MO MO - Dennis Spriggs, 47, LaBelle, 15 July 1992

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'd probably have to go to Cache Valley several hours away from me to get a copy in person. Maybe I can talk my DD into making a run for the border for lottery tickets and swing by. I'd ask if someone has a copy they could post here, but IMO it's better to get things like this on your own by buying it publicly. That way later on, you can always state it was public info, legally gained, etc etc.

Awww, thank you Scandi. I'm very intrigued by JF and people like her. It's amazing that people like her live among us and get away with what they do for so long. The havoc they are able to wreak, and the lives they destroy is shocking and so damaging.

So true. I tried to put myself in her daughter's place, suspicious but not knowing for sure, having many doubts and yet loving her mother as she should. And it is almost unimaginable to me, living in that particular situation, especially knowing what the possibilities are as to what happened.

i know that criminal charges are not out of the question yet.. because the two exhumation autopsy results are not even back yet. the fbi and all authorities are holding all information very close to the vest. suzi q thank you very much- i appreciate your help as well. i read everything you told me to read- every word... i ate it up. it really hit home. thank you. and silly rabbit- thank you for coming back, i had this faint idea in my head that you might actually be JF before....
Oh, my NO! I assure you I am not JF! I can certainly understand your apprehension, though. I believe if I were in your shoes I would be wary of everyone.
yes.. i had a few reasons to think that you might be. For one thing- JF had a joke that she was a "cereal killer" and called herself "fruity yummy mummy". (long story i guess.. i don't understand the joke) anyway- Trix cereal was big at our house, and I remember the "silly rabbit trix are for kids" being said more than a few times- so it took me there. Another reason- one step-son of hers got extremely ill after living with the Fulfords one summer- he got a birthday card in the mail with a cartoon dead person on the front, and it said- "this appears to be no accident" and then.. "have a safe and happy birthday" on the inside of the card. He was in a fight for his life at the time- the card was from her.. anyway.. I could name many games that have gone on. but- in the end- they could all be coincidence as well...
and just to be clear- I am the only one of the immediate family who thinks there is anything wrong here- JF has told them that I am crazy.. and has told many other people that I know that as well. It has hurt me so much. I have not talked about it over the years.. just dealt with it while it unfolds. It is very difficult to lose everyone over this, but this is not about me- this is about the truth- and I wish we knew what that was for sure. I would be the first to apologize for any suspicions if someone could just give me a reason- I would rather this be wrong, than this be true.
No offense taken in your suspicions of my user name. I've been SillyRabbit on other various forums dating back several years. It goes back probably 20 years, before I even knew what the internet was!

How creepy and almost macabre about the birthday card to the sick stepson. EEK.
thank you silly rabbit. it is a cute name. i think that the "cure" to all of this is talking. I could of course post 50 million strange stories, but in the end, I think it comes down to why someone lies. for me- if I understood why I have been lied to so many times through all of this, then I could understand if there is just a mental health issue at stake, personal embarassment of some type, or.. a deliberate attempt to misdirect. I take it very seriously that there are 7 open FBI cases involved here- 3 deceased.. all people i love.. involved in this- and 5 of them do not have a voice.. so I need to be strong for them to get to the bottom of it.
and just to be clear- I am the only one of the immediate family who thinks there is anything wrong here- JF has told them that I am crazy.. and has told many other people that I know that as well. It has hurt me so much. I have not talked about it over the years.. just dealt with it while it unfolds. It is very difficult to lose everyone over this, but this is not about me- this is about the truth- and I wish we knew what that was for sure. I would be the first to apologize for any suspicions if someone could just give me a reason- I would rather this be wrong, than this be true.

Hi Lucky, It is good to see both you and SillyRabbit posting, and after reading your discussion with SuzieQ the other day I am glad you are here again tonight.

I do admire you for your determination to learn the truth even tho you know it might end up in a way you could have never imagined. Stay strong, and please hold close the thought that we are right there with you in spirit Lucky. xox

this bothers me... because Dennis - first husband.. not even mentioned in this obituary, and he was his son-in-law for 25 years. JF wrote this- no one really left to write it- her brother and both parents died within an 18 month period... i miss them all.

Lucky, has his body been exhumed? I don't know the names of the 3 that were recently exhumed by the FBI.
Dennis Spriggs, first husband of 25 years- Bruce Fulford, third husband, died 2 years ago in January.. and Dr. James Howard, her brother... Died December of 2004. I am not sure if they went forward with Jim because he was cremated, and there was a halt due to articles regarding finding heavy metals in ashes after x amount of time... I will tell you, I think there should be a couple more looked into. At the same time I say that, I can't believe any of it either.. it's very very hard to digest.
Dennis Spriggs, first husband of 25 years- Bruce Fulford, third husband, died 2 years ago in January.. and Dr. James Howard, her brother... Died December of 2004. I am not sure if they went forward with Jim because he was cremated, and there was a halt due to articles regarding finding heavy metals in ashes after x amount of time... I will tell you, I think there should be a couple more looked into. At the same time I say that, I can't believe any of it either.. it's very very hard to digest.

Thanks for that Lucky. Do you think the police are looking into the others you think should be looked into?
No, I think that those others have not been officially turned in as "concerns" because it would just be a distraction on the overall case. Do you know how to attach a document to this posting?
No, I think that those others have not been officially turned in as "concerns" because it would just be a distraction on the overall case. Do you know how to attach a document to this posting?

Is it from a website, or is it a document from your computer?
For documents you have in person you need to scan them and save them to your computer first.

Below is a popular website to use for linking documents. You upload the docs from your computer at the below website then use their link to post here.
I can't get it to open but it might be my computer.

ETA: It finally opened, but it took a while. Thanks, lucky2.
your welcome.. I uploaded another one-it is the third husband's tombstone. she promised the family to only put his picture on the tombstone, but instead she put herself, front and center.. smiling, and he is in the background in a silhouette- no facial features.. it is a cartoon drawing of "the candy man" which people called him, but she has herself featured on his headstone driving the car. they were not happy... and are not happy...

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