faith in the 'profile' of joshs likely abductor
Good point, that never even occurred to me!
i also wont put his name out there but the guy who we think it is,is a lawyer.surely sheriffs would know who this guy is? have sheriffs identified any of the men in the photos do we know??
I would like to know this information too. Does anyone know, @DarkJodo ??
This might all be pointless work haha
I have to agree; the 2 guys who I think I identified are both quite prominent in Minnesota. But then, it's a big state and I don't know how prominently the photos were in the media? (very prominent I would think?). The journalist was already dead, but the lawyer is alive. These people should have identified themselves. The web cam people maybe some of them might not come forward depending on what they were doing?

You know-I am secretly hoping that they haven't identifoed all of the people, becuase if they have then there hasd been no action and its another lead down the drain :(
Anyway, here's 3 more I think I managed to clean up a bit (The rest will have to wait until after xmas now, unless someone comes on and tels me I am wasting my time haha ):

more cleaned up images attached... from what i can tell ciriii57 is right and this is a mix of web cam photos and maybe some lawyers.did josh contact any lawyers? were any emails found on his computer??


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more cleaned up images attached... from what i can tell ciriii57 is right and this is a mix of web cam photos and maybe some lawyers.did josh contact any lawyers? were any emails found on his computer??
Thanks. I am gonna complete the rest too but on Wednesday when I'm back at my work's computer :) I'm also going to tentatively group them because I believe there are 3 different groups (possibly just 2), as you say.

1) Journalists, lawyers and other professionals (these are perhaps people involved in sex scandal cases within the church?) (6 & 17 and probably others)
For these individuals it would be helpful to find if the actual photo is on an old Web page (newspaper site eg) from 2002. Then we can see if Joshua was actually talking to them or merely researching their work. Perhaps the Wayback Machine would help, and I'm willing to reach out and ask them too.

2) Profile Pictures. Numbers 1, 3, 16 for instance. These are full body "posing" photos. I would suggest these were used on a dating site. Some of the others which appear to be taken using a webcam may as have been used as profile photos also.

3) Webcam photos. Many appear to be taken on a webcam, and not only that, they appear to be "action" shots. Numbers 5, 12, 13, 26 & 28 were unlikely to be used as a profile photos on a dating site due to the angle and quality. Were these screenshots that Joshua saved?

We know Joshua was perhaps researching abuse within the church, and we have possible evidence of this here. We know he was possibly posing as a female (or a female was using his computer) on dating sites and it looks like we have evidence of that. We know he began to access Web cam chat sites (obviously he wasn't posing a female here, he had to be himself!) And it looks like we have evidence of that too.

*a note on Web cam dating sites. I remember using these myself and despite the connotations they weren't always for anything rude. Sometimes it was just nice to see and hear a potential date. They were used for more rude things too of course.
It's a shame we don't have any details of Joshua's actions leading up to this date. I want to know if he me with any strangers or took any trips where he didn't say where he was going!


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