GUILTY MN - Landen Hoffmann, 5, thrown from 3rd Floor at Mall of America by stranger, 12 Apr 2019 *Arrest*

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They don't have the death penalty in MN but I'm right there with you.

A friend of mine, who's an attorney, just got back to me and after taking out his colorful language said "Judges can do whatever they want"

My question is, what differentiates this, from a "hate" crime? The perpetrator is African American, Somalian, the victim was white. The perpetrator didn't throw a black child off of the balcony.

Did the perpetrator deliberately choose a white child? Was this a "hate" crime? I don't know how they decide that, or if this was even considered.
This kid just happened to be the only one close enough to the railing. He went there looking for an adult, but never found one close enough to the railing.

It's also possible the idiot realized he couldn't throw an adult. I'm guessing he would have preferred an adult woman if he could have, since that's who he was angry at.

I think he would have tossed whatever child happened to be close enough.
Latest Update:
Hello everyone! We just got a new update on Landen, here is what his parents have said:

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the continued prayers and well wishes. They are working! Over the past several weeks, our son has suffered from non-life threatening complications from his injuries which have required additional procedures to correct. He is recovering, and his spirit is strong - but there is still a long road ahead. We are thankful to Jesus for lifting us up and providing ongoing healing. We continue to ask for your prayers and greatly appreciate your respect for our privacy during this difficult time.
I can't wait to see what this kid does with his life, because he's clearly meant to do something amazing.
100% agree. He has an amazing purpose and it'll be amazing what comes out of this. Of course, the family may also want him to grow up privately, and that's okay too. Either way, Landen is destined for greatness!!!!!!!!!
I don't understand the light sentence for attempted premeditated murder. This man will be, at the most, 43 when he gets out of prison. What will prevent him from doing something like this again? :mad:

Aranda's attorney, Paul Sellers, did not raise a mental illness defense. Aranda did acknowledge in response to a question from the judge that he had been in mental health court previously and completed required treatment. No further details were provided.

He had two past convictions for assaults at the mall, both in 2015, and had been banned from the property at one point. Court records showed Aranda was ordered to undergo psychological evaluation or treatment after those assaults.
Man who threw 5-year-old boy off Mall of America balcony sentenced to 19 years
NO...19 years is not nearly enough time. He should never walk free again.

What kind of scary monster can pick up a 5 yr old and throw them off a 5 story balcony to the concrete below? It is a miracle that sweet baby lived.

This guy will never be safe for others to be around.
"The 5-year-old Woodbury boy who survived being thrown from a third-floor balcony at the Mall of America remains in intensive care due to severe complications from the attack, his parents said in a Tuesday update...

“Up until now we have let our hopes govern what we have revealed to the public,” the post stated. “However, the injuries and severe complications have now resulted in more than 15 separate medical procedures or surgeries, including surgeries for two broken arms and a broken leg, removal of his spleen, procedures for fluid in his lungs and stomach, as well as for facial and skull fractures; and just this past weekend, he had a stent placed in a vein that runs through his liver because of the serious complications he continues to endure.”"

Parents of boy attacked at Mall of America bare anguish over extent of injuries, uncertainty of recovery – Twin Cities
NO...19 years is not nearly enough time. He should never walk free again.

What kind of scary monster can pick up a 5 yr old and throw them off a 5 story balcony to the concrete below? It is a miracle that sweet baby lived.

This guy will never be safe for others to be around.

He was not charged with murder, and it sounds like if LH dies, the state can charge him with murder, for additional time in prison.

Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like LH is doing very well.
NO...19 years is not nearly enough time. He should never walk free again.

What kind of scary monster can pick up a 5 yr old and throw them off a 5 story balcony to the concrete below? It is a miracle that sweet baby lived.

This guy will never be safe for others to be around.
What kind of justice allows for this type of a sentence? And who will be around to make sure he never does this again?

19 years is a slap on the face of humanity. IMO we are losing it.

I say a prayer to the universe to watch over this little boy. I'll bet most already have.
Parents impact statements from an update on the page:

Hello everyone! Thank you doesn't even begin to describe the gratitude for all of the prayers and support still coming in. We are all so appreciative! I wanted to give a brief update on Landen and share his Mom and Dad's victim impact statements here. Landen is still in good spirits and is still continuing on his road to recovery, a lot of small steps on his road back home. Our family is anxiously awaiting the time when he gets to go back to a living a normal childhood.

