MN MN - LeeAnna Warner, 5, Chisholm, 14 June 2003

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LE called me back, they knew about the adoption thing and said that the mom was not from there, an outsider. He als said that they also thought the barbie stuff was not a valid issue (was bs).

They are basically looking for a body he came straight out and said :(
The way he was talking, he was hoping I was calling about one. How horrible.
LE called me back, they knew about the adoption thing and said that the mom was not from there, an outsider. He als said that they also thought the barbie stuff was not a valid issue (was bs).

They are basically looking for a body he came straight out and said :(
The way he was talking, he was hoping I was calling about one. How horrible.

Do you know, Sleuthster, his attitude doesn't surprise me. From the beginning it appeared that the Chisholm LE mishandled the investigation.
Slow to get out an alert and closed minded is what I read and heard.
In *my* mind the barbie dolls and packing to go with her new family are HUGE clues and he puts them off as 'bs'??? :banghead:
Mom is an "outsider"??? :banghead: That makes me angry. :furious:
In other words, unless by some remote circumstance they do find a body, if she's alive she will never be found because it's too much effort to look further.
Oh, how frustrating, Don't they care about that little girl? Thanks for trying Sleuthster, you are very brave.
Think of this -- IF (big big IF) someone had been watching this family there were many chances prior to that particular day to grab Beaner. Apparently she was on her own often. That particular day the mom had taken the kids swimming and when they returned home the mom says Beaner was sleeping in the car. When Beaner woke up she wanted to go to a friend's house and play. Mom says last time she saw Beaner was walking up the street toward friend's house. We later learn the friend wasn't home, mom sends older sister to get Beaner but she can't be found. [From my own experience when a young child wakes up they are not ready to go play. It takes them awhile to fully wake up. Did the mom check on her while she slept in the car? How long did she sleep in the car? What time did they get back to Chisholm? What time did mom intend to feed them supper? Did Beaner often walk uninvited to someone's house? Did mom give Beaner instructions to come straight back if friend wasn't home?]

I think - and this is my opinion only - that mom took a nap or some such thing (father was not home that afternoon) and told the kids to go outside and play. Really I hoped Beaner would have been found in the lake so we'd know no one took her. I live in this area and if I were so inclined it would be very easy to grab a kid off the street. Kids roam pretty freely here. [One summer day sitting in my yard two little boys came and wanted to play on my swing. I asked them why they weren't playing in their own yard. Their dad told them to go somewhere so his girlfriend could sleep! I could have taken both of them and dad would have had no clue. I should have called the cops but didn't.)

There are several small parks and playgrounds in Chisholm that Beaner could have wandered to. There was a "Ride the Range" motorcycle thing going on so more people than normal in town. I really believe that someone took advantage of her being alone and unattended and that it was absolutely random. (She could have even been run over and killed by some drunk.) The guy that supposedly committed suicide I don't know what happened. Was kept pretty quiet but no one knows how you commit suicide with a plastic bag over your head. There was some suspicion about him but I believe his truck was tested and no sign of Beaner having been there.

The barbies don't seem strange to me. I only had one child and have one grandchild so I give a lot of stuff to neighbors or people that I know have small ones (bike, wagon, swimming pool, clothes). That's how people are here - we don't throw stuff away but would rather give it to someone that could use it.

Beaner's mom goes by two different names and I don't know what her birth name was or even what her legal name is now. Talk around here was the parents were preparing to separate so that may be what Beaner was referring to regarding the "new home". The mom.... well I don't know what to say but she started a bartending job not too long after all this. I asked her how she could do it - talk to people, be friendly, smile, socialize and she said it was better than being home.

I don't believe Chisholm LE mishandled the investigation rather the story and timeline they were given didn't seem right. Another rumor was of an old man that had molested his granddaughter and neighbor girls having picked up Beaner. He's dead now and nothing was ever proven as far as him being involved. It's possible because he lived outside of town only a few miles and could have gotten rid of her easy.
I'm only posting this because you're from MN. Please understand that I'm not a person to cry wolf.

At about 8:50 a.m. today I was in the REI parking lot (Bloomington, MN). I assumed it opened at 9:00. There was one other car in the lot, and I stupidly parked nearly next to it. I got out and was going to wait at the store door, but midway across the drive I noticed the hours as 10:00 a.m., so I headed back to my car.

As I neared the other car with a male occupant, he got out and quickly approached me, trying to get me to stop. I broke into a run and was able to get in my car and lock it. Honestly, he was at the side of my car when I slammed the door. This guy was definitely not the REI type.

If you're not familiar with REI, the front of the store is made to look like a hiking area - lots of trees, water, etc. The front door cannot be seen from the lot. Additionally, the lot is surrounded by trees, separating it from nearby roads. Sure. It looks nice, but maybe nice isn't the same as safe.

I was so shaken that I called the Bloomington Police.

I 've been reading the Hailey Dunn threads, and found that Hailey's case reminds me in some ways of little Beaner's, so I came over here to see if there's anything new.

