MO MO - Dennis Spriggs, 47, LaBelle, 15 July 1992

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I'm glad they are able to continue with the civil case. I just hate to let her think she's won (sorry!). I try hard not to be vindictive, and I really just want the truth to be known, but I feel like this should continue to at least be a thorn in her side. :angel:

I've looked at a couple of private forensic labs, but I'm unable to get any idea of what heavy metal testing would cost. I saw that one lab charges $375 to test hair samples for nutritional reasons, but I can't get a handle on what it would cost to have tissue tested that would stand up in court. I'm praying to win the lottery, though, so the cost won't matter! :woohoo:
That is exactly how I feel. It's like Jeanne triumphed and won, and is sitting around with that coy little smile of hers, just beaming.

I, too, hope that everyone does everything they can to keep that thorn stick in even farther into her side!

I decided to put the above in a link so that I have more control to shut it down in case I said too much about what happened next- I know it doesn't affect the criminal case since it's closed now, but thinking this is a little bit into the Bruce territory, but not that much compared to the entire thing that happened. I started writing down everything that happened after I wrote the 26 page letter about half a year ago. I just quickly started bullet pointing everything I could think of during the next year or two only, and I left out a lot, and I also finally just stopped because it was soooo much I just couldn't believe it when I saw it all written down in front of my face. It's just a page and a half of incomplete sentences, but it shows some continuation of what happened next.

I already wrote a 7 page thing about my daughter when it first happened- and I really truly would rather just post that than relive it and write it- so I'll keep looking.
Admittedly, we're disappointed. However, we believe that things always happen for a reason, and while we may never know in our lifetimes what that reason is, we trust that God does! There is a reason we have all gathered here on, whether it's for validation or healing or even curiosity, and I believe that God will use our collectiveness for His ultimate good and that's what matters in the end.


I think about what you wrote here sometimes landauxvasse, because I actually have some level of pure relief that this door is closed and I can stop this hell- this connection to something so "evil" to me, that it damages my soul, and I need to cut it loose. I don't want to ever have my life be remembered because of what my mother did, I want to have my life be remembered because of what I do. I think working it out here on WebSleuths with a handful of involved people that aren't just voyeuristic- but helpful- is the best group therapy I could've ever paid for or hoped for, and private enough to keep my life still about my own life, not hers in the "real" world.
Lucky - I read the whole document you posted and wow. One question: I noticed that you did not mention the illness of your daughter and, I believe, a niece? Did those incidents occur after you wrote this document or you were just uncomfortable in speaking of the children?

I have searched and searched, and I can’t find the 7 ½ page document that I started writing about what happened to my daughter. Also, since the case is closed, then I feel like it is okay to say more now, because - nothing matters anymore anyway.

I want to answer your question about what happened, but I keep not having the strength to write it down right now. I think that I am wrestling with so much this week that piling that on would be overwhelming. I feel so guilty that she had candy out of that box… and it was the first and only time in my life that I felt rage so deep that I battled some demons I never thought would exist in me. Someone hurt my child, and I seriously weighed the effect of going to jail for the rest of my life on my children, and that’s what stopped me from acting out. I felt a fire inside that raged so high it scared me. I was truly dangerous at that time, but I channeled it by seeking justice. I wonder if we all have that inside- who knows, but I sure found it inside, or it found me, when my daughter lost her vision and was falling down and peeing herself. Six months nearly full recovery- but too much for any mother to want to recount I would imagine.

That box that she sent me for Easter sat in my house up on a shelf for about 2 months. I had sent a $20 bill inside a card that was enclosed for my husband’s birthday to the police, because something was wrong with it. It had re-printed itself on the other side of the card, like the bottom 10% of the bill on half of one side. I had never seen anything like it- and the detective involved and the police officer said that was impossible for a bill to print off a copy of itself like that on the card, so they were going to have it tested. I waited.. and waited…. and waited- whenever I called, the bill was still sitting on the officer’s desk, and he said he had no idea what to do with it or where to send it, he just knew there was something wrong with it.
After about a month and a half of waiting, and wondering if I had lost my mind, I thought- well- they don’t take this case seriously enough to test anything- so why am I so scared to eat anything. I got the box down, studied various packs of candy, squeezed them to see if air would come out, searched for holes, and didn’t find anything on the packs I searched. I put the box back up, but I didn’t throw it away because I thought- well- there could be evidence in there if the money comes back as having a substance on it that caused the bill to copy itself.

Finally, I was sitting around one day- craving chocolate- and I thought- I am going to sneak some M&M’s from that box- (my husband had said to throw the box out, but I had kept it). Nothing happened to me, and over the next month or so, when that chocolate craving time came along, I had my own personal stash from that box in my closet I would tap into! Still nothing was happening on the case, and I really started talking myself into the fact that I was insane. I opened some Robins eggs, (ironically my last name) and I ate about 11 of them while I was sitting and reading a book. They tasted really metallic- and for some reason, I didn’t give it a thought in the world- I had cramps and I wanted chocolate! I ate them, got in the car, drove half an hour to my kids school, was driving back and the road flipped upside down on me and my vision was virtually gone. I had to pull over and call my husband to come help us because I couldn’t see to drive. We were supposed to leave the next day for our first family trip to Disneyland, and I had bloody diahreah (sick) and I was so dizzy and vision problems, and we had to delay the trip for 2 days. I was still sick at Disneyland but I went and sat somewhere why everyone else played. I was soooo stupid, soooo disengaged with my mother’s case, that I never ever even considered that the Robins eggs could have caused my problem.

