MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #10

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After seeing the scars on her wrists I really wonder who she wanted the attention from, who was she crying out to? I can't help but to think that she did all of this to get the attention of mommy and daddy....very sad.
After seeing the scars on her wrists I really wonder who she wanted the attention from, who was she crying out to? I can't help but to think that she did all of this to get the attention of mommy and daddy....very sad.

i agree,,its definately an attention gitter,,but for who? i kinda doubt its her mom/dad,,they didnt seem to be too much in her life,,just a thot
I just looked at the pics..some of them look almost like she's a normal teenager.while others,,well,,i wont go there. I wonder if the defence will use them to say,,"see? she's still (in there) somewhere,,we just need to find her and bring her back",,just a thot...any ideas?

I don't know what her defense will possibly be; however, I do hope and pray that somewhere inside is a "normal" teenage girl (as expressed in some of the pix). To just think this girl doesn't even comprehend what she has done is just unimaginable to me. Now don't get me wrong and read that I think she can be rehabilitated.....I think she still must pay the price by serving life in prison regardless if she can be rehabed or not. I just pray that one day she can understand how her actions have affected so many lives.

Also IMO I believe that there really were 2 sides to this girl. I believe that the people close to her just never could fully accept the fact that she was as mentally ill as she truly was. IMO I think those people saw both sides of this girl and just wanted to believe she was normal and just going through a tough time......not fully understanding the extent of her damage.
My first thought about the pics with her wrist was that those marks could be as much a "fashion" statement as a cry for help. I know that sounds crazy but I know people... regular, sane, intelligent people who have branded each other just for fun. Obviously Alyssa needed help but I just can't bring myself to believe that each one of those scars represents an actual suicide attempt. Just my opinion.
danni, she's certified adult for trial but Missouri has "dual jurisdiction" which keeps her as both a juvie and an adult.

"..Missouri is one of 22 states to have what is called a "dual jurisdiction" system. Under state law, if Bustamante was found guilty, a judge could consider keeping her under the care of the juvenile system — which is heavy on rehabilitation — until she is 21. At that point, another hearing would be held to determine if she was ready to be released, or sent to adult prison for the remainder of her sentence."

She's like a hot potato with neither jurisdictions wanting to take responsibility. They'll toss her back and forth for awhile. And as long as she's locked up somewhere, the public could care less where she sleeps. Most wish her fingernail suicide attempt had been more successful.

I agree with you about her being locked up and her suicide attempt. I am also not saying that they HAVE to send her to an adult prison. I am saying they CAN!

Personally I think (at least I hope) Alyssa will become another Sherman Burnett. In 2005 at the age of 13 he was charged with kidnapping, assault, rape, and sodomy among other things. He was later sentenced to 60 years in prison. The judge in this case COULD have allowed dual jurisdiction but he felt the crime was to visious and chose to send this offender to the state pen! He has been in an adult prison since he was sentanced. His first offender photo was taken at MRDCC on 11.15.07 at the age of 15 years old. Since then he has been moved to NECC and right now he is housed at JCCC.

I will keep my fingers crossed until sentencing that this is what they do to her!

ETA: After thinging about it for a minute. I have to say that HAD I murdered the daughter of a man that is publicly accused of making a person go "missing" I don't know that I would WANT to be out of prison! I think I have a better chance of survival living the rest of my life in prison than living my life on the streets with her family and community members around!
My first thought about the pics with her wrist was that those marks could be as much a "fashion" statement as a cry for help. I know that sounds crazy but I know people... regular, sane, intelligent people who have branded each other just for fun. Obviously Alyssa needed help but I just can't bring myself to believe that each one of those scars represents an actual suicide attempt. Just my opinion.

I do not think that she was trying to kill herself with those scars. I don't want this to sound bad but most people that I have known (young or old) that have committed suicide have used "means" that they knew were going to kill them. I'm curious to find out how she tried to kill herself when she was actually hospitalized. Perhaps the grandparents saw her cuts and assumed she was trying to kill herself.

I can't help but to think she wanted the attention from the two people on this earth that didn't care to show her any....
I don't know what her defense will possibly be; however, I do hope and pray that somewhere inside is a "normal" teenage girl (as expressed in some of the pix). To just think this girl doesn't even comprehend what she has done is just unimaginable to me. Now don't get me wrong and read that I think she can be rehabilitated.....I think she still must pay the price by serving life in prison regardless if she can be rehabed or not. I just pray that one day she can understand how her actions have affected so many lives.

