MN - Philando Castile, 32, shot by police officer, 6 July 2016 #1

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America is a special country. Lots of questions here after listening to the tape. Lots of little things said differently as the tapes roll on. Most interesting was they had weed in the car. What are the Minnesota's laws abt being arrested with weed with a minor child present? How woulld it effect his job at a the school had he been arrested? Are the first reactions of the woman passenger and officer relevant? Just lots to look into. Prayers to the families involved.

Yes, weed possession is a capital crime in MN. Um, never mind
Difficult for me to believe the cop just shot w/o provocation. I sure hope we ultimately see the cop was wearing a camera and we get the full story. I would like to see the 60 seconds prior to shooting. Audio would probably suffice. I hope this wasnt a trigger happy cop. A biased opinion from a white male...but....if I were a black parent, I would be teaching my children what to do and what not to do when pulled over by cops. I want to hold firm on my thoughts that if you are respectful and compliant nobody gets hurt.
Difficult for me to believe the cop just shot w/o provocation. I sure hope we ultimately see the cop was wearing a camera and we get the full story. I would like to see the 60 seconds prior to shooting. Audio would probably suffice. I hope this wasnt a trigger happy cop. A biased opinion from a white male...but....if I were a black parent, I would be teaching my children what to do and what not to do when pulled over by cops. I want to hold firm on my thoughts that if you are respectful and compliant nobody gets hurt.

Yes, because black people should be terrified of cops. Um hm. Yup. It is their fault if they make a false move and get shot!!

They pay taxes for LE. You know. Protect and serve, BTW child, this is how you need to be so they don't blast you away. Um hm
Difficult for me to believe the cop just shot w/o provocation. I sure hope we ultimately see the cop was wearing a camera and we get the full story. I would like to see the 60 seconds prior to shooting. Audio would probably suffice. I hope this wasnt a trigger happy cop. A biased opinion from a white male...but....if I were a black parent, I would be teaching my children what to do and what not to do when pulled over by cops. I want to hold firm on my thoughts that if you are respectful and compliant nobody gets hurt.

St. Anthony police don't have body cameras, according to office manager Kim Brazil.

In the recent words of their recently retired chief:

Near the end of the interview, he argued against the need for police body cams — which St. Anthony cops don't use.

"Video isn’t going to be a solve all, do all," Ohl said.

Asked about the nationwide calls for police reform, he said "nothing's significantly broken in law enforcement now."
As a numbers kind of analytical guy I only see 4 possible answers to problem:
1. We move back to a segregated society where we all live in our own racial background neighborhoods. Whites policing whites and blacks policing blacks. That stops all white cops shooting blacks
2. White officers decide to roll the dice and pray more that they make it home at night as they lower their guard to accommodate our more than ever violent society
3. People respect the cops more and adjust their behavior and attitude when confronted by LE
4. Society in general Monday morning quarterback from the safety behind their keyboards that never really have to put themselves, their own safety at risk, accepts that it's society's expectation to lower our safety expectations to the standards of the violent few. Those violent few are ruining the reputation of majority of their brothers. The masses need to be loudly proclaiming to help lift their brothers and expectations rather than asking the masses to live in a more violent world. We need a few high profile leaders to step up and loudly proclaim that violence isnt cool.
Digging for i.d. registration and insurance cards in purse, glove compartments, consoles and pockets when u get stopped is a problem. You don't want to do anything to cause an officer alarm no matter who you are. Maybe we need it tattooed on our arms.
As a numbers kind of analytical guy I only see 4 possible answers to problem:
1. We move back to a segregated society where we all live in our own racial background neighborhoods. Whites policing whites and blacks policing blacks. That stops all white cops shooting blacks
2. White officers decide to roll the dice and pray more that they make it home at night as they lower their guard to accommodate our more than ever violent society
3. People respect the cops more and adjust their behavior and attitude when confronted by LE
4. Society in general Monday morning quarterback from the safety behind their keyboards that never really have to put themselves, their own safety at risk, accepts that it's society's expectation to lower our safety expectations to the standards of the violent few. Those violent few are ruining the reputation of majority of their brothers. The masses need to be loudly proclaiming to help lift their brothers and expectations rather than asking the masses to live in a more violent world.

Why is it so many black men get shot? Why is it that white people would be let go with a fix it ticket ?

Does the black neurosurgeon have to be scared? Does every black parent have to be terrifeid everytime their child goes out?

Do they have to pray a taillight does not fail while driving?
Does a broken taillight indicate something other than a broken taillight? I mean in a profile type of way?

I don't exactly know why police stop people for that other than to let them know so they can repair it. Do you get a ticket for it?
Digging for i.d. registration and insurance cards in purse, glove compartments, consoles and pockets when u get stopped is a problem. You don't want to do anything to cause an officer alarm no matter who you are. Maybe we need it tattooed on our arms.

Maybe there needs to be safe spots where people can stop and get out their info . Maybe we all need scanners so we can scan ourselves and info and it can show up on the police scanner. Oh wait. They already know info about you. Hm.

Lots of places have cameras that take pics of license plates and the ticket comes in the mail. People hate that cuz of invasion of privacy. I guess it is better than dying over a tailight
Does a broken taillight indicate something other than a broken taillight? I mean in a profile type of way?

