MO MO - Amanda Jones, 26, pregnant, Hillsboro, 14 Aug 2005

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I was wondering more about something I read or heard that Bryan supposedly said two people in a car that he didn't know came to his house to tell him he needed to call Amanda. Does anyone know anything more about this? I know her parents said something like she didn't know anyone that had a car of that description.

I told a friend in KC about this case and she reminded me of the case of the crazy couple who killed the pregnant woman to get her baby. One of the most unthinkable crimes ever. Is there any way this could be a possiblilty for Amanda? It doesn't seem so with what I've heard of the case but you never know.
There was no signs of a struggle around Amanda's car so if she left that center with someone she must have gone willingly. I would think there would have been some signs as Amanda wasn't a small lady.

I know there have been some strange things happen to others but they are a rarity. Bryan said that he didn't know the couple in the red car either. Unless he talked to them after he talked to Amanda and made arrangements to meet with her they would have no way of knowing he was meeting with her or where..when.. they were meeting. I just wonder if there ever was a couple in a red car. If he did inform this couple that he was meeting with Amanda...he neglected to inform the police.

I think it was Bryan and possibly his girlfriend was involved in some way. I think it is strange that the girlfriend got an attorney. Why would she need one? I've never ever heard of a girlfriend getting a attorney unless she knows something or saw something. Otherwise she is as much of an outsider as we are. Amanda may have made demands on Bryan that he wasn't going have anything to do be a father to the baby and pay child support for the next 18 yrs. He may not have met with Amanda with the intentions of killing her but something happened to her whether planned or accidental.

I guess the bottom line is that Amanda is still missing and it is likely that her and her baby are someone's hands. They just need to be found and LE can figure out the rest. Her parents need them to be found. I wish LE would take dogs out to that farm.
I think they should look closely at all phone calls she had received the month prior to this and any notes she made about clients, friends and/or letters she wrote. I just feel like theres someone lurking in the background, not necessarily with the man she met at the center. I can't remember if she was on a tape at the little store she stopped at, but I would like that tape shown to people at the center to see if they recognize anyone on that tape, to see if she was being followed. Something is being missed here. I would even like to know whose car was parked close to hers, when they left, what other cars and/or people did they notice. People see things without even realizing it, especially when walking through a parking lot. Those who attended this event need to be hounded time and time again until some sort of clues start to surface. The truth is there, they just need to keep interviewing and talking until they find it.
Beyond Belief said:
I think they should look closely at all phone calls she had received the month prior to this and any notes she made about clients, friends and/or letters she wrote. I just feel like theres someone lurking in the background, not necessarily with the man she met at the center. I can't remember if she was on a tape at the little store she stopped at, but I would like that tape shown to people at the center to see if they recognize anyone on that tape, to see if she was being followed. Something is being missed here. I would even like to know whose car was parked close to hers, when they left, what other cars and/or people did they notice. People see things without even realizing it, especially when walking through a parking lot. Those who attended this event need to be hounded time and time again until some sort of clues start to surface. The truth is there, they just need to keep interviewing and talking until they find it.

There was a tape at the store she stopped at before she went to the civic center. I didn't realize that there was something going on at the civic center on the day that they arranged to meet there. I know that they met at a Christmas party the previous December. Was there something in a link about an event going on the day they met this last time?

Bryan said that he left Amanda around 2:00 and she was on the phone. Her phone records show her phone wasn't used after around 1:00 when she called a family member. I assume the call was placed while she waited for Bryan to show up as they had arranged to meet at 1:00. He says that he came back to the center at 5:00 and she was still there on the phone. That story doesn't even make sense. Her cell phone records prove that she wasn't on the phone from 2-5:00. So that story isn't true. Why would he make up that story if he has nothing to hide? Someone said that he never left the civic center that he was putting things away, etc. I guess it doesn't matter whether he left or not. He said Amanda was on the phone from 2-5:00 which isn't true. I think he is the #1 suspect.
Amanda's story was featured on the Maury show yesterday, her parents were on pleading for any info that anyone has. I hope and pray that they find her soon, alive and well, but I hate to say at this point it doesn't look good. With all of the pregnant women who have disappeared this is becoming an alarming trend in America, I think every state has some nut job who thinks he can get away with murdering an innocent child and their mother just to avoid the "hassle" of dealing with it. It is so sad.
jodieo said:
Amanda's story was featured on the Maury show yesterday, her parents were on pleading for any info that anyone has. I hope and pray that they find her soon, alive and well, but I hate to say at this point it doesn't look good. With all of the pregnant women who have disappeared this is becoming an alarming trend in America, I think every state has some nut job who thinks he can get away with murdering an innocent child and their mother just to avoid the "hassle" of dealing with it. It is so sad.

Jodieo: I'm sorry I missed that episode. I have been searching and searching for more news on Amanda. My heart is breaking. Wishing there was a break in this case.

