MO MO - Amanda Jones, 26, pregnant, Hillsboro, 14 Aug 2005

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Amanda and baby Hayden are on my mind this morning.

Bobbisangel, I agree with everything you have posted! It angers me when everyone with any sense can tell who 'disappeared' Amanda, yet the guilty person keeps on living like nothing happened. Brian Westfall still gets to spend time with his family.... see his friends... laugh at jokes... breath the air. All of the things he took away from Amanda.

Hopefully something will break with Amanda's case soon. Amanda and Hayden have waited too long as it is.

I think of Amanda's family sitting there all of this time knowing who murdered their daughter and grandbaby and they can't do anything about it. That has to be pure hell! I don't know what I would do in their position but I know what I would like to do if it was my daughter and grandbaby. I think it would just drive me crazy knowing that he will probably never pay for what he did. That he has shown no remorse. It is like Amanda got in his way and he eliminated her like you would a bug.

She may never be found because, as you said, there is so much area in which to hide a body. I think between him and his parents they own a lot of property. He probably knows a lot of good hiding places.

What really ticks me off is that she wasn't asking anything of him. If he insisted then a blood test could have been done after Hayden was born to prove or disprove the baby's paternity. He must have known that he was the father or he wouldn't have taken the route that he did even though he was denying the baby was his. Why murder the mother if it isn't your baby????
It all had to have come down to child support and him not wanting to pay it. Guess he should have thought of that before they had sex that one time! He had as much to do with the conception of that baby as she did unless things have changed in a big way since I had my

Amanda just seemed like such a nice person who worked hard to support her little girl and the coming baby. It sounded like she made a good income and probably didn't even want support from him. She wasn't calling him all of the time or bugging him about money. It seemed like all at once he just came out of no where and wanted to meet with her. It's to bad he couldn't have left well enough alone. I really despise this guy and I really feel for Amanda's parents and sister.

Sometimes I wonder how frustrating it must be for LE involved with this case. They know that Westfall changed his story about that day. Anyone with a 'lick of sense' knows the story about the red car was fabricated. LE has their hands tied so often in cases like this. Esp. once people lawyer up.

When I think about how ridiculous Westfall's version of that day went - I think "How stupid does this guy think people are?" Then the realization that he has gotten away with it so far sets in. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a day would come where Westfall feels remorse, REAL REMORSE, and confesses. Amanda, Hayden, and their family deserve that, at least.

The people that stand beside Westfall in all of this can't be thinking clearly. I do understand that when a family member, loved one, or good friend are accused of a crime it has to be hard to believe. But wouldn't you want them to co-operate with LE - even if it is just to clear your name? Don't they wonder why, if he were innocent, he wouldn't want to help in anyway? Or is it the thought that Amanda and Hayden were nothing to them? Either way you look at that is very very sad and upsetting.

Common decency would be to let LE do a complete search (not a guided one of certain areas as Westfall did:rolleyes:) of all properties. That is unless you have something to hide.

Sometimes I wonder how frustrating it must be for LE involved with this case. They know that Westfall changed his story about that day. Anyone with a 'lick of sense' knows the story about the red car was fabricated. LE has their hands tied so often in cases like this. Esp. once people lawyer up.

When I think about how ridiculous Westfall's version of that day went - I think "How stupid does this guy think people are?" Then the realization that he has gotten away with it so far sets in. Wouldn't it be wonderful if a day would come where Westfall feels remorse, REAL REMORSE, and confesses. Amanda, Hayden, and their family deserve that, at least.

The people that stand beside Westfall in all of this can't be thinking clearly. I do understand that when a family member, loved one, or good friend are accused of a crime it has to be hard to believe. But wouldn't you want them to co-operate with LE - even if it is just to clear your name? Don't they wonder why, if he were innocent, he wouldn't want to help in anyway? Or is it the thought that Amanda and Hayden were nothing to them? Either way you look at that is very very sad and upsetting.

Common decency would be to let LE do a complete search (not a guided one of certain areas as Westfall did:rolleyes:) of all properties. That is unless you have something to hide.

I remember Amanda's dad saying that Westfall changed his story more then twice. He probably forget what he had said before! I wonder about his girlfriend too. She needs an attorney for what??? Was she with him when he killed Amanda and the baby? It really makes me wonder.

I doubt if Westfall will ever feel any remorse. Maybe if he cheats on the girlfriend again and she wasn't involved in the murder...she will go to LE and tell them all that she knows. I only wish.

I would imagine that Westfall has his parents snowed. I doubt if he has ever owned up that the baby was his so they probably don't see how he could be involved at all. I doubt if they are looking for the truth anyway.

