MO MO - Dennis Spriggs, 47, LaBelle, 15 July 1992

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Kind of like, what happens in Ottumwa...........stays in Ottumwa. I'll get some more posted by the weekend.
its kind of weird cofinley, but I understand the feeling that you need "to get it all out". I was interested in your story of the man who got away with possibly killing his wife in ottumwa, and it really hit home that probably more people get away with things than are actually caught? It really is our own responsibility to associate with less dangerous people in the world.
Cofinley, I am so sorry that happened! I can only imagine it was done for people's safety? If you just used first names then maybe you could repost it ? All I know, is that this must be so hard for you. We talked a year or so ago? And you were scared to say much. I know how close you and juanita were, and from experience, reliving what happened to your loved ones as they went thru the end of their lives is very very emotional. What you remember is so important! If you do decide to not write anything more out here then maybe you could write it out somewhere and send it to law enforcement, and/or the families involved, because what you have to say is very important I think. I am so sorry you had such a bad day!! I hope your daughter is ok.
Cofinley, I don't understand why you can't give Lucky2 or LE this information directly. Ultimately that's who the information needs to go to. Lucky needs and appreciates your help. Please, please don't punish her by witholding info important to this case.

And I hope your daughter is ok.
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KEVIN K ALLEN May 04, 2010
Courtroom 6 Tuesday

02:30 PM ORAL ARGUMENTS 090100011 Wrongful Death
I often check the court calendars. I happen to notice today Wrongful Death case. It caught my eye. I had not heard anything about this to date and was on the calendar for the first time. I was curious so I googled it and found this website. It is public record Logan Utah. Hopefully this may answer some questions.
Current information on Jeanne Fulford


Printed: 05/04/10 03:30:39 Page 17

KEVIN K ALLEN May 04, 2010
Courtroom 6 Tuesday

02:30 PM ORAL ARGUMENTS 090100011 Wrongful Death
I often check the court calendars. I happen to notice today Wrongful Death case. It caught my eye. I had not heard anything about this to date and was on the calendar for the first time. I was curious so I googled it and found this website. It is public record Logan Utah. Hopefully this may answer some questions.
Hi Lucky and all,

Clint's wife here... thanks for keeping us updated on all the happenings! Lucky, I pray that God is with you when you face her and He gives you all the strength you need!
the judge is taking things under consideration and going to issue a ruling on this hearing at some undisclosed future time. the main point is that the FBI is taking so long to get evidence back (over 2 years now) that it is stalling the wrongful death case. So, it didn't seem like much of a hearing in the way of oral arguments, each side took about 10 minutes and that was about it. I'll let you know when I hear a decision of any kind. This was an emotionally draining day- way more than I could have ever imagined.
the judge is taking things under consideration and going to issue a ruling on this hearing at some undisclosed future time. the main point is that the FBI is taking so long to get evidence back (over 2 years now) that it is stalling the wrongful death case. So, it didn't seem like much of a hearing in the way of oral arguments, each side took about 10 minutes and that was about it. I'll let you know when I hear a decision of any kind. This was an emotionally draining day- way more than I could have ever imagined.

You're in our prayers! Did the 3rd family not consult a private lab? Is it too late for them to do that?
You're in our prayers! Did the 3rd family not consult a private lab? Is it too late for them to do that?

Apparently there is a statute of limitations on filing a wrongful death suit in Utah, and they waited until the last possible day to file it after his death. Once they filed it, they told all the parties they were waiting results from the FBI which they were told would be back by over a year ago in early summer '09. The quantico lab had some issues with testing, and their machine broke??? So, they were promised that results would be back by last December. There was a "gentlemen's" agreement between the attorney's to set everything aside until the results got back. No results were back in December '09, and still not even now in May '10! The FBI says that their machine is still broken- which makes no sense to me with their resources to get a new machine, or do something. Anyway, I guess the "gentlemen's agreement" is over, and they want to try the case on the evidence or have it dismissed. The judge said this is a "unique case". Jeanne's attorney mentioned the private testing route in court, but since they didn't take samples at the time he was exhumed, it would require another exhumation, forensic autopsy, and sample testing which would be 10's of thousands of dollars apparently. The Fulford children have no access to any of their father's estate, and don't have the money to proceed with that, so they can only wait. The attorney representing the Fulford children said that they expect that there could be a dismissal "with prejudice"(?) which would mean they could come back on this case once results are in. It was mentioned that a civil case could be tried purely on circumstantial evidence, and for some reason, no evidence was even presented. I think they are hiring a private toxicologist to review the medical records though. (it cost nearly $4,000.00 to obtain those medical records apparently!)

