MO MO - Echo Michelle Lloyd, 47, no bank & cellphone activity, Edwards, Benton Co, 10 May 2020

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Very mysterious. Has Crime Online done any articles about this? I don't remember seeing any articles anywhere and I lurk around a lot of crime news sites. I only saw it mentioned on the Suzanne Morphew therad, only reason I know about it.

I think we should see what we can do to help find Echo.

Well that source is now gone, not surprised. Its' been one of those days. Disappointing. Was hoping to see a little fire here.
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What I gathered from the interview was that the daughter did get a hold of her mother on Mother’s Day and went by the house to find her car gone and thought she was out, but stated her mother wouldn’t answer after that and eventually the phone went to voicemail between the 10th through 15th when she visited and called the PD.

What I find that might be strange is that the house was locked up. From what I understand the purse, keys, cigarettes, and cash/cards, etc are in the house and the only thing not there is her mother, her mother’s phone, and the gun somewhere outside.

So I wonder if her mother perhaps met up with someone and something went down and then the car, purse, keys, cigarettes were returned to the home with the house being completely locked up to throw a pursuing person off. Leading people to believe she just vanished. The reason I wonder this is because if she is going for a walk, doing chores around the place, or even meeting someone at the door (whoever this may be) — why lock up her place, leave her cigarettes, and her purse? Wouldn’t she want to smoke? And how would she get back in if her keys were in her purse locked in her home? Also, wouldn’t she thank her daughter for the card and flowers?

Someone could’ve locked the doors to keep her outside, but would this suggest a one person doing or did they catch her off guard and she went outside with the gun to search and was grabbed? The way the home was found without her inside is really baffling. It would make sense for the phone to not return because you wouldn’t want it investigated.

Does someone else have a different opinion maybe after that interview?
Bringing forward this summary of Gray's video.
Thanks, @webst1916
RE: Keys found inside and house locked
1) How many entry doors does the house have?
2) Any other easy access points (windows, etc.)?
3) What kind of locks are there on the doors (deadbolt, etc.)?
4) Anyone with an extra set of keys?

Not known. Daughter climbed in a back window that was unlocked. Her daughter didn't have a house key for her mother's house.

Daughter had dropped by her house on Mother's Day, but mom wasn't home. She left a gift and card on the front porch. IIRC, she spoke to her by phone that day, but her mom didn't pick up the phone when daughter called numerous times the rest of the week. At week's end, daughter went to mom's house and found things as noted in above posts. All of her things were there, car was there, but mom was missing. House was locked up.

Only unusual thing was the mom's gun was found outside the house.

Also, I think on Mother's Day or next day, the mom was seen on camera at the Dollar Store in Climax Springs. Also found a receipt in her mom's home showing her mom had shopped at another store the day of or after Mother's day.
Also from Gray's Video (I fast forwarded til I heard Echo's daughter):

Echo had been a victim of sexual assault about nine years ago and that's when she decided to get a gun permit. Goes to shooting ranges, felt safe with it. Daughter does not think that has any bearing on Echo's disappearance. Very unlikely.
Trying to read into what we have so far.
Daughter talks to her on the phone on Mother’s Day.
Daughter goes to home on same day. Mother’s car is gone so she leaves card and flowers on front porch.
The phone starts going to VM.
After several days of trying unsuccessfully to reach her, daughter makes missing persons report.
Car is found at the home.
Purse, credit cards, keys and wallet are found inside the locked home.
Her gun is found outside the home.
Her phone is missing.
She is missing.

Quick questions:
Does the door lock automatically when it closes behind you?
Who else has a key to the home?
Were the flowers and card still on the front steps?
Have they determined where she was that afternoon?

Initial thoughts without other info:
She came home at some point after her daughter left the card and flowers.
She put her things down as one might do when coming home.
a. She heard something outside, grabbed her gun and phone, and was overtaken as she left the house. She dropped the gun. The suspect grabbed her phone, shut it off, and left with her.
b. She heard something outside, grabbed her gun, and was overtaken as she stepped outside. Suspect entered the home, took her phone, (was there something incriminating on it?), took the victim and left.
The locked door is a mystery.
ETA Points a. & b. could have happened on any of the few days after Mother’s Day.
RE: Keys found inside and house locked
1) How many entry doors does the house have?
2) Any other easy access points (windows, etc.)?
3) What kind of locks are there on the doors (deadbolt, etc.)?
4) Anyone with an extra set of keys?
Guess you were posting while I was writing. Great minds think alike.
Trying to read into what we have so far.
Daughter talks to her on the phone on Mother’s Day.
Daughter goes to home on same day. Mother’s car is gone so she leaves card and flowers on front porch.
The phone starts going to VM.
After several days of trying unsuccessfully to reach her, daughter makes missing persons report.
Car is found at the home.
Purse, credit cards, keys and wallet are found inside the locked home.
Her gun is found outside the home.
Her phone is missing.
She is missing.

Quick questions:
Does the door lock automatically when it closes behind you?
Who else has a key to the home?
Were the flowers and card still on the front steps?
Have they determined where she was that afternoon?

