MO - Elizabeth Olten, 9, St Martin's, 21 Oct 2009 #7

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wonder if she had planned on filling the second one that same day, but with Elizabeth's family having the police there at 7 may have interrupted her plan.
Welcome Dal Gal

We welcome all newbies especially those from the JonBenet Ramsey days.

Off Topic, what hat did you use during JonBenet?

On Topic, what are your thoughts on this case?
Nov. 18 is the date they'll decide that. No idea why so long, but we won't know until then.

Isn't it amazing how one state can decide in a matter of days, but the other takes weeks.

My real hope is that both of them never see the light of day for what they have done.
Digging 2 graves (if true) is quite industrious for a first-time murderer. I hope all her friends have been pulled in and questioned thouroughly.
Did the source say or wonder if he/she knows how deep the graves were?
If her little sister was out in the woods with them, and AB decided at the last minute to send her home...

Gah. Don't want to think about it.
It would be known if she wore a silk scarf that day. Not really emo style, is it? Wouldn't that also help to show pre meditation? (if true, of course)
Could it have been a suicide pact with her bf or other? Whether for real, or just some dark creepy ritual type thing they did for kicks? (only AB took it further) But, yeah, you'd think they'd find the 2nd one, unless she filled it in.

Not likely. Why dig graves for suicide, who'd be there to fill them?
If her little sister was out in the woods with them, and AB decided at the last minute to send her home...

Gah. Don't want to think about it.

That's what I was thinking, how convenient would that have been to get rid of both girls at the same time, (make it look like a passerby took them) I think that AB is one that wants all the attention, she may have been her little sisters sitter and hated having to do that. IIRC her aunt had just got married that would have left her as the only girl in the house.
It would be known if she wore a silk scarf that day. Not really emo style, is it? Wouldn't that also help to show pre meditation? (if true, of course)

was EO wearing a pink scarf and jacket or was that the Somer?? let me go back and see if i can find it...
I have a source I trust. My source has a source and this is how I came to receive this information.

Nothing is a 100 percent guarantee but I am going to put this out there for you to decide.

According to my source;

*The last entry in AB’s diary was: “I should have gone to church.”

*AB dug two graves the week before

*A silk scarf was used.

Let me stress again, this came from a source's source. The only time I will solidly confirm something is if I see it with my own eyes. In this case I felt good enough about my source to post it. We'll see if it turns out to be true.

PS. Then again with how I get so far behind this might be old news.
Carry on.

I am glad you have a what you feel is a reliable source Tricia.

I have to wonder who the second grave was intended for? I have a couple of thoughts. Herself after the initial act. Her little sister if in fact she was in the woods playing with AB and EO as has been speculated perhaps she changed her mind last minute. Her twin brothers, ILC stated they are social well adjusted kids maybe there was some jealousy there. Perhaps once she dug the graves the excitement grew and she could not hold back and wait for them and took advantage of a situation when it presented itself.

AB seems to be a very conflicted person. I am beginning to wonder if there weren't multiple personalities with their own mental issues. I will list my opinions and examples of them.

1. Depressed- from her web postings and what she was being treated for with meds; cutting
2. sociopath- also from her postings as well as her KNP blog entry; the narcissism may have kept her from killing herself
3 psychopath- the academic report, her writings, most of her writings are from a year to a year and a half ago and they are well written for a girl her age at the time; also the threats of suicide without ever actually attempting

I think that some of the deep dark depression was an defensive mechanism to cover her more sinister thoughts and feelings. She used it so that is what people would focus on. She was being fixed and working on it yet she wasn't getting better.

From the psychological standpoint there is not one diagnosis that fits her. That is why I suspect there may be more than one personality in there. She may have developed them in order to deal with everything she had to as a young child.

If Elizabeth was the intended victim I have to wonder if it wasn't an "emotional suicide". AB and Elizabeth's lives had many similarities. Elizabeth was close to the age AB was when she was taken to her grandparents. Perhaps AB identified her life with EO's and to get rid of EO would rid herself of the awful things that happened to her up to that point. Once her GP's had custody her life became much nicer. A home, food, clothing, all the extras a kid could want, and security.

There are just so many possibilities that it boggles the mind. I myself have had many thoughts about it all. I hope that we will get answers to our questions. Usually how things like this go are that it will drop out of the news and be forgotten until something similar happens and people cite this case. The story will be buried and summarized on a crime info site. I have seen a few examples of that in this thread itself.
Do we know how many people live in the big white house? 4 minors, and how many adults? 2? or 3?
Greetings, sleuthers! I'm a kinda-newbie, in that I used to post back during the JonBenet hey-day. I found this site again last week, after I became disillusioned with Nancy Grace's rehashed and days-old "bombshells."

This case caught my attention due to the accused being 15. I have a 13 year-old cousin who brags about being violent and fighting and I worry about him so much. I keep an eye on his Facebook activities, but so do his divorced parents and other family members. I'm pretty much delegated to "be there for him if he reaches out to you."

I look forward to participating with EO/AB discussion when able, and as do all of you, waiting for the Nov. 18 hearing date!

Welcome back to WS, Dal Gal. Glad to have you posting.

And O/T, but LOTS of crazy stuff going on in your neck of the woods right now.
was EO wearing a pink scarf and jacket or was that the Somer?? let me go back and see if i can find it...

from thread #1 post #12

Elizabeth has long brown hair and was wearing a pink sweater, pink butterfly shirt, pink scarf, blue jeans and white sneakers

This little girl is scared of the dark and the woods according to one of the articles. I don't think she ran away.
If her little sister was out in the woods with them, and AB decided at the last minute to send her home...

Gah. Don't want to think about it.

I know what you mean, Raebie. I don't want to think about it either, but if this latest info is accurate, then it's reasonable to infer that AB intended to kill her half-sister as well, given what we know about her state of mind...

The more we learn, the sicker I get about this case. :furious:
Not likely. Why dig graves for suicide, who'd be there to fill them?

My idea wasn't very clear. I'm just thinking of her apparent lifestyle, er - interests. I could see her and bf getting high out in the woods and thinking it would be cool to dig themselves some graves. Or at least a way she could convince him to help her.
Re: "I should've gone to church"

Wow, if this is true, to me it says she felt some kind of remorse afterwards, and therefore KNEW right from wrong! She better be tried as an adult... is all I can say.
Re: "I should've gone to church"

Wow, if this is true, to me it says she felt some kind of remorse afterwards, and therefore KNEW right from wrong! She better be tried as an adult... is all I can say.

or she just thought it would sound cool once she was caught. A one liner her friends could remember her by.
I want to get some opinions from others on something.

AB leads her sister up towards the house sometime between 6 and 6:15. She then goes back to meet EO. Do you believe that she had enough time to get EO to the grave, murder her, mutilate her body if the rumors are correct, bury her, clean up and make it the house before 7ish. The fact that they were playing in the woods makes it slightly more believable because she may not of had to drag her far. However, I am conflicted on whether or not I believe she could have done this in the given timeframe. If not, then I would have to believe someone else is involved.

Lastly, ILC says that the grandparents have been very helpful in the case. However, if you granddaughter was in the woods near the time of disappearance (the grandparents knew about this because the 6 yr. old told them AB and her were in the woods), wouldn't there be a lot of questioning AB. Not necessarily in suspision, but in curiosity. Did you see anything in the woods? Where were you in the woods? Did you here any screams? Maybe this occured and AB is a very good liar.
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