MO MO - Dennis Spriggs, 47, LaBelle, 15 July 1992

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves are you and cforgy doing? I hope cforgy is holding up ok.

And by the way debbie3223, there are a couple of media groups that have been pursuing this story for a few years, but no one has been allowed to talk really. Specifically the post from mishmac(?) A few pages back at the top where she says she is writing a story, represents one of those groups. are you and cforgy doing? I hope cforgy is holding up ok.

And by the way debbie3223, there are a couple of media groups that have been pursuing this story for a few years, but no one has been allowed to talk really. Specifically the post from mishmac(?) A few pages back at the top where she says she is writing a story, represents one of those groups.

Admittedly, we're disappointed. However, we believe that things always happen for a reason, and while we may never know in our lifetimes what that reason is, we trust that God does! There is a reason we have all gathered here on, whether it's for validation or healing or even curiosity, and I believe that God will use our collectiveness for His ultimate good and that's what matters in the end.

Again, I want you to know that we think of you often and are praying for you! Your grieving is so much more complicated than our own and you have been so strong and supportive for all the rest of us! If you ever need ANYTHING please let us know!!!
Wow, I'm speechless. I didn't expect this outcome. I wonder if too much of the evidence was simply circumstantial and they didn't believe would be strong enough in court. I expect the civil case will go much differently.
Lucky - Do you think she will do it again or do you think she has been scared off by the investigation? It's frightening that she is going to remain free to harm other people. I just don't get it.

I believe Roy.

I also believe my mom.

She told my office manager I was going to die and not to tell me, and she told my sisters I was going to die and not to tell me. I believe her- I think I was going to die.

I am not going to die now- thanks to Roy.

I believe them both.
I honestly don't know what options you have now Lucky. Perhaps there is still someone you can talk to (or keep in contact with....that one investigator maybe) who can do something more down the road. Not knowing all the details, I'm hoping for your own peace of mind, that there are still some stones unturned as of yet.
I honestly don't know what options you have now Lucky. Perhaps there is still someone you can talk to (or keep in contact with....that one investigator maybe) who can do something more down the road. Not knowing all the details, I'm hoping for your own peace of mind, that there are still some stones unturned as of yet.

Well-it was never "me vs. her" like my mother and sisters proposed, it was the "Federal Govt. vs. her". Somehow my sisters and mother have the story running in their head that this is all about me going crazy, and that I have had people exhumed, and that I am persecuting her- the truth is I have zero control of the FBI. I will post the phone call I received from the Agent in charge telling me of the situation at some point- a 35 second call... very much a stranger to stranger. If the gov't has decided not to pursue charges for whatever reason, I have nothing I can do about that really.. you know? You are right about that.

I think in crime that we all know that there are two parties, or more... that "pay the price" when a crime is committed. Rape, kidnapping, murder, financial fraud, whatever. It is left to the victim to recover, "pay for what happened" in essence... and in some cases, the perpetrator pays also. I have to finish "paying " for what happened to me irregardless of if she ever pays for her part or not. If I want to live any kind of a life, I have to disentangle my recovery from her paying for anything. Whether she ever pays or not, my "pay" is the same.. the losses are the same, the pain is the same, etc. I may be denied some justice, but I can recover without that.

Part of me exhaled when I heard it was over, later I cried for about 2 hours.. then sat awake til 1am kinda stunned. I am not going to tackle how I feel about anything for a while... just keep trying to live a life I can be proud of. I hope that no one else gets hurt- and obviously whatever happened to me and my daughter will just be another chapter in her book, but not the final chapter. The F.s are sitting on about 5 chapters just in and of themselves- and I hope they make it through this someday also.
I honestly don't know what options you have now Lucky. Perhaps there is still someone you can talk to (or keep in contact with....that one investigator maybe) who can do something more down the road. Not knowing all the details, I'm hoping for your own peace of mind, that there are still some stones unturned as of yet.

Well-it was never "me vs. her" like my mother and sisters proposed, it was the "Federal Govt. vs. her". Somehow my sisters and mother have the story running in their head that this is all about me going crazy, and that I have had people exhumed, and that I am persecuting her- the truth is I have zero control of the FBI. I will post the phone call I received from the Agent in charge telling me of the situation at some point- a 35 second call... very much a stranger to stranger. If the gov't has decided not to pursue charges for whatever reason, I have nothing I can do about that really.. you know? You are right about that.

Respectfully snipped by me...

This is not you against your mother, Lucky!!! You are a VICTIM. Your losses include your mother because that's a relationship that will never be the same again and you have to grieve that the same as a death or a divorce or most any life altering situation. You did not cause any of these circumstances. Even if there's some remote possibility that your mother is innocent of any wrong doing, she sacrificed your relationship a long time ago with all of her other actions. You do have options in your recovery and you are exercising those and I know I can see the difference in your postings of a year ago and your postings now and I believe you're handling things very, very well!