I wish LE could search all of that property with dogs too. They probably can't get a search warrent without having a reason to believe that Amanda is buried on that property. Interesting that Westfalls would only let them look in certain places. That tells a story doesn't it?! Darn I wish there was a way to get dogs out there and search the places that Westfalls wouldn't let LE go.
I've been following this case since I first heard of it on Nancy Grace's show when she first went missing....Why didn't the police get a search warrent for all the property and yes, use dogs....bloodhounds can follow scent even if the target gets into a car....then cadaver dogs. Or perhaps the property is way too large.... It seems like the police could have done more but I guess resources are limited in a small town....did I read that the alleged father to be had a plane....that would be handy in getting rid of a body. Wonder if anyone came home with a newly adopted baby boy...I keep thinking about that terrible case of the pregnant rat terrier breeder who had her baby cut out of her....eeekkkk.......
We've discussed the possibility of someone getting a newborn around that time too. Especially after that story that Westfall told Amanda about the red car and those people trying to find Amanda to see if they could adopt her baby. I remember reading that he had a plane too. I guess if he dismembered the body it wouldn't be to hard to go up in a plane and dispose of some plastic bags over an ocean.

I think when LE went on the property it was because they were allowed to by Westfall and his parents....but they could only search in certain areas!!!!!
I don't think they could get a warrent on just the feeling that Amanda may be buried on the property. They have to have more then gut feelings and I don't think they have anything :furious:
I heard on the radio on the way to work this morning that the police dept received an anonymous letter that Amanda was buried in a waterbed bladder on one side of a road and her baby buried on the other side of the road. The information did not say what road. They are trying to get the author to come forward and trying to get forensic evidence from the letter itself...I'll try to find a link to it in some of our local media.
I heard on the radio on the way to work this morning that the police dept received an anonymous letter that Amanda was buried in a waterbed bladder on one side of a road and her baby buried on the other side of the road. The information did not say what road. They are trying to get the author to come forward and trying to get forensic evidence from the letter itself...I'll try to find a link to it in some of our local media.


Thank you so much for this update! I hope you can find the link.

May I ask you ... what is a 'waterbed bladder'?

I think of Amanda and Hayden so often.
Thanks for the update! I get so excited when I see this thread bumped up. I always hope for some news in the case.
I heard on the radio on the way to work this morning that the police dept received an anonymous letter that Amanda was buried in a waterbed bladder on one side of a road and her baby buried on the other side of the road. The information did not say what road. They are trying to get the author to come forward and trying to get forensic evidence from the letter itself...I'll try to find a link to it in some of our local media.


Possible news! Oh, I so hope something comes of this. I've thought of Amanda and her precious baby so often since they disappeared.

It breaks my heart that this has NOT been solved. I hope this lead will go directly to finding Amanda and baby so they can receive the proper burial they so deserve, the parent's get answers, AND the perp finally caught!

I'll watch closely for any more breaking news!

Thank you so much lymom!

If they need any help searching the area, I'm there.

I think about Amanda often.
I hope justice is served.
Here's an article, it's bad news :(
Not a lead...

PEVELY -- Sheriff Oliver “Glenn” Boyer of Jefferson County said today that deputies have identified the writer of an anonymous letter about the disappearance of a pregnant Pevely woman and found nothing credible about the information in the letter.

Boyer said the woman who wrote the letter has had some mental health issues and wouldn’t be charged in connection with writing the letter.

The writer claimed to have information about the disappearance of Amanda Jones and her unborn child nearly three years ago. The letter recently was placed in a rural mailbox near Hillsboro.

“We can’t substantiate anything that she put” in the letter, Boyer said today. “We were able to follow up on this lead, and it was a dead end.”

A tip this morning from a reporter helped authorities find the letter-writer.
Well darn it! I so hoped that it would be someone who knew what they were talking about. It has just been way to long.
Oh pooh! :(

Why do people play with other's emotions like that? I know she's probably mentally ill, but darn!

Ok, back to the drawing board. Wish we could look around that guy's or his parent's land. I just know there's most likely something there. Or,........maybe not.

I think Amanda is somewhere on the propertys too. If she isn't then why did Brian and his parents only allow LE to search certain areas of the property? Why not turn LE and the dogs loose and let them search anywhere that they wanted to? I sure would if I didn't have anything to hide.

I would like to know if Brian's vehicle was ever searched real well or did he refuse to let LE go over it? First he said that they went to lunch and then they didn't. If they went anywhere it must have been in his vehicle. I would hope that LE went over Amanda's car with a fine tooth comb. They should have been able to get a search warrent for his vehicle to see if there were any hairs or fluids in it. I just wonder what he did with her. It makes me sick that he will probably get away with murder. I don't know why that dumb girlfriend of his doesn't speak up. I have the feeling that she was involved in some way. I wonder if she came up with the idea because she didn't want someone other woman to have his child???? And then he agreed with her because he didn't want anything to do with the baby. We know that he is a creep. I would like to know more about her.
Hi BobbisAngel - it's me Parker from the old CourtTV site. I sent an email to a few reporters in St. Louis letting them know that the anniversary of Amanda's disappearance is coming up and I did hear back from two of them who plan to do an update article.

I am SO frustrated on this is SO clear that Bryan had everything to do with Amanda's disappearance and we are coming up on 3 years for crying out loud and we still are no closer to an arrest.
I'd just like to provide a summary for anyone who doesn't know much about Amanda's case...we are quickly approaching the 3 year anniversary of her disappearance. Everyone has a pet case - this happens to be mine.