The difficult part for me was seeing her for the first time in 4.5 years. I've never seen her once I asked her what was going on with the husbands. I've never looked at her with my new "eyes". I never made eye contact with her, but I did have opportunity to look at her for a while once the hearing got started. I had a difficult time composing myself when I first saw her. I fought back the tears which were there for probably the first 10 minutes before things got started. The Fulford's paralegal said that at some point she turned and was just staring at me- no real emotion, just staring. I didn't see that. She looked older to me, and had lost probably 20 lbs. It was unreal to me that we were in this situation- my own mother. I don't think I've mourned the loss of her, and I think I started that yesterday. It was overwhelming.
She looked older to me, and had lost probably 20 lbs. It was unreal to me that we were in this situation- my own mother. I don't think I've mourned the loss of her, and I think I started that yesterday. It was overwhelming.

Wow... well, we are here, you know! You have our number if you need to talk, yell, scream, whatever! I know your immediate family and friends are there for you, too, so use the support! We're crying and grieving with you here, you know. This has been a hard pill for all of us to swallow. We've been cleaning out Roy's house and the reminders just pop up in the weirdest places. I pray for peace in our hearts!
I'm not sure if anyone has posted this link yet or not, but I don't think they have....its an article from 2003 about Bruce Fulford and his heart procedure. Very interesting...

"New heart device keeps Hyde Park resident alive"

"As a newlywed with 10 children and 22 grandchildren, the last thing he wanted to do was make his wife, Jeanne, a widow. He wanted his life back.
From March until he went into the hospital, he was virtually bedridden.
"I had no energy," Fulford said. "I probably slept an average of 15 hours a day. The rest of the time I just sat in a chair out in our family room."
For 10 long hours, his wife sat on pins and needles in the waiting room at the hospital, wondering whether he would live.
"It/s the most extensive surgery that they do at LDS Hospital," Jeanne Fulford said. "Even more so than a transplant."

"For Jeanne, there/s a little home nursing involved. "Bruce isn/t supposed to be alone," she said. "It/s mechanical, and it could be at any time. Probably it will last 1 1/2-2 years, and then when it stops, there is a way he can get pumped by hand to keep him alive until he gets to Salt Lake and gets another pump. We/re hoping this one will last until he can get the next generation, which are supposed to last for 10 to 15 years."
We've been cleaning out Roy's house and the reminders just pop up in the weirdest places. I pray for peace in our hearts!

I was reflecting on things about Roy's house when you mentioned that you were cleaning it out. One thing I would love to know, is has anyone cleaned out his garage in the back?? If not, I think someone should check things out back there, because Roy claimed some unusual substances were in the garage. I'll explain further if you haven't cleaned it out. In addition, I was thinking about how Jeanne said that his house had been completely destroyed because in his "craziness" he left the toilets and sinks going upstairs, and the water flooded all down through the ceilings, the walls, down the stairs, and even out the front doors! When I asked Clint about that he said that there had been a storm, some leak in the roof from a tree branch or something I think he said, (? not sure) but that nothing came from the toilets or the sinks, and that the problem was easily solved, and nothing was rolling out the front door. It just makes me wonder if in her mind, those things really did happen?! When I saw her, all of the rememberances of the things that I loved about her came back. All of the good things that she taught me, or her just being my mother. I hope those feelings never go away, because I have come full circle on the fact that I will always love my mother, but she is dangerous to me and my family. She has hurt us in many ways- and will continue to hurt us if we are around her. I can never fix that, I can never change what's happened, or what may happen next with people she's around, but I will always love her. I will also never understand how she thinks, or why its so important to make up these stories. Some things just are incomprehensible. Landauxvassie, I can't imagine what it is like to pick through Roy's things... I am so sorry for the last 10 years of his life. He was a good, intelligent man, and hopefully he is on the other side helping us all out now. There's quite a little team building over there!
Well, maybe you are cleaning out his house in Iowa City rather than Ottumwa??? If you are cleaning out the Ottumwa house then that is the garage I am speaking of.
Well, maybe you are cleaning out his house in Iowa City rather than Ottumwa??? If you are cleaning out the Ottumwa house then that is the garage I am speaking of.