Initial thoughts without other info:
She came home at some point after her daughter left the card and flowers.
She put her things down as one might do when coming home.
a. She heard something outside, grabbed her gun and phone, and was overtaken as she left the house. She dropped the gun. The suspect grabbed her phone, shut it off, and left with her.
b. She heard something outside, grabbed her gun, and was overtaken as she stepped outside. Suspect entered the home, took her phone, (was there something incriminating on it?), took the victim and left.
The locked door is a mystery.
ETA Points a. & b. could have happened on any of the few days after Mother’s Day.

Just adding to your list, her cigs were on the night stand next to her bed and her purse was on the bottom shelf of the night stand, where she usually keeps it. ICBW, but it seemed like she was in bed before she got up, went outside, etc.

As a smoker, if she had been in the living room watching a movie or something, her cigarettes would have been there. Also, daughter checked, but there were no clothes, shoes, etc. missing either.

ETA: If there are any locals, it would help if they could tell some about the area. It's out in the woods, but not too isolated. It appears to be between two very popular tourist/resort/vacation attractions: to the east is Lake of The Ozarks (Osage Beach) and to the west is newer Truman Lake area (Warsaw). Truman Lake isn't quite as commercially developed as LOTO, but it's a very popular place for people who like to fish. A lot of lots, cabins, etc. there are owned by Kansas City area people. LOTO has been around since WWII era and is very developed. Has some very nice resorts and neighborhoods with million dollar vacation homes.
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Also from Gray's Video (I fast forwarded til I heard Echo's daughter):

Echo had been a victim of sexual assault about nine years ago and that's when she decided to get a gun permit. Goes to shooting ranges, felt safe with it. Daughter does not think that has any bearing on Echo's disappearance. Very unlikely.

The gun was found outside, IIRC.
People I know who have experience with firearms do not leave guns "outside."
Owning a gun may have no bearing on Echo's disappearance but leaving her gun outside (it would be nice to know exactly where outside) may be related to Echo's disappearance.
I'd like to see the area she lived in at the very least, preferably her exact location and I want to know about the dog.

Another good point brought up in the video: She was seen at a Dollar General, but the daughter wants to find out what she bought, i.e. everyday stuff or something unusual. Also, two DGs in the area, but neither were really close. One was 35 minutes away. (!)
The gun was found outside, IIRC.
People I know who have experience with firearms do not leave guns "outside."
Owning a gun may have no bearing on Echo's disappearance but leaving her gun outside (it would be nice to know exactly where outside) may be related to Echo's disappearance.

Yeah, I didn't word that very well. Her daughter thought the assault had no bearing on her mom's disappearance. It's very strange to leave a gun behind,imo, especially since her daughter said she was very comfortable carrying it and had taken classes, got a concealed carry permit and sounds like she took self protection seriously.

I'd like to see the area she lived in at the very least, preferably her exact location and I want to know about the dog.

Another good point brought up in the video: She was seen at a Dollar General, but the daughter wants to find out what she bought, i.e. everyday stuff or something unusual. Also, two DGs in the area, but neither were really close. One was 35 minutes away. (!)
Did hear that part of Hughes post, he found the right store, they either could not or would not confirm what she bought, he did ask/try. Could be LE told them to keep mum.
I'd like to see the area she lived in at the very least, preferably her exact location and I want to know about the dog.

Another good point brought up in the video: She was seen at a Dollar General, but the daughter wants to find out what she bought, i.e. everyday stuff or something unusual. Also, two DGs in the area, but neither were really close. One was 35 minutes away. (!)

I believe this is Echo's Linked In page.
Housewife at Home, Grain Valley, MO (another Kansas City suburb)
Check out the picture of the dogs. Isn't the gray one the same dog in her FB page, but at a younger age?
Did Echo have any of her pets living with her?
Trying to read into what we have so far.
Daughter talks to her on the phone on Mother’s Day.
Daughter goes to home on same day. Mother’s car is gone so she leaves card and flowers on front porch.
The phone starts going to VM.
After several days of trying unsuccessfully to reach her, daughter makes missing persons report.
Car is found at the home.
Purse, credit cards, keys and wallet are found inside the locked home.
Her gun is found outside the home.
Her phone is missing.
She is missing.

Quick questions:
Does the door lock automatically when it closes behind you?
Who else has a key to the home?
Were the flowers and card still on the front steps?
Have they determined where she was that afternoon?

Initial thoughts without other info:
She came home at some point after her daughter left the card and flowers.
She put her things down as one might do when coming home.
a. She heard something outside, grabbed her gun and phone, and was overtaken as she left the house. She dropped the gun. The suspect grabbed her phone, shut it off, and left with her.
b. She heard something outside, grabbed her gun, and was overtaken as she stepped outside. Suspect entered the home, took her phone, (was there something incriminating on it?), took the victim and left.
The locked door is a mystery.
ETA Points a. & b. could have happened on any of the few days after Mother’s Day.
I have a lock and a deadbolt - I can turn the lock from the inside and close the door - if she was abducted from inside the house they could do this but may leave prints unless they were wearing gloves - seems like planned rather than random if this is true - the gun being outside makes me think they removed it from her but left it - which I find odd.
I am interested to know whether Echo was an indoor smoker or did she grab a single cigarette, her lighter and her gun to step outside for a smoke break?

I thought about this too. I was thinking that since her cigarettes were found on her nightstand, that she was most likely an indoor smoker. BUT, if she kept her pulse there too, maybe not.

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