Sorry to hear about the in the REI parking lot. My hubby is an REI employee at the Bloomington store, but I s'pose it's a few years too late to report the incident to the store manager. :smile:
Hmmm...why weren't the parents given a poly? Could one of the parents been involved?
Bumping for LeeAnna's Birthday, Happy Birthday Beaner! You are a teenager now! Please come home soon.
LeeAnna Warner went missing 8 years ago today. Please light a candle in her honor and pray for her safe return home.
Gotta keep you close today, Beaner, back up to the top you go!
Hoping that this young lady is soon found and returned to her family.
I have a website up with some very documented evidence of where Beaner is, The local Police up here either know, and/or have a real good poker face. Check site at (Web Investigation and Tactical Services) c for yourself.
I created this Site to help find Missing love ones. I live in Minnesota, and enjoy your site. I am wide open to moderaton on this issues, since the LE wont even return calls on the case.
Author's Profile of the Abductor (Un-sub) Unidentified Suspect.

Beaner feels comfortable around this person

The Un-sub is known to the Warner family
The Un-sub may have an extensive Criminal record and is a Controlling Person
The Un-sub was more than likely Abused as a child
Beaner most likely went with this person
They may have been Illicit drugs and or sex acts involved
The abduction probably started as a prank/joke and went south when Law Enforcement intervened
There May be more than ONE Un-sub involved in the abduction.
There are people living in that area who are withholding information about the Case.
The Un-Sub(s) more than likely participated in the Search Efforts for Beaner.
The Un-sub(s) uses diversion tactics to divert attention from case whenever confronted about it.
Beaner was most likely moved to a safe place and may have been moved again.
Parents may have been involved in the abduction or have an idea where Beaner is right now.
The Un-sub may suffer from Mental Disorders or was labeled ADHD and may be fidgety or insecure around other people may have a nervous type laugh.
Believed to have lived near the abduction area
The Un-sub(s) is gainfully employed or self-employed whose business allows his location to be unknown extended lengths of time
The Un-sub(s) may possibly be tied into other unsolved abduction cases.
Author's Profile of the Abductor (Un-sub) Unidentified Suspect.

Beaner feels comfortable around this person

The Un-sub is known to the Warner family
The Un-sub may have an extensive Criminal record and is a Controlling Person
The Un-sub was more than likely Abused as a child
Beaner most likely went with this person
They may have been Illicit drugs and or sex acts involved
The abduction probably started as a prank/joke and went south when Law Enforcement intervened
There May be more than ONE Un-sub involved in the abduction.
There are people living in that area who are withholding information about the Case.
The Un-Sub(s) more than likely participated in the Search Efforts for Beaner.
The Un-sub(s) uses diversion tactics to divert attention from case whenever confronted about it.
Beaner was most likely moved to a safe place and may have been moved again.
Parents may have been involved in the abduction or have an idea where Beaner is right now.
The Un-sub may suffer from Mental Disorders or was labeled ADHD and may be fidgety or insecure around other people may have a nervous type laugh.
Believed to have lived near the abduction area
The Un-sub(s) is gainfully employed or self-employed whose business allows his location to be unknown extended lengths of time
The Un-sub(s) may possibly be tied into other unsolved abduction cases.

Do you mean that after 8 years you still believe these points are true? I appreciate your involvement and dedication to the case, but why do you believe these points are true? Point by point.

I don't believe it, that her parents knew who did this or they were possibly involved, and that he was some local sicko who needed a young girl. Sounds like a passing of the buck to me. A pat profile that is general and not specific to her case. In fact I'd love to see how Pat Brown would interpret the case.

I have thought of Beaner for these last 8 years often and with endearment, hoping she was safe and sound and not dead in some field. I don't see anything you offer as a startling possibility about the circumstances under which she went missing.

Wasn't there a small carnival in town the day she disappeared? We often thought the person that took her was an 'out of towner' who used and abused her. It was a very conservative town and there was not much happening from the inside out of the town, but rather what was coming into the town.

She was never found. God Bless her wherever she is tonight.

What do you think he did with her?

As you can tell this is personal with me. We are friends as posters here but not sharing the same thoughts. Beaner was in my heart the minute I heard of her plight. xox
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AgtHotch, I apologize for interrupting the Beaner case, can you help with finding Joshau Guimond??
I live not far from Chisholm and I can say Leanna got next to no media coverage. about 1/4 of people in mn dont even know her story. LE doesnt seem interested in pursuing this, they've shoved it under the rug. Her family doesn't even seem to be driving on this case (lots of cases like Molly Bish, Jacob Wetterling get publicity because family gets it out their in the media. they dont seem to care. Her case is dormant and forgotten.
no one is standing up for her, she is lost and forgotten. i have seen her on the local news twice and very few articles on her. i have seen more articles on politics or drugs...WHY IS THAT AND OTHER THINGS SEEM TO BE MORE IMPORTANT THAN OUR CHILDREN?! Why was there no amber alert sent out anywhere?!
"We loose our keys, we loose our glasses...but how, in America, do we loose our children?!?!"-Molly Bish's Mother

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