Yes, we're cleaning out the house in Ottumwa. He didn't have any other properties that we know of. We have gone through the garage and there are no unusual substances. The only things we've worried about are the bottles of wine in the basement ;)
I'm sorry... there is no damage from the sinks or toilets... only some water damage from the roof leaking in the front of the house.
This has to be one of the most surreal things I've ever encountered. It almost seems like a fictional discussion and then I remember that it is real. I can't begin to imagine actually being involved in it. The whole thing is just out-and-out strange. I really feel for all of you who are picking your way through this minefield. Hang in there.
The only things we've worried about are the bottles of wine in the basement ;)

yikes... don't drink it. I know when she kept getting back into his house after he told her to stop, then one time he called the authorities and they found her standing in his kitchen. I wonder if the kitchen was more of the source. Is all of that stuff cleaned up too???????? Oh I wish I would've known that the house was not destroyed and gone so I could've checked on a few things, or sent someone in to check on it. (with permission of course.) Were there paintings on the wall of the house still? Jeanne said that he'd scribbled out her signatures on all of the paintings she'd drawn, and signed his own name instead??

The main thing about the water in the house, is why is it important to embelish a story from a tree branch hitting the roof, to total destruction and anhillation from toilet water with Roy as the cause. Why not just say, "I heard there was a little water damage over at Roy's old house due to a tree branch hitting the house." Why so many lies? This seems like such an inconsequential lie at the face of it, but she must get something out of it. I wonder what it is.
This has to be one of the most surreal things I've ever encountered.

I would say that any of the people involved would agree with you wholeheartedly, this IS the most surreal thing that we have ever encountered as well.. and it seems so pointless!
yikes... don't drink it. I know when she kept getting back into his house after he told her to stop, then one time he called the authorities and they found her standing in his kitchen. I wonder if the kitchen was more of the source. Is all of that stuff cleaned up too???????? Oh I wish I would've known that the house was not destroyed and gone so I could've checked on a few things, or sent someone in to check on it. (with permission of course.) Were there paintings on the wall of the house still? Jeanne said that he'd scribbled out her signatures on all of the paintings she'd drawn, and signed his own name instead??

The main thing about the water in the house, is why is it important to embelish a story from a tree branch hitting the roof, to total destruction and anhillation from toilet water with Roy as the cause. Why not just say, "I heard there was a little water damage over at Roy's old house due to a tree branch hitting the house." Why so many lies? This seems like such an inconsequential lie at the face of it, but she must get something out of it. I wonder what it is.

There was very little art left... we found a receipt where he had one painting repaired, so I imagine it must have been worth some money. Everything that was in the kitchen when he left is still there... if the FBI wants to test anything, they should request it before we throw it all in a dumpster. The house was like a museum of the day he left.

I really wish I could answer the questions about why! This case has had me studying sociopaths since I first found out about it and I still have no answers. I look at the beauty that was in that house and the pictures of the Roy my children and I never knew and I wonder why!

Our family went up to visit him the day before he died and even then he had that glint of orneriness in his eyes :) There is a reason for everything and it's just not always for us to know.

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