The facts, as we know them, are that Amanda went to a holiday party in December 2004 and became pregnant from an encounter with Bryan Westfall. Bryan said that he does not know if he was the father but he has not denied the encounter. Amanda's parents and friends (who know her better than any of us) have stood by their comments that Bryan, was indeed, Hayden's father.

At the time of the encounter between Bryan and Amanda, Bryan had a long-term girlfriend named Stephanie. According to a source back home (I'm originally from the area) - they are still very much together.

Anyway, fast-forward almost nine months (during Amanda's pregnancy, there was no contact between Amanda and Bryan) - Bryan calls Amanda right before her due date in August and asks her to meet him at the Jefferson County Civic Center in Hillsboro, MO. She had apparently called him the week before to discuss the child and give him a last chance to be involved. I want to take a moment right now and state that Amanda was perfectly capable of taking care of her new baby son and exisiting daughter without any help from Bryan Westfall.

So, being the sweet person that she is, Amanda agrees to meet with him on August 15, 2005. A half-hour before the meeting with Westfall, Jones stopped at a Walgreens store in Festus. She was seen in videos taken by store surveillance cameras.

Amanda obviously made it to the Civic Center. Her abandoned car was there unlocked. There was no purse, keys or cell phone inside. Bryan Westfall volunteered at the Civic Center for about four years. He was employed as a computer instructor at Jefferson College; interestingly enough, his contract was not renewed in May 2006.

On 8/15/05, Bryan Westfall was at the Civic Center doing volunteer work because of a horse show that was held at the center. He told police that he spoke to Amanda briefly in the parking lot for about an hour. Then said he saw her a few hours later, still in the parking lot, talking on her cell phone. Cell phone records show that the last time she used her phone was at at 1 p.m. when she spoke with a relative. Maybe Bryan Westfall can't tell time...

Bryan Westfall did not waste any time lawyering up and, surprisingly enough, neither did his girlfriend Stephanie. Now, I am not saying because someone retains an attorney, they are guilty. I know that law enforcement is not without error. But, considering the circumstances, I believe Bryan Westfall hired counsel because he has every reason to believe he will eventually be charged with a crime.

Bryan Westfall has changed his story from not going to lunch, to he took Amanda to lunch, to he last saw her talking on her phone for 3 hours (phone records dispute that statement). I believe that he cannot keep his story straight because he is hiding something....something like murder.

At the beginning, law enforcement did consider him a person of interest and searched two properties he owned or was connected with, one being a farm. But, with no evidence and no Amanda....nothing has moved forward on this case.

I will always have hope that somewhere, at any moment, a piece of evidence will be found or an eye witness that remembers something...anything....will come forward and Amanda's family will get the answers they deserve....and one small-minded, devious, jerk will get what's coming to him...
Hi BobbisAngel - it's me Parker from the old CourtTV site. I sent an email to a few reporters in St. Louis letting them know that the anniversary of Amanda's disappearance is coming up and I did hear back from two of them who plan to do an update article.

I am SO frustrated on this is SO clear that Bryan had everything to do with Amanda's disappearance and we are coming up on 3 years for crying out loud and we still are no closer to an arrest.

Hi Parker,

I remember you from over there. Time sure has a way of flying by doesn't it! I doubt that it is going very fast for Amanda's parents and family though. I can't even imagine being in their shoes. I want that creep Bryan to pay for what he did so bad. I too hope that Amanda and baby are found and that Bryan goes to prison forever along with his girlfriend if she was involved. I wish someone would choke Bryan until he spits out the truth!
No kidding. This just revolts me. Anyone who things Westfall and his GF didn't have anything to do with this, well, their brain just doesn't work right. I googled his name and apparently he now sells insurance, is a broker. Who on earth buys insurance from scum like Westfall?
I would let Westfall in my home on the pretense of buying insurance and then I might choke him until he fessed up.....I wish! I wonder how big the town he lives in is? Everyone must know that he is a suspect in the murder of Amanda and baby. He must think he is so smart getting away with murder. I just wish we knew what he did with them. I'll never believe that he didn't have help...especially getting rid of her body. I'd say either the girlfriend helped him or his dad. Someone he trusted that he knew would never tell. Maybe that is why him and the girlfriend are still together! They have to much on each other. Funny they haven't gotten married after 3 years. That is one heck of a long engagement. Still don't understand how he can live with himself. Must be a sociopath...
Not the news I had hoped for after three years...but touching news about Amanda's daughter and her family...

Family finds comfort in raising missing mother's child
By Christine Byers
Thursday, Aug. 14 2008
FESTUS — The message was short. Simple. And came in a dream when Bertha Propst
needed to hear it the most.

"Mom, I'm OK, take care of Hannah for me," were the words Bertha Propst
believes her missing daughter, Amanda Jones, told her in a dream.

Now, three years since her daughter's disappearance, at least half of Bertha
Propst's dream has come true.

On Wednesday, she and her husband, Hubert Propst, were awarded full custody of
Jones' daughter, Hannah, now 7....

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