GUILTY MO - Angie Housman, 9, kidnapped, held then murdered, St Louis, 18 Nov 1993

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
wish we could get this case moving again..She looked older in her pic up thread,she was a beautiful girl...she needs justice.It is hard to believe they have nothing in the way of DNA in this day & age-as a hit on it..I find it hard to believe he never killed again!!!

18 years later and they still wont discuss this case.

It is my understanding, my experience that the LEOs in charge of this investigation will not comment on this case. They are waiting for the killer to pick up the phone and call in and say I did it.
They know things about the crime scene that only the killer will know
once they call in.

This case has truly become cold.

I recently came across another website that had a topic about Angie, and amazingly people are coming together still and trying to solve this case. While talking to these people we came across a man, that lived on the same street as Angie. This guys name is Ron Steiniger. The only reason why he has been brought up was because he mentioned something about Angie on his Facebook status not too long ago, and if anyone seen his facebook you would KNOW something just isn't right with him. He constantly talks about killing someone, pedo comments and the police. It maybe nothing but it's definitely worth looking into.

Here is his Facebook, look at his wall and be amazed. I'd like to know how he has kept his facebook account?!/ron.steiniger?sk=wall

OMG! Is this dude for real. I had to stop reading his post, how many times did he threaten death! This guy should be watched just because. damn. Missed the whole dead section, well he was scary to say the least.
chilling case-I think of it quite often. Reminds me of another case, but I can't remember the victime's name
I just finished reading this thread. I recall when this happened it was such a tragedy. I'll add my 2 cents worth to hopefully restart the discussion.

Below is a Google map of the pertinent locations involved in the crime, as well as I could interpret them from various news stories.

A - location of Angie's school

B - location of her bus stop

C - approximate location of closest intersection where she was found

Can anyone clarify whether LE thought she had been at Bush Wildlife Reserve for the entire time since she went missing or had she been left there recently?

I checked Weather Underground for the weather in the area that time. It had been relatively warm on the day she was missing and several days after w/ high temps ranging from low 50's to 65, foggy and rainy (typical St.L weather). Around Nov. 25th, the weather turned cold and snowy, with temps going below freezing at night, still foggy.

At that time of year, there probably wouldn't have been many people out there hiking and enjoying scenery, more likely just hunters, like those who found her. This is a somewhat isolated area, as others have said, especially back in 1993. Its difficult to imagine a killer from out of town would have known about it unless they had been in the area a while scouting around. It is, however, fairly accessible to a major highway exit, I-64 with I-70 nearby. The location is about 20 miles from Angie's street.

My ideas about the killer:

The fact that her clothes and belongings were there with her, neatly folded, IMO indicates someone who was there for a while and spent time with her. This person obviously felt secure and not fearful of being interrupted. It indicates they may have been experienced, having done this before.

Probably a white male, youngish, at least under the age of 40

Active fantasy life and heavily engaged in sadistic and child *advertiser censored*

Unlikely they had been caught/arrested before as they seemed unconcerned about leaving evidence behind (DNA testing wasn't as commonly used back then).

Probably lived alone and had a lot of free time or a job that had a lot of freedom to come and go, considering the amount of time they kept her captive. If they did have a job, they may have missed a lot of work around that time.

They stalked her and possibly groomed her for some time. According to some of the articles about her, Angie was known to hang out at the church parking lot down the street from her home and at a couple of nearby parks, prime grounds for someone scouting a victim.

They were one of the worst kind of killers - a sexual sadist who had no concern for their victim. Narcissistic and proud of their skills and ability to evade arrest. They're a highly functioning sociopath with an ability to control their emotions and actions, very confident, even arrogant.

These types usually work alone and don't share information about their experiences with others. They're also among the most difficult killers to capture.

IMHO, it had to be someone from the area, or at least someone who had been living in the area for quite a while. The planning and execution of this horrible crime took too long for it to have been done by a traveling serial killer, but I could be wrong about that.

