GUILTY MN - Kira Trevino, 30, St Paul, 22 February 2013

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DNA Solves
What an insult to her memory. So she smoked a little pot, big deal. Plus for all we know, JT could have planted it in her purse.

The question is definitely suspicious. So say she WAS off with another guy and had left him. why is he asking the police what to do with her stuff? That's a question for her parents or sister, not the cops.
Yeah, because suburban women are killed over a "baggie" of pot all the time.
What an insult to her memory. So she smoked a little pot, big deal. Plus for all we know, JT could have planted it in her purse.

The question is definitely suspicious. So say she WAS off with another guy and had left him. why is he asking the police what to do with her stuff? That's a question for her parents or sister, not the cops.

If there is nothing wrong with smoking pot, why is it an insult to her memory?
The toxicology showed no weed in her system. The dealer killed her in their home, moved her car to where she worked, dumped the bloody pillow and bra. Maybe the dealer took her stuff off JT and sold her cell phone to a forgin cell phone dealer and posted a cut and paste photo from living dead on JT's face book page. I know all circumstantial. What did JT do for a job(s)? What is his character like? Is his defense bring up all kinds of folks to say having a temper and losing control is totally out of character if it is? JT's case seems is week if it is on the chance that all the forensic specimens where done wrong? And a criminal killed her for the money in her purse.
The toxicology showed no weed in her system. The dealer killed her in their home, moved her car to where she worked, dumped the bloody pillow and bra. Maybe the dealer took her stuff off JT and sold her cell phone to a forgin cell phone dealer and posted a cut and paste photo from living dead on JT's face book page. I know all circumstantial. What did JT do for a job(s)? What is his character like? Is his defense bring up all kinds of folks to say having a temper and losing control is totally out of character if it is? JT's case seems is week if it is on the chance that all the forensic specimens where done wrong? And a criminal killed her for the money in her purse.

I agree. I'm sure the defense could find some character witnesses to comment on him in a positive light but whether they do or not ? As to a job, early on articles mentioned he met Kira in Wisconsin where she lived while he was working on a construction job. After that, I don't think his job status was ever mentioned in any way. I also wondered what he was doing.
Can anyone explain the second murder charge. I can't seem to find the charges but remember something about covering up the crime. Is it because he hid the body or because he covered up evidence that a crime took place. My state doesn't employ this. What is the theory behind it and is it used very often. Does the prosecution have to show he was the one that tried to hide the body? Do you get more time? Would he get less time for premeditated murder than 2 convictions for second degree?
(a) Whoever does any of the following is guilty of murder in the first degree and shall be sentenced to imprisonment for life:
(1) causes the death of a human being with premeditation and with intent to effect the death of the person or of another;
(2) causes the death of a human being while committing or attempting to commit criminal sexual conduct in the first or second degree with force or violence, either upon or affecting the person or another;
(3) causes the death of a human being with intent to effect the death of the person or another, while committing or attempting to commit burglary, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, arson in the first or second degree, a drive-by shooting, tampering with a witness in the first degree, escape from custody, or any felony violation of chapter 152 involving the unlawful sale of a controlled substance;
(4) causes the death of a peace officer or a guard employed at a Minnesota state or local correctional facility, with intent to effect the death of that person or another, while the peace officer or guard is engaged in the performance of official duties;
(5) causes the death of a minor while committing child abuse, when the perpetrator has engaged in a past pattern of child abuse upon a child and the death occurs under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life;
(6) causes the death of a human being while committing domestic abuse, when the perpetrator has engaged in a past pattern of domestic abuse upon the victim or upon another family or household member and the death occurs under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life; or
(7) causes the death of a human being while committing, conspiring to commit, or attempting to commit a felony crime to further terrorism and the death occurs under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to human life.
Subdivision 1.Intentional murder; drive-by shootings. Whoever does either of the following is guilty of murder in the second degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 40 years:
(1) causes the death of a human being with intent to effect the death of that person or another, but without premeditation; or
(2) causes the death of a human being while committing or attempting to commit a drive-by shooting in violation of section 609.66, subdivision 1e, under circumstances other than those described in section 609.185, clause (3).
Subd. 2.Unintentional murders. Whoever does either of the following is guilty of unintentional murder in the second degree and may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than 40 years:
(1) causes the death of a human being, without intent to effect the death of any person, while committing or attempting to commit a felony offense other than criminal sexual conduct in the first or second degree with force or violence or a drive-by shooting; or
(2) causes the death of a human being without intent to effect the death of any person, while intentionally inflicting or attempting to inflict bodily harm upon the victim, when the perpetrator is restrained under an order for protection and the victim is a person designated to receive protection under the order. As used in this clause, "order for protection" includes an order for protection issued under chapter 518B; a harassment restraining order issued under section 609.748; a court order setting conditions of pretrial release or conditions of a criminal sentence or juvenile court disposition; a restraining order issued in a marriage dissolution action; and any order issued by a court of another state or of the United States that is similar to any of these orders.

Thanks jewels53, but it still doesn't explain 2 counts of second degree murder. I'll look again to see if a can find the article about it.
Searching for criminal complaint against Jeffery Trevino I found

Count 1 Murder-second degree-with intent-not premeditated.

Count 2 Caused the death of Kira Steger without intent to effect the death of any person while attempting to commit a felony.