I think there's been a tiny bit of justice for the lives lost just by us being here together and supporting one another. And remembering the lives... these were wonderful people, wonderful mothers and grandmothers and fathers and grandfathers and daughters and sons and friends to so many and we will continue to remember them regardless of the law enforcement angle of these circumstances.

I'm gonna quit now, but I hope I got my point across!!!
I wish I could push thanks to your post landauxvasse about 20 times.. but it only lets me do it once.

mitsy- i hope you know I quoted what you said to say, "you are right" like. there are stones left to be unturned. I think even some of the stones could be unturned by me, but not sure I can even think about that right now. I think the F.s are going to be turning some of those- and I feel your support- and I hope that it didn't sound like I was saying anything other than that.
I'm really sorry, Lucky, that you didn't get more explanation with the phone call from the FBI guy. I guess, in my mind, I really did believe that if they didn't believe something was worth pursuing, that they would have abandoned the whole case a long time ago. I guess time lines are hard to gauge in reality. I never thought it would be solved in a short amount of time, but I also never believed it would drag on this long without more of a clear-cut conclusion. I never entertained the thought that a prison sentence for your Mom would be a good conclusion, but I did believe that the truth (however good, bad or otherwise it might have been) would be healing to you and your family somehow. To not know some things for sure would have to be gut wrenching. I'm also thinking of the anguish that your siblings must also feel--even if they don't verbalize it to you. A lot of people carry around feelings and fears that they never share with others - not even other family members. Regardless of whatever else happens, I hope you can attain a level of peace and tranquility in your life and think of the posters on this board as your friends even if we never get to meet in person.

Your family still has this quality of seeming like the perfect little family to me. Seeing how your Dad interacted with people and the image I remember from Sun. school class he taught really left an impression on me. No matter what has transpired since then, I feel fortunate to be able to correspond with his daughter now almost 30 years later.
I believe Roy.

I also believe my mom.

She told my office manager I was going to die and not to tell me, and she told my sisters I was going to die and not to tell me. I believe her- I think I was going to die.

I am not going to die now- thanks to Roy.

I believe them both.
And, I believe Juanita completely, Lucky 2. Juanita would never have said such things if she were not absolutely convinced that they had happened. As I have said from the very first time that you phoned me, "if only we had access to Juanita's journals.......". I am confidant we would have found much more information if those books still existed. In my heart, I know that Juanita would never have requested their burning if she had any inkling that one day they could lead us all to the truth. I'm so sorry that I couldn't help you or the Forgy family. There has been a terrible injustice committed here, and it is such a trajedy that justice cannot be served.
Lucky - I apologize for not saying more. Frankly, I am so stunned by this turn of events, I haven't been able to think of a single thing to say. Thanks to others who have found the words. I can only say that my heart is with you.

I was asked to be in on the phone call with the civil attorney that starts in about 15 minutes while they decide about the deposition. i'll let you know what I hear. in the mean time- i posted something for you guys to read. I know a couple of you have a copy of this police report, but only 2 of you.

I posted selections of this at times, like about Roy- or maybe about my dad.. not sure. I just am posting this in it's entirety since it really doesn't matter anymore. The North Park Police asked me for a statement about "when I first became aware that there was a problem" and I wrote this statement in less than two full days. Since you guys are kinda book worms you might want to read it.

I wrote this back in March of 2006
ok- so I made a mistake- the voicemail I have says that the case was put before the US Attorney's office, not the Attorney Generals office. To be honest- I had no idea the difference until the civil case attorney just brought that up.

Apparently Jeanne's attorneys are calling him every two hours demanding to cancel the deposition on Friday. I don't know what is going to happen yet- I think the Fulfords are all talking about it now. I do know that their attorney wants to subpeona the results because he said that there is no way that the FBI would've put the case in front of the US attorney's office unless they had SOMETHING... and he wants to see what that something was.
ok- so I made a mistake- the voicemail I have says that the case was put before the US Attorney's office, not the Attorney Generals office. To be honest- I had no idea the difference until the civil case attorney just brought that up.

Apparently Jeanne's attorneys are calling him every two hours demanding to cancel the deposition on Friday. I don't know what is going to happen yet- I think the Fulfords are all talking about it now. I do know that their attorney wants to subpeona the results because he said that there is no way that the FBI would've put the case in front of the US attorney's office unless they had SOMETHING... and he wants to see what that something was.

I think we discussed this before, but my memory is not answering me :crazy:

Have the Fulfords done any of their own heavy metal testing? If not, is it only the cost? If cost were not an issue, who would they test?
I think we discussed this before, but my memory is not answering me :crazy:

Have the Fulfords done any of their own heavy metal testing? If not, is it only the cost? If cost were not an issue, who would they test?

