MO MO - Amanda Jones, 26, pregnant, Hillsboro, 14 Aug 2005

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DNA Solves
So, is he saying that Amanda made up the red car story? How does he account for that? I take it you're a friend of Amanda? Sorry, I'm tuning in late so I don't know if you said that already. That's an awful lot of land that he and his family have, but I hope the police are all over it.
ambyuk said:
I must have missed the message about doing a search, PrayersforMaura. I can't physically search but please e-mail me if I can help in any way, even just to give me a contact # so I can pass it on to anyone who may be interested in helping you.

Here's a picture of Bryan Westfall I found through Google's image search. It's from the college's website.

He was an instructor of Computer Information Systems. Seemed nice enough, I do remember some people saying they didn't really like him though but I heard that about almost everyone on campus from SOMEONE in my building (administrative).
Oh God, he looks like that main character guy in the movie American Psycho. :(
I thought they said there was a horse that day?! So what was his reasonfor going back there at 5 clock and why would she meet him at a deserted place like that. These facts sound confused.
Beyond Belief said:
I thought they said there was a horse that day?! So what was his reasonfor going back there at 5 clock and why would she meet him at a deserted place like that. These facts sound confused.

From what I recall, (and I could be wrong), but this guy either worked there or was some sort of volunteer. He was supposed to be getting something ready for an upcoming event.

I believe Amanda had told her parents that she was meeting him for lunch. Yet, he says they talked at her car for an hour or so, he left to go inside and she was on her cell phone in her car. Then, three hours later when he was supposedly done with whatever, he came out and she had moved her car from where it was originally and was still talking on her cell phone. He says he drove away.

IMHO, I don't believe a word he says. Her parents and her sister said they've gotten several stories from him. IMHO, it's obvious what happened here and the more I hear the more I believe he did something to Amanda. He has a plane at his farm. There are acres and acres of land that haven't been searched. FWIW, this reminds me of another case here on Websleuths, Wix. She and her daughter disappeared and the boyfriend and his family won't allow LE to search their huge farm.

LE needs to get a SW and go over both the parents and the son's farms with dogs, search and rescue, and anything else that will help to find Amanda and her baby boy. This is outrageous that this guy thinks he can get away with this. :furious: THIS IS MY OPINION! :mad:

I know LE hasn't said he's a suspect, but I bet anything he's a POI. :eek:

This is so frustrating! waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting..........