They may have been undetected before because they hadn't gone so far as to kill someone or at least hadn't killed a child. They probably have killed again.

Does anyone know if the DNA evidence has been run through CODIS recently? Its possible they could have eventually been caught and are in prison. If not, its possible they have died since then.

This one is as baffling as the Amy Mijalevec case. Someone who plans carefully, takes a child in broad daylight, keeps them for a period of time then leaves them in an isolated area.


ETA to add a sweet, sad article about the case
I have a friend in law enforcement in another state. In February of this year (2012) my friend was at a law enforcement seminar in Texas, and was introduced to a former officer from a town near St. Louis. This person was on the Major Crimes task force and was one of the officers that investigated the Angie Housman abduction. My friend knew about the Housman case from me, and politely asked this individual about the case.

The person from St. Louis glared at my friend and appeared very upset. This individual then quickly made the statement that there was going to be an arrest made in the Housman case within a couple of weeks, then turned and abruptly walked away.

That was in February, and I haven't heard anything about any arrests. So much for LE!
I have a friend in law enforcement in another state. In February of this year (2012) my friend was at a law enforcement seminar in Texas, and was introduced to a former officer from a town near St. Louis. This person was on the Major Crimes task force and was one of the officers that investigated the Angie Housman abduction. My friend knew about the Housman case from me, and politely asked this individual about the case.

The person from St. Louis glared at my friend and appeared very upset. This individual then quickly made the statement that there was going to be an arrest made in the Housman case within a couple of weeks, then turned and abruptly walked away.

That was in February, and I haven't heard anything about any arrests. So much for LE!

Wow, that's interesting! Perhaps the St. Louis area Major Crimes task force is a little defensive about it. Same thing for the Amy Mijalevec case in Bay Village, OH. They must get a lot of inquiries from the public and others in law enforcement, but are still no closer to finding an answer.

In the latter case, local LE for years knew the man they suspected had died, so to them it may have seemed like a "closed case". The problem is that not everyone believes the man they suspected was the actual perp. It's possible the St. Louis area LE are making the same assumption about Angie's murderer.
I guess I didnt realize that adding peoples names that I think did this crime was innapropriate.I am just glad that I got all that info off my chest again.It soon will be the anniversary of this crime,maybe some good news will be announced.
I lived in St. Ann at the time Angie was taken and my son, now 28, knew her from school. It was a terrifying and sad time. We moved to Los Angeles years ago but I check on the case every year or so to see if there have been any new leads or progress in the case..... and year after year it depresses me to see we're really no closer.

I still hold out hope that one day there will be a hit on CODIS or some other felony database. I know that many here and elsewhere wonder how the perp(s) has flown under the radar all these years. The concensus seems to be that this type of individual would commit similar crimes over the ensuing years and as such, eventually be caught or at least leave evidence that would be matched to the Houseman case.

The one thing I think many overlook, however, is that the perp likely did not intend to murder Angie. Her death from exposure could well be unintended. I'm thinking he assumed she would be found alive by hikers, hunters, teen partiers, etc. The temperature range at the time she was tied to the tree was significantly higher than when she was found. He may have eluded authorities all these years because he never again took a life. It's entirely possible he was shocked that she died, left the area and layed low for some time. Who knows, he may have even sought help for his psychotic tendencies and got them under control with therapy and/or medication. If that's the case, and I'm not saying it is, the only hope that the case would ever be solved would be for him to confess or get arrested, printed and swabbed for some othern type of felony (e.g. domestic violence, assualt, DUI, etc).

More likely, he did continue feeding his pedophilac/sexual urges at some point. Those urges would not necessarily include murder. It may, in fact, benefit authorties still charged with pursuing this case to look a "layer down" in the suspect pool. It may be that this individual has a non-felonious record involving sexual offenses. The criminal code for sexual miconduct is not cut and dry, and there are many gregarious offenses that are often plead down to Class A, B and C misdemeanors. In this event, the perp would not have to submit to a DNA profile or end up on any sex offender list.