Yes, that some day she may feel remorse.

Does this look like it's taken at school? The others must have seen her wrists. It's like it's all a big joke.
I don't know what her defense will possibly be; however, I do hope and pray that somewhere inside is a "normal" teenage girl (as expressed in some of the pix). To just think this girl doesn't even comprehend what she has done is just unimaginable to me. Now don't get me wrong and read that I think she can be rehabilitated.....I think she still must pay the price by serving life in prison regardless if she can be rehabed or not. I just pray that one day she can understand how her actions have affected so many lives.

Also IMO I believe that there really were 2 sides to this girl. I believe that the people close to her just never could fully accept the fact that she was as mentally ill as she truly was. IMO I think those people saw both sides of this girl and just wanted to believe she was normal and just going through a tough time......not fully understanding the extent of her damage.

i agree,,lots of people out there with 2 personalities..maybe she's one of'em..i dunno.but if she is,what then..i agree she should be in prison for the rest of her life..i also think she should get psyce help,(in there too).for the other prisoners sake if nothin else.
Does this look like it's taken at school? The others must have seen her wrists. It's like it's all a big joke.

I thought the same thing looks like a school-type setting and not someone's home.

I don't think the scars are a representation of her suicide but from her "cutting" herself...didn't someone say she was a cutter? The scars looks like prolly mutilple cutting experiences and not just a one time thing....look how all of the scars all are in the same direction and lenght. I also noticed she usually had several pieces of jewelry/armbands on her wrist in some pix.
WOW Check out picture 5-- the hands holding that knife have slit wrist... and that is in the JCHS cafeteria
Those words should not all be in the same sentence! How did a knife like THAT get into the school. Furthermore, is there NO supervison in the cafeteria at all? I mean its not like she whipped it out and put it right back obviously there were people around taking pictures and the whole nine yards! Makes you feel real good to send your kids to school, doesn't it?

ETA: Looking at the photo closer there appeares to be BLOOD on the knife, now whether it is real blood or fake blood is questionable but they WANT it to look like blood none the less! I wish that photo had a date stamp.
Those words should not all be in the same sentence! How did a knife like THAT get into the school. Furthermore, is there NO supervison in the cafeteria at all? I mean its not like she whipped it out and put it right back obviously there were people around taking pictures and the whole nine yards! Makes you feel real good to send your kids to school, doesn't it?

I agree that is crazy if the picture was taken at school. I do believe a child could take a knife to school unnoticed. But they were taking pictures. How did a teacher NOT see this?
Looking at the photo closer there appeares to be BLOOD on the knife, now whether it is real blood or fake blood is questionable but they WANT it to look like blood none the less! I wish that photo had a date stamp.

I also thought it looked like something "red" on the knife but was thinking it was just my imagination. When I zoomed in on the pix it was too blury to really tell. I emailed the pix to my babysitter who is a Junior at JCHS to ask her if she recognizes the background. I just wanted someone I knew that went to school see if the pix was taken at the school because I didn't go to JCHS.

As far as bringing knives to school....must be easy. My 8 year old told me last year a boy brought a knife on the bus several times. We reported the incident to the principal and yet this boy brought a knife on the bus again!! IMO not only is the HS not safe but neither is the elementary school!

Another interview with her friend Jennifer. She goes into great detail. I'm just now listening...

So everyone in her freinds groups along with at least one PARENT/ADULT knew she WANTED TO KNOW WHAT IT FELT LIKE TO KILL SOMEONE and no one cared enough to say anything! I mean I understand this girl is a kid herself but HELLO! A child is DEAD. GONE. NEVER COMING BACK. because "no one thought she would do it"! How unbelievably sad!
Has anyone considered that knife might be the actual murder weapon?

Yes I have, thats why I wish the photo had a date stamp. Here is a though, If she actually skipped school Thursday would there have been a way for her to get into the school caf.? What if this photo was taken THURSDAY after the murder WEDNESDAY night?

My honest guess is that it is fake blood, but yes this thought ran through my mind at least once!
What if this photo was taken THURSDAY after the murder WEDNESDAY night? QUOTE]

If that was the case then AB had to take the pix on Thurs and upload it to her MS or FB and then talk to police on Friday.....I'm guessing this pix was not taken Thurs. Did anyone have a cache version of her MS or FB with these pictures on them....I know FB shows a date of the lastest photo upload.
Well, the knife belongs to one of the girls in the picture and I would say the odds are pretty good, it would be hers.
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