When we got back from Disneyland, about a week later, I was really busy, my husband was working late on a Saturday night so I was alone all day with kids plus working at home, and the kids kept interrupting me, so I said, “hey- if you guys are good and can let me be for a bit, I will give you each a pack of skittles!” That is how this thing started…

The simple story line is that my two year old tasted the candy, said “it’s yucky” and refused to eat it. My 6 year old (at the time) had her own pack of candy. The next day, I reminded them that they still had some candy left if they wanted to eat it, and my 2 year old said again, “it’s yucky” and didn’t want it. My six year old said, “I’ll eat it!” and within the hour she lost her vision entirely… and the rest is a story for another day. Too much right now.
Lucky - Please don't force yourself to write about this. I really didn't mean to bring back bad memories for you. I'm so sorry. I can only imagine the sheer rage that must have encompassed you when your daughter became ill. Just reading your story makes me feel like I can't breathe. You have lived it and survived it and are overcoming it. You totally amaze me. I am so very sorry for all that you have been through. I just don't understand why this case isn't being pursued. What will they say if there is another victim? Oops? Oops isn't going to cut it.
i just cant beleive all this...its just so awful...:furious:

what was the REAL REASON the FBI wouldnt take this on?:banghead:
i just cant beleive all this...its just so awful...:furious:

what was the REAL REASON the FBI wouldnt take this on?:banghead:

I guess I have so much to say about that question that I am left with nothing to say...

Same with the other "80%" that I have rolling around in my head. In the end- I guess nothing matters right? Unless the individual states decide to take on something, which without the results, how could they.

I think the thing that bothers me the most about all of this is that my own sisters abandoned me through this- at least the youngest one, we were so close, always. I had complained another time before this about an asset being taken from me by a close relative, and they all jumped down my throat and told me that I was the one changing, not them, and that I was always the person to help others...etc etc and didn't defend me on that. I had asked them at that time if now that they were all on their own, if I could have a new role in the family other than doormat, but I guess I am not allowed any other role than that, so I can't go back. :( I thought life was about love and families, but I guess not. And I guess it doesn't matter what kind of a life you strive to live- it seems like a facade that we can expect anything back just because we put something in.
I'm so sorry to hear your hurt and disappointment in your family. I've felt abandonment from my family, too. It's a terrible thing. But, I once heard Dr. Laura say something that made a lot of sense, that you get two chances at family life, and if your original family lets you down, you have a second chance in your own marriage and kids. I can tell they love you dearly and support you. I pray one day you'll have restoration with your sisters, but until then, focus on the family you have created and try to find peace.

Big hugs!! I've been there, too.
I'm so sorry to hear your hurt and disappointment in your family. I've felt abandonment from my family, too. It's a terrible thing. But, I once heard Dr. Laura say something that made a lot of sense, that you get two chances at family life, and if your original family lets you down, you have a second chance in your own marriage and kids. I can tell they love you dearly and support you. I pray one day you'll have restoration with your sisters, but until then, focus on the family you have created and try to find peace.

Big hugs!! I've been there, too.

I need to write that down where I can remember it at times like this. Sorry you had to go through anything like that mom2six- good advice.

I feel kinda traumatized by all of these deaths to be honest- and one I death I have been diagnosed with PTSD on by my counselor, and I haven't even brought it up- it happened when I was much younger. I was going to write about it up here one day if the FBI prosecuted, but I think I need to find a new way of getting thru some of this than writing... or maybe write it down on a piece of paper somewhere and burn it or something ... or maybe looking into the death myself so I have some understanding and it doesn't haunt me so much. I'll think about it.
How would I go about loooking up an address where my parents lived in 1973-1974? Oi know the town, just need the address....this is 36 years ago, would there still be records?
I need to write that down where I can remember it at times like this. Sorry you had to go through anything like that mom2six- good advice.

I feel kinda traumatized by all of these deaths to be honest- and one I death I have been diagnosed with PTSD on by my counselor, and I haven't even brought it up- it happened when I was much younger. I was going to write about it up here one day if the FBI prosecuted, but I think I need to find a new way of getting thru some of this than writing... or maybe write it down on a piece of paper somewhere and burn it or something ... or maybe looking into the death myself so I have some understanding and it doesn't haunt me so much. I'll think about it.
On reading about the description of your relationship with your family. I remember watching a show one time where a famous physcologist was speaking to someone about their family relationship. The Dr. asked, "Do you think your mother loved you?"

After a long silence, the person replied, "I think she loved me as much as she knew how to."