Just something to think about.
Angie Housman Cold Case Nears 20th Anniversary

On Nov. 18, 1993, Angie Housman, 9, stepped off a school bus and began her short walk home but never made it. At some point between the bus stop and her home, she was abducted.

Housman was raped, tortured, and tied to a tree while still alive. By the time she was found by a deer hunter on Nov. 27, she had died of hypothermia.

Baker believes Housman was not abducted by a random stranger and that someone in the Busch Wildlife area has information which could solve the case.
Something in this KSDK story of November 14th that I hadn't heard before! The police noted that Angie had been taped to the tree with "gaffers tape."

"Gaffers tape, is a strong, tough, cotton cloth pressure-sensitive tape with strong adhesive properties. It is used in theatre, film and television productions as well as during live performances and any other kind of stage work. While related to duct tape, it differs in that it can be removed cleanly because it uses a synthetic petroleum-based adhesive rather than a natural rubber adhesive. It is also widely used by audio-visual departments in hotels and conference centers for holding down wires to podiums and stages. Gaffers tape generally costs 3 to 4 times the amount of a roll of duct tape of equivalent length; this is because it is manufactured in much smaller volumes and demanded with a specification that makes it easy to tear and to remove cleanly."

It seems to me that the average person would have duct tape rather than gaffers tape. Is this a significant clue to the person (or persons) who abducted, abused, and left Angie to die?
Leads 20 years after Angie Housman kidnapping, murder
Leisa Zigman, KSDK 9:49 p.m. EST November 14, 2013

Twenty years later, evidence remains fresh in these retired lawmen's minds.
"School books were in the bag; so was her coat that was missing a button. It's a little teddy bear button, white," Schrader said.
Maybe the killer took the button and someone remembers seeing it? Maybe someone has a crucial missing link?

The evidence is being sent to a specialized, high tech forensics lab in Texas and will focus specifically on DNA evidence. The Center for Human Identification at the University of North Texas is one of only two forensic DNA labs in the nation, doing this type of analysis. In other cases, they have been able to link small amounts of DNA evidence that was more than 30 years old.

If you remember anything and haven't spoken before, detectives hope you will come forward now. The number to call is 314-427-8000.
here is a creepy thing, angie birthday is feb 18 a man in springfield mo got arrested he kidnapped and killed a little girl on feb 18 2014
Forgive me for the low quality of this picture, but I think I should share. I found this sketch of the man wanted for questioning regarding Angie Housman's kidnapping and murder in a book about famous murders in St.Louis.
Sounds more like a Stranger abduction, by an indiscriminate sociopath offender. Than an interaction with someone she "knew" .

Id be willing to bet something set this individual off, prior to the abduction (stressor)

She seems more likely a victim of opportunity, the "uncle" thing though tantalizing, doesn't seem to have any basis , it would demonstrate, prior contact with the offender. This makes less sense, when you couple that with the fact she was left alive, where there's a chance she could be found and identify her abductor

Not sure if they are referring to "torture" in a sadistic sense, or in general referencing the abuse, and manner of death

Victim was "discarded", not dumped, though most likely the offender had the opportunity to kill the victim where she was held .

Discarding the victim unclothed restrained to a tree, and unable to scream, demonstrated callous indifference to the victim.

If she died , which seems like he knew she would, fine, if she was found alive , it would at least negate a murder charge .

It seems more likely that if she knew the kidnapper, especially if she was raped, and tortured, held , he would've killed, her, to avoid being identified.

This individual would've most likely demonstrated ALOT of post offensive behavior
I'm a a bit intrigued by Bryant Squires. He's the one who made the "deathbed confession" to the two nurses.

Is there anyone on Websleuths that could find a picture of Squires? Having a picture of him might just trigger some recollection that would be useful to the case.

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