I think you asked but I never got around to answering- sorry. They tried to get various things done, but had no rights because she was a living spouse. By the time they got her to sign that he could be exhumed it was some time after he died. In fact.. he was embalmed within hours of his death, and even before some family was notified of his death. She said, "well, embalming would cover any arsenic poisoning in his system anyway". (something like that.. apparently the dr. in charge said, "I'll have to check into that, I didn't even know that" and came back and said, "she's right!".)

Anyway, by the time he was exhumed by the FBI, they had lost any hope really of money coming their way from their father's 4 million dollar estate. (at one time it was worth that, ). So- they couldn't afford it.

and who would they test: Bruce himself, and one son-in-law (something removed) I am wondering if they could test Bruce's amputated leg now that I think about it- that might be cheaper.. morbid but a possibility. Or- his heart that was removed for that matter... hmmmmm

Last I heard by the way the civil deposition on Friday is still on- but things seem to change on a dime the last few days- so who knows!
Lucky - I read the whole document you posted and wow. One question: I noticed that you did not mention the illness of your daughter and, I believe, a niece? Did those incidents occur after you wrote this document or you were just uncomfortable in speaking of the children?
Lucky - I read the whole document you posted and wow. One question: I noticed that you did not mention the illness of your daughter and, I believe, a niece? Did those incidents occur after you wrote this document or you were just uncomfortable in speaking of the children?

I wrote this about 10 weeks before the incident to my daughter, and the final incident to myself. When I wrote this, I knew the "story" like the back of my hand, but to show you where I was psychologically, I couldn't connect to it. I had just gone to a psychologist and said, "I think I am crazy, help me" for the first time because the thoughts that I had to go along with that story were overwhelming. I went to a series of three psychologists at that time, and two physicians to help "diagnose" me and they all said I was mentally healthy. When I received the box of candy in the mail, after confronting my mother, which I have a taped conversation for, I was being accused of hallucinating, schizophrenia, being bipolar, evil, you name it. I sat that box in my closet for a month before I decided to prove to myself that I wasn't crazy or afraid, and ate some. I am on my phone currently so I will write what happened next when at a computer.... and how my daughter ended up with candy from that box. I'
Lucky - I read the whole document you posted and wow. One question: I noticed that you did not mention the illness of your daughter and, I believe, a niece? Did those incidents occur after you wrote this document or you were just uncomfortable in speaking of the children?

I wrote this about 10 weeks before the incident to my daughter, and the final incident to myself. When I wrote this, I knew the "story" like the back of my hand, but to show you where I was psychologically, I couldn't connect to it. I had just gone to a psychologist and said, "I think I am crazy, help me" for the first time because the thoughts that I had to go along with that story were overwhelming. I went to a series of three psychologists at that time, and two physicians to help "diagnose" me and they all said I was mentally healthy. When I received the box of candy in the mail, after confronting my mother, which I have a taped conversation for, I was being accused of hallucinating, schizophrenia, being bipolar, evil, you name it. I sat that box in my closet for a month before I decided to prove to myself that I wasn't crazy or afraid, and ate some. I am on my phone currently so I will write what happened next when at a computer.... and how my daughter ended up with candy from that box. I'
and who would they test: Bruce himself, and one son-in-law (something removed) I am wondering if they could test Bruce's amputated leg now that I think about it- that might be cheaper.. morbid but a possibility. Or- his heart that was removed for that matter... hmmmmm

Last I heard by the way the civil deposition on Friday is still on- but things seem to change on a dime the last few days- so who knows!

I'm glad they are able to continue with the civil case. I just hate to let her think she's won (sorry!). I try hard not to be vindictive, and I really just want the truth to be known, but I feel like this should continue to at least be a thorn in her side. :angel:

I've looked at a couple of private forensic labs, but I'm unable to get any idea of what heavy metal testing would cost. I saw that one lab charges $375 to test hair samples for nutritional reasons, but I can't get a handle on what it would cost to have tissue tested that would stand up in court. I'm praying to win the lottery, though, so the cost won't matter! :woohoo:

Apparently Jeanne's attorneys say that one of them is out of town so they want to change the date, since the Fulfords have they are proceeding. The Fulfords attorney complied with the request, and asked for their assistance in getting the results from the FBI. Jeanne's attorneys said that I (yes me) called their office and told them that the results were back and they were inconclusive, and that's how they found out. That is the weirdest story I have ever heard- I don't even know who her attorneys are, and I didn't never heard the word inconclusive associated with this except for through the Fulford's attorney.

I'll finish more later- open house for BACK TO SCHOOL! yay! yay! yay!

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