LillyRush said:
So, is he saying that Amanda made up the red car story? How does he account for that? I take it you're a friend of Amanda? Sorry, I'm tuning in late so I don't know if you said that already. That's an awful lot of land that he and his family have, but I hope the police are all over it.
I am confused too. When did she make up a red car story and to whom? I thought there was no known call to anyone after she met wiht Bryan and that he made up the red car story??? :doh:
What I don't understand is why he ever called her back. Ok, so, she called him that week before to find out whether he wanted any involvement, etc and maybe he hinted a trace of desparation in her voice or got the impression that she was going to make him a part of the baby's life no matter what. But really all he had to do was not call her back, he hadn't taken a paternity test and I'm not really sure how she would have ever acquired since there was no proof they had more than a one night stand, so it seems like he could have walked away from it all even if it was a small-town type of atmosphere. Or maybe he thought that phone call was a hint at what she would be doing for years to come, calling him out of the blue about "his son" and he couldn't have that? I think the girlfriend is involved too. I wonder what the girlfriend does for a living, whether she would have access to anything that would make someone pass out.
PrayersForMaura said:
I am confused too. When did she make up a red car story and to whom? I thought there was no known call to anyone after she met wiht Bryan and that he made up the red car story??? :doh:
Prayers, though I'm a little fuzzy on it, I think this was something that Amanda told her parents that the guy told her. Now he is claiming he never said that to her. I guess it could be something that she said to her parents if she didn't want them to know that she had contacted him a few days earlier. Although, her friend (above) says that she would not make up a story and that it was already known that she had made the first contact with him again. So, yeah, it is a little bit like going in circles with the red car story. :p
LillyRush said:
What I don't understand is why he ever called her back. Ok, so, she called him that week before to find out whether he wanted any involvement, etc and maybe he hinted a trace of desparation in her voice or got the impression that she was going to make him a part of the baby's life no matter what. But really all he had to do was not call her back, he hadn't taken a paternity test and I'm not really sure how she would have ever acquired since there was no proof they had more than a one night stand, so it seems like he could have walked away from it all even if it was a small-town type of atmosphere. Or maybe he thought that phone call was a hint at what she would be doing for years to come, calling him out of the blue about "his son" and he couldn't have that? I think the girlfriend is involved too. I wonder what the girlfriend does for a living, whether she would have access to anything that would make someone pass out.
If she decided to file for child support later on, I'm sure the court would order him to take a paternity test. It doesn't matter if they had a one-night stand or a long-term relationship -- if the DNA matches, he has to pay. Her phone call about what last name to give the baby woke him up to the reality of the situation.
LillyRush said:
Prayers, though I'm a little fuzzy on it, I think this was something that Amanda told her parents that the guy told her. Now he is claiming he never said that to her. I guess it could be something that she said to her parents if she didn't want them to know that she had contacted him a few days earlier. Although, her friend (above) says that she would not make up a story and that it was already known that she had made the first contact with him again. So, yeah, it is a little bit like going in circles with the red car story. :p
Oh! :slap:
I thought that the red car people drove by after she and Bryan talked and she was getting ready to go home supposedly and he told Bryan there were there... I am so confused. Trying to follow too many cases :(
There are so many people missing, I want them all to be found safe and sound!
Would it be okay to back up for a minute? Is this the first time this guy heard about her being pregnant? So he's working, says stop by or did he? Did he invite her to stop by or did she just know he would be there that day? Her car was moved? So he went for a ride with her in her car. He brings her car back, alone. His prints should be in her car. The checkbook was left on the seat to make it look like the seat had not been occupied. She's not on his property or wasn't dropped from a plane. Did she buy gas at that little store? When did she last fill her tank and how much gas was left? That would be the distance the car was driven. She's going to be found close by, I would bet within 2 miles.
PrayersforM, That's what I thought at first, that they were some people nearby the center. But it sounds like the red car story had something to do with a story that was given as why he called her. Whether Amanda said it or he said it, I don't know.

Mellen, I'm aware that she could have gone after him eventually for child support and ordered a court to demand a paternity test. I'm just saying that he could have continued to avoid her call(s), avoid the situation as he had done for the last 9 months anyway. He didn't even call her back until a week or more later as it was. She apparently expected him not to get back to her. Also, he could have moved and made himself physically removed from the situation. I know he had family there and land, but he had just lost his job and had a situation with a baby he didn't want. Sounds like a good time for him to move on somewhere else, instead of erasing her and the unborn baby's life.

Anyway, I am just shocked at the obvliousness of some of these guys who seem to think that they will not be considered suspects if something suspicious happens to the women in these situations. I wonder if he knew so little of her that he didn't know that she had another daughter or that she lived with her parents? In other words, maybe he thought she didn't have anyone close by or people to care to notice she was missing? It doesn't seem like he even considered the fact that she would have told other people she was meeting him, like he didn't think she had other people to talk to.
motokidz101 said:
He has told the police that the incident with the red cavalier and the couple (lady with short blonde hair), who were dressed for church, never happened. Amanda is not a person to make up a story, let alone one with this much detail to it.

It was my understanding that he called Amanda and told her that a couple in a red car wanted him to contact her....he didn't know them and by the description that he gave Amanda...she didn't know them either. The story never did make any sense to me but I believe he told her that. She wouldn't have had any reason to make the story up.

Her parents are right..this guy lies every time he opens his mouth. I know from what I've read anyway that the two hadn't had any contact throughout Amanda's pregnancy. I don't know if she called him recently or he called her.
However it happened they arranged to meet at the Civic Center at 1:00 on Sunday after she went to church. He said he was taking her to lunch.

Amanda's parents said that she wanted to ask him how he felt about the baby caring his last name and wanted to tell him the baby was a boy. That was probably Amanda's first mistake. This guy didn't have any intention of being a daddy. I doubt that he wanted a baby that he didn't want to be named after him. I believe in the end it all came down to child support. If the baby carried his last name the next step would be supporting it for 18 yrs.
I don't know if he premeditated Amanda and the baby's murder but I believe he murdered her. He lied about her being on her cell phone for 3 hours. Her phone records prove he is a liar. I just hope LE puts two and two together and gets a search warrent for that darn farm....all of it. I just know that is where they will find her.
LillyRush said:
PrayersforM, That's what I thought at first, that they were some people nearby the center. But it sounds like the red car story had something to do with a story that was given as why he called her. Whether Amanda said it or he said it, I don't know.

