MN MN - LeeAnna Warner, 5, Chisholm, 14 June 2003

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I wonder if the remote location of Chisholm played a part in the lack of media coverage. I have a hard time imagining members of the national media running up to a town, almost 4 hours north of Minneapolis.
This is true. But some small town cases get much coverage, if the parent's drive the case hard enough. Her family didn't even seem to give it much of a try.
This is true. But some small town cases get much coverage, if the parent's drive the case hard enough. Her family didn't even seem to give it much of a try.

Do you have some examples of small-town cases that got a lot of coverage? I'm specifically asking about cases that got at least a few weeks of coverage. There's a difference between the national media traveling to some remote location, reporting on a case for a day or two, and then they're out of there. I can't think of a case in a rural area where the media was staying in hotels, making multiple trips back and forth, etc.

Also, there's a difference between a small-town in a metropolitan area and a small town in a remote location. Chisholm is the former.
How about Molly Bish from small town Warren, MA (population 1,535 as of 2007, smaller back in 2000 when she vanished)? Her case was very publicized, I remember seeing her pictures on magazine covers at the grocery store. Very small town, smaller than Chisholm population 5,000) , but her parents worked so hard to not only bring attention to the case, but to keep it alive throughout the years until her remains were found.
Or Sabrina Aisenburg, from Valrico, FL, population about 7,000? I've see her story on 48 hours, along with at the very least a news article written on the anniversary of when she went missing. There's many out there. St. Joseph, MN has population of 6534, and missing boy Jacob Wetterling has gotten much media attention.

And it doesn't matter if the media is camping out, staying in hotels to report stories, usually they don't unless whitney houston died so sad stuff like that makes the news before our missing children). I'm just weary of her parent's efforts in the search for her, they could at least keep her case alive and not forgotten.
And there's many children who go missing in bigger cities who don't get publicity, where you live may have something to do with how much attention a case gets, but not that much. Examples Erin Kay Pospisil from Cedar Rapids IA, pop over 423,353 or Jahi Turner missing from San Diego, CA?
When something happens in a small town, usually its more publicized since not much happens there to begin with, so child abduction would be a big deal. In bigger cities, like Chicago, Los Angeles or Minneapolis, there's so much crime already, it's swept under the rugs.
Not trying to argue with you, just stating my opinion.
How about Molly Bish from small town Warren, MA (population 1,535 as of 2007, smaller back in 2000 when she vanished)? Her case was very publicized, I remember seeing her pictures on magazine covers at the grocery store. Very small town, smaller than Chisholm population 5,000) , but her parents worked so hard to not only bring attention to the case, but to keep it alive throughout the years until her remains were found.
Or Sabrina Aisenburg, from Valrico, FL, population about 7,000? I've see her story on 48 hours, along with at the very least a news article written on the anniversary of when she went missing. There's many out there. St. Joseph, MN has population of 6534, and missing boy Jacob Wetterling has gotten much media attention.

And it doesn't matter if the media is camping out, staying in hotels to report stories, usually they don't unless whitney houston died so sad stuff like that makes the news before our missing children). I'm just weary of her parent's efforts in the search for her, they could at least keep her case alive and not forgotten.
And there's many children who go missing in bigger cities who don't get publicity, where you live may have something to do with how much attention a case gets, but not that much. Examples Erin Kay Pospisil from Cedar Rapids IA, pop over 423,353 or Jahi Turner missing from San Diego, CA?
When something happens in a small town, usually its more publicized since not much happens there to begin with, so child abduction would be a big deal. In bigger cities, like Chicago, Los Angeles or Minneapolis, there's so much crime already, it's swept under the rugs.
Not trying to argue with you, just stating my opinion.

The cases you mentioned may have taken place in small towns, but they weren't in the middle of nowhere. Warren, Massachusetts is in a county of almost 800,000 people. Valrico, Florida is 20 minutes from Tampa, Florida. St. Joseph, Minnesota is a more rural than those towns, but it's only an 1 hour and a half from Minneapolis, compared to 4 hours for Chisholm.