Here is his Mom's Impact statement:

You intended to harm him, but God intended it for good! To accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

You chose to think about yourself that day, what you were feeling and wanted to do to someone else. I’m sad you chose anger and hatred. Something really bad must have happened to you for you to want to do this to a sweet, innocent little boy. I’m sorry for whatever you’ve gone through. I hope God can save you and show you what His love is all about someday….

I want you to know I forgive you. Not because what you did was okay, not because I want to; but because God wants me to. I’m not letting you take any part of our family. You’re not taking our love, our joy, our peace; you’re not taking anything! I refuse to be full of anger and hatred, I refuse to let you take my joy. My sweet, precious baby, my amazing gift from God is going to be okay because Jesus loves him so much and he loves me so much. He answered my prayers and gave him back to me.

You get to take nothing from us. You chose to listen to the Devil that day. I don’t get to judge you or hate you. Instead I am full of God’s love and I have overwhelming joy and peace in my body as I sit and watch my boy heal in miraculous ways right in from of my eyes.

The whole world is seeing God move in this little boy that I get to call mine. The Devil tried to take him out, but GOD Saves. God ALWAYS wins!

God will judge you someday and I have peace with that. I hand it off to him and you will take none of my thoughts EVER again, I am done with you. God, it is all in your hands.

Here is his Dad's:
On what was a normal day for us a day of fun and playing a day meant for good you chose to commit a horrific violent act, an act intended for harm and act intended to kill and destroy. Thankfully our family serves a mighty God who is faithful to his people a God who intends to protect and save. A God who’s will is perfect and makes all things work for the good of those that love him. You intended evil that day but God works all for good. Landen, who was a nameless child to you, is not a name forgotten or unknown to God. Landen is a witness to God’s divine interaction in our lives for all the world to see. Our boy was saved that day in a miraculous ways as testimony to the goodness and greatness of God, and because of that miracle God is being glorified and his name is being magnified through out the earth.

Your act was evil and selfish, you chose to listen to the worst parts of yourself that day. You chose evil over good and chose to take your hate and hurt out on my precious boy. That is where your impact on us stops, you will take nothing more from us. We will continue to Love and serve our God, we will continue to love people and have joy and peace in our lives, you will not define our lives or our hearts. We will live our lives to the fullest filled with fun and joy. You chose to waste your life and I wish you could experience the pain and suffering you inflicted on my boy, you should have the maximum punishment that this life has for you so you understand the impact of your actions.

I do want you to know that I forgive you, because it is what God calls me to do and holding hate only harms me and I will not allow that and while I want the maximum punishment for you in this life I do want you to know that there is a God who does love you and seeks to save you. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that who ever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This is the grace that our merciful, loving, and forgiving God offers you. This is the path to eternal redemption for you bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus, and he is greater than any evil you have committed I pray you call on his name so that you will be saved.
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He was not charged with murder, and it sounds like if LH dies, the state can charge him with murder, for additional time in prison.

Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like LH is doing very well.

Wouldn’t double jeopardy keep them from charging him with murder? He’s already been sentenced for a lesser crime, but for the same set of actions.
Wouldn’t double jeopardy keep them from charging him with murder? He’s already been sentenced for a lesser crime, but for the same set of actions.

There is no statute of limitations on murder. He has not been charged with murder. If LH dies, he can be charged with Capital murder. That would be LWOP.

He admitted "Guilt" to throwing the child off of the balcony. I am not sure what the exact charge was, but it wasn't murder, as LH is still alive.

At any point in time, even if LH dies in 15 years, and the death is written as "Injuries sustained from impact of Mall of America Assault", that directly links the death to the perpetrator, and he will doubt be charged at that time.
The family of a 5-year-old boy who was thrown from a balcony at the Mall of America in April announced that he has been removed from intensive care to undergo an inpatient physical rehabilitation program.

"There is hard work ahead! And, our beautiful boy has endured much already, but he is strong and his spirit remains vibrant,'' the family wrote Thursday on an online fundraising page for his medical expenses.

Family of boy thrown from Mall of America balcony shares hopeful update
In a case like this where much money is needed for the victim's immediate and long-term care needs and rehabilitation etc, is the guilty party not ordered to help finance it by selling his possessions/assets? He should be paying all these bills! imo
I doubt he has any assets. I'm sure he has been ordered to however. I always find the life sentences with huge fines almost comical. They are going to prison for life... they aren't going to be paying that enormous fine.

I doubt it too. But he might have a car, computer, or other equipment that could be sold.

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