Mellen, I'm aware that she could have gone after him eventually for child support and ordered a court to demand a paternity test. I'm just saying that he could have continued to avoid her call(s), avoid the situation as he had done for the last 9 months anyway. He didn't even call her back until a week or more later as it was. She apparently expected him not to get back to her. Also, he could have moved and made himself physically removed from the situation. I know he had family there and land, but he had just lost his job and had a situation with a baby he didn't want. Sounds like a good time for him to move on somewhere else, instead of erasing her and the unborn baby's life.
Bryan will never move from that property. (Only if he is guilty and moves into a prison.)

I'm sure his parents are doing everything in their power to protect him.
munky said:
Bryan will never move from that property. (Only if he is guilty and moves into a prison.)

I'm sure his parents are doing everything in their power to protect him.

I don't know Amanda so don't know if she would have pushed for child support or not. He shouldn't have had to go anywhere. If Amanda wanted him to pay support in the hopes of him eventually wanting to be a part of the baby's life he could have asked for DNA tests. If the baby turned out to be his then he could have stood up like a man and payed. I can understand a guy digging in his heels and not wanting to parent a child for the rest of his life when the child is the result of a one night stand BUT you play you pay.
If a one night stand results in a baby and the guy wasn't smart enough to use something to make sure a baby didn't happen then that is just the way it goes. It sure the heck shouldn't result in murder of the mother and baby. Who knows, if he had given it a chance he may have loved that baby on sight and wanted to be his daddy.

I don't know, I think it is smart not to expect anything from a one night stand.
I'm thinking how I would feel if it was me...the mom. I don't think I would contact the guy except to let him know and then I would leave it up to him. We would be two strangers except for that one encounter. I wouldn't want to give the baby his last name...he would be more of a sperm donor than a me. I think that is how I would feel anyway. I don't know if I would want a stranger to be involved in my baby's life.

You think Bryan's parents would cover for him if they knew? Parents are strange. Some will do anything to protect their kids and then others will turn them in if they know they have done something horrible. I would be the second parent. I could never cover for my kid if he committed murder. I couldn't live with myself. I don't know if I could even look at him after him doing something so awful.

I wonder if LE is doing anything on this you know? They have to know that something awful happened to Amanda and the baby. Who else would have any reason to harm them. She was last with him. I think he just went off when he thought he would be paying for a one night stand for the next 18 yrs. His girlfriend probably had given him an ear full or more too. Maybe she helped him plan the murder. Who knows.
I used to know Bryan. I think his parents are more the type to protect him rather than turn him in. But I can't know for sure of course.

If a paternity test proves a man to be the father of a child, does he have the option of signing away parental rights for good to avoid paying child support and having a relationship with the child? Sorry is this seems to be a stupid question!:confused:

I don't know what LE is doing right now. Hopefully they are just quietly doing their job so as not to mess anything up for a future trial. But my fear is that they are at a loss of what to do next. It's hard to know because they won't reveal everything they've done or plan to do - as they shouldn't!
From what I understand, a person can sign away their parental rights but it does not dismiss them from the responsibility of paying child support if the other parent chooses to seek it. I'm not sure if this varies from place to place.
If a paternity test proves a man to be the father of a child, does he have the option of signing away parental rights for good to avoid paying child support and having a relationship with the child? Sorry is this seems to be a stupid question!

I'm not certain, but imagine that the only way they can give away rights is to sign them away at that childs adoption.
Pook said:
I'm not certain, but imagine that the only way they can give away rights is to sign them away at that childs adoption.
If I'm not mistaken, at least here in my neck of the woods, a parent can choose to sign over all custodial rights in family court. Those rights can be signed over to the other parent as well as in a case of adoption.
i just found out my good friend's sister sat right next to Amanda at work.
She is the one who helped Amanda come up with the baby's name.
Anyway, she said Amanda was so excited that Westfall had called her.
She - like most woman do - got her hopes up when he called. She thought he wanted to be in her life and work things out.

I learned that Westfall's family also owns a quarry ... if you dig up rock, burry a body and put the rock back down in a quarry, you will never find the body. :(

I would bet that Amanda is either there or on the Westfall farm. :(

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