I don't exactly know why police stop people for that other than to let them know so they can repair it. Do you get a ticket for it?

Yes, you can get a tickef but mainly it is a fix it ticket. It is not a stop where they can roust you.
This case is one that I don't understand at all. With most other police shootings, I can see how things escalated, I can see there being fear...but this seems like a scared jumpy cop, however, I will try and wait until all the information is out so I can formulate my own thoughts on the truth, because we all know how many versions of the truth there are with even an innocuous situation.
Difficult for me to believe the cop just shot w/o provocation. I sure hope we ultimately see the cop was wearing a camera and we get the full story. I would like to see the 60 seconds prior to shooting. Audio would probably suffice. I hope this wasnt a trigger happy cop. A biased opinion from a white male...but....if I were a black parent, I would be teaching my children what to do and what not to do when pulled over by cops. I want to hold firm on my thoughts that if you are respectful and compliant nobody gets hurt.

I agree with what you say. I can't believe in this day and age, any cop just wants to shoot a black man for no reason. Many will not agree with that, I'm sure. But why would he just want to shoot a man? You have to live with that.
The man in the car (anyone of any race) should be respectful of the officer, not make a move unless you talk to the officer about it first. If he says, let me see your info, tell him where it is, ask is it ok to pull it out from that place. Cops get shot too, for no reason. Much of this could be stopped just by each side taking a different attitude in the event. Maybe the cop should ask- keep you hands on the wheel, where is your id? Ok, with one hand, take it out.
The difference in this case to me is, the man is not committing a crime, and it doesn't appear that there was a physical altercation. But we don't know what the attitudes were.
when he told the cop had was CWP with a weapon in the car, did the cap ask-where is the weapon?
Let's all try to be a society of one, wanting what is best for each other.
All MOO only.
I have been stopped before for speeding in my black Mercedes S550. I have a disabled card displayed and I look like Polly Purebread. The officer that stopped me did not approach me with caution or his hand on his gun. I apologized profusely and told him my disability was for a lead right foot. He did not ask me to keep my hands on the steering wheel. He just asked for my DL, proof of insurance and registration. I had at least 8 different expired insurance cards and finally found the current one. He reduced the ticket and sent me on my way.

Conversely, my son was driving my 2004 Mercedes E320, had a hoodie on, was driving slouched with me in the front passenger seat, at night. The cop pulled us over for supposed speeding however we had just entered onto the road. The cop approached from the back passenger side and was shocked to see me sitting there by the look on his face. I was ill at the time on oxygen and tired and I gave this young cop a raft of *advertiser censored* and then asked for his supervisor because we did nothing wrong. He had profiled my son, and IMO assumed he was black, a dealer or something.

That was a tiny, tiny taste of what I felt was total injustice towards my blonde, blue eyed son who was going through his "gangsta" phase. I cannot imagine being the mother of a black son and trying to explain the rationale for that stereotypical behavior, along with all the other lessons we try and teach our kids.

Please know I am addressing a broader issue here. I hope I have not insulted anyone as that is not my intent.
Why is it so many black men get shot? Why is it that white people would be let go with a fix it ticket ?

Does the black neurosurgeon have to be scared? Does every black parent have to be terrifeid everytime their child goes out?

Do they have to pray a taillight does not fail while driving?

Again, speaking as a white woman, I ain't been let go from a ticket since I was 25 yrs old. I just pay the ticket, get the increase on my auto insurance, and pray to slow down.
They don't call it the 'Ultimate Driving Machine' for nothing.

I'm assuming some of the posters here are black. What is your attitude when you get stopped, whether or not you think it was justified? Do you feel like you are polite and the officer is rude? Do you buck up to the officer and start telling him what your rights are? Do you just sit there and see what happens? I am truly interested to hear from some different people of color on this. Of course I know, am friends and co-workers with people of many races, and just listening to some of them describe the interaction, I'm thinking, "and you wonder why this went so badly?" I was taught to respect authority, LE, teachers, elders, etc... that has not always made the situation go smoothly, but I am still alive. I just find it hard to believe that most officers are just looking to shoot someone. Most officers I know are very nice people.
Well said Rob! If you say you have a weapon the same time as your reaching for your info the possibility of getting shot is very high.
Here is a lot of info. Best to have a law degree while driving black. But if not, memorize this.

A routine traffic stop does not entitle LE to much.
But LE is entitled to respect and compliance. I am a law abiding citizen so if a cop asked to look in my car I would say "go ahead". But even the most basic stop (even speeding) starts rolling downhill once you immediately start proclaiming your rights loudly and repeatedly. Film the traffic stop and argue with the judge rather than the cop.
I am licensed to carry but seldom seldom carry (maybe 5-6 times a year). I actually have a holster permanently mounted beneath my steering wheel for long road trips. I was pulled over approx 4 weeks ago approx 9 pm. coming home from dinner. Cop said I was doing 42 in a 35 mph. Cop immediately saw my holster and immediately asked if I had weapon in car. I stated no. He asked me a few general questions to see if I was drinking. It was a 4 min stop w/o a warning or ticket. We showed each other mutual respect and I never felt threatened or felt i would go to jail. It was John Wayne that was quoted something like "Life is hard. It's even harder if you are stupid"
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