I too believe every state has a "NUT JOB," "PSYCHO" who believes they can get away with murdering a woman and her child. I also read that some believe she may have been stolen for the sake of cutting out the baby like another case. The woman who was tracked through her dog breeding. (very sad)
-- I think Ger a Goose loved this one too!
I tend to not believe this theory at all in regard to Amanda's case. I don't think many do.

Wishing this case would end soon-the suffering friends/family of Amanda's must be suffering is intolerable.

Thanks Jodie for making me aware that Maury did have an episode that related to Amanda.
We can only pray this case can be solved quickly and justice will be served.

GOD bless all the women/men/children that are missing.

In most all cases of murdered pregnant women it is the father of the baby that turns out to be the nut job or psycho. I guess they feel that being in prison for the rest of their lives is better than paying child support for 18 yrs.
Now that is using their common sense!! May they all burn in hell.

I'm glad to hear that Amanda's case is still getting media coverage. I just feel so bad for her parents and has to be a 24/7 nightmare not knowing where her and the baby are or what has happened to them. I don't know if I could maintain my sanity if it were my daughter.
anybody local to the case heard anything new on this?
KSDK) - It was one month ago Wednesday a pregnant Pevely, Missouri woman disappeared.

Jefferson County detectives say despite a $100,000 reward, tips are coming in much more slowly in the case.

Jones was last seen at the Hillsboro Civic Center on August 14, one week before she was due to give birth.

A benefit and silent auction at the civic center is scheduled for Thursday night. All money raised will go to Jones' parents who are paying her bills and caring for her young daughter.
This case has me so frustrated. I hope LE hasn't forgotten Amanda and are still investigating. Just my opinion, but I think I know what happened. Hope they can prove it. :rolleyes:

fran said:
This case has me so frustrated. I hope LE hasn't forgotten Amanda and are still investigating. Just my opinion, but I think I know what happened. Hope they can prove it. :rolleyes:

What do you think happened fran?? I think the baby's father is involved, but not sure exactly what happened.
Daisy71 said:
What do you think happened fran?? I think the baby's father is involved, but not sure exactly what happened.

Hi Daisy!

Ditto!.........premeditated, IMO. Now they need to prove it. ;)

fran said:
Hi Daisy!

Ditto!.........premeditated, IMO. Now they need to prove it. ;)


Same here. Get those dogs out to that farm :banghead:
Bump for Amanda. Prayers for her family.

Benefit Held In Hillsboro To Help Family Of Missing Pregnant Woman

updated: 9/16/2005 10:48:20 AM

More than 300 people showed up Thursday night to raise money to help the family of Amanda Jones. The pregnant Pevely woman disappeared one month ago.

The benefit was held at the Hillsboro Civic Center, that last place that Jones was seen. Her family and friends say they are keeping the faith and praying for a miracle.


Bertha Propst called the outpouring of support, overwhelming. She says it is especially important as she prays for her daughter's safe return.
Propst says she looks at her daughters pictures and talks to her for strength.

Amanda Jones was due to give birth, about a week after she vanished. Police have not made any arrests, and say they are not ruling out anything, or anyone.
Whoever did this, obviously thought they were smarter than Scott Peterson, to do the same kind of thing. Somebody at the horse show saw something. How could they determine there had been no struggle? Is the parking on grass or asphalt? Was she carrying cash on her? A bankcard? Why did the guy go back to the civic center? Who did he see there? Does he have an alibi for that? Just where was he for those 3 hours? Did he really think the police wouldn't be looking into this? Its tough to miss a lady thats 9 months pregnant. Someone at the civic center saw her. They need to be harassed until they come forward with the pertinent information. the LE needs a dectective like Columbo.
Beyond Belief said:
Whoever did this, obviously thought they were smarter than Scott Peterson, to do the same kind of thing. Somebody at the horse show saw something. How could they determine there had been no struggle? Is the parking on grass or asphalt? Was she carrying cash on her? A bankcard? Why did the guy go back to the civic center? Who did he see there? Does he have an alibi for that? Just where was he for those 3 hours? Did he really think the police wouldn't be looking into this? Its tough to miss a lady thats 9 months pregnant. Someone at the civic center saw her. They need to be harassed until they come forward with the pertinent information. the LE needs a dectective like Columbo.
I am afraid that Amanda is not going to be found unless every square inch of Westfall's 100+ acres is checked thoroughly to the core of the earth! :(
I do not believe there is any other person who could or would do this. It would be too coincidental and too convenient for him.

Poor Amanda :(
There was nothing going on that day at the civic center. Also, He has 750 acres. He owns 350 and his parents own 400.
He has told the police that the incident with the red cavalier and the couple (lady with short blonde hair), who were dressed for church, never happened. Amanda is not a person to make up a story, let alone one with this much detail to it.

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