Deposition rescheduled for Sept. 17th all day or maybe into two days...
So- I need a little help reeling my thoughts in- I am trying to go to sleep and all of the weird things that will probably be forever unanswered are rolling around in my head. This is one of them that I would like to have cleared up. After the third husband died early January, then a short time later (a couple of weeks or so) then Bruce's daughter and husband showed up unannounced at Jeanne's house where she now lived alone. They said that the house was entirely dark, and when they finally got in somehow, then Jeanne was down the hall holding a candle (in her robe as if ready for bed) but wouldn't come out, and was acting really secluded and unusual. She barely communicated with them apparently. They got what they needed and left, but she didn't come out to greet them or turn on a light for them I guess. (third hand information.) They were from across the state line, so a bit of a drive for them. Apparently it was still light somewhat outside, but inside all of the window coverings were drawn where possible. Anyway, what do you think of that weirdness- maybe mourning??

maybe a bubble bath???

I hate even bringing it up, I know that I will never get out all of the weird things that have happened over the years and come to any understanding of it, but maybe you guys have seen this one before. I have never seen her do anything like that to my knowledge before this incident.
So- I need a little help reeling my thoughts in- I am trying to go to sleep and all of the weird things that will probably be forever unanswered are rolling around in my head. This is one of them that I would like to have cleared up. After the third husband died early January, then a short time later (a couple of weeks or so) then Bruce's daughter and husband showed up unannounced at Jeanne's house where she now lived alone. They said that the house was entirely dark, and when they finally got in somehow, then Jeanne was down the hall holding a candle (in her robe as if ready for bed) but wouldn't come out, and was acting really secluded and unusual. She barely communicated with them apparently. They got what they needed and left, but she didn't come out to greet them or turn on a light for them I guess. (third hand information.) They were from across the state line, so a bit of a drive for them. Apparently it was still light somewhat outside, but inside all of the window coverings were drawn where possible. Anyway, what do you think of that weirdness- maybe mourning??

maybe a bubble bath???

I hate even bringing it up, I know that I will never get out all of the weird things that have happened over the years and come to any understanding of it, but maybe you guys have seen this one before. I have never seen her do anything like that to my knowledge before this incident.

Frankly, I somehow doubt mourning. Why would she not open the door? How did they get in? I wonder if the 'ghosts' are starting to catch up to her? She may be becoming paranoid.
#1. Robe & candle? This just keeps getting creepier. We all know that there are plenty of undiagnosed mental problems going on there. (I know first hand how people needing the mental health help can manipulate the professionals into believing nothing is wrong with them.)

#2. That candle part just sticks in my mind. Does anyone on here think there could be any witchcraft or satan worship going on?

#3. I vote yes, most definitely, to media. Many times the public and even the people involved in the processes do not know something is wrong or has happened until it comes out as public news. Don't keep this a secret. Once these things come out, and makes the public aware, the pressure is suddenly on the court system asking "why or why not?". You don't want anyone else to suffer and also Jeanne needs professional help, like maybe long term in-care professional help or hospitalization........?
Ok... perhaps I should filter what I write more late at night when I am stressed! I admit that this little story has nothing to do with the issues at hand, just one of those weird things... one I wish I knew the answer to, but don't really "need to know" I guess. The people got in I think with the key that was always left out for relatives or caregivers in the garage. When I say she wouldn't come out to see them, they said she stayed down the dark hallway and kind of yelled down to them with her candle in hand and in her robe, but wouldn't walk down the hall to talk normally, or turn on lights. I could sit here and tell spooky stories all night long, but in the end that isn't what this is about, I feel kinda guilty for gossiping about that one. It sure seemed creepy to me though. (And to the people that saw it). Let's pray you are not right cofinley, let's really pray you are not right.
K, one last comment while on the creepie topic, then we can just forget aaaalllllll about it! The reason I got spooked last night and wrote that comment is because I was reading another thread in here about utahmen burning in cars, and missizzy wrote something up about how the dates of the deaths interested her because they were close to the dates on some satanic witchcraft calendar. Sooo like an idiot I clicked on the link, and saw that bruce and my grandmother both died on big "blood sacrifice holidays". I just was so frustrated when I saw that, because there is so much to all of this, and I hate it that this even entertained my brain for a while last night, but I did really talk myself into some really nutty ideas for a while. Sometimes when you have 1000 pieces to put into a 500 piece jigsaw puzzled like this one, they just don't all fit, but you end up looking at a few extra pieces along the way of solving it that you sure wish you didn't have to.
So, I guess I could look at it this way too..I have seen her dress in "holy" clothes much more than one time... and she did work in the mormon temple for a while as a volunteer, so I could creep myself out and pull up a mormon calendar and say, wow!!! So many people died or got ill in july, and that's. A huge month in church history because the pioneers crossed the plains and arrived in utah in july! I guess so many people have died that its gonna match up on all sorts of calendars.....

K night , gonna sleep and stop stressing. Its weird, I can feel this all fading off in the distance at a rapid rate, and find myself truly wondering at times if all of this really ever happened.... what a weird kind of out of body experience.

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