Also, the "staying in hotels" is relevant. Any case that gets more than a few days of coverage will have media in town. I did a search and there are only 5 hotels within 17 miles of Chisholm. I doubt the media has a big urge to fly into Minneapolis, drive 4 hours to Chisholm, and stay in some 1-star hotel 30 minutes from the crime scene.

Although I believe the media would ignore a case that happens in the middle-of-nowhere, I am NOT saying that a case in a bigger city would get coverage. All I'm saying is that the media is very picky about the cases they spotlight, so I do think they would avoid a case in an extremely remote area. They'll ignore a case because the victim doesn't meet their criteria, so I definitely believe they would ignore a case in a town that's a pain to get to.
True, but not my point. My point is that NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE LOCATED, if you are a parent of a missing child, wouldn't you go to the media? wouldn't you go to bigger cities to distribute fliers, anything? Years later, wouldn't you drive their case in efforts for it to be remembered? The media doesn't have to come to you to get the spotlight, it depends how proactive the parents are as well such as patty wetterling, susan billig, sharon murch? there's a reason these cases are remembered decades later, because of these amazing, strong proactive parents who never give up.
I live near Chisholm, and I can say that over 9 years later, she's swept under the rug, locally. I have serious doubts about the parents, who even right after she vanished in '03, it feels like they gave up the fight right away. i would never give up on my baby and if you are a parent im sure you'd feel the same. someone knows more than they're saying
Do you have some examples of small-town cases that got a lot of coverage? I'm specifically asking about cases that got at least a few weeks of coverage. There's a difference between the national media traveling to some remote location, reporting on a case for a day or two, and then they're out of there. I can't think of a case in a rural area where the media was staying in hotels, making multiple trips back and forth, etc.

Also, there's a difference between a small-town in a metropolitan area and a small town in a remote location. Chisholm is the former.

This might have already been mentioned, but LINDSEY BAUM disappeared from McCleary Wa which is a small rural town off a State Hwy. The case got quite a bit of media attention up to and including the Nancy Grace show. She has not been located.

Thinking of Lindsey tonight. She had a lot of spunk like Kyron Horman. I've often wondered if this is the type of child predators desire.
Thank you for your post Scandi,
Lindsey and Kyron both remind me of each other as well, let's pray their disappearances, along with Leanna's are not cases for the books. I do believe they are all solvable, and have hope that one day, they'll have some form of closure.
Article with age progression photo.

"Local law enforcement officials and officers of the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension are expected to join LeeAnna Warner’s parents, Chris and Kaelin Warner, on the steps of Chisholm City Hall today to remind the rest of the world that they haven’t given up looking, haven’t given up hope."
Leads on LeeAnna’s disappearance continue to filter in — almost daily, according to Manner. The leads usually center around look-alike leads or people who’ve heard someone talking about the case.

“We know someone out there has that one piece of information that can bring answers to this family, and that’s what we are here to do — to bring answers to this case,” he said. “We have worked over 1,600 leads and we work them from start to finish — all the way.”
Jacob has been found, now it's time to find Leanna!
Thank you for bumping this thread!

Just recently I was thinking about "Beaner", but I couldn't remember her real name.

Subscribing to this thread (to be added to my Special Little People file).
Jacob has been found, it's time to find Beaner. Nothing is impossible.
Regarding the the pedophile who lived on LeeAnn'a street, someone had to have known where he worked, hung out, spent time...
I know he committed suicide, but these creeps know who each other. I wish LE would investigate every person this man ever had contact with. Someone knows something, and it's time to bring Beaner home.
LE called me back, they knew about the adoption thing and said that the mom was not from there, an outsider. He als said that they also thought the barbie stuff was not a valid issue (was bs).

They are basically looking for a body he came straight out and said :(
The way he was talking, he was hoping I was calling about one. How horrible.

If they think the whole barbie story was "bs", I hope they have valid reasons and are questioning the family or whoever made up a "bs" story.
Beaner, here's your bump!

We're still here. We will not give up.
no one on here knows who the pedo was or any rumours or any info? With Jacob it was amazing how much info people had

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