Can anyone tell me what the heck count 2 means?
Chao Xiong &#8207;@ChaoStrib 3m
Testimony resumes w/Conard cross examng cop. Trevino must decide if he'll testify. Xpect prosecutrs 2 dismantle pot theory. #TrevinoTrial

Chao Xiong &#8207;@ChaoStrib 1m
Last wk Trevino atty John Conard kept bringing up Delia's employee handbook n car. Steger had affair w/boss. Keep eye on that. #TrevinoTrial

Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 3m
We have hit week 3 #TrevinoTrial. Decision to be made today. Does Jeffery take the stand? Most legal experts tell me No Way. Updates soon.

Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 1m
#TrevinoTrial courtroom much more packed this AM. Family from both sides here. Anticipation building. Jury expected to get case tomorrow.
Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 16m
BREAKING #TrevinoTrial Prosecution has rested its case.

Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 5m
Jeffery Trevino tells court he will NOT take stand in own defense. #TrevinoTrial

Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 5m
Defense motion to dismiss the 2nd degree murder case against Jeffery Trevino denied by judge. Case will go to jury #TrevinoTrial

Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 3m
Prosecutors tracked down where Kira got marijuana found in car. Neighbor friends. Jury will NOT hear about it. Judge ruling #TrevinoTrial
Searching for criminal complaint against Jeffery Trevino I found

Count 1 Murder-second degree-with intent-not premeditated.

Count 2 Caused the death of Kira Steger without intent to effect the death of any person while attempting to commit a felony.

Can anyone tell me what the heck count 2 means?

I can help a little.

Count 1 is obvious: it alleges that JT caused the death of Kira without premeditation.

Count 2 means that Kira died while JT was committing a felony, but he didn't mean to kill her. That's known as "felony murder." Where, if someone dies during the commission of a crime, a person can be charged with murder of that person, even if murder wasn't the intent - commonly seen when you have multiple perpetrators of a crime, like a robbery, and someone dies - all perps can be charged with the murder of that person under the felony murder rule.

SO, in this case, it could probably be that Kira died while JT was attempting to assault her or perhaps strangle her. Minnesota charges out domestic assault by strangulation as a felony, which would also trigger felony murder if she died while he was squeezing her neck - not intending to kill her, but to scare her or something. Not that I am saying those are the exact circumstances, because we don't know, but that would be the type of thing you would be seeing in a felony murder charge.

So really, the question is, why are there two counts for just one murder? (This can also help with other cases, too.)

Prosecutors in some states may list multiple charges based off the same crime for several reasons. Even if the charges appear similar, they have slightly different nuances (like the two counts in this case) which make them different.

First, the state might charge out multiple counts based off of the same offense due to double jeopardy. You can't charge one thing, have the person be found not guilty, and then say "OH, well he/she COULD have been charged with this instead" based off of the alleged criminal conduct. That person has already been found not guilty of that crime based off of that conduct (note: this is not the same as when someone assaults someone, and they are found not guilty of assault, but then the person dies later as a result of their injuries from the assault - that is not a double jeopardy situation, as they would now have a murder, which could NOT have been charged at the time as the person was still living). The state would put the multiple charges on to cover their bases in the event the person may be found guilty of one charge but not the other. So think about it this way: if the charge COULD have been brought at the time, but wasn't, to charge the person with that later, after a verdict, would be double jeopardy.

Another reason the state might charge multiple similar counts is to entice the defendant into accepting a plea. As in: Plead to count 1, we will drop count 2. You see this quite a bit in DWI cases in Minnesota, where the defendant is charged with driving over .08 and also driving under the influence of a narcotic/alcohol without a specific limit. The defendant will plead to one charge and the state will drop the other.

I hope that helps a little.
Chao Xiong &#8207;@ChaoStrib 6m
Conard motioned to dismiss case. Not unusual move. Judge said no. #trevinotrial State has rested its case

Chao Xiong &#8207;@ChaoStrib 4m
Conard said prosecutions' "super human sleeper theory of Matt Roff (roommate didnt hear anything)" didnt cut it. #TrevinoTrial

Chao Xiong &#8207;@ChaoStrib 2m
Judge wont allow friend/pot evidnc bc prosctrs couldve learnd soonr (got this wkend) & would force friend 2 incriminate self #TrevinoTrial
Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 3m
BREAKING #TrevinoTrial. Defense rests. Will not call any witnesses. Closing arguments tomorrow.

I expected this, so what will the jury decide they only have the evidence provided by the state.
Chao Xiong &#8207;@ChaoStrib 3m
Defense rests w/no witnesses. #TrevinoTrial Closings at 9am tomorrow
Chao Xiong &#8207;@ChaoStrib 3m
Defense rests w/no witnesses. #TrevinoTrial Closings at 9am tomorrow

Sure wish we could see the closing args. :(

Thanks trpream, that was very helpful. :)
Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 3m
BREAKING #TrevinoTrial. Defense rests. Will not call any witnesses. Closing arguments tomorrow.

I expected this, so what will the jury decide they only have the evidence provided by the state.

Which, provided they are of sound mind and are not from Pinellas county, means we should have a guilty verdict soon.
Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 5m
Asked Jeffery Trevino Defense atty why no witnesses. "Seems like the government proved my case quite handily." #TrevinoTrial

WOW sounds like he doesn't have much confidence for his client.
Paul Blume &#8207;@PaulBlume_FOX9 5m
Asked Jeffery Trevino Defense atty why no witnesses. "Seems like the government proved my case quite handily." #TrevinoTrial

WOW sounds like he doesn't have much confidence for his client.

Now he just has to convince the jury of that during his closing. :facepalm:

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