MO MO - Dennis Spriggs, 47, LaBelle, 15 July 1992

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(((((lucky2))))) I'm sorry for your pain lucky and I'm sure your grandfather will be very happy to have you by his side. One of the greatest gifts we can give to our loved ones (and ourselves) is to be with them when they need us.

I'll be sending you both prayers,

Lucky - I am so very sorry that you have this additional pain to bear. I will be thinking of you and your grandfather. Sending you warm wishes for strength and peace. Stay safe on your journey.
Lucky2, I am so sorry to hear about your g-father! If you'd like, please call us while you're in MO and maybe we can meet you somewhere!
Thanks for all of your sentiments. I was very glad to see that my brother showed up and was so sentimental about not only grandpa spriggs, but about other grandparents already deceased, and about momentos, etc. He seems to be the only one of my siblings that sees anything wrong here other than that I am evil or insane. That is not to insinuate that he thinks that jeanne is guilty in any way, just that she may have dementia as a cause for all the stories. I used to think that too... anyway, it did my heart some good to know that someone sees that something is wrong anyway. I will let you all know if anything else civil or criminal is going on, or if you guys have questions for closure needed I will answer. I have a hard time "living" in the past 5 years and what happened because it is too painful. I can visit every once in a while to help though. Thx forgy's for giving stuff to will, or arranging to. Very kind.
I was about to go to bed, but I wanted to mention something. I have a very early memory of a giant plastic hose going down my throat at the hospital, as my sister and I got our stomache pumped for overdosing on aspirin. My mom said we "shared" the entire bottle. She tells it like it's a cute kid story where when she caught us I said, "but mommy, we shared!". I remember another time that she said she caught me crawling around at my great-grandma's house and I was playing with rat poisoning. I was in the hospital every year with unusual stomache pains that no one could really diagnose, like clockwork every year, pretty much my entire elementary school age years. I also was very athletic and strong-i had a school track record, and started varsity bball, even won the most athletic female of our entire high school two years in a row. (based on various body and performance tests.) I really was a walking contradiction if you think about it- so many mysterious pains and undiagnosed stomache ailments, yet so healthy also. I sure pray that all of this didn't start when I was a child- tell me that sounds unlikely please.
Unfortunately, lucky, it doesn't sound unlikely at all given the rest of the story. It sounds like your mother was poisoning you and your sister as children. I'm so sorry. I can only imagine the things running through your mind. My heart hurts for you. I think it is important for you to keep remembering, because only then will all the pieces fall into place. I hope you are writing all of these thoughts down. It could help you in fitting it all together. Please know that we are here for you to support you on this journey.
Lucky2, it sounds very much like Munchizen's (sp?) Syndrome to me. You probably have heard of it. It is where the mother makes the children ill as that brings attention to the mom if she has a sick child.

I hope Grandpa Spriggs is doing better. You are in my thoughts.
Unfortunately cofinley grandpa spriggs is just kind of waiting out a large kidney tumor that has spread into other organs and blood. The doctor gave him days to weeks. He is 92 however, and seemed to not be in pain. He had a great visit with my kids and even taught them some coin tricks. :) he has always been one of my favorite people.

I think that it is possible some of the childhood "mysterious" illness could be related, but I am blocking it out of my head since our current situation is more than we can handle anyway! I have looked up so many terms related to dementia, and the more I read about it the sadder I am that she certainly does not have dementia at all.
so- I guess Jeanne is in a new play:

"SunRiver residents Marilyn Shore, Laurie Eller, Jane Williams, Jeanne Fulford and Necia Marie Sorensen join more than 25,000 women nationwide who have played the hilarious roles of Sister Mary Amnesia, Sister Mary Hubert, Sister Mary Regina/Reverend Mother, Sister Mary Leo and Sister Mary Robert Anne in "Nunsense," the popular and sidesplitting stage play with book, music and lyrics by Dan Goggin."

"Nunsense concerns the efforts of five of the remaining nuns from the Little Sisters of Hoboken to bury the last few nuns in the convent who died in an accidental mass poisoning by Sister Julia (Child of God), the convent cook. The last few nuns are being kept in the freezer until the burial funds can be raised via a cabaret style evening showcasing the nun's talent. "

Why would you want to be in a play like that when you are under investigation for serial poisoning??????????
Lucky, sounds like more of your mothers twisted humor showing through. Egads!
Why would you want to be in a play like that when you are under investigation for serial poisoning??????????

Wow! Clint says it's because she has no fear of being caught. Superiority complex?

Hope you are doing well... you're always in our thoughts and prayers! We'll be working on Roy's house again this next week.
Lucky, sounds like more of your mothers twisted humor showing through. Egads!

If some of this behavior is purposeful, either she wants to get caught, or she thinks she never will be no matter what! The Fulford family was upset because she keeps wearing her gray "funeral suit" to all of the hearings, and they think she is doing that on purpose- not sure about that one, but four times with the same suit does seem a little much!

Landauxvasse- we will end up in Iowa or Missouri at the same time one of these days. I need to go out again soon to see about my grandpa. take care in the mean time.. did you clean out the kitchen yet? or does it remain untouched/
Wow! She is like the Eveready Bunny. She just never stops! I guess what confuses me is why would people want to be associated with her with the lawsuit and all? I certainly wouldn't. One thing for sure, she likes to keep her name in the "lime light".
I guess what confuses me is why would people want to be associated with her with the lawsuit and all?

I don't think that people in St. George know what is going on. When she moves, she doesn't bring that town's stories with her, she literally moves on as a different new person. If questions come up about earlier friends, situations, etc. she says she has it in a box in her head, and it's too traumatic to discuss, or she just changes the story to be a bit better.
She is really conniving. Thinking back to the days we were "friends", she has been for years. And, she is good at hiding it. She played the grieving widow with both Juanita and I. It, too, was too traumatic losing your dad, Denny.
so cofinley, i've never considered how she explained my dad's death to people before, what did she tell you happened? or- did she opt out of explaining.

another question- she and juanita were best friends for 16 years (I think that's what my mother said.) What was the progression of that relationship where Juanita finally threw her hands in the air and walked away. I know from my mother's side what happened, but what did Juanita say?

I know that's a huge question, just take it in bites, because typing isn't your favorite thing. I just would love to sit and chat with Juanita for a straight week without stopping- and you are the best substitute she has. Did Juanita believe that my mother had poisoned Roy, or did she just get frustrated about the money issues. Was Juanita in touch with Roy very often after he got sick?
Unfortunately cofinley grandpa spriggs is just kind of waiting out a large kidney tumor that has spread into other organs and blood. The doctor gave him days to weeks. He is 92 however, and seemed to not be in pain.

Snipped by me for brevity... is there any question as to whether Jeanne may have tried to poison your Grandpa Spriggs at any time in the past?
Hi LandAuxvasse... that I know of, there was nothing like that. She just made that one statement about 6 years ago where she said, "is your grandpa spriggs alive? " I told her yes, and she said that she was thinking about stopping in and seeing him, but if he dropped dead while she was in town everyone would think she poisoned him. I know he always accused her of killing my dad, from day one, and actually was accusing my mother of stealing my dad's "hard earned money" which is what caused a huge fight that lasted for several years between the two of them. (the last 3 years). My grandpa saw my father the day before he died for the first time in years in Missouri, and he says that my dad gave him a hug, and whispered in his ear, "you were right about everything." then that was the last time he saw him. I really don't know more than that with history between my mother and grandfather except that she has decided that he mistreated her, and she won't have anything to do with him now. He definately wasn't nice to her in those last years that my dad was alive, but I am thinking now he saw a little different side to our mother than we did.
I asked that because Roy had a tumor on his kidney that spread very quickly as well... seems like a strange "coincident".
I asked that because Roy had a tumor on his kidney that spread very quickly as well... seems like a strange "coincident".

well- my grandfather's popped up some time ago, and is now starting to grow more quickly. He refused treatment. However:

1. My uncle had a sudden onset kidney tumor and died quickly, (after the vision problems, etc.) part of this case
2. unfortunately my grandmother began throwing up non-stop and had the same thing... (tumor found in kidney) died quickly, not part of this case, but some day I will ask that she is
3. Sammy, Bruce's step son that received the birthday card with the dead cartoon figure on the front that said, "this appears to be no accident, have a safe and happy birthday" also had a rapid tumor grow (pancreas), serious problems after a bout of falling down, vision problems, (like me and roy)
4. My mother's second business partner had the sudden Thyroid cancer that came on after moving in
5. My neice had the sudden thyroid cancer that was very aggressive and spread into lymph nodes after my mother started going to st. george frequently, and staying with them
6. of course- Roy...
7. to be honest- Juanita ended up with cancer- but I don't know if that plays in here at all-

Bruce's daughter is now being checked for a nodule on her tumor- she was in the hospital and claimed she was poisoned the christmas that Bruce died. Let's hope that it is nothing...

So- mostly we are seeing thyroids and kidneys.... that's a lot of people. (i think... ) I am wondering if one will pop up in me someday, not sure what I have floating around in my body, but I know my right arm still hurts to the point that I am left handed in most things, (things like the mouse in the computer, driving, easy things ) and my left foot still hurts to where it is painful sometimes, ever